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What Are You Waiting for, Governor?

A bill that would repeal Abuser Fees has been sitting on the desk of Gov. Timothy M. Kaine since March 19 — a full week now — but the governor has not signed it yet. Del. Tim Hugo, R- Fairfax, author of the bill, is getting impatient.

HB 1243 would totally repeal the abusive driver fees and go into effect immediately upon receiving the governor’s signature. The measure also would refund motorists who had paid the fees, and would forgive any remaining fees.

Says Hugo in an e-mail missive today: “We worked extremely hard with members of the Governor’s administration to ensure their recommendations were incorporated. … It is now time for Governor Kaine to stop delaying and sign this important repeal into law.”

Has the governor developed cold feet about the repeal? Is he wondering what will replace the lost revenue? Or does he just have such a large pile of legislation on his desk that he can’t get to everything at once? Whatever the case, let’s repeal this dog and move on.

Update: The governor signed the bill on March 27. I guess he was just backlogged.

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