What the Heck Does “a Historical Connection to Slavery” Mean?

by James A. Bacon

Project Gabriel, an initiative of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, discussed ideas this summer on how to circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling restricting the role of race in college admissions, Do No Harm has found through a public records request.

“VCU and other medical schools are trying their utmost to circumvent the Supreme Court decision striking down affirmative action,” Do No Harm Chairman Stanley Goldfarb told The College Fix. Do No Harm, a national organization headquartered in Henrico County, combats identity politics in medicine.

Project Gabriel scholarships, writes the College Fix, “would be available for ‘those with a historic connection to slavery.’ A list of challenges included questions such as ‘How do you determine someone’s historic connection to slavery?’ and ‘Restriction of affirmative action in college admission – how does this affect race-based scholarships?’”

“Work around the ruling on affirmative action and find ways we can still help give scholarships to those students in need,” say Project Gabriel notes.

The email trove revealed numerous other ways in which the medical school proposed implementing its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion goals, including a requirement of job applicants to submit diversity statements. The article did not say which, if any, proposals had been implemented.

I have some questions about the proposed criteria of granting scholarships to “those with a historic connection to slavery.”

Would that include descendants of slaveholders? Slaveholders clearly had a “connection” to slavery?

How old can that connection to slavery go? Two hundred years? Two thousand? Would this criterion extend to someone who can trace ancestry back to a Roman-era slave? If not, what is the justification for a certain chronological cut-off?

Are we talking about descendants of U.S. slaves only? How about descendants of West Indian slaves? For that matter, slavery was endemic in African societies, too. How about recent immigrants from Africa who can trace their ancestry to African slaves?

What about descendants of indigenous peoples who were enslaved? The book, “The Other Slavery,” estimates that roughly two million indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere were enslaved, mainly by people of European ancestry but also by other indigenous peoples. Does it count if the Indians were enslaved by other Indians?

How does one define “slavery” anyway? There was enormous variation in systems of servitude in times past. Were Russian serfs “slaves?” Was indentured servitude a form of slavery? Is India’s caste system a form of slavery? Were Indians who provided forced labor under the Spanish encomienda system slaves? If not, what were the distinguishing characteristics that would lead Project Gabriel to classify one system of servitude as “slavery” and another system not — a loss of rights, inherited status, racial criteria? — and why are those characteristics the defining features of who would be awarded a VBU scholarship?

History is complicated. VCU is walking into a minefield.

Here’s a crazy idea: How about giving scholarships to people in need regardless of their race? 

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71 responses to “What the Heck Does “a Historical Connection to Slavery” Mean?”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I shouldn’t ask this question, but do ancestors to Roman slaves count?

    1. What about the slaves which Obama and Clinton created with their failed Libya revolt?

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith


    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Or how about the current sex slaves being created through the Southern border right now?
      Hey, maybe the Mexican cartels “have a connection to slavery” and we can give a scholarship to the descendants of El Chapo!

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      If one could actually trace one’s ancestry back to Roman Empire, that would be quite the accomplishment. One thing is certain, that would exclude most every African American in the US today as very few can take their lineage back further than the late 1800s.

    4. William Chambliss Avatar
      William Chambliss

      I truly doubt that ANY “ancestor” to a Roman slave will be applying to any college in 2023….

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Whether you agree with the Court, its ruling is now the law of the land. Instead of working to circumvent it, VCU and other colleges should be devoting their energies to finding ways to qualified minorities to gain acceptance.

  3. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    May all socialists get a doctor who was promoted through affirmative action and inflated grades.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      If that doctor passed the state medical boards and were licensed by the state, what would be the problem?

      Maybe your doctor was a “legacy”. Would that make him less qualified? Do you know what grades your doctor got in school? How do you know they were not “inflated”?

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Would that include descendants of slaveholders? Slaveholders clearly had a “connection” to slavery?”

    Absolutely! I would recommend anyone who can document it begin their essay with “I am the proud descendant of a slaveholder…”. That would definitely tell the University a lot about the mindset of that prospective student… A shoe-in…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that also sounds like a bumper sticker or the backside of a MAGA hat! 😉

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Wouldn’t the in-thing for applicants to Virginia universities be,

      “I am a proud descendant of Pocahontas…”

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Exactly my point. It’s fashionable to make the claim.

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        Or, you could claim to be Elizabeth Warren’s second cousin.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Just seems that JAB wants that sort of ancestral pride to extend to slavers is all… not sure why though…

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Unreal the left is.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    The thing that set this country apart from Rome or the West Indies or any other country:

    ” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    We talk the talk especially about “free will” and “rights” but mostly with regard to themselves, not others whose ancestors and their descendants who were systematically denied their equality and rights even as we recited the Declaration of Independence in school!

    Yep, it’s all “behind us” now. (sic)

    Not only did we deny people what the Declaration promised, we enslaved them and even after freed, we did to them as “free men” for a century or more Jim Crow, “separate but equal” and other discriminatory policies that affected education, jobs, voting, even law and justice, the ability to own land and create wealth they could pass on to their descendants.

    So NOW, despite the fact there are significant differences in family wealth due to those policies, we bleat and blather about how “wrong” affirmative action and DEI is.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      “Not only did we deny people what the Declaration promised, we enslaved them and even after freed, we did to them as “free men” for a century or more Jim Crow, “separate but equal” and other discriminatory policies that affected education, jobs, voting, even law and justice, the ability to own land and create wealth they could pass on to their descendants.” All done by elected or appointed Democrats and for which to this day they have not been held accountable.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        done by “conservatives” who were called Democrats at that time before they changed their names to Republican? But the more germane point is that real generational damage was done that remains to this day, regardless of “who” did it – what should be done today? There seems to be a mixture of views from outright denial of the impacts to “I did not do it so why should I care” to “so what, bad stuff happens all the time, not my fault”, etc…. Purposeful confusion and denial of folks as to what constitutes a
        connection to US slavery… Again, this country promised equal rights when formed, specifically to not be like other countries. We would be “different” but as Howard Zinn amply observed , those words were words not actions when it came to “people” who were not white (and not male).

  6. William Chambliss Avatar
    William Chambliss

    Did anyone note that the author of the cited article is a high school student?

    “College Fix contributor Benjamin Rothove is an incoming student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, serves as the Chairman of UW-Madison Students for DeSantis, and is the National Vice-Chair of Young Leaders for Keep Nine.”

    I wouldn’t lean in too hard on any “facts” or “research” cited therein. There is not one scintilla of discussion by eithee Rothrove or his main source, Stanley Goldfarb, of the requirements of the Virginia enactment that Dick discusses below. Or, for that matter, any analysis by either of the emails obtained.

    Sheesh, it takes very little to rile up those predisposed to it….

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Ah…the old credentials/respected source trick. I wouldn’t fall for that one anytime soon. Sheesh, the diversionary tactics of those predisposed not to hear the truth…
      He sounds pretty accomplished for his age. But don’t worry, UW Madison will get him brainwashed or othered

  7. William Chambliss Avatar
    William Chambliss

    Did anyone note that the author of the cited article is a high school student?

    “College Fix contributor Benjamin Rothove is an incoming student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, serves as the Chairman of UW-Madison Students for DeSantis, and is the National Vice-Chair of Young Leaders for Keep Nine.”

    I wouldn’t lean in too hard on any “facts” or “research” cited therein. There is not one scintilla of discussion by eithee Rothrove or his main source, Stanley Goldfarb, of the requirements of the Virginia enactment that Dick discusses below. Or, for that matter, any analysis by either of the emails obtained.

    Sheesh, it takes very little to rile up those predisposed to it….

  8. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It is easy for whites, who have a century of more of a head start based to a large degree on racial discrimination, to now say “we should do everything regardless of race.”

    If you had read the report of Project Gabriel, instead of relying on someone obviously biased, you would have learned that there is no attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling. Rather, the recommendation is to provide scholarships “subject to applicable law”. In fact, the establishment of the scholarship program is required by state law.

    In 2021, the General Assembly enacted the Enslaved Ancestors College Access Scholarship and Memorial Program. The purpose of the Program was to “[address] the long legacy of slavery in the Commonwealth, and [acknowledge] that the foundational success of several public institutions of higher education was based on the labor of enslaved individuals.” The statute requires Longwood University, the University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, the Virginia Military Institute, and The College of William and Mary to provide “a tangible benefit such as a college scholarship or community-based economic development program for individuals or specific communities with a demonstrated historic connection to slavery.” Any scholarship program so
    established is to be funded “with any source of funds other than state funds or tuition or fee increases.” The scholarships recommended in the report of the Gabriel Project are VCU’s response to this mandate.

    As for your reductio ad absurdum argument involving Roman slaves, the statute addresses it. The program is primarily intended for descendants of “enslaved individuals who labored on former and current institutionally controlled grounds and property” of the named institutions. The statute goes on to direct the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCJEV) to “to establish guidelines for the implementation of the Program.” Those guidelines can be found here. And, yes, Native Americans are included. And, no, those who benefited from slavery are
    not eligible.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “In 2021, the General Assembly enacted”. Six of the most dangerous words in Virginia law.

    2. In 2021, the General Assembly enacted the Enslaved Ancestors College Access Scholarship and Memorial Program.

      Fair enough, that is context would have benefited the post. If the scholarships are limited to individuals who can document their descent from slaves affiliated with the Medical College of Virginia, at least there is a logical limiting principle to the program.

      My real beef is with the legislation, I guess, not VCU’s implementation of it.

    3. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      I don’t know about the bona fides of the intent to comply with the law….Does Project Gabriel call to mind any Virginia history events? Seems like racial signaling to me, but I did get a real education back in the day…
      Maybe they could have tried White Guilt Reparations… but that would have been too honest.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The project is named after Gabriel Prosser, the leader of a planned widespread slave revolt in 1800. On the night of the planned revolt, there was a heavy rain and it was postposed until the next night. In the meantime, a couple of would-be participants had broken and told their owners about the plot. The authorities were alerted and the plot broken up. Gabriel, along with several other conspirators, was hanged. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part3/3p1576.html

        There is a historic marker and small park near me where the conspirators supposedly first met to plan the uprising. https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=Gabriel%27s+historic+marker&fr=yhs-trp-001&type=Y143_F163_225899_091823&hspart=trp&hsimp=yhs-001&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hmdb.org%2FPhotos%2F5%2FPhoto5315.jpg#id=1&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hmdb.org%2FPhotos%2F5%2FPhoto5315.jpg&action=click

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The project is named after Gabriel Prosser, the leader of a planned widespread slave revolt in 1800. On the night of the planned revolt, there was a heavy rain and it was postposed until the next night. In the meantime, a couple of would-be participants had broken and told their owners about the plot. The authorities were alerted and the plot broken up. Gabriel, along with several other conspirators, was hanged. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part3/3p1576.html

        There is a historic marker and small park near me where the conspirators supposedly first met to plan the uprising. https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=Gabriel%27s+historic+marker&fr=yhs-trp-001&type=Y143_F163_225899_091823&hspart=trp&hsimp=yhs-001&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hmdb.org%2FPhotos%2F5%2FPhoto5315.jpg#id=1&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hmdb.org%2FPhotos%2F5%2FPhoto5315.jpg&action=click

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          I know! On Lakeside Ave. I think the spot should be more historic. However, naming the project after the slave who planned…war? Insurrection? A terrorist type plot…seems to make the project … racially aimed?
          Used to be a BofA branch. I believe I read somebody bought the property recently. I hope the prominence of the event will be better denoted.

    4. In 2021, the General Assembly enacted the Enslaved Ancestors College Access Scholarship and Memorial Program.

      Fair enough, that is context would have benefited the post. If the scholarships are limited to individuals who can document their descent from slaves affiliated with the Medical College of Virginia, at least there is a logical limiting principle to the program.

      My real beef is with the legislation, I guess, not VCU’s implementation of it.

    5. What’s the status of the poor Appalachia Ancestors College Access Scholarship and Memorial Program?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        That doesn’t exist. Perhaps a legislator from area will be willing to introduce legislation to establish it. In the meantime, here is a list of scholarhips available to students from Appalachia: https://www.greatcollegedeals.net/scholarships/appalachian-students/

    6. you would have learned that there is no attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling.

      from the report:

      “Work around the ruling on affirmative action and find ways we can still help give scholarships to those students in need”, say Project Gabriel notes”

      “Works around” and “circumvent” are essentially synonymous.

      If the Project Gabriel notes had stated “Work within the limits of the ruling on affirmative action and find ways we can still help give scholarships to those students in need” then I would agree with you. But their own language belies any claim that they are not trying to circumvent the ruling.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Of course you are right. Claiming otherwise is just more gaslighting from the left.

        As for the 2021 Virginia law … who cares? A US Supreme Court ruling trumps state law. As an example, there is still a law on Virginia’s books defining marriage as one man married to one woman. The law is unenforceable based on the US Supreme Court ruling. The real question isn’t whether there is a State law but whether that state law in in conformance with the US Supreme Court ruling.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    VCU is a minefield.

  10. What about the descendants of political prisoners sent to the gulag in the USSR?

    1. or those Indians enslaved by other Indians?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Or Japanese – Americans illegally interred by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, liberal hero.

      1. There you go.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Check Washington State U, or the military academies..

      3. Not Today Avatar

        They were paid reparations.

    3. One might also consider the casualties required to end slavery. Slavery was horrific, but being conscripted to march into volleys of cannon fire and lead is no picnic. Nor dying from disese, rotting in a Confederate prison, etc.

      BTW – My ancestors come from New England, mostly Vermont, where slavery was prohibited in its very first constitution. None of my ancestors owned slaves, but relatives and ancestors sacrificed to help end slavery in the U.S.

      The 642,427 total Union casualties have been divided accordingly:

      110,100 killed in battle
      224,580 diseases
      275,174 wounded in action
      30,192 prisoners of war


      We will never right all the wrongs of history. The best we can hope to do is to recognize injustices and sacrifice, and try to do better.

      1. Thomas Carter Avatar
        Thomas Carter

        Speaking out prisons, I guess Point Lookout was a country club.

        1. Not a country club I would want to join.

          “Point Lookout was the largest and one of the worst Union prisoner-of-war camps,…”


          But overall, Union prisons were better.

          Mortality rate for Union soldiers was higher (15.%5) than for Confederate soldiers (12%).


  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    One might think the PRIMARY focus would be on descendants of ancestors who were enslaved and subjected to Jim Crow as a result of State and US policies.

    Some argument could be made for Japanese (and German and Italian) “detainees” for the relatively short period of time they were denied all rights and freedom but not near as much as multiple generations of people who were subjected to that level of discrimination and abuse, the harm of which, is still present today.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    There were some 270 slaves at Georgetown when the Jesuits decided it was nearly as bad of a look as the Inquisition. The school has a deal with their descendants.
    Florida State has a deal with the Seminole tribe for the use of the name.
    Happens a lot. Some institutions, like good people, make restitutions to those who they have wronged.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. Spiritism?
      How do these schools make “restitution” to those they have wronged?
      That’s not “good people,” that’s virtue-signaling Gramscian Marxists using stupid people’s goodwill against them.
      But if you think they are “good people,” put your own money into it.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s not your money. This is endowment money, Walt. Don’t donate, or restrict your donations.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          It’s not yours either, or the virtue-signaling, Hamas loving Leftists either. You cannot make restitution to people dead. And the descendants can be argued not to have been damaged. First, they wouldn’t be alive without coming here. Second, if the ancestors had remained captive in Africa, they would have likely been killed or died – again resulting in descendant not existing. Third, arguably living in America is better than anywhere else. We aren’t perfect. No country is. Ours is made worse by Godless pointy head virtue-signalers thinking they can create Utopia. And likely much of the money was given restricted, with the donor having no concept of the stupid people eventually being in charge of it. Assuage your own guilt with your own money. Use the money for education – as intended.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            true.. but there is that word in the Constitution that says “equal”…

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, so now you want the 14th Amendment followed? And what does that have to do with “restitution” to dead people? Why not just admit you are a Marxist and want equal outcomes, which will never happen? (Somebody kind of important in the Christian faith basically promised that…)

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            basic Constitution really… and an admission that decades of discriminatory treatment affects generations of descendants in family wealth. Not equal outcomes – equal opportunity – denied.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, it does not. And I am not responsible for behavior before me. Are you? What did you do to correct the misdoings of your ancestors? So how does the great Larry the G create “equal opportunity” – by offering preferences to others? On what basis? Just skin color? Oh…now we are back to the Constitution. You do not know what you are talking about. Just how to repeat the mindless dishonest talking points given you by the party. When the totalitarians take over, you will be among the first discarded because you have served your purpose. There is a descriptive term for that, but you will whine for me to be censored…

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Is your govt responsible for righting past wrongs? Does it do that?I know EXACTLY what I’m talking about unlike YOU! No talking points much less by party but also not willful ignorance like some folk.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So explain to me what I am willfully ignorant about. That slavery was wrong? That Jim Crow was wrong? How about abortion? How about murder? How about encouraging illegitimacy? How about teacher unions that don’t care about the kids and deliver no education? How about defund the police? Seems like all of your crowd’s so-called fixes don’t work. In fact, they make things worse. But go ahead, Larry – tell me what I am willfully ignorant of. You are the one playing ostrich. Government is not responsible for righting past wrongs. It is impossible, but if you want to have a victim Olympics and think that will make Utopia you are even more of the term I was alluding to than I thought before.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            did Japanese get reparations? How come Native Americans can do Casinos? Have others been apologized to and compensated from wrongs done by the govt? How about folks in Europe having similar levels of unmarried with kids? Anything else you need to blather about? Tell me again that
            govt has not done something to right some wrongs (done by the govt) in the past?

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Tell me your solution oh great one. Wait until I prepare my list of being done wrong… Detail how you would prove the damages. I’ll destroy your proof. But if you feel so strongly about it, take money out of your own pocket and go find the victim you wish to apologize to. Maybe it can be to all the illegitimate kids who get no schooling, have no father influence, are more likely to go to jail and much more likely to get killed, while you bring up, for the millionth time that illegitimacy is not a big problem in Iceland. Tell that to the blacks getting murdered in Chicago and all the other Dem H***hole cities. Cuz Larry cares!

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            The first step is admitting the truth. The rest is a discussion. You must think white folks in poverty don’t have “illegitimate’ childlren, eh? Poverty does breed crime, the world over, all races/ethnicities. Your “point” or do you really have one?

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I actually do have a point. I already admitted that the world has had evil and does currently. Always will. Particularly as idiotic Leftist policies are implemented and then those same ideologues (pick up the mirror and take a good long look) refuse to acknowledge the policies don’t work. And you must be racist. I never said whites don’t have illegitimate kids. The problem is far worse in the “black community” (a group identity lie as blacks are individuals, too!), but the problem in America (not Iceland which is an incredibly homogenous genetic pool!), affects all races, all people, and only people determined to be a word I get censored over but which is a colloquial term indicating a lack of intelligence and rhymes with cupid refuse to acknowledge it (pick up the mirror again and gaze lovingly at yourself).
            The government cannot, must not, pick winners and losers. It must follow the law. Unfortunately for the false religion wokeistas cannot be made into Utopia because people are involved and human nature is not perfect. Look in the mirror and look at the current abuse of government power by your benevolent dictators. How is that possible? Aren’t your people enlightened and perfected?

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            You brought up illegitimate children in the context of a discussion of how blacks have been treated by govt policies.

            Not just this time.

            We’re not talking about any/all evil in the world.

            We’re talking about what the US govt did to black people in this country as it promised in the founding documents ” no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

            and what it promised: ” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men”

            When the govt does the “evil”, the govt has the moral duty to admit it and try to make it right , no matter how many less than intelligent folks dispute it.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are a waste of time. You cite the Declaration. The Declaration, derived from Natural Law, which you Leftists deny, set the basis for the eventual abolition of slavery. Meanwhile, today, right now, your Leftist policies are resulting in sex slavery. Is that bad? The Dems run on trying to limit the killing of babies is outrageous. Slavery ended 160 years ago. I take no moral reproval from monsters.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            THe “Declaration” was a statement about how a new country would treat it’s people different from
            other countries did. It pretended that every man was “free” but even after slavery was ended, the states spend 100 years harming people because of their race… they DID pick winners and losers and yet some of us cannot even admit it today.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And that ended Larry. Other than your nonstop yammering of your religion, which appears to have no redemptive value, tell me how to “fix” what ended 160 years ago. By the way, Jefferson wrote about the universal natural law, which set the basis for the abolition of slavery in England and the US and slavery exists today. A political compromise was made that led to that.

            Meanwhile, go support baby killers and porn stars and sex slavery and two systems of justice (and ignoring the illegality of sanctuary cities and Biden corruption), the violation of the natural law principles like freedom fo speech and freedom of association for banana republic purposes and lecture me about morality. Why not do something about the black kids getting screwed over in schools by teacher unions who don’t care about education. Your being good with that seems…racist! But that has been Dem policy for a while, hasn’t it?

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” The government cannot, must not, pick winners and losers. It must follow the law.”

            so did the govt pick winners and losers when it continued slavery and allowed the
            states to institute Jim Crow laws that damaged the victims of it for generations?

            you agree the govt DID pick winners and losers?

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Clearly, TJIPP needs to craft a “statute of limitations” law for slavery and get it passed and signed by Gub’na Youngkin.

  14. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Through Mareen “the Emigrant” Duvall, both former president Barack Obama and I have a connection to slavery. Duvall came as an indentured servant and died a slaveowner. Harry Truman, Liz Cheney, Wallis Warfield Simpson too. What about us?

    And then there is the Irish. William Lloyd Garrison once wrote in the Liberator that African slaves were better off than the Irish in America. Exactly what he intended is unknow but he wrote it.

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