by Shaun Kenney

The Richmond Times-Dispatch was given a clip of David Owen — Republican candidate for House of Delegates — where he tells an audience of like-minded souls that he is, indeed, pro-life.

Charlotte Rene Woods over at the RTD decides to do the work of Democratic campaign operatives in what could only be viewed as an in-kind donation.

… and did we mention that this video was taken five months ago, in March?

So, for the sin of stating that he values life and is willing to protect the basic human right to exist, what does this earn Owen? A blistering TMZ-style article where such an admission is caged as if Owen had gone on a drunken tirade motivated by the Dead Milkmen rather than any sort of gravitas.

Yes — the article is that bad:

A video obtained by the Richmond Times-Dispatch shows David Owen, the GOP candidate in a competitive race to represent a Henrico district in the House of Delegates, calling himself “pro-life.”

And that’s it.

That’s literally it.

“For us to think that it will never get to the point — with the current makeup we have now — of outlawing abortion, I don’t think we’ll get there,” Owen said in the video. “And personally, I am pro-life, and we need to start saving some of the unborn children.”

Does anyone disagree with this? Name me one policy analyst who thinks that this is an untrue statement?

Meanwhile, the abortion position of Virginia Democrats — 40 weeks and potentially beyond — is neatly swept away:

With Democrats in the Senate referring to themselves as a “brick wall,” flipping that chamber could allow Republicans to enact further abortion restrictions. For anything to become law, it needs to pass both chambers and receive the governor’s signature.

So much for journalistic integrity over at the RTD.

Not only did the reporter believe that this story was newsworthy, not only did her editors, not only did her publisher believe this was newsworthy …  but they styled a TMZ-style fire-and-forget article, which clearly played into the hands of the Democratic opposition without a single question fielded back — Why now? Why March? Who cares? What is the Democratic position? How much is Planned Parenthood donating to Democratic races and candidates? How’d you get the video? Why now, Charlotte? Little wonder Virginians simply cannot and do not trust the legacy media.

Thus perishes the legacy of Douglas Southall Freeman and Virginius Dabney. The only saving grace is that fewer and fewer people read much less trust the Richmond Times-Dispatch.  

After all, why would they when TMZ-style screeds prevail over journalistic integrity? How does this serve the common good? To what possible end is this news other than to belt-feed ammo to a torrent of Democratic slicks and junk mail in October?

Such is the sorry state of affairs.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard, where Shaun Kenney is the senior editor. 

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35 responses to “When Did the RTD Become TMZ?”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    It seems to me that the Republican concept of 15 – 20 weeks recognizes a “woman’s right to choose” up to the point of fetal viability. The Democratic concept of 40 weeks (on demand) requires a belief that the baby is not human until the moment he or she is born.

    Republicans seem to have a more reasonable approach.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No, it relies on the fact that women don’t demand abortions after 24 weeks except to save their lives. There is no reason for a restriction that restricts nothing. Ya know, “If it ain’t broke…”,at%20≥21%20weeks%27%20gestation.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        First, 15 – 20 weeks isn’t 24 weeks. Second, the Democratic proposals (such as the one from Kathy Tran) concerned themselves with the mental health, not the physical health, of the mother in the 20 to 40 week period. Third, most Republicans who support the 15-20 week limit make an exception if the PHYSICAL health of the mother is threatened. Finally, as far as I know, abortion up to 40 weeks has never been legal in Virginia. So, “If it ain’t broke …” seems to apply more to the 15-20 week (with limited exceptions) policy than abortion on demand.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          MOST Dems are NOT advocating for 40 weeks …they’re fine with some restrictions and have been for years.

          What they’re not fine with is the bans the GOP is now going for in some states and some GOP in Va (like the guy in the videos) who would follow suit.

          This is a fair and legitimate issue for voters to know about – to know with some clarity what a given GOP candidate supports and a lot less fan dancing on the issue.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            “MOST Dems are NOT advocating for 40 weeks …they’re fine with some restrictions and have been for years.”

            Tell that to Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) and Ralph Northam.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh you CAN find some, but the VAST majority of Dems as well as Independents were not unhappy with Roe. The GOP is , in my mind, dishonestly claiming “extreme” as justification for them to institute much tighter restricts and bans… than we ever had before.

            AND they’re less than open about it unless they get caught saying it … they fan dance the issue IMO.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            “The GOP is , in my mind, dishonestly claiming “extreme” as justification for them to institute much tighter restricts and bans… than we ever had before.”

            Please provide an example of these “much tighter” bans.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Good then 20 it is.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          Fetal anatomy scans routinely occur from 18-22 weeks…NOT 20. If you lack access to care as I did (alas, relying on military medicine) it can be week 24.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Republicans are called the stupid party for a reason. There is nothing wrong with what he said. Quit hiding and call the Democrats baby killers, which they are! When does the clump of cells become a baby? Does it become a baby only if wanted? Why is it so important to you to kill a baby? Why does only the woman have the power? Is murder wrong? They are the radical, crazed people. Quit being silent, scared idiots. Make them state their “reasonable” position.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      When Steve recently called one party stupid and the other evil, I certainly never assumed Republicans were stupid.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Looking at Trump and Biden as the front runners, I’d say both parties are both stupid and evil.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Now now now…
          You complain about the Plantation Elite, but that seems a bit Country Club Uniparty.
          TDS is no way to run your life.
          Trump is smart. Joe Biden is not. The “smart” people in academia are Marxists and all in lockstep with the Obama puppet – compromised, truly mentally disabled, though never mentally gifted, bribe receiver, and a guy with pretty serious sexual issues – showering with your daughter, anyone? Tara Reade? The Hunter acorn fell from the Joe tree.
          Trump is what….uncouth? Mean? Other than hating that rednecks (this includes black and Latin rednecks – blue collar working people, names on their shirts) and Bible-thumpers (those unwashed who believe the Bible is true and take politically inconvenient positions like abortion is murder of a human being), what is the problem with Trump?
          It seems classist. We can’t vote for Trump because all those dirty smelly Walmart people and Baptists and people we would let in the club only to be cooks and waitresses support him. Every time a “Republican” more from that part of the party wins nomination, it seems to me the Country Clubber “class” Republicans desert and don’t vote for the lower class rep. I’ll say this for the Commies, they concentrate on winning. They are horrible and evil and liars, but they do what they need to to “win”, including cheat and lie and riot and intimidate. The Uniparty acceptance of that behavior is why Trump.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Republicans are called the stupid party for a reason. There is nothing wrong with what he said. Quit hiding and call the Democrats baby killers, which they are! When does the clump of cells become a baby? Does it become a baby only if wanted? Why is it so important to you to kill a baby? Why does only the woman have the power? Is murder wrong? They are the radical, crazed people. Quit being silent, scared idiots. Make them state their “reasonable” position.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “For us to think that it will never get to the point — with the current makeup we have now — of outlawing abortion, I don’t think we’ll get there,”

    Ummm… he is stating his preference in pretty straightforward terms, I’d say.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. He’s against murder. What a monster!
      So you and the rest of your Loving Leftists are in favor of murder? Tell us your “reasonable” position your Trollness.
      A political compromise is likely necessary, but doesn’t make it “not murder.” You guys are the monsters.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      He’s stating a political reality. Since nobody can prove when life really begins, nobody can “win” this debate. The only approach is a reasonable compromise. No abortions is unreasonable and abortion on demand before birth is unreasonable.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” The only approach is a reasonable compromise”

        tell that to you-know-who !

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I give up – who? Trump has criticized DeSantis for being too much of an anti-abortion governor.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            to the “abortion is murder, I don’t care what you say” folks…

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Knock yourselves out… the numbers

    Not the same as the summary link below.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It really wasn’t all that long ago that many if not most Democrats would start their spiel with, “I am personally opposed to abortion, but….” and then go into the straddle. Now it is considered a social good.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, I don’t care anymore. Recent polling of all women across education and age has 42% pro-life and 55% pro-choice.

      Had Lincoln been able to conduct such a poll on the issue of the time and get similar results, there’d have been no Civil War.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Most Dems don’t want unrestricted abortions despite the boogeyman claims.

      Most Dems want abortion policy with restrictions like there were with Roe.

      What they don’t want is what the GOP will do if they can… and that’s what the video shows.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” “For us to think that it will never get to the point — with the current makeup we have now — of outlawing abortion, I don’t think we’ll get there,” Owen said in the video. “And personally, I am pro-life, and we need to start saving some of the unborn children.”

    Does anyone disagree with this? Name me one policy analyst who thinks that this is an untrue statement?”

    is this a policy statement that Virginia voters would agree with?

    Isn’t this the point? To get the GOP candidates to come out truthfully with what they’d do if they get control of the GA?

    So get the GOP to fess up what they will do and let voters decide if that is what they want.

  8. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    The video is hard to hear but doesn’t he suggest that with the current make-up, they won’t be able to permanently outlaw abortion – which implies that this is his goal? That is much different than simply saying he wants to save unborn children.

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Freeman and Dabney. Two of Virginia’s greatest wordsmiths.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I am a big fan of Virginius Dabney as a historian. Less so of his time as a contemporary editor. He was a classic example of the Plantation Elite who fell into “Richmond groupthink” with regard to the issues of the day. By the end of his life he realized his mistake but he should have seen the light earlier.

  10. Not Today Avatar

    Why are Republicans so afraid to own their extremism? Banning abortion is their brand.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Ridiculous. Why isn’t Glen Youngkin trying to ban abortion right now?

      Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) recently sponsored legislation that would have allowed abortion on demand in Virginia. Ralph Northam supported that proposal.

      Sorry, but it’s the mainstream Democrats who are the extremists here.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” Ridiculous. Why isn’t Glen Youngkin trying to ban abortion right now?”

        Come November and he wins both houses?

        Mainstream Dems have been okay with the current laws for decades… it was only when Roe got whacked that things went sideways and it was not the Dems… it was the GOP calling the Dems “extremists” while the GOP clamped down more and more restrictions.. and still are… the only thing pushing them back are voters… in some states… those voters are not advocating for unrestricted abortions.. they are responding to increased restrictions from the GOP.

      2. Not Today Avatar

        He can’t. Why step out on a limb when you know the Senate won’t vote for it.

  11. I don’t want either political party in sole control of making law or setting policies regarding this issue.

  12. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Not sure where I’d draw a line on abortion if I had to do so. A key factor in my mind is when this is solid evidence that the fetus would feel pain because of the procedure. Some argue against capital punishment on the ground that the convicted felon feels pain during execution. If that’s a valid argument in the capital punishment area, logically it should be a valid argument in the abortion debate and vice versa. This would, of course, sail over the heads of most journalists.

  13. By the way, what is “TMZ”?

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