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What the New Racism Looks Like

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My generation was inspired by the words of Martin Luther King to judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. I have tried my best to live up to that standard personally and to impart it to my children. In raising my son, I never mentioned race. I thought it a meaningless attribute. It wasn’t until he was seven or eight that our son even took note of racial differences. One day he asked in idle curiosity, “Do you think there are more dark-skinned people or light-skinned people in the world?” He had not yet learned the racial classifications that Americans use.

Apparently, that’s a retrograde attitude. Peoples’ racial identity has become a matter of all-consuming importance. Pretending that racial differences don’t matter when systemic racism prevails, according to Critical Race Theory, is just another form of racism.

Those thoughts came to mind when I watched the video above, in which a Loudoun County school teacher badgers a student into labeling two women in a photo by their race.

This is what the new racism looks like.

Race, as critical race theorists never cease reminding us, is a social construct. Indeed it is, and right now they are doing the constructing. While some of us would like to minimize race consciousness as a way to diminish the role of race in society, that’s the last thing they want. Under the Northam administration, race has become the Left’s pathway to power.

As Northam implements his race agenda in public schools and higher-ed, I expect we’ll be hearing a lot more conversations like the one in the video.

(Hat tip: James Wyatt Whitehead V)

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