What Does FJB Stand For, Anyway?

Photo credit: Teri Hodson / Virginian-Pilot

The Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade awarded Best in Show over the weekend to a 50-foot vessel festooned with bright lights proclaiming, “FJB” and “Let’s Go Brandon.” The boat inspired chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” among some shoreline spectators, but offended others. Declaring insults to the president of the United States to be inconsistent with the Christmas spirit, organizers stripped the vessel of its title and declared a new winner: a boat featuring singing angels, reports The Virginian-Pilot.

I’m just hoping that “FJB” didn’t stand for “F— Jim Bacon.”


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29 responses to “What Does FJB Stand For, Anyway?”

  1. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    when Talib or what ever the idiot congress woman is who screamed “F*ck Trump on national tv and our local gadfly democrat communist wannbe in Waynesboro Jennifer Lewis complain about being offended they should look in the mirror the ugliness in their soul is plain to see. And if people think this is bad they consider what was said about pols in the 1800’s

    1. The history of insulting US Presidents is a long one. See, e.g., Edwin L. Battistella, Dangerous, Crooked, Scoundrels: Insulting the President, From Washington to Trump (Oxford University Press, 2020).

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    We used to tell kids… “grow up and act like an adult, will you”?


    pretty clever doing a parade float… who would have thunk it?

    I can see all kinds of future “enhancements” on many political fronts…
    and probably some places will stop having parades because of it..

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      Some places may stop parades because black racists will commit mass murder.

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      You realize this meme originated with an absurd claim by a NASCAR reporter? I’ll take childish behavior and insults over patent media lies any day esp if it upsets a boomer.

  3. Scott McPhail Avatar
    Scott McPhail

    I think it means “F— Jack Bruce” . . . Ginger Baker used to say it . . .

  4. VaNavVet Avatar

    The idea seems to be to offend as many people as possible and by doing so to somehow make one’s self feel superior. Unfortunately, that appears to be where we are now at in our country.

  5. Gwen Frederick Avatar
    Gwen Frederick

    I like the sentiment but they are correct…it doesn’t represent Christmas or holidays.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh my. Is this the infamous “WAR on Christmas” that many Conservatives have long bemoaned?


      1. Gwen Frederick Avatar
        Gwen Frederick

        Yes its my right to say Christmas but there are other celebrations too. I’m not sinking to others level by saying Hanukkah offends me.

        1. John Harvie Avatar
          John Harvie

          Absolutely! My S/O is a Brooklyn born Jewish liberal gal while I’m a Richmond born conservative WASP. Makes for a fun relationship at times! We celebrate both holidays together.

  6. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Definitly not appropriate for Christmas, but where is the outrage over the still available tees saying “Buck Fush” or “Tuck Frump” on-line. What goes around, etc., etc.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      did they do that in Christmas Parades? Do you see escalation here…???

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Can’t say. Can you state with certainty it never happened?

        Escalation, not sure. Inappropriateness, yes.

        OABTW, I do have a L G Brandon tee. Plan to wear it next week at our Tuesday chat group which is all real libs except for one lady and me. Will, of course, take my printout of the above referenced adds in re Bush and Trump. Should enliven the dialog? Yes/no?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          sounds like normal rabble rousing… eh

          I’m sure you are familiar with that term, right? 😉

          You probably have bumper stickers also……… 😉


  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Jorge Bush, of course. Trumper, whadaya ‘spec?

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    BaQAnon’s Rebellion — Giving Voice to the Downtrodden Showboats Everywhere!

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The only thing missing from this Christmas message is displaying their young kids in deck holding assault rifles…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. Bringing up those future school shooters… 😉

    1. Very few civilians have access to assault rifles. Assault weapons are quite expensive because they are very heavily regulated by the federal government.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Oh! Well that makes all the difference then… no worries…

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        actually modern assault rifles are illegal to buy

    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      great idea

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like an entire family that threatens on their card to shoot Santa as a home intruder.

  10. Maybe it had nothing to do with Joe Biden. Maybe they were giving away free scotch whiskey…

  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Neither side has a monopoly on bad taste or absence of common sense when it comes to name calling or stupid displays of ideology that corrupt decency. We must all be grateful the F***JB was not intended for Jim Bacon.

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