What is Actually Taught about the History of the Jews and the Jewish State in Virginia Schools?

German-Israeli woman Shani Louk, whose semi-naked body was paraded through Gaza by Hamas, has been declared dead. Her skull was found separated from her body. Credit Instagram

by James C. Sherlock

What comes first? Sadism or hatred? Does religious radicalism create sadists or do sadists flock there for approval and opportunity?

Some on the radical right and the radical left in the United States share a hatred for Jews.

The radical right may not be able to remember why, but pursue it anyway.

Radical Islam combines Nazi views and medieval sadism and does not hesitate to act them out. Remember the Munich Olympics massacre, 9/11 and the ISIS beheadings? Now Oct. 7th? Any questions?

Virginia’s schools have lessons to teach. Unfortunately it is not clear what the message has been and will be in the future.

Jews were in 1948 awarded a homeland in Israel by a United Nations shamed by the Holocaust and its own hesitance in mentioning the slaughter of Jews before the end of the war.

The modern radical left, in a twisted logic only it can explain, has labeled Jews oppressors for even being in Israel, much less defending themselves.

Islamic radicals under the Hamas flag of convenience have not just killed Jews, but engaged in ritual torture on October 7th. Some of the academic left spoke out, but more remained silent. A few publicly approved and retained their jobs

Muslim Americans. A powerful speaker at the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church learned that language, and fired up that congregation with a closing exhortation (at 30:40 mark on video) that they “hold the oppressors accountable, not only in the hereafter, but in this life.

By contrast, an Imam in D.C. preached the sanctity of human life and against revenge.

So, it is fair to ask which view will prevail. And what their kids are learning at public school.

Jewish Americans. More than half of the world’s remaining 24 million Jews are citizens of the United States. Thirty percent are Israeli citizens.

What are the obligations of the American people to educate and protect our Jewish citizens?

Virginia’s public schools. Who will teach our children about the history of persecution of Jews for two thousand years and the founding of Israel?

From the 2023 Virginia Standards of Learning for History & Social Science:

The standards provide an unflinching and fact-based coverage of world, United States, and Virginia history. Students will study the horrors of wars and genocide, including the Holocaust and the ethnic cleansing campaigns that have occurred throughout history and continue today.

Good. If it happens.

The question raised is “whose facts?”

Who will teach the history of the Jewish people and the circumstances of the founding of the Jewish state?

Do today’s teachers, virtually all born after 1960, even know? Who will teach them?

Will high school teachers gloss over what was done on October 7th because they are uncomfortable teaching it? Will they somehow rationalize that students, who are taught that the mutilation of children can be called gender affirmation, won’t be able to handle the story of beheading of babies by radical Islamic terrorists.

Only principals can enforce that accurate lessons are taught. They should be directly charged to do so.

Virginia’s public colleges and universities.  

In control of many colleges and universities, the left has established a political movement that features intersection of the oppressed, from which it specifically excludes Jews, even those otherwise of the political left. Excluding Jews from the ranks of the oppressed is labeled “scholarship.”

Leftist academics not of the fringe and credentialed in Democratic administrations in current Middle Eastern politics like Mara Rudman of the University of Virginia and the Center for American Progress in the recent past have treated Hamas as rational actors in a two-state solution.

I suspect she believed it.

Who will teach college students that the savage October 7 assault by Hamas was “pure, predatory sadism”? Characterizing it retrospectively as a political statement or military action by “resistance fighters” is a validation of the savagery.

On the evidence of what some teach now, it would be illusory to think that many high school and college teachers will be explicit going forward about what was done and defend Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state within secure borders.

Bottom line. It is the responsibility of the Commonwealth of Virginia to ensure that the history of antisemitism and of the circumstances that required the founding the Jewish state are actually taught, and accurately, in its schools.

It is the is duty of the Commonwealth of Virginia to protect Jews not just from violence but intimidation.

What we have seen from our elected leaders so far is not enough.

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103 responses to “What is Actually Taught about the History of the Jews and the Jewish State in Virginia Schools?”

  1. Lefty665 Avatar

    While teaching the horrors that Hamas committed will those same teachers also teach that the Israelis have used weapons the US has supplied to kill more than 6 Palestinian civilians for every Israeli Hamas killed, and that approaching a month later the killing of Palestinians is accelerating? Will they teach that approaching half the Palestinians killed were children?

    Terrorism is wrong no matter who does it or how it is conducted. Do you want terrorism committed by Israel taught along with that done by Hamas, or are you equally as one sided as the students you recently condemned for supporting Hamas?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Asserting moral equivalence is picking a side.

      Assigning responsibility to Israel for Hamas hiding behind Israeli and Gaza civilians who they hold hostage is picking a side.

      Got it.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        I unabashedly pick the side of life for both Israeli and Palestinian civilians.

        People are responsible for who they kill. You don’t get to say the other guy did something bad so I have to kill him, his wife and his children.

        You have picked a side too. Got it.

        Apparently you were not listening to our President and Nat Sec Advisor Sunday when they addressed Israel’s responsibility under international law to protect the lives of innocent civilians even though Hamas has made that more difficult.

        I’ll repeat it for your edification here and have bolded the critical parts to make it easy for you to see:

        “President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel should conduct its offensive against Hamas in Gaza “in a
        manner consistent with international humanitarian law that prioritizes the protection of civilians,”
        the White House said on Sunday.”

        and from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan :

        “Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper, also on Sunday, Sullivan expanded on this, explaining, “Hamas is making life extremely difficult for Israel by taking civilians as human shields and by putting their rocket infrastructure and terrorist infrastructure among civilians.”

        “That creates an added burden for Israel,” he began, “but it does not lessen Israel’s responsibility under international humanitarian law to distinguish between terrorists and civilians and to protect the lives of innocent people.”

        As an officer and a gentleman I am surprised that was not obvious to you.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Biden’s enjoinder to Netanyahu leaves Israel only two options:

          1. Stop fighting and allow the Hamas terrorists to get away with their sadistic attack on Israel, or …

          2. Invade Gaza and fight house-to-house killing anybody seen to be holding a gun.

          I think you and Biden will soon get your wish with #2.

          We’ll see what both of you have to say once the house-to-house fighting starts.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Killing anyone seen to be holding a gun is not the issue.

            The issue is killing innocent men, women and children who are not holding guns and have no interest in holding guns.

            That is the standard Biden and Sullivan were explicitly setting with international humanitarian law that requires distinguishing between terrorists and civilians.

            It is really pretty simple and a far cry from kill ’em all and let god sort ’em out.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            There is no way to kill the cowards of Hamas who hide behind women and children (without killing a lot of women and children) other than invasion and house-to-house fighting.

            I suspect that you and Joe Biden will soon get your wish.

            A cease-fire is (and should be) a non-starter.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            What is the acceptable outcome? How many Palestinian women and children must Israel kill to declare victory?

            You are correct in that the artillery shelling, rockets and bombing Israel has been conducting has indiscriminately killed thousands of women and children.

            There is no reason to believe that invasion and house to house urban combat will spare women and children.

            My wish is to stop the killing of women and children, innocent civilians protected by international humanitarian laws. I would hope that wish was shared by all.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            not a binary choice..

            and way better than a POTUS or former saying ““You know, Hezbollah is very smart,” Trump said. “They’re all very smart.”

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            Plenty of smart, evil people in the world. Most of the leaders of Nazi Germany, for example.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            What is the acceptable outcome? How many Palestinian women and children must Israel kill to declare victory?

            You are correct in that the artillery shelling, rockets and bombing Israel has been conducting has indiscriminately killed thousands of women and children.

            There is no reason to believe that invasion and house to house urban combat will spare women and children.

            My wish is to stop the killing of women and children, innocent civilians protected by international humanitarian laws. I would hope that wish was shared by all.

          7. DJRippert Avatar

            From Townhall …

            “When people want to kill you, you are at a decision point. You can either let them kill you or stop them. But stopping them often involves aesthetically displeasing actions, such as blowing them into little bits with bombs or shoving a bayonet into their guts and watching them die in agony. And it necessarily means inflicting death and damage on the noncombatant camp followers around them.”

            Ugly, but true.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ugly butt ugly and itself war crimes and terrorism. If you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys by their behavior there is really no difference between them.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ugly butt ugly and itself war crimes and terrorism. If you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys by their behavior there is really no difference between them.

          10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “If you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys from their behavior”

            Have you read about Oct. 7th? Can you not tell the difference?

            That is an absolutely serious question.

          11. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel has killed 3 Palestinian children for each Israeli killed on Oct 7.

            Can you not count?

            As I noted before, the dead are dead. Piling up more innocent bodies in either camp is not a solution. It only plants the seeds for the next atrocity, on both sides.

            How many Palestinian women and children does Israel need to kill to make you happy? That is an absolutely serious question.

          12. According to the 2009 RCRC finding anyone supporting a terrorist organization is a valid target in war… and ‘support’ is wide ranging from providing training, housing, food, to acceptance of their presence.

          13. Lefty665 Avatar

            There are 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, the vast majority of them are not supporting a terrorist organization. They are civilians and protected by the international humanitarian laws the President and Nat Sec Advisor cited Sunday in their admonitions specifically personally to Netanyahoo, and to the public in general.

            About 4,000 of the Palestinians the Israelis have killed so far are children. If you are suggesting that children are valid targets in war that is as evil as anything Hamas has done, and it is certainly something people have rightfully been horrified that Hamas did to Israelis. One war crime does not justify another.

            We can tell the good guys from the bad guys by what they do or do not do as the case may be. It is pretty simple, the good guys do not commit crimes against humanity, nor do they try to rationalize them as acceptable.

    2. All should look at the NYT analysis of Gaza casualties during the 2014 Hamas/PA attacks…… it showed the vast majority of those killed were military ages males — not a cross section of all the age groups [which is what you would have expected had the IDF targeting been haphazard].

      I am sure the same will be proven during this newest Hamas/PA war.

    3. All should look at the NYT analysis of Gaza casualties during the 2014 Hamas/PA attacks…… it showed the vast majority of those killed were military ages males — not a cross section of all the age groups [which is what you would have expected had the IDF targeting been haphazard].

      I am sure the same will be proven during this newest Hamas/PA war.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        “Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza”

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        The Israelis have killed around 4,000 children so far, and the carnage continues. The majority of Palestinian causalities this time have been civilians, especially women and children. Whatever the statistics are from a decade ago, they are not relevant to what is happening today. Citing them to distract from current events is disingenuous at best.

        Artillery shells and bombs may be getting smarter, but they are not very good at discriminating between combatants and civilians, especially in densely populated areas.

        The Israeli attack today on a refugee camp is a war crime. It is the kind of over reaction that turns much of the world against Israel, and the over reaction many argue Hamas was trying to provoke.

        If it was committed using US supplied equipment or munitions, as is likely, it makes the US an accessory to a war crime.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    in 1994, In cities, towns, and even the tiniest villages, Hutus answered the call of their local leaders to murder their Tutsi neighbors. Entire families were killed at a time, often hacked to death with machetes. Women were systematically and brutally raped.

    Hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Hutus participated in the genocide. As many as one million people, mostly Tutsis, were slaughtered in 100 days.”


    I’m not sure how much depth and detail should actually be taught in schools… but the truth is that we don’t teach much and most folks, as a result don’t really have good knowledge of the many atrocities that have been committed. And some of this is so awful that even adults really don’t want to know in-depth about it either.

    And I agree with Haner on some of his comments but won’t go into specifics other than to say that killing each and every Hamas is totally the right thing to do but if you kill a bunch of innocents in the process, it’s not going to go well for the Israelis nor Jews.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Which is why Hamas/Iran goaded them into it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        And I agree…. and baffled it’s not recognized…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Shame on you both.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            What’s a shame is not looking at the reality of how the rest of the world feels about it and especially those who actually do support the Jews including militarily but are put off by the way Israel is going about it.

            We waited and patiently tracked Bin Laden and many other terrorists , taking them out one by one … it can be done… but you can’t bomb GAZA to smithereens , killing women and children and keep would-be supporters AND not draw even more enemies to your borders.

            Not going to end well for them.

          2. Israel told Gazans to move south out of harm’s way. Hamas has prevented such. The IDF use knock on the door warnings….. then it destroys the Hamas facilities hidden among the supportive people.

            Hamas and Iran started this war…. the IDF will finish it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            the rubble does not look like “knock on the door” to me… and how do folks who are disabled or elderly or have no transportation or a place to go to … supposed to do “leave”? The rest of the world is
            watching, not the least of are those who could help Israel get Hamas the right way without killing
            large numbers of civilians woman and children – many, many more of them than the numbers
            that Hamas slaughtered. It’s not me. Look at the rest of the world with regard to Israel? Who
            are their allies now?

          4. Lynne Westermeyer Avatar
            Lynne Westermeyer

            you are absolutely right.

          5. Larry is not right. Think about what’s happening and the implications of what he is saying.

            Minimizing civilian casualties would require evacuating them from Gaza. Israel supports this, but Arab nations do not. Hamas does not.

            Never in history has a governing power deliberately placed ALL their military targets under their own sensitive civilian areas like hospitals, schools, Mosques, and apartment buildings. Then, Hamas, with planning and forethought started a brutal war with their neighbor.

            Israel is doing the best it can. No nation could or would do better, least of all an Arab nation.

            Take a look at the Yemeni civil war. I’ll bet you have never even heard about it. That’s because there’s no way to blame the Jews for it.

            “According to the UN, over 150,000 people have been killed in Yemen, as well as estimates of more than 227,000 dead as a result of an ongoing famine and lack of healthcare facilities due to the war.”


          6. Larry is not right. Think about what’s happening and the implications of what he is saying.

            Minimizing civilian casualties would require evacuating them from Gaza. Israel supports this, but Arab nations do not. Hamas does not.

            Never in history has a governing power deliberately placed ALL their military targets under their own sensitive civilian areas like hospitals, schools, Mosques, and apartment buildings. Then, Hamas, with planning and forethought started a brutal war with their neighbor.

            Israel is doing the best it can. No nation could or would do better, least of all an Arab nation.

            Take a look at the Yemeni civil war. I’ll bet you have never even heard about it. That’s because there’s no way to blame the Jews for it.

            “According to the UN, over 150,000 people have been killed in Yemen, as well as estimates of more than 227,000 dead as a result of an ongoing famine and lack of healthcare facilities due to the war.”


          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            why couldn’t Israel set up refugee camps in Israel and establish a humanitarian corridor out of Gaza and to those camps which would have tents, food, water and security and then after they have been evacuated, go after Hamas 100% with far less civilian casualties?

          8. Do you even think about these questions before you ask them? You really want to send Gaza citizens toward the fighting rather than away from it?

            The population of Israel is only slightly larger than Virginia. Do you honestly think Virginia could do even one hundredth of what you are asking of Israel? Create an instantaneous refugee camp for 2 million people?

            Israel in a brutal ongoing war with Hamas to the south, a potentially eminent war with a heavily armed Hezbollah to the north, as well as rockets and drones from Yemen. The West Bank is a powder keg, and Hamas and other radicals are urging the Palestinians there to rise up and start killing Jews in mass. Lastly, Iran’s number one goal is to destroy Israel, and they have a huge military.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            so where are you telling the Palestinians to go to evacuate to now?

            The world humanitarian agencies would all jump in to help set up temporary camps as well
            as help get Gaza rebuilt after Hamas is taken care of.

            If Israel set up humanitarian corridors and camps , would they get support from much more of
            the world including fending off Hezbollah and others?

            The real question is what does Israel really want to see happen to Palestinians now and after Hamas
            is dealt with.

          10. Gaza is 25 miles long from north to south. Israel initially asked for non-combatants to flee into Egypt from the south. When Egypt refused, they asked them to flee to the southern half of Gaza. Hamas then created roadblocks to prevent this.

            Hamas is still in charge of Gaza. When humanitarian aid is sent in, it goes to Hamas ministries. What do you think happens to it then? First priority is to use it for their war effort. Next, they can distribute it where they need human shields. This only helps Hamas.

            Israel must get control of Gaza a quickly as possible. Everything you and others are suggesting just delays that, and prolongs the suffering of Gaza citizens. Once Israel has control of an area, some possibilities arise, but only if they are allowed to destroy the maze of tunnels. If the tunnel network is left intact, there can be no safe area. And by the way, the tunnels were deliberately build under apartment buildings, etc.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’d do everything you can to clear the citizens BEFORE you take actions that kill many of them.
            That would be the first step. You set up exit corridors for them and you take out any Hamas that
            try to stop you. Any citizens that do get killed will be rightly blamed on Hamas and not on Israel as it is now.

            I point out that Hamas did not stop the foreign nationals including some Americans from leaving.

          12. “You’d do everything you can to clear the citizens BEFORE you take actions that kill many of them.”

            Hello? That’s what’s being done. Palestinians in affected areas have been getting pamphlets in Arabic dropped, and every other communication possible. Israel even blanketed buildings with text messages to clear out prior to them taking action. They are doing everything they can.

            Meanwhile, nothing is expected of Hamas. The war would be over in an hour if they would give up the hostages and surrender.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            they’re killing citizens including refugee camps and saying they have “no choice” because Hamas
            is using them for shields. You need to move the citizens to other places in numbers.. sending them
            leaflets telling them to leave and go somewhere else does not help them find a place to be .. it just telling them to leave and tough luck on food and shelter and medical… Israel needs to actually play a
            direct role in setting up safe refugee camps outside of Gaza. Otherwise, they’re not going to be taken
            as serious and a lot of world will not support them. Many humanitarian organizations would support
            refugee sites away from where the conflict with Hamas is.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Lefty has taken a side. It is a time to take sides. I have, too. But I’m not happy about it. I’d love to see the chapter on the Irgun in Sherlock’s history.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Here is the chapter:

            Jews for 2,000 years found it difficult to resist pogroms successfully because of lack of access to firearms and being surrounded by populations that vastly outnumbered and hated them.

            Irgun did not follow the pattern.

            Next chapter.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            You’re justification exactly parallels Hamas’. Wow.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            The side I have taken is for the Israeli and Palestinian people and against the terrorist actions of both their respective rulers.

            The side I have taken is for life and against more murder and death.

            What we have been doing for the last 75 years has not worked. Each round of an eye for an eye feeds the next wave of terror.

            It is long past time to try another way.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        And why Israel should show restraint in their response.

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Slaughtered them into it.

      4. The first duty of government is to protect its citizens. If Israel allows Hamas to continue, it threatens its own legitimacy.

        Additionally, if Israel’s response is weak, Hezbollah will be emboldened.

        “Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said the group has 100,000 fighters.”

        “Hezbollah’s military strength is underpinned by a vast arsenal of rockets. Experts believe the Shi’ite Islamist group may possess more than 100,000 rockets today. Hezbollah says it has rockets that can hit all areas of Israel.”


      5. DJRippert Avatar

        As Dubya correctly concluded (in 2002) Iran, Iraq, and North Korea are the “Axis of Evil”.

        One down, two to go.

        Maybe it’s time for the US to take out another member of the “Axis of Evil”. You know, before they have operational nukes.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          shock and awe !

          yeah, I dunno what we do with North Korea after we fell in love with the dictator…

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Who was president in 1994 and what did he do about the massacre in Rwanda?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Not Clinton’s proudest hour for sure but the point made was to compare and contrast the various atrocities that have occurred and still do around the world. Clintons response was influenced by
        our failure in Somolia.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Makes you wonder we’re so keen to arm Ukraine. I guess White victims get preferential treatment – even in foreign policy

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            perhaps. We have a very mixed record with regard to interventions in wars/conflicts in other countries.

            Many/most Americans don’t like their boys killed and maimed fighting for other countries …. POTUS pay attention.

  3. Another very fine piece by James C. Sherlock. Compliments and thanks for bringing it all to light, Sir.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Teachers have enough on their plate as it is. navigating Virginia and U.S. History, to expect them to try to wade into the thorny and extremely complex issue of Mideast politics. For example, if they teach about the savagery of Oct. 7 as you advocate, should they also examine the justice of the United Nations “awarding” Palestine to the Jews out of collective guilt and thereby dispossessing Palestinians of their homes and land which they had occupied for centuries? Or do they just stick to the facts that you prefer?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Land that they had occupied for centuries.” Look up the references, Dick. That land has been repeatedly conquered for centuries. Muslims, Christians and Jews have fought over it. Now Jews and Muslims share it. The Jews, having been driven out of every other place they ever settled in the old world, have decided to stay this time.

      1. The blame Israel crowd appears to be unfamiliar with the Ottoman Empire, how it ended, and what nations were created after its breakup.

        A detailed map showing the Ottoman Empire and its dependencies, including its administrative divisions, in 1899 CE


        1. Lynne Westermeyer Avatar
          Lynne Westermeyer

          It’s difficult to understand the history of the Middle East,which makes it difficult to “pick a side”.

          1. Even a brief history of the Middle East would fill volumes. Most of the people shouting the loudest, know next to nothing of the history which brought us to this point.

            But the bottom line is that after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, numerous Arab nations were created and Jews were promised a homeland of their own in the area where they have lived for over 3,000 years. The Arab nations have refused to allow it then, and have been trying to wipe it off the map since.

            It’s never been about the borders of Israel, treatment of the Palestinians or any of the other nonsense that’s being spouted. It’s about the existence of Israel itself.

            Now there’s talk about a ceasefire. Israel and Hamas had a ceasefire, but Hamas used it to attack Israel in the most brutal way imaginable.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      One last thing. Actually read the article. Virginia teachers are already required to teach the Holocaust. I am asking that they do it right.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Savagery of Oct. 7, Dick? Is it your opinion that is the historical extent of the slaughter of Jews? It is Groundhog Day for the West for Kristallnacht. We get another chance to do the right thing. Don’t screw it up.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      I took Modern European History in Va public high school from a great teacher named Marv Hupert.

      Those topics were taught.

    5. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “should they also examine the justice of the United Nations “awarding” Palestine to the Jews out of collective guilt and thereby dispossessing Palestinians of their homes and land which they had occupied for centuries?

      Perhaps before lecture others on what to teach and what not to teach, you might want to revisit history, because that statement is incompatible with it.

      This patch of land hasn’t been “Owned” by its inhabitants since roughly 1200 BCE.

    6. “…should they also examine the justice of the United Nations “awarding” Palestine to the Jews out of collective guilt and thereby dispossessing Palestinians of their homes and land which they had occupied for centuries?”

      That would be a most welcome discussion!

      Israel has just as much right to exist as many other Arab nations created by the British and French after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire.

      Lets take Jordan for example. Jordan never existed as a nation until 1946. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan resulted from the British Mandate. That very same Mandate gave Britain the responsibility for creating a Jewish national homeland in the region.

      “dispossessing Palestinians” is a discussion in an of itself.

      In the time around Israel’s independence, Palestinian Arabs were displaced as well as up to 750,000 Jews living in Arab countries. Many of the Jews had been in Arab areas vastly longer than the Arabs living in the area called Palestine. Some Jews in Iraq had been there since they were taken as slaves to Babylon.

      By any objective measure, if applied equally to Arabs and Israel, Israel’s legitimacy is enhanced.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        They totally DO have the right to exist but a question might be, do they have the right to occupy Gaza and the West Bank and govern with de-facto apartheid for years/decades without others viewing it as wrong?

        Does that affect how others in the might world feel about Israel and whether they support them?

        Am I wrong?

        1. Am I wrong?

          Yes. Israel tried to give Gaza back to Egypt, and they wouldn’t take it. Ending the occupation is was what lead to this.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you think others in the world are sympathetic to how Israel has handled Gaza and the West Bank?

            If they left Gaza to their own devices… with no real support for their needs, is it surprising that a group like Hamas would spring up?

            Does it matter how others in the world view this situation in terms of support or non-support for Israel?

          2. “If they left Gaza to their own devices… with no real support for their needs, is it surprising that a group like Hamas would spring up?”

            Larry, you really need to learn a bit about the area and its history. You, like most people, have the cause and effect exactly backwards. When Israel left Gaza it was nothing like what it has become. Additionally, there were no blockades, restrictions, etc. Those things happened over time to protect Israeli citizens from brutal attacks.

            Gaza was poised to be a gem, but has instead become an armed camp with elaborate military complexes all built under the most sensitive civilian locations.

            Israel listened to what the world demanded and what they said would produce peace and prosperity for Palestinians and Jews. What you see today is the result.

        2. Lynne Westermeyer Avatar
          Lynne Westermeyer

          You’re right. But what’s the answer? No one endorses terrorism or wants to see innocent children killed. It’s terrible. But what is the answer?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Palestinians ultimately have to have the same rights and freedoms as others who are not Palestinian – equality if there is going to be a basis for a resolution.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Could you suggest a good book to read on the history of that part of the Middle East?

        Serious question.

        1. Can’t really think of one book that covers everything, but I’ll tell you what I’m reading right now. This one interests me because it was written by a Hollywood liberal who happens to come from Israel.


          If any others come to mind I will let you know.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    So, 24 million Jews and 2.3 billion Muslims in the world. Pretty much all of the Muslims see Israel as unlawfully occupying Jerusalem (and it wasn’t in the 1948 mandate) and view that as one of their holiest locations, just as the European Christian Crusaders did when they coveted it a thousand years ago.

    The math and a long view of history do not lead to confidence in the outcome, now that the path of war has been taken. I still worry Israel is doing exactly what Hamas and Iran intended for it to do, and then when the rubble of Gaza stops burning, and the bodies are buried, Iran and its theocracy will remain and keep going on the jihad. Yes, the provocation was horrendous. Yes, the impulse to strike back was overwhelming. But Iran remain the heart of darkness. Hamas is a puppet.

    I reject Lefty’s equation of Israel’s actions with those of Hamas and other terrorists, but without doubt this long, long conflict has cost innocent lives on both sides for 75 years. Some Israelis are no more interested in a two-state solution than is Hamas. What Lefty also ignores is that the Hamas terrorism was intended, intended to bring the massive retaliation now underway. This time, Hamas (well Iran) is responsible for all the deaths. All.

    1. Israel traded the land of Gaza for Peace in 2005 — Egypt never gave the land to the Israeli Arabs. Hamas either killed or expelled Fatah leaders from Gaza and began its reign of terror…..
      We have seen what that ‘Peace Deal’ wrought.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      The dead are dead. There are more than 6 dead Palestinian civilians, close to half of them children, for each Israeli dead. Let that sink in, The Israelis have killed 3 Palestinian children for each Israeli Hamas killed. How many children do you want the Israelis to kill to even up the score?

      State conducted terror by the armed forces of a nation also have a special place in the annals of terror. It is even worse than that of the weak who have no state army to kill for them.

      Even if Hamas’s actions were intended to provoke a massive over reaction by Israel nothing forced Israel to respond as it did.

      You are profoundly wrong, those who kill are responsible for those they kill. No one gets to declare “Kings X, he so offended me I had to kill him, and his wife, and his children.”

      I quote from President Biden and Nat Sec Advisor Sullivan yesterday:

      “President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel should conduct its offensive against Hamas in Gaza “in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law that prioritizes the protection of civilians,” the White House said on Sunday.”

      and from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan :

      “Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper, also on Sunday, Sullivan expanded on this, explaining, “Hamas is making life extremely difficult for Israel by taking civilians as human shields and by putting their rocket infrastructure and terrorist infrastructure among civilians.”

      “That creates an added burden for Israel,” he began, “but it does not lessen Israel’s responsibility under international humanitarian law to distinguish between terrorists and civilians and to protect the lives of innocent people.”

      You are right, it has been 75 years of insanity, tit for tat, murder for murder, although always more murders of Palestinians than Israelis. Each atrocity breeds the next.

      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It is time to try another way.

      If we provide defensive weapons to Israel rather than offensive weapons that will give them the incentive to seek peace. There is no doubt that is what both the Israeli and Palestinian people want. Peace to raise their children rather than to see them killed in more senseless rounds of terrorism.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        “The dead are dead.’ I’ll have to ponder that. Perhaps we should have taken that position after the holocaust.

        News story: Hamas sadists killed a husband in front of his wife, raped the wife and made her listen to the screams as they baked her baby in the oven.

        The oven.

        It is 1939. As Steve wrote, you have picked a side.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          I have picked the side of life for the Israeli and Palestinian people and against the side of their murdering terrorist rulers.

          The Israelis have killed 3 Palestinian children for each Israeli Hamas murdered. How many children does Israel need to kill to get even?

          How many dead kids will it take to make you happy?

          ps, 1939 was before either you or I were born. We are in 2023. Orientation to time and place admiral. Despite the alliteration, Hamas is not Hitler.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I believe Capt Sherlock was quoting from a current news story depicting Hamas sub-humans carrying out actions that remind one of 1939.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        What would these magical defensive weapons have done to prevent the terroristic murders of Oct 7?

        1. Lefty665:
          “If we provide defensive weapons to Israel rather than offensive weapons …”

          So, bullet proof vests and Iron Dome, while Hamas continues with impunity.

          BTW – Iron Dome was overwhelmed October 7.

          How’s that going to work if Hezbollah decides to use its 100,000 missiles? If Hamas is allowed to survive, Hezbollah will see that as a green light.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            “BTW – Iron Dome was overwhelmed October 7.”

            That is why we have sent air defense systems to Israel. That is a step in the right direction.

            The green light to Hezbollah, that they have clearly declared, is an Israeli invasion of Gaza. If Israel wants to prevent Hezbollah from attacking it needs to refrain from invading Gaza,

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            OTOH, if Hamas starts to lose, will Hezbollah decide to help?

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “The math and a long view of history do not lead to confidence in the outcome, now that the path of war has been taken.”

      That is exactly their end state, also very much why no other Arab nation will accept the Palestinians.

    4. Stephen Haner:
      “Pretty much all of the Muslims see Israel as unlawfully occupying Jerusalem (and it wasn’t in the 1948 mandate) and view that as one of their holiest locations, just as the European Christian Crusaders did when they coveted it a thousand years ago.”

      Largely agree but with some edits and clarifications.

      “…unlawfully occupying Jerusalem (and it wasn’t in the 1948 mandate)”

      I believe you are talking about the UN Partition Plan for Palestine. That was in 1947, not 1948.

      That mandate with its Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem was never implemented because the UN plan was rejected by the Arabs.

      Without an agreement, civil war broke out. Jordan took control of East Jerusalem (including the Temple Mount) by force and annexed it and the West Bank in 1950.

      Israel united Jerusalem during the Six Day War. To this day, the Temple Mount is administered by the Jerusalem Waqf appointed by Jordan.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Captain if you want kids to learn about the Holocaust you have to put it on the SOL test. If you examine the released SOL test items from US History and World History you will find NO test questions. I did find one. But it was on the test 10 years ago. The question is so simple. You would have to be a block head to get it wrong. I gave the Holocaust minimal attention. It wasn’t on the test. I did spend significant time on Niesie Regiments, Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, WACS, Rosie the Riveter, Korematsu vs. US. Those were always test items. A kid is more likely to learn about the Holocaust in English class. With a book such as Boy in the Striped Pajamas or the Diary of Ann Frank.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “When people want to kill you, you are at a decision point. You can either let them kill you or stop them. But stopping them often involves aesthetically displeasing actions, such as blowing them into little bits with bombs or shoving a bayonet into their guts and watching them die in agony. And it necessarily means inflicting death and damage on the noncombatant camp followers around them.”

      Townhall nails it.

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        It what we did to Caen, Dresden and Tokyo. It is what we should do to Iran.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The real irony is that Japan and Germany are now some of our staunchest allies… Iran?

          1. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            You need to totally destroy the religious state of islam in Iran and rebuild the country like we did Japan and Germany.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            right… like we did in Vietnam and Afghanistan… 😉

          3. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            No we didn’t in those two countries.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Iraq is not exactly a triumph either… nor Somalia or Panama or Nicaragua … etc.. Spain was
            much more successful!

          5. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            As I said you have to totally destroy the countries entire belief system and run it as your own as we did Japan and Germany. We have not done that with any other country. Spain I would say solved it self.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I would say that Japan and German culture are largely intact… maybe “Americanized” but Spain
            colonized a crap-load of the world and Spanish culture is still prominent in many countries it
            colonized. England, France, Portugal and a few others got involved but the real world does
            not work that way anymore. We’re no more going to change Iran than we would China IMO.

            I keep pointing out that there ARE other Muslim countries… in the world… that are not so warlike.

          7. Lynne Westermeyer Avatar
            Lynne Westermeyer

            you are kidding, right?

          8. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            no I am not.

  7. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Interesting that 2 articles I posted were removed. I just reposted one.

  8. Nothing brings out lunacy quite like a discussion of conflicts in the Middle East.

    “A death is a death”

    Think about that. So when a doctor tries to save a patient, and it dies, that’s the same as a brutal first degree murder?

    Ridding the world of Hamas will be enormously difficult, but it is in the best interest of the Palestinians as much as anyone. Hamas is almost as brutal to its own as it is to Israel. The world doesn’t report on that much, but that’s how things work in Gaza day to day.

    Additionally, Hamas is so busy steeling resources from its citizens, building rockets, and digging tunnels that there are no good paying jobs or opportunities in Gaza. Just prior to October 7, about 18,000 people from Gaza would go into Israel to work.

    Life under Hamas is terrible and will always be terrible. Enough is enough.

    Few wars were as brutal or costly in terms of human life as WWII. But it had to be fought, and it had to be won.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      totally agree about Hamas, but do you think we can also “grow” them with wrong-headed policies?

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “So when a doctor tries to save a patient, and it dies, that’s the same as a brutal fist degree murder?”

      No, but that is not the comparison.

      When Hamas kills innocent Israelis that is first degree murder. When Israel kills three times as many innocent Palestinian children that is first degree murder, as is the murder of innocent civilian women and men.

      Brutal is brutal, and murder is murder whether it is done individually or wholesale by artillery and bombs. Either way the innocent are still dead, and that is a crime.

  9. What we teach our children is important.

    What the Palestinian Authority teaches is also important. This is what financial contributions to PA supports.

    Illustrative: An image of a girl smiling as ‘heretics’ are burned in a Palestinian textbook. (IMPACT-SE)


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