What I Saw at My Son’s Middle-School Orientation

by Nathan Brinkman

By now, most of us have probably lost count of stories about the culture wars being waged in our nation’s public schools.

Whether it’s footage of school boards mired in debates over the use of “critical theory” (as seen here, here, and here)… or battles over “gender ideology” (here, here, and here)… or a teacher caught boasting of his designs to convert students into “revolutionaries”… it’s easy to be left exhausted, with a sense of outrage fatigue. For me, however, these abstractions have become very real.

I recently attended “Middle School Orientation Day” with my 11-year-old son – and we saw divisive, ideologically-charged signs everywhere. Yes, these signs are real. And yes, I took these photos with my own phone.

Arlington, Virginia’s Swanson Middle School in Arlington County is adorned with images of raised fists, along with “revolutionary” messages. Many signs feature the names of highly ideological, left-wing organizations.

On the door of Swanson Middle School’s “equity coordinator” is a sign that reads: “You can jail a revolutionary, but you can’t jail a revolution.”

The sign’s image of a raised fist, often associated with communism, led me to infer the “revolutionary” quote wasn’t a reference to America’s founding. And sure enough, the words are generally attributed to Fred Hampton – a self-identified Marxist-Leninist.

In a profanity-laced tirade, following his “you can’t jail a revolution” line, Hampton concluded: “Kill a few and get a little satisfaction. Kill some more and you get some more satisfaction. Kill ’em all and you get complete satisfaction.”

At orientation day, Swanson’s equity coordinator was handing out leaflets for BoyzIIMen, a school club devoted to “current events as they relate to race, ethnicity, religion, LGBTQIA+, and intersectionality.”

Judging by the hallway signage, “gender” and “sexuality” are dominant themes at Swanson Middle School (whose students are generally below the age of consent for sexual acts/relations in Virginia). What about families who disagree with the school administration’s values regarding gender and sexuality – or just want to have a little more control over when and how these delicate issues are introduced and discussed with their own kids?

Towards the end of our tour, we saw a large banner with hand-written advice for new students. In addition to “LGBTQ+” and “puberty” references, nuggets of wisdom included “math is hard” and “procrastinating works.” The sagest advice, however, might have been “try not to die inside.”

You may be reading this story as just another outrage, in a far-away school district. Or maybe the “woke” Left’s reductive, identity-obsessed view of human nature bores you, and you’d rather focus on bigger things. I was in your shoes, until just now. You might not want a culture war, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be coming for you.

Nathan Brinkman is the father of two school-aged kids. He lives in Arlington, Virginia, where he owns and manages Brinkman Media, a general consulting firm. This column is republished with permission from ChoiceMedia.TV.

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15 responses to “What I Saw at My Son’s Middle-School Orientation”

  1. I say we make Northern Virginia part of D.C. again.

    1. baconisgood4me Avatar

      absorb DC into the state of MD as just another city. Let MD annex NOVA. Move as much of the ‘work’ being performed by federal employees into either the midwest or into the public housing areas where the underclass has been abandoned.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Only if we can give the rest back to the Queen.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “What about families who disagree with the school administration’s values regarding gender and sexuality”

    What about families who disagree with a gym teacher’s values regarding gender…?? The Right’s position is that their opinion matters not… because religion…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      USSR… United States of the Sexually Repressed.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Looks like Brinkma is fairly active for a number of years in the GOP and is affiliated also with American Legislative Exchange Council and such.

    So not really convinced he’s “just” a father of two sch00l-aged kids with no real political ax to grind just “outrage”.


    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You really didn’t used to have ad hominem disease. It is not attractive….So what? I know you think all conservatives are per se liars and fools, but that don’t make it true. The man photographed the signs.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I think you confuse Ad Hominem. It personal between two people. It not criticism of a pubic figure otherwise 90% of what you say would be that also.

        I’m not even sure what the heck you are talking about in the first place.

        Brinkman starts off saying he’s the father of school-aged kids. He also a long-standing GOP operative which also needs to be disclosed.

        He’s NOT just a “father of two school-aged kids” and that misleading in my view and I think most folks would agree.

        I don’t mind them posting or getting illustrated in BR – as long as their interests are honestly disclosed especially if they are not really grass-roots types.

        And I’d say EXACTLY the same about active Dem folks.

        Ya’ll just don’t want to play the game fair and straight.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “I think you confuse Ad Hominem. It personal between two people. It not criticism of a pubic figure otherwise 90% of what you say would be that also.”

          That’s not even remotely true, but enlightening about why you misuse the term.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Well, duh, we’ve been calling it The Peoples Republic of Arlington my entire adult life. Seriously, 40 years at least. Did you miss the memo? Now we’re into the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the most radical of the New Dealers.

    Better keep this away from the Math Teacher, she sees that sign and she will explode and make me write more checks to the R candidates. You start with that premise and of course the prophecy is fulfilled. That is the worst of the signs you shared.

    1. Better keep this away from the Math Teacher, she sees that sign and she will explode and make me write more checks to the R candidates. You start with that premise and of course the prophecy is fulfilled. That is the worst of the signs you shared.

      I had similar thoughts when I saw that sign.

  5. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    After being born in Fairfax County and graduating from V.M.I.,
    I moved to Texas.
    I’m really happy I did.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So are we.

  6. WOW – your white supremacist, Euro-centric construct is so rigid and stale.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Ignorance begets victims. Just ask R. Kelly, or Jeffrey Epstein, or…. Donald Trump.

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