What’s Causing Virginia’s Excess Deaths? Whatever It Is, It’s Not Just COVID

Virginia has high vaccination rates, and deaths from COVID-19 are a small fraction of what they were at the height of the pandemic. Yet “excess” deaths in Virginia — the number that would be predicted based upon projections from pre-COVID years — are running 13.4% higher than expected this year.

According to Centers for Disease Control data, excess mortality shot higher during the first year of the pandemic, ran even higher in the second year, and continues without let-up in the third year. Is there a common thread underlying this threat to the public health? Could the increase in non-COVID deaths be tied to how American society responded to the pandemic?

In a newly released video Delegate Karen Greenhalgh, R-Virginia Beach, who sits on the Joint Commission on Health Care, says she wants to understand these numbers better.

Non-COVID deaths have surged from causes relating to ischemic heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, diabetes, heart failure, malignant neoplasms, and cerebrovascular diseases, Greenhalgh notes. 


Greenhalgh wants to know who is getting sick, why they’re getting sick, and if there is something that can be done about it. She’s asking good questions and, it is reassuring to see, she does not appear to have prejudged the answers.


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8 responses to “What’s Causing Virginia’s Excess Deaths? Whatever It Is, It’s Not Just COVID”

  1. DBAugie Avatar

    I do not relish facing my advanced age, but it has to be done.I would impute a faulty projection based on incomplete or amateurish statistics. The “Baby Boomers” are reaching the end of the journey in spite of medical advancements and magical thinking. I suspect that the “excess deaths” reported may be nothing more than old people, myself included, finally crossing over.
    Now I must consider ( and question) the original Covid assumptions that the pandemic would lead to world-wide tragedy.

  2. tadmd Avatar

    The same graphs are being presented nationally and worldwide. Right now the only really concerned people are the insurance industry because of unanticipated payouts. As I think you meant to infer, the upticks all occur after introduction of the Covid vaccinations and boosters. There will be immense pressure not to discuss by the pharmaceutical industry, media, and FDA.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    The health care system has been under tremendous stress and reports of nurses and others burning out and leaving.

    So, does an overstressed health care system cause issues for those on the fringes?

    Dunno about Richmond/other, try to get a Primary Care doc in Fredericksburg these days.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Before I caught COVID in January, my ticker was damaged and vulnerable but functioning well, and I returned rapidly to my exercise routine in February. Then six weeks post-COVID the symptoms started. Had I not finally gone for the right treatment, I was toast (may yet be). No doc through the whole process has discounted that the “minor” COVID might have contributed to the rapid decline in my heart function. They….just…don’t…know.

    Now imagine somebody who doesn’t have a concierge practice doc, plenty of time to deal with the issues and cash for the uncovered expenses. It’s not just COVID, certainly, but it may also include the economic stresses, the social dislocations, and certainly the high level of media fearmongering raising everybody’s cortisol levels. It is hard to be certain, but obesity seems more widespread now than three years ago. If so, there is your killer.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Best wishes, got my fingers crossed for you. I’ve similar issues but have managed to avoid Covid so far. Even with good care and resources it is scary.

      Obesity may be the killer, especially when combined with stress. I saw a report the other day that had US women at about 5’4″ and 170 pounds. Men were 5’9″ and almost 200 pounds.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    To deal with such questions is a primary reason there is a standing Joint Commission on Health Care, with professional staff. However, Governor Youngkin has demonstrated that he is not prone to go along with its recommendations, having vetoed HB 675, which was a recommendation of the Commission.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      I think the veto was well-considered.
      1. The “experts” haven’t covered themselves with glory lately.
      2. Very much a slippery slope medical tyranny issue here. So, charge a 50% premium to smokers? Why not fat people? How about drug users? Pot heads? Unvaxed? Where does it end?
      We need to end medical tyranny before it gets worse (and it doesn’t help that everything done for Covid tyranny was wrong.)

  6. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    Senator Johnson (WI) has held covid committees illustrating the catastrophic events from covid vaccine


    The Epoch Times did an interview of Dr. Urso; he stated, “mRNA Vaccines Lead to Spike Protein Entering Nucleus, Rise in Vascular Events, 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Cause Deaths.’”

    Epoch Times: “According to the CDC, last year, deaths among Americans aged 18 to 49 were up 40 percent. Even after removing all COVID-19 deaths, the spike remains uncanny. Why is that? And is it related to the U.S. government’s mass vaccination campaign?

    We sat down with Dr. Richard Urso, a physician, scientist, and former director of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center to discuss all things myocarditis, blood clotting, and vaccine injury.

    Furthermore, we discussed how the synthetic materials within the mRNA-based vaccines act inside the body, how long spike protein production lasts, what effect it has on health, as well as the cause of athletes around the world dying from heart-related complications.”


    Another Epoch Times interview: “Facts Matter (April 8): VAERS Data Analysis Shows Numerous Health Problems More Likely Due To Vaccines Than Coincidence. According to newly uncovered Pfizer documents that came from the FDA’s release of another 10,000 pages of files, it turns out that Pfizer hired at least 600 more people to deal with the spike of adverse reactions that were reported after the vaccine became approved. Although it looks like they might’ve actually hired three times that many people since this document was written.

    The VAERS system has been flooded with more than 1 million reports of various health problems and more than 21,000 death reports since the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines in late 2020.

    It’s worth noting that just because something appears in the VAERS system doesn’t mean that it was definitely caused by the vaccine; it only means that the health care provider who submitted the report believed that there might be a connection.

    However, having said that, what’s coming more and more into focus—due to the work of the people who are actually digging through the data for themselves—is that many of the reported health problems are more likely due to the vaccines rather than just coincidence.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/facts-matter-april-8-vaers-data-analysis-shows-numerous-health-problems-more-likely-due-to-vaccines-than-coincidence_4392709.html

    Another Interview by Epoch Times: What Are They Hiding?—Dr. Robert Malone on the Pfizer Documents and Evidence of Cardiotoxicity, Birth Defects, and the Rise in All-Cause Mortality ”
    Epoch Times: The COVID-19 vaccine makers “knew of many of these risks and adverse events … and yet never formally disclosed them to patients,” says mRNA vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone. “I think there are many in the legal profession that are looking at this and raising questions about whether, in fact, this does meet the criteria of fraud in terms of withholding information.”

    I sit down with Dr. Malone, co-founder of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, to discuss the Global COVID Summit’s recent declaration to “end the national emergency, restore scientific integrity, and address crimes against humanity.”

    “There are many people now that have vaccine damage, and they are not able to get compensated. And there’s no money being invested in trying to understand their disease and come up with ways to mitigate it,” says Dr. Malone.

    At the same time, the majority of people hospitalized for COVID-19 now are vaccinated individuals, says Dr. Robert Malone. “The more doses of these products that you receive, the higher your risk for infection, disease, and death, compared to those that remain ‘unvaccinated,’” says Dr. Malone—with of course, the key caveat that most who are “unvaccinated” probably have natural immunity.”

    Another. article: “VAERS Data Show New Deaths, Injuries After COVID Vaccines, As CDC Signs Off on 3rd Shot for Kids 5-11

    VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,268,008 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,141 deaths and 230,364 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 13, 2022.”


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