When “Words Are Violence,” Only One Side Gets to Speak

If you’re not woke, you’re a fascist.

by James A. Bacon

Victoria Spiotto was brought up in a conservative, religious family of Italian descent in Loudoun County.  It was at the University of Virginia where she found her political identity as a conservative. One day in her third year, she was walking the grounds when she came across a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) table displaying a 9/11 memorial. She found the club appealing, and started learning about thinkers to whom she’d never been exposed to before — the philosophers and thought leaders of conservatism. By her fourth year, she was leader of the club, determined to grow the organization.

Conservatives are mostly invisible at UVa, and they have few means of connecting. Spiotto wanted to let people know the group was out there, that YAF was a club where students of a conservative/libertarian stripe could find like-minded people and make friends. So, she began organizing a series of initiatives to get noticed. “It wasn’t a call to fight.” The idea, she says, was to “stand your ground. Don’t compromise on the truth you believe in.”

YAF now may be the most vilified student organization at UVa. The hostility is unrelenting. Spiotto and her buddies don’t worry for their physical safety. But left-wing students take down their signs and rain down vitriol on social media. Student Council leaders stifle dissent.

The experience of Spiotto and others highlights why conservatives feel unwelcome at UVa — although the intellectual climate is less inhospitable to free expression and free speech than at most elite universities. The 2020 College Free Speech ratings ranked UVa 6th of 55 institutions for free speech. Conservative students ranked it 10th best. But that’s damning with faint praise. Fifty-seven percent of UVA students surveyed still said they have felt reluctant to express themselves for fear of how a professor, other students or the administration might respond.

The incidents involving Spiotto and the Young Americans for Freedom never rise to the level where they attract media attention, but they do illustrate what campus conservatives contend with. The intolerance emanates mainly from other students. UVa administrators don’t pile on. Rather, they have just done nothing. Under pressure from alumni, however, President Jim Ryan in February appointed a Committee on Free Expression and Free Inquiry to identify “the role that free expression and free inquiry play in UVA’s academic enterprise and how they shape engagement with the ideas of others.”

The amphitheater incidents. On October 18, 2020, YAF acted to show its support for the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. YAF members created posters, and published photos on social media. They generated hundreds of comments and re-posts, mostly negative.

“People were sending us ugly messages, threats, and directing other students to cyberbully us,” Spiotto says. Because YAF members were wearing COVID masks that hid their identities, someone tweeted others to “find out who we were.”

Undeterred, Spiotto and her friends obtained permission from facilities management at Newcomb hall to hang a banner at the amphitheater, a public space where students were allowed to erect proclamations as long as they received permission. YAF’s sheet-sized banner was spray-painted with the message, “YAF at UVA stands w/ Amy Coney Barrett. Fill the Seat.”

The banner went up Monday, Oct. 19. Tuesday morning, YAF members discovered that the banner had disappeared. Someone had replaced it with smaller signs reading, “Fuck YAF & Neo-Nazis and Homophones,” “Another Example of Conservative Hypocrisy,” and “Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights.’”

Spiotto immediately filed a police report and notified the administration at Newcomb Hall. The Director of Rotunda Operations and Events was very supportive, she says, and he personally removed the signs. “He expressed concern for what our club was going through and pledged to be a resource.” Also university police looked into the theft and social media threats. The perpetrators could not be identified because the principal amphitheater camera was not working. However, viewing images from other cameras, police did ascertain that three students approaching the banner were masked and wore black.

Spiotto submitted a second banner for approval, reading, “YAF at UVA Still Backs Barrett.” It went up the following Monday. This time, she told one of the university’s yellow-jacketed “ambassadors” that there was a strong chance someone would try to deface the banner. He responded that the amphitheater was not his responsibility. So, she went to the ambassadors’ office on the Corner. where she received a similar response. (Note: This is the same organization that had assigned two student ambassadors the previous month to patrol the Lawn and prevent anyone from taking down the infamous “Fuck UVA” sign.)

Around 11:45 that night, a YAF member went to check on the banner. He arrived just as someone was taking it down. His arrival startled the thief, who promptly fled.  From remote videos, it appeared that he was tall and had red, curly hair, but his identity was impossible to ascertain.

The following week, the spunky Spiotto got permission to put up a third sign, “It’s OK to Be in YAF at UVA. Conservatives Have a Voice.” This time the facilities manager hung the banner higher up the wall so it wouldn’t get stolen or taken down. This was the only sign that made it through the week unmolested.

The Beta Bridge incident. Painting proclamations on Rugby Road’s Beta Bridge has been a tradition at UVA since the 1970s. There are no formal rules governing the application of graffiti. Anyone can do it as the spirit moves them, and no subject is taboo. The only unwritten rule is to allow the latest work to remain in place at least briefly before painting it over with something new.

YAF painting of Beta Bridge

Spiotto decided to complement the banner in amphitheater with some slogans on Beta Bridge. On Oct. 21, Yaffers painted:

YAF at UVA. Confirm Amy Coney Barrett
Empower Conservative Women
Land of the Free with ACB
The Future Is Female #ConfirmAmy
We want Justice 9 #Fill the Seat

On the other side of the bridge, YAF painted:

Black Unborn Lives Matter
All Black Lives Matter
Black Police Lives Matter

Unidentified students painting over Amy Coney Barrett message before paint was dry

While YAF was at work, students drove by yelling and taking photos. Word went out on social media. One tweet said, “go cyberbully them.”

Antifa symbol painted over American flag

The YAF squad had just finished painting their messages, and most had left, when a group of six to seven painted over everything they had just done before the paint had dried. They replaced “Amy Coney Barrett” with “All Cops Are Bastards,” and they painted an Antifa symbol over the American flag.

Spiotto wrote UVa President Jim Ryan about the incidents. Although he had met personally with Hira Azher, the Lawn resident who posted the “Fuck UVa” sign that the administration deemed offensive but protected as free speech, Ryan did not meet with Spiotto. Instead, she conferred an hour with his chief of staff. She showed video and asked for an investigation into the student who took the banner down. The official made sympathetic noises but there was no follow-up.

The Jeffrey Leopold controversy. Another incident in October created a furor on social media. A Commerce School professor, Jeffrey Leopold, told a joke published on the Internet as a device to debunk stereotypes and encourage students to appreciate cultural differences. One of seven national/geographic stereotypes said, “In Africa they did not know what ‘food’ meant.” Someone took offense, outrage went viral, and within days, Leopold felt compelled to issue a public apology. But that was not the end of it. The UVa Student Council used the Leopold incident to advocate for a “strike system” to hold professors accountable for statements that students perceived as racist.

One member of the Student Council spoke out against the resolution. Nick Cabrera, a YAF member, had run for office as a first-year representative on a non-political platform. But the strike-system proposal troubled him. Everyone was entitled do due process, he said. How would the strike provision work? “It’s almost as if we’re transitioning into a climate of limited free speech.”

Cabrera was heatedly denounced by other members of the Council who essentially said that as a white person (his father is Puerto Rican) he had no standing to talk about racism.

As one student council member said, “It is very concerning that we have non-black people giving themselves agency to decide what is and what is not racist.”

Said another: “When black folks say shit is racist, believe them the first time.”

And a third: “I am mad, not because you disagree, Cabrera, I am mad because you use language that was simply gaslighting. And disrespectful. … Professors are people in power. They cannot be fired for the shit they can say to us. … [As members of the student council] we don’t speak for the professors. We speak for the students. Fuck those professors. They’ve got the power, they’ve got a job, and they’ve got tenure. … Words are violence.”

“Words are violence” is the excuse Leftists often give to shut down debate. The national YAF chapter posted highlights of the heated Student Council meeting on Twitter. The Student Council in November passed a resolution denouncing YAF for publishing “selectively edited” clips which “misrepresented” the discussion that took place. Republishing the quotes “incited violence.” The usual Twitter outrage against YAF followed., and one student representative, claiming that YAF was “radical and anti-black,” was so incensed that she  said she could no longer partake in her student council duties.

For this incident and others — Cabrera also abstained from a resolution condemning anti-Asian hate because it contained a clause calling for the defunding of police — some student council members called for his impeachment. The issue became moot when he ran for re-election to council and lost. But that’s another story….

Victoria Spiotto addresses Student Council via Zoom

After the YAF “selective editing” incident, Spiotto began addressing council meetings during the open comment periods. One time she expressed her concern about the things said about YAF on social media. Another time she read a statement about ideological bias, saying, “It is time to be honest: you know that YAF at UVA did nothing wrong. YAF at UVA has not ONCE incited violence. You know that you have unfairly and unequally judged, ridiculed, and slandered the conservative community.” Council members ignored her comments.

Spiotto, Cabrera and their fellow Yaffers are highly motivated but they are few in number. “Most students don’t want to be vilified and misrepresented for their beliefs.” Spiotto says. “At UVA, like at most universities, one feels the need to stay quiet about the truth to avoid social ostracism.”

That’s not what UVa-founder Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he designed his academical village. But that’s the reality today.

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108 responses to “When “Words Are Violence,” Only One Side Gets to Speak”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    Only someone who has never experienced violence would claim that words are violence.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Only someone who never got the snot beat out of them for chatting up the wrong guy’s girl at a bar would claim that words aren’t violence.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I never said words can’t provoke


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          There are people who do become violent AFTER hearing words that enrage them…

          In fact, I’d posit that more than a few incidents involving physical violence started with words… that some folks would call violent, in fact, one can actually be charged with “assault” over verbal threats.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            But, after saying all that, words are not violence.

            The so-called “progressives” work hard to get “words are violent” message out there among the people and have it repeated as often as possible (a lie repeated often enough…etc.).

            After all, it wouldn’t really be a violation of the first amendment if speech was restricted in order to prevent “violence”, would it?

            But, no matter what BS you or anyone else buys into, and no matter what laws may be passed, it is, and always will be, a stone-solid fact that words are not

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well.. more than a few “non” “progressives see words as preludes to violence… On the face of it , yes , but in the way words work to engender subsequent actions… yeah I know another grammar mangle….

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Incitation is completely different then the notion that words are violence.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, not entirely true, at least according to SCOTUS.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Fighting words doctrine does not say words are violence.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ya know, specifically not protected speech is that intended to incite violence, e.g., “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            You got that right. then an oldie but goodie: ” The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. “

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Meh, it’s a risk-reward tradeoff.

          1. WayneS Avatar


  2. StarboardLift Avatar

    Can any of BR’s smart readers pinpoint when critical thinking died? Its absence is the underlying of so many issues written about here.

  3. Mark D Avatar

    Don’t expect much from the UVa administration. In the med student case they argued – presumably with a straight face – that “offensive speech [defined how? at the very least “disrespectful and rude” but those terms aren’t defined] does not enjoy first amendment protection and that universities should be treated like high schools for purposes of first amendment law.

    — a very disappointed alumni —

  4. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    “Stick and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

    Humm is this no longer an elementary school adage?

    Words cannot be violence, but the last year has taught us that they can cause violence. Which is precisely why “Fighting words” doctrine exists.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      No, apparently, it is not.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Seems that Spiotto is just another conservative who wishes to be exercise her right to consequence-free speech.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Eric the half a troll • an hour ago
      Seems that Spiotto is just another conservative who wishes to be exercise her right to consequence-free speech.”

      Spoken like someone who loves censorship, because they are currently on the side of doing the censoring.

      Edit: Just for a point of fact, this is not how you foster critical thinking. Open a book and read abut Counterspeech Doctrine.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Sorry, Spiotto is not being censored.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          The dictionary would tend to disagree with your sentiment.

          “to examine in order to suppress (see SUPPRESS sense 2) or delete anything considered objectionable”

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In this definition, “suppress” means “…to stop or prohibit the publication or revelation of…”. Nothing is being suppressed so no censorship. Spiotto is not prohibited from speaking, she just dislikes the negative reaction to her speech.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Using the information cited in the article her views as well as the YAF’s were suppressed as well as deleted.

            “Spiotto is not prohibited from speaking, she just dislikes the negative reaction to her speech.”

            Negative reaction? Um removing someone’s banner to replace it with profanity isn’t a negative reaction, it’s suppression.

            The only reason you don’t give a flying f’ is because you agree with those who are suppressing their opinion. If you were on the other end, you’d whine like the little childish bit*h you are.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Criminal acts which were investigated as such and as noted she was allowed to repost her banner. She was not prohibited from posting a banner (the fact that her banner was there to be vandalized proves this) and her 1st amendment rights were in no way violated.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm completely and utterly off base and has nothing to do with my comment. It wasn’t just the banner dude, it was all of it combined. Merely because someone is allowed to keep posting something (after it’s removed) doesn’t negate censorship.

            Also this statement is a strawman, I didn’t once preface anything about first amendment rights. That would require the Government to suppress her speech.

            “her 1st amendment rights were in no way violated.”

            Again, the only reason you don’t care is because those who are suppressing the speech you agree with. If you were on the other end you’d be clamoring for a lawsuit.

            I don’t celebrate anyone’s speech being suppressed, you do. Hence why I’m an adult and you’re a bit*has$ troll.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nope, if I put a political sign out on my lawn, and some conservative comes by and takes it down (as has happened), I am a victim of criminal vandalism not censorship.

            Typically censorship requires some kind of controlling power as outlined in this definition:

            “Official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It may be imposed by governmental authority, local or national, by a religious body, or occasionally by a powerful private group.”
            — The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001.

            So, again, she is a victim of vandalism, not censorship.

            You might want to consider refraining from your inclination to predict my actions (I have suggested no reason for a lawsuit now or when it happened to me – I do see reason on both accounts for criminal charges) and to put words in my mouth (I celebrated nothing here).

          6. The YAF was not “censored” at UVa, which requires action by the state (or its agent the university). But UVa is a hostile environment for conservatives. The main offenders are other students. The university administration is not repressing conservative voices, but it isn’t doing much to protect them either.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Agreed, JAB.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Mr. Troll sees the repression and “censorship” via other students as “consequences for their conservative opinion”.

            “Eric the half a troll • 3 days ago
            Seems that Spiotto is just another conservative who wishes to be exercise her right to consequence-free speech.”

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            ‘Mr. Troll sees the repression and “censorship” via other students as “consequences for their conservative opinion”.’

            When you put quotes around a phrase in this context, it means this is verbatim what i wrote. It is not. Your are being dishonest yet again.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I wasn’t aware quoting you was being “dishonest”. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you don’t know what “dishonest” means.

            Your implications are pretty evident throughout all of your comments on this articles and all others, you believe anyone exercising a “conservative opinion” deserves consequences. The problem with beliefs like that is you don’t know what is and what is on conservative.

            It’s also fairly evident, the only dishonesty is coming out of you.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You assigned a verbatim quote to me that I did not write that being “consequences for their conservative opinion”. This shows how fast and loose you play with the facts and, yes, it is dishonest.

            Any implications you perceive are creations of your own mind. Assigning those creations to me is also dishonest but typical.

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll • 4 days ago
            Seems that Spiotto is just another conservative who wishes to be exercise her right to consequence-free speech.”

            That wasn’t a verbatim quote, it’s called sarcasm and extrapolation regarding your overarching opinion of those who don’t not agree with you on here and twitter.

            Again, you’ve got zero understanding of dishonesty.

            “Any implications you perceive are creations of your own mind. Assigning those creations to me is also dishonest but typical.”

            That is false, it’s fairly simple to determine what you believe based upon your own comments and twitter feed. The fact that you don’t seem to perceive this fact, is in a word hilarious. However, that’s more reflective of your own mental ability.

            What you’re now engaging in, is called projection.

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “That wasn’t a verbatim quote…”

            Then don’t put quotes around it. To do so means I said that verbatim and, as you concede, I didn’t. I would normally give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t understand the meanings of your own comments but you have repeatedly shown elsewhere a propensity to make stuff up so that benefit is no longer afforded to you.

            I will tell you exactly what I believe, you putting words in my mouth is dishonest, I am sorry that this bothers you but it is a fact.

          14. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No it doesn’t, I don’t know what high school you failed out of but merely because someone uses quotes doesn’t assign a “verbatim” quote.


            Derp da derp little trolly troll.

            “To do so means I said that verbatim and, as you concede, I didn’t. I would normally give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t understand the meanings of your own comments but you have repeatedly shown elsewhere a propensity to make stuff up so that benefit is no longer afforded to you.”

            Says the troll who’s doing that very thing and has used a plethora of fallacies in their attempt to sound “intelligent”.

            “I will tell you exactly what I believe, you putting words in my mouth is dishonest, I am sorry that this bothers you but it is a fact.”

            I haven’t put words in your mouth, I’ve used your publicly available information and used those against you. I’m sorry that you lack the intelligence to make you social media profiles private.

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You dishonestly attributed a quoted statement to me and got called to task. Now you dishonestly try to say you did not actually attribute the quote to me. You did and I called you on it. I will do so every single time so get used to it.

            When you say, “You believe…” to someone, you are indeed speaking for them. Once again and especially in this case, falsely.

          16. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Um no, it was called sarcasm and it’s method of employing “quotations marks”. Ask Dr. Evil.

            I didn’t, there was no indication by my statement that I attributed it to you. Get used to what? You acting like a child? That ship sailed a long time ago, it has been very clear that you’re incapable of actually debate a topic.

            That’s just more projection on your part.

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Mr. Troll sees the repression and “censorship” via other students as “consequences for their conservative opinion”.

            That is a false statement devoid of sarcasm.

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Incorrect, merely because you don’t see sarcasm doesn’t mean it’s not there.

            Didn’t you just try to lecture me about this Walt?

          19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Very good, my statement would have been more accurate to have read:

            “All I see is a false statement devoid of sarcasm.”

            Glad you finally grasped that concept though. Congrats!!

          20. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Still incorrect, I have a feeling that’s something you’d hear often if you understood the topics instead of arguing out of a partisan nature.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nope, if I put a political sign out on my lawn, and some conservative comes by and takes it down (as has happened), I am a victim of criminal vandalism not censorship.”

            The school wasn’t her property, it was public property to which she applied for a permit to place the sign. Following that the art that was placed on the bridge was defaced (outside of tradition, which you would’ve gathered if you had read the article. Where it states it’s tradition to let art stand for 24 hours prior to covering it). Oh no, someone took your sign. Grow the f’ up.

            Censorship doesn’t require power, the ALCU think’s you’re a putz.


            “You might want to consider refraining from your inclination to predict my actions (I have suggested no reason for a lawsuit now or when it happened to me – I do see reason on both accounts for criminal charges) and to put words in my mouth (I celebrated nothing here).”

            Oh you’re pretty transparent with your bluster and yes you celebrate censorship of others here and on your twitter feed. So drop the act and grow the f’ up.

          22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            JAB disagrees with you. I respect his opinion over yours seeing as this is his piece.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Good for Mr. Bacon, that’s also hilarious considering you deride his opinion on everything else. So what you’re showing is that you think someone is right when their opinion agrees with your own, but when it doesn’t it’s worthless.

            Just an FYI, Mr. Bacon is saying the exact same thing that I was saying. Whoops I guess you should’ve been working on something other than strawmen.

          24. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I think someone is right when they are right and I think they are wrong when they are wrong. It is as simple as that.

            “Mr. Bacon is saying the exact same thing that I was saying”

            I am glad that you agree then that “the YAF was not “censored” at UVa”.

          25. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That is utterly false, that’s evident by your need to preface everything with political assignment. It’s also been on display here for all to see.

            They were censored, just not by UVa (the entity) but rather other students. I get it nuanced things like verbs are difficult for you.

          26. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You: “Mr. Bacon is saying the exact same thing that I was saying”

            JAB: “The YAF was not “censored” at UVa”

            You: “They were censored”

            No need for me to comment further…

          27. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You didn’t read the rest of his comment, whoops.

            You’re right, with any number of strawmen you set up you’ve have what you started with nothing. Which is why you hide behind anonymity.

          28. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I read his whole statement and nowhere did he state that YAF was subject to censorship. You are alone on your island.

          29. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly you didn’t or perhaps you had a hard time understanding it.

            The only island that exists is the one where you pretend to not being the flaming hypocrite you actually are.

          30. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nope, was very easy to understand. I will repeat in an attempt to penetrate your hallucinations, JAB explicitly stated that YAF was not subject to censorship. In no way did he contradict that statement. You are wrong… again… It is as simple as that, Sport.

          31. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Oh that’s cute, you attempt condensation when you clearly don’t have the upper hand (it’s a pattern you follow).

            “But UVa is a hostile environment for conservatives. The main offenders are other students. The university administration is not repressing conservative voices, but it isn’t doing much to protect them either.

            The issue at hand is where you made a strawman regarding my argument. The one where you assigned some sort of 1st Amendment issues to what I stated, which was clearly absent.

            Your notion that any sorta of position of power is required to censor or suppress speech, is again bollocks.

            The notion that we should repress or provide consequences any speech that hurts our feelings (i.e. you), is idiocy. Unless it’s bigoted or a form of relevant hate speech, people should be free to speak and face zero repercussions from snowflakes (ie. you)

          32. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Thank you for stating the conservative position so succinctly and as I captured in my original post. Your position is that people should be free to speak anything they like (except for bigoted or hate speech that is – curious exclusion those) and expect zero repercussions. The irony is you then assign the term “snowflake” to anyone who would react negatively to that speech.

            That is as far from my position as you can get. In a free society, you do not have a right to speak with zero repercussions for that speech. You DO have an equal right to speak REGARDLESS of the content of that speech. Unlike you, I recognize your right to bigoted and hate speech. You can even lie or defame another person in a free society but that other person has the right to react and hold you responsible for your speech. There are few lines that can not be crossed when it comes to free speech and subsequent reaction by free citizens in a free society – incitement being one of them. This contrary to the restrictions put on governments on what they can and can’t do to restrict or react to that speech.

            YAF’s opponents have every right to react to their statement in any way and at anytime they see fit. If they want to shout obscenities at them, such is their right, if they want to flood them with comments on social media, again that is their right – as long as the private platform allows it. I stated earlier that vandalism is not permissible and should be treated as the crime it is. Outside of criminal acts against them, YAF is simply trying to play a victim and claim (as I said earlier) a conservative right to consequence- free speech. You used the term repercussion-free speech, same thing. That is a made up right. It does not exist except in the conservative mind.

          33. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Thank you for stating the conservative position so succinctly and as I captured in my original post. Your position is that people should be free to speak anything they like (except for bigoted or hate speech that is – curious exclusion those) and expect zero repercussions. The irony is you then assign the term “snowflake” to anyone who would react negatively to that speech.”

            That’s the standard position of anyone who isn’t a partisan hack. If you think people should be subject to repercussion of their speech remove the cloak of anonymity and produce your legal name to make your comments under. You and I both know that you would refrain from making 99% of your comments if that were the case.

            “In a free society, you do not have a right to speak with zero repercussions for that speech”

            Yes, in fact you do have a right to speak your mind a in free society. What you’re advocating for is speech police merely because you’re a delicate flower who’s feelings are easily hurt.

            Speaking one’s mind =/= “free speech. You’re conflating two separate topics, otherwise known as generating a strawman to complete your argument (again, a pattern with you).

            ” You used the term repercussion-free speech, same thing. That is a made up right. It does not exist except in the conservative mind.”

            I find statements like that humorous coming from someone who won’t produce their actual name when making comments.

          34. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Me: “In a free society, you do not have a right to speak with zero repercussions for that speech”

            You: “Yes, in fact you do have a right to speak your mind a in free society.”

            Notice how you reframed my statement – more dishonesty. I repeat, no one has the right to consequence-free speech.

          35. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Notice how you reframed my statement – more dishonesty. I repeat, no one has the right to consequence-free speech.”

            I didn’t reframe anything, I responded to your asinine statement.

            Going around calling others “dishonest” for addressing your own comments is rather absurd.

            “I repeat, no one has the right to consequence-free speech.”

            Sure they do, no has a right to not be offended. So if you feel the need to ruin someone’s life because you don’t like them expressing themselves.

            What you’re in fact describing is “cancel culture” and it’s a staple of those who are so fragile that they cannot stand to be offended.

          36. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Sure they do, no has a right to not be offended.”

            What?! Nobody is in anyway claiming a right not to be offended. Quite the opposite, in fact. I contend that both YAF and their opponents have every right to offend each other until the cows come home.

          37. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yes, yes you are. Yeah, that’s not what you’ve been espousing now or ever.

          38. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is indeed what I have been espousing just once again having a tough time penetrating the din of your hallucinations.

          39. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No, no it hasn’t been.

            What you’ve been espousing is canceling anyone who dares disagree with you, hence your comments regarding me. It’s also very obvious regarding your comments about others whom you don’t politically align with.

          40. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Paranoia strikes deep, Slick…

          41. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 12 minutes ago
            Paranoia strikes deep, Slick…”

            Paranoia? How is using your very own words paranoia?

            Lovely condensation, it doesn’t really work though.

          42. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I thought you were being sarcastic… alas… always something new with you.

          43. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            What is clear that don’t know what sarcasm is, nor can you identify it.

          44. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you being sarcastic? If so, please use quotes.

          45. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’ll pass, perhaps you should invest in an education.

          46. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No quotes? Well, at least without quotes, you won’t be misquoting people in the future so that’s a plus!!

          47. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’ve not once misquoted you. You have a penchant for calling those who use your own words against you “liars” and “dishonest”.

          48. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Oh yeah, you were being “sarcastic”…

          49. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m sorry you can’t discern between sarcasm and quotation. I guess you’re a testament that money can’t buy you intelligence or personality.

            If you want to discuss “verbatim” quotes that would be relegated to using the entire sentence you wrote, not just quips from it. That’s what is known as a blockquote, I would’ve also directly attributed the quote to you bit adding the timestamp and your avatar and posting name.

          50. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            ‘If you want to discuss “verbatim” quotes…’

            No need for “sarcasm”…!!

          51. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You know what’s very curious?

            Someone who thinks repercussions for speech is okay yet hides behind anonymity and a closed comment section. Clearly this shows your own hypocrisy, but it’s likely you already knew you were a coward and a hack.

          52. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In what way does my so-called anonymity restrict your right to react in any way you like to me exercising free speech?

          53. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll an hour ago
            In what way does my so-called anonymity restrict your right to react in any way you like to me exercising free speech?”

            You’re not exercising free speech (I am not the Government), nor can I have any impact on your speech (because again, I am not the Government) other than to ridicule you for how absurd it is. You’re all about repercussions and since you are operating under anonymity you can’t be held accountable. You operating under a do as I say, not as I do mentality.

            Further illustrating your hypocrisy, like all parties that use anonymity to bully others online.

          54. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            How does my so-called anonymity in any way restrict your ability to hold me “accountable”?

          55. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 2 minutes ago
            How does my so-called anonymity in any way restrict your ability to hold me “accountable”?”

            Provide your identity and open your comment section and find out.

            You just stalling because you’re a coward makes no mind to me, I actually already know who you are.

          56. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So, since you already know who I am, nothing about my so-called “anonymity” (gotta love these “quotes” these days!) restricts you in anyway from responding to my free speech as you see fit. Thanks for ceding the point.

          57. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Sure it is, because to release the information or to tie that entity to your espoused views would be doxing. While not illegal, it isn’t ethical.

            I don’t think you know what “ceding” means.

            Again, free speech isn’t the topic. As the only limiting factor on “free speech” is the Government.

            You just like to bully people and avoid blowback by concealing your identity. Thus illustrating one of the several pitfalls of social media.

          58. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Amazing that you think so little of our founding fathers.

          59. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            This has nothing to do with the Founding Fathers. I get that you keep trying to make it about the (1st Amendment) but it’s not. That’s a deflection.

            It’s about hypocritical social media users who feel that it’s okay to bully others behind the veil of anonymity as to shield themselves from repercussion of those actions. Which you claimed to be all for providing repercussions for speech, which you clearly are not. Otherwise you’d use your legal name and stand by your own words.

          60. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Go back and read your history – especially when it comes to FF anonymous comment/critiques in the press.

            And, once again, nothing about my supposed anonymity in any way impacts your ability to react to my comments in any manner you see fit. Further, you claim I am not actually anonymous as you know who I am.

          61. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Go back and read your history – especially when it comes to FF anonymous comment/critiques in the press.”

            You’re not the “press” you an individual and anonymous, perhaps it you who should revisit history.

            “And, once again, nothing about my supposed anonymity in any way impacts your ability to react to my comments in any manner you see fit. Further, you claim I am not actually anonymous as you know who I am.”

            Again, it does. It shields you from the repercussion you so believe you’ll allowed to dish out. You’re not anonymous to me, very true. However, that doesn’t allow me to out who you are without crossing a line. There is obviously a reason why you chose an anonymous screen name and it’s to shield yourself from the repercussions of your words. Which is ironic considering the position on such which you’re arguing.

          62. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “You’re not the “press” you an individual and anonymous, perhaps it you who should revisit history.”

            Neither were they. They were individual citizens who wrote letters and editorials anonymously and published them in the press. Really, bone up a little, why don’t you?

            “Again, it does. ”

            No it does not. You are free to react in any manner you wish – you are the one putting constraints on yourself. Not my problem. And, once again, you assign motivation to me for something about which you know nothing. The great thing is that I need not explain it to you. Again, my freedom is a great thing.

          63. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Neither were they. They were individual citizens who wrote letters and editorials anonymously and published them in the press. Really, bone up a little, why don’t you?”

            While opposing the Crown, completely irrelevant.

            Again, false. It’s a simple concept, you want your repercussion to hinder someone’s life and livelihood (repercussions), but what to shield you own life and livelihood from the same.

            I’m not assigning anything, I’m using reason and logic to deduce why someone who take upon the mantel of “troll” and post anonymously while championing ruining other lives through bullying.



            You can deny it all you’d like, but it’s very evident why you do it.

            It’s not freedom, it’s cowardice.

          64. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “While opposing the Crown, completely irrelevant.”

            No, after the revolution and during the founding of our country and after. It was not unusual at all.

            “It’s a simple concept, you want your repercussion to hinder someone’s life and livelihood”

            There you go again telling me what you think I want or do not – again you have no idea. If a person wants to exercise their right to free speech, it makes no difference to me if they do it anonymously or not. I can and will react as I see fit, as is my right – within the law. You wouldn’t know reason or logic if they bit you on the ass.

          65. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            My name is Eric the troll, I want to berate, bully and chastise others who use their names in public. However, I want to do so under the cloak of anonymity. I do this because I’m a coward, plan and simple and know that outing my identity would impact my personal life.

            It was not unusual for citizens it chastise the Government and or the people that comprised it, which is in fact a 1st Amendment protected right. That is not the same as someone berating someone for their opinion, as a matter of fact such a thing resulted in the death of Alexander Hamilton from a duel over an op-ed.

            Um that’s exactly what you want and to pretend otherwise is you just lying.

            You again keep conflating free speech, free speech isn’t the issue at hand. That can only be restricted by the Government, presenting an opinion without free of being impacted by “snowflakes” (ie: you). Is a completely different matter, entirely.

            I’d suggest before lecture others about rights, history and logic you take some classes on those subjects.

            1) “No, after the revolution and during the founding of our country and after. It was not unusual at all.” We operated under the Article of Confederation form 1777 to 1789. The former had the following text regarding speech:

            “Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall not be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Congress, and the members of Congress shall be protected in their persons from arrests or imprisonments, during the time of their going to and from, and attendence on Congress, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace.”

            The latter codifies the civil right.

            2) “I can and will react as I see fit, as is my right – within the law” The only law address free speech is in regards to the Government and the repression of such.

            3) I’m not telling you what you think, I’m using your exact words and telling you what you are saying.

            ‘If a person wants to exercise their right to free speech, it makes no difference to me if they do it anonymously or not.”

            If you’re unwilling to affix your name to a critic you’re a coward, who’s words mean nothing and should be discarded as such. You love to pontificate and bully others, merely because you cannot be subjected to the ridicule you rightfully deserve.

          66. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Your opinion is noted.

          67. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly you discern between opinion and fact as well as you do sarcasm and quotation.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Dude she could debate you back into your troll cave.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        And nobody is stopping her from doing just that if she likes. That is the point here.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Game on. I have Victoria’s phone number. Shall we dance?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Again, no one is stopping her from coming here and debating all she wants. You’d think she would know she is the topic of JAB’s post. I’m actually surprised she is not here sending me back to my troll cave already. Think of the notoriety she could build!!

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Victoria has a lot of guts to engage the left at UVA in a debate. Too bad it is currently not an honest debate. I expect UVA leaders will have to take notice. Arguments based on reason have a way of landing squarely on the jaw of despotism. She will be graduating soon, I hope student leaders like Victoria can inspire others to speak out and stand up.

  7. Publius Avatar

    I think every single one of the students should file a complaint with the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Office. Make the Alinskyites live by their stupidity – it is one of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Under game theory the only way this cr@p stops is when it is responded to in kind. Make them feel the pain!
    Of course, they didn’t really mean to be inclusive – that is just the name to hide the totalitarianism inherent in the diversity and equity part…but it should be used against them.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If it is really this bad, why does anyone enroll? And if it is not what you want, why not find a College/University that suits your needs?

      1. Publius Avatar

        Because an in-State school is a relative bargain and because it is supposed to be a top 10 public U and because of the beauty and history. But the indoctrination cuts against an education and is entirely antithetical to Jefferson’s desires for his pet project.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          And the way to force them to change is to reject their current approach with one’s wallet.

          Conservatives have to put their money where their mouth is – because their bitchin and complaining ain’t going to cut it.

          1. Publius Avatar

            Yes, but also public pressure, showing the one-sidedness…Sunlight is the best disinfectant

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            But probably playing to a very limited audience…

          3. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            You should, and I am sure you do know better that all that a conservatives’ boycott would accomplish would be to just make things worse by admitting more naïve socialist leaning applicants.

            But that would conform to your agenda.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not a boycott… just go to the higher ed that best suits you and let higher ed figure out what customers want.

            The bitchin and complaining ain’t going to get you much.

            re: ” by admitting more naïve socialist leaning applicants.”

            you might have to explain that one more.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Call a whambulance. Voter suppression is suppressing the only speech that counts.

    “More Bullets! Less Votes!”

    1. WayneS Avatar


      “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means…”

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sure I do. It’s a thingy on the barrel.

  9. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Excellent article, Jim.

    The tragedy of this article is the actions of the woke combatants terrorizing the three conservative students are emblematic of the Far Left intolerant takeover of our universities across the US. I have actually spoken to Victoria, Nick, and Gavin. Smart, intelligent young adults who have the courage to speak out…respectfully…amidst a hardcore, Far Left academic environment.

    God bless them. Support them. Fight totalitarian thought control and free speech suppression.

  10. Daniel Risacher Avatar
    Daniel Risacher

    I note a possible error in the article, which says: “they painted an Antifa symbol over the American flag.” From the picture, it looks like they painted an _anarchy_ symbol on the flag. One can be anti-fascist without being anarchist.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Those who make up the current “anti-fascist” movement, while not even knowing what fascist is don’t realize that symbol was for something else before them.

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