Abigail Zwerner
Courtesy AP

by James C. Sherlock

On February 16, USA Today published a story by Jeanine Santucci. That is the latest in an excellent series of reports on the shooting of Newport News first grade teacher Abigail Zwerner.

Her article, “Virginia 6-year-old who shot his teacher exposes flaws in how schools treat students with disabilities.” raises questions that Virginians need to answer.

  • What, exactly, do we expect of special education teachers and what do we owe them?
  • What training and resources must we provide?
  • How do we keep them safe?
  • How do we get enough people to accept the challenges and risks?

Any school official or teacher will tell you:

  • That the best-organized parents in K-12 education are special-ed parents;
  • That federal law is very prescriptive and provides little room for error on the part of the schools;
  • That schools’ (meaning taxpayers’) liability for error is open-ended; and
  • That special-ed continues to get more challenging, especially after COVID accelerated the number of emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.

Few school divisions will claim to have any of that under control.

 JLARC in 2020 concurred with that assessment in Virginia.

Longstanding shortage of special education teachers persists, and many school divisions rely on under-prepared teachers to fill gaps.

IEPs are not consistently designed effectively.

School divisions are not consistently preparing students with disabilities for life after high school.

The basic issue

: the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has written requirements that many American schools cannot fulfill despite their best efforts.

The Code of Virginia provides definitions of special education. VDOE has an excellent web page explaining the program.

Thirteen percent of Virginia public school students met special education requirements in 2019, matching national averages; 164,000 K–12 students were enrolled in special education that year.

Conditions requiring special education support include:

  • Autism (can include certain areas under Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance (can include Emotional Disability)
  • Hearing Impairment (can include Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment (including blindness)

IDEA guarantees that children with disabilities have the right to a “free appropriate public education.” It requires that services for school-aged children with developmental disabilities (3 through 21 years of age) be provided free of charge through the public schools.

IDEA covers special education and related services such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy and supplementary aids and services, such as adaptive equipment or special communication systems.

All of that is very expensive and very hard to staff.

Grants to States Program (IDEA-B) provides some limited funding to Virginia school divisions for special education and related services. With federal money comes federal regulation. Lots of interesting information in there.

Subpart E Procedural Safeguards Due Process Procedures for Parents and Children — is the Part B regulation series that supports parents and grants them rights to civil action in federal courts. It daily confounds schools trying to comply.

Reporting requirements. The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) thinks it keeps close tabs on the states through mandatory reporting.

Check out correspondence from OSEP to the Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Virginia meets the requirements and purposes of Part B of the IDEA.

The JLARC report, ordered by the 2018 General Assembly, which knew special education wasn’t right, confirms the difference between reporting and reality.

It shows that OSEP knows absolutely nothing about special education in Virginia schools based on our reports.

Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC). Virginia’s State SEAC has its quarterly meeting this week starting Wednesday.

Every school division is required to have a local SEAC as well. Each creates reports and improvement plans.

That clearly satisfy OSEP requirements without satisfying student needs.

School divisions. So, what challenges do a school division, and a school, face in the real world? Each of them wants to educate their special education students whether federal law requires them to do it or not.

But they have two problems: the costs of implementing the federal requirements and a statewide (and nationwide) shortage of trained special education teachers.

Costs. Federal payments under IDEA-B were originally supposed to offset 40% of the costs. The actual transfers have never come close. Currently they are estimated to cover 16% of actual costs.

So what are poorer divisions to do?

Teachers. The NEA reports that in February of 2022, there were 335,000 fewer educators than before the pandemic.

Special education teachers have been at the top of the list of the Ten Critical Shortage Teaching Endorsement Areas in Virginia as reported by the Board of Education in its Annual Report on the Condition and Needs of Public Schools in Virginia for as long as I can remember.

It is a national problem. In 2022, 48 of 50 states reported shortages of special-ed teachers.

Virginia is one of the states that allows provisional licensure of teachers working towards their special education certification. Whether that is a good thing is up for debate. Whether it is necessary in Virginia is not.

Even with those provisional teachers, special-ed teachers represent Virginia’s number one shortage. And the ones we have are not optimally distributed across 132 school divisions and never will be.

Classroom management. Once licensed, a special education teacher faces unique challenges, not only with each child’s individualized education program (IEP), but also with classroom management with children and adolescents in the “least restrictive environment,” which often but not always means IEP students mixed in with students without special needs.

It requires a lot of both skill and patience, and can prove hazardous when students act out, sometimes violently.

Crimes and discipline – IDEA. Nothing in Part B prohibits a school division from reporting a crime committed by a child with a disability to appropriate authorities or prevents state law enforcement and judicial authorities from exercising their responsibilities with regard to the application of Federal and State law to crimes committed by a child with a disability.

Part B also provides:

School personnel under this section may remove a child with a disability who violates a code of student conduct from his or her current placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting, another setting, or suspension, for not more than 10 consecutive school days (to the extent those alternatives are applied to children without disabilities), and for additional removals of not more than 10 consecutive school days in that same school year for separate incidents of misconduct (as long as those removals do not constitute a change of placement under §300.536).

But the handling of crimes and discipline, as we have seen, has been modified by Virginia law. I have recommended changes that better align with federal requirements.

What to do? I don’t have any other insights that the professionals have not thought of.

There are certainly policy differences among people who want to help. A couple of my personal positions adamantly opposed by the left:

  1. Facing a shortage like this, I would not force White teachers to confess their “racism” every couple of years in “training” sessions; and
  2. I would require principals to call the police in every case of battery. And make that a policy, not a matter of personal choice, to protect principals from retribution from communities or parents.

But perhaps that is just me being fanciful. Certainly progressives want to help too.

But Virginia has to fill the special education teacher pipeline in an era of collapsing willingness of young people to enter the teaching profession, much less special education.

Making the job as safe as possible is a sine qua non.

Every adolescent ready for college gets the news somewhere. A special education teacher getting shot by a 6-year old cannot be considered a recruiting advantage.

We are also going to have to pay them more. Perhaps dramatically and differentially more. The unions may not like the differential part, but so be it.

Time to get to it.

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16 responses to “What Do We Owe To and Expect from a Special Ed Teacher?”

  1. LesGabriel Avatar

    Until COVID, I had done substitute teaching for a few years. One of the first things I learned is that substituting in a special education class put one in a different (lower) pay scale. The actual work, however, was on the average, more demanding in the special ed classes. It didn’t take long before I started avoiding such assignments. I don’t know anything about how the pay for special ed teachers compare to others.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    All well and good, but no IEP includes the following; arm child with handgun to act out his lack of control. To whine about the legal morass behind all this and complain the schools don’t follow the rules or fear litigation is to let these parents off the hook. Where did the gun come from? You also cannot let the administrators off the hook once they had fair warning.

    Things like this and that well-photographed incident in Florida are powerful incentives to stay the f&^% away from teaching as a career. Future looks hard. AI bots in classrooms?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I don’t mean to let parents off the hook, Steve. Nor administrators. They have had their time under the microscope here.

      This article is context.

      The public schools, especially in the worst performing and most challenging school divisions, need to fill the special education void in that context with really good teachers.

      Tough assignment at best. Not sure that they can do it without a $20,000 annual raise for special ed teachers, of which we need about 15,000. That’s $300 million a year. May need to spend it. Or more.

      1. Same with administrators in the most challenging school divisions. The toughest schools and kids require the most skilled administrators and teachers.

        They won’t dig their way out of the hole they’re in without them. Richneck put a bright light on that. Profound administrative failure left the teacher facing a gun.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        My comment was really more aimed at the article than at you.

  3. First, more money for teachers in general and for special ed teachers in particular. Pay enough to attract and retain more capable teachers and administrators.

    Second, train (it’s not even educate, and yes behavioral management can work well if done well) teachers and administrators how to manage classrooms and schools. Without that nothing else matters.

    The more I read about the Newport News shooting the more apparent it is that NN schools have a systemic failure of administration and that it is acute at Richneck. The principal there has been suspended and an assistant principal has quit. It would not be surprising to learn that the assistant principal was the incompetent who failed to find the gun after being warned multiple times. Those removals are a start at that school, but they have to be replaced with people who are competent.

    That anecdotal horror show does not get down to the special ed level, it is institutional administration failure at the top. There are now multiple press reports of NN teachers requesting and being refused assistance with out of control student behaviors. It is good that the teachers are talking out of school. It is a mistake to use that example to illustrate a need to make changes to special ed in general. Change has to start at the top.

    Remember that kids who have IEPs are a normal distribution with most disabling conditions towards the center of the curve. They are less severe and easier to deal with. The more severe the disability the harder it is to deal with. When we react to an extreme, as the 6 year old shooter, it is easy to forget that he was 5,6,7 deviations away from the mean. Lumping all kids with IEPs together is a mistake and does not help solve problems. One size does not fit all.

    In the classroom, management is the key. If the teacher is not in control nothing good is going to happen. As an example, my wife a special ed teacher, started each school year establishing control of the classroom. It was basic classroom management. Over a decade she removed a total of 2 students for behavior that she could not control, and many of the kids were bigger than she was. What she quickly made clear was that kids could not misbehave their way out of her classroom. They would not get the reinforcement and attention of getting booted to spend the day hanging out at the principal’s office. It was very basic behavior management. It did not take long for the principal to start coming around to see what was going on. He had years of most of the same usual suspects practically living outside his door (where they learned nothing). He and she got along very well for years, and on the extremely rare occasions she needed to ask for help she got it.

    The next step after establishing that kids could not misbehave out of class was establishing that as individuals and as a group she cared about them and was sure that together they could overcome their disabilities. Many had neglect in chaotic poor homes and aggressive discipline at schools. Together we can do better can be a powerful tool that kids respond to.

    She is fortunate that she is a good diagnostician. The beginning of each year was also devoted to figuring out each kid. They were all different and needed different things. Sometimes that was not well described in the IEPs and records that came forward to her. Figuring out what was up and how to address it for each kid is paramount. For example, there are a lot of different points on the Autism Spectrum, and they need different approaches to successfully ameliorate.

    Another part of her success was working with families, some of whom had had a miserable experience with the school system. Among those were a family who had sued and had a deservedly jaundiced view. After several years she found she had kids whose families had finagled themselves into the district so their kids could be in her class. Word gets around.

    Success is possible. Again, better pay, better training to attract more, and more competent, teachers and administrators. Better training starts in our colleges/universities and includes heavy emphasis on classroom and school management. Our current education to teach our nice compliant middle class kids fails the ones outside that window. All kids have the right to an education. Almost all kids can be dealt with in our schools if we do it right, the few who cannot are why CSA exists.

    Schools and education are just part of why woke racist CRT/DIE are so destructive. They hurt poor black kids the most. It is important to support the Jefferson Council and JAB in their efforts to free UVa. Reform starts at the top.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The skills your wife possesses cannot be taught in a college setting. Her school is fortunate to have such a perceptive and skilled teacher. Teachers like this are one in a million. Merit pay? Nobody likes that for some reason but perhaps it should be attempted.

      1. Thank you, I will pass along your compliments.

        Funny, she had a 30 year old unused special ed masters and this was a retirement job for a decade. She was very good at it, and I expect some of that was experience from successful careers in other areas. Part of it was just being older and wiser. One (of many) successful tools was “You wouldn’t talk to your gramma like that would you?

        Part of the damage low pay does is that the dedicated people who will work for it are sometimes not the best equipped to deal with challenges.

        In special ed you have to like challenges and figuring things out. If that is stressful the job is a killer. If you like it that’s part of the joy. Getting one right and seeing a kid blossom before your eyes is truly special.

    2. Please give your wife my thanks for her dedication to our children.

      1. Thank you, and I have. Y’all bring smiles to her face:)

        She sort of backed into it. I sold the division of my company with staff so we lost health insurance. Because of an oddity an individual policy was hugely expensive for us. She had the old masters and the school system health insurance for us was worth over half as much as the (bad) pay. She quickly got very good at sp ed. She loved the kids, warts and all and it took off from there.

        1. Regardless of her reasons for taking up the job, I admire and respect her for her abilities, her patience, and her generosity of time & spirit.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar

      I share Wayne and James’s sentiments, her students are very luck to have such a caring teacher and mentor.

      1. Thank you, passed it along:)

        My whole point being we can do better with our schools and sp ed/mental health. It takes money to attract competent staff, and better training from our colleges more than anything else. Laws and reg changes are secondary if we attract the right people, and useless if we don’t.

        Except of course for CRT/DIE that is a killer. First step in problem solving is correctly identifying the problem.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “But the handling of crimes and discipline, as we have seen, has been modified by Virginia law. I have recommended changes that better align with federal requirements.”

    About Part B you wrote:

    “Nothing in Part B prohibits a school division from reporting a crime committed by a child with a disability to appropriate authorities…”

    As far as I can see, nothing in Virginia law prohibits reporting a crime of any sort to appropriate authorities.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    It ought to be pretty clear that the qualifications for “teacher” these days is substantial and even more so for specialties like special ed and other like remedial reading, etc. Even your “basic” 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade teacher has to be able to ascertain the abilities and deficits of each kid in order to determine what areas of teacher need to be focused for each kids needs.

    It also begs the question as to what other competitors to public schools like voucher or charter schools might provide or not – as well as if there are standardized qualifications for various positions such that whether it’s a public school or a charter or other school that the required qualifications are exactly the same.

    Finally, some discussion about public schools assessing the various “needs” of kids and basically sorting out what needs the schools can provide for and which ones need to be referred to other providers to meet.

    I think no matter how you cut it, Public Schools are fundamental and core services that will never be replaced by Charter Schools which seem to be focused much more narrowly and ill-equipped to do what most public schools are expected to do.

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