What Bobby Jindal Means for Virginia

Even the New York Times gets it…. Sort of. In reporting on Bobby Jindal’s extraordinary victory — garnering 53 percent in a field of 11 gubernatorial candidates — in Lousiana yesterday, Adam Nossiter wrote:

Mr. Jindal, with his decisive victory on Saturday, appears to have overcome a significant racial hurdle that blocked him in 2003, according to analysts: race-based opposition in the deeply conservative northern and eastern parishes of Louisiana that once supported the Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Wow, what a turn-around! In just four years, all those racist, conservative white Lousianans decided they weren’t as prejudiced against dark-skinned people as the New York Times thought they were.

By contrast, The Washington Post, finding little of interest in the fact that a culturally conservative, Southern state like Louisiana could elect the dark-complected Jindal, an ethnic Indian, buried the story on page A-8. The Post article stressed Jindal’s reputation for competence and wonkery.

Why bring this up on Bacon’s Rebellion, a blog about Virginia? Because it’s a recurring theme in the comments sections that the cultural conservatives opposed to uncontrolled illegal immigration into Virginia must be motivated by xenophobia and/or “prejudice against brown-skinned people.”

Let us hope that Bobby Jindal’s impressive victory will encourage defenders of illegal immigration to reconsider this offensive meme.

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17 responses to “What Bobby Jindal Means for Virginia”

  1. Conservativa Avatar

    Jim, you’ve got it. I found a 2003 NYT article that is interesting to compare with today’s article that you mention:

  2. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    ah yes… what we need in Virginia is a Hispanic Candidate that is death on illegal immigration.

    gawd… they’d have to build a huge platform to hold all the conservative candidates that wanted to be in a photo op with him


  3. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I wonder what the Indian equivilent of “he acts like a white man is”.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    And your point is …. what exactly? What does the election of an Indian-American in Louisiana have to do with racist xenophobes in Virginia?

    Not to pour too much cold water on your point, whatever it may be, I remind of the George Allen macaca moment when he mockingly welcomed an Indian-Americn to “Virginia” and the U.S.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    coconut – brown on the outside — white on the inside. Dont hate the player – hate the game. He did whatever it takes to get to where he is.Ok ..so your saying being Hindu will not help ? No problem .. I will convert to Catholicism. Dont like my Indian name ? No problem I am am Bobby. Ok bobby not American enough ? well mmm let me name my kids Celia and Slade ..sorry about Shaan. I will make up .. I am against immigration.
    He is ..as someone put it ..just ur regular ultra conservative Christian republican …wearing the mask of deception.

  6. Shaun Kenney Avatar
    Shaun Kenney

    Ah yes… more racism under an anonymous white sheet.

    From the party of tolerance, no doubt.

    The ads run against Jindal by the Louisiana Democratic Party were absolutely disgusting. I hope the 53% majority garnered by Jindal was a backlash against the anti-Catholicism (and yes, racism) displayed by a very extreme and deranged few… because I’d hate to think that was a majority opinion with the Louisiana Dems.

  7. Conservativa Avatar

    To the preceding anon. folks, it sounds to me like you think that certain groups of people _must_ think in certain ways. If they appear to stray from that, then in your opinion they must be lying opportunists. They couldn’t possibly be thinking persons who have made up their own minds about things and have settled on Conservative positions, right?

    Jindal is impressive to me because he is a Rhodes scholar, elected to Congress twice, now elected to be Governor, in what has been traditionally a very Democratic state… all this and he is only 36 years old! That his family background is Indian just adds to the flavor of this American success story, like many thousands of stories since our country began.

    He will be a Republican and Conservative leader for a long time. And I think that’s really what’s bothering you.

  8. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Anonymous 10:30, Sounds like you think that Bobby Jindal isn’t “authentically Indian.” Sounds like you have a problem with people who assimilate.

  9. Henry Ryto Avatar
    Henry Ryto

    Anon 10:30 is a trip. Being first generation Finnish-American:

    1. There are some in my family that went to Anglified first names when they came to the U.S. Therefore, I don’t see an issue with Jindal going by “Bobby”.

    2. Since I’m a Catholic convert, too, Anon 10:30 must think I’m un-Finnish. (NEWS FLASH: I’ve never been to a Lutheran service in my life.)

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    I am Indian, Hindu and am always happy to see Indian-Americans within the Republican fold.

    Indian-Americans are a decent, hardworking, pro-education, law-abiding bunch and so I see a natural affinity to the GOP.

    The Anonymous poster above seems to have a problem with immigrants that see through the daily (il-)liberal indoctrination we are subjected to by the MSM here and abroad (the BBC for example) .

  11. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Anonymous 1:09, If all immigrants (legal and otherwise) to the United States were like the Indians who come here, there would be no anti-illegal fervor in this country. Among my circle of acquaintances, I have never heard a negative word about Indians. To the contrary, everyone that I know holds them in the highest esteem: not only for their work ethic and their emphasis on educational attainment, but for their well-groomed appearance, their manners, their courtesy and their ability to fit in. Indeed, if possible, some of my family and friends (mostly whites) hold them in *higher* esteem than white Americans because they appear to possess virtues that white Americans value but to some degree have lost. I have never heard one negative word uttered about the Hinduism or skin color of Indians. Not one.

    That’s not to say that Indians have never suffered an insult — witness George Allen’s bizarre “macaca” comment — or experienced prejudice in this country, but I cannot believe that such moments affect their lives here in any real way.

    Finally, back to the reason I posted on this topic in the first place: Much of what the left perceives as racism or prejudice against immigrant groups is in reality a conflict between Third World cultural norms colliding with middle-class American cultural norms.

  12. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    ..”Indian-Americans are a decent, hardworking, pro-education, law-abiding bunch”

    Indeed .. so why change your public image so that it appears that one is willing to deny ones own culture and heritage to “assimilate”?

    and why are our friends on the right so desperate to latch on to such folks as examples of their “big tent” philosophies?

    Our friends on the right – have the perfect opportunity to exploit Latino “values” (which are conservative) and turn them into votes and what do they do?

    Well, of course they whip out both sidearms and immediately discharge them into their feet…

    Do they mourn George Allen – not for how he thought about Indians but for being stupid enough to actually say it?

    You want a strategy to remain competitive in NoVa – pay attention to cultural demographics.

    Appeal to values that transcend cultures – not xenaphobia and if you want to practice intolerance – get rid the party of intolerants – first.

    Republicans have this huge festering sore and they refuse to lance it.

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    “Well-groomed” appearance? Bacon, you sound like my Momma. What’s more, look in the mirror before you head out to Star Bucks in the morning. Ugh!

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    “And so well-spoken.” Geez, Bacon, you don’t realize how patronizing you sound!

  15. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Anonymous 7:15. Yeah, maybe I would sound patronizing if I’d actually said what you just quoted me as saying. You don’t realize how obnoxious you sound.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    “We simply urge contributors and commenters to maintain a collegial atmosphere.”

    Okay boys, play nice. It’s clear you don’t like each other, but so what.

  17. Some thoughts on Bobby Jindal from one Halfie to another.

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