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What a Crock!


In doing some on-line research today, I tried to access the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) website. Here is the message I received:

“Due to the lapse in government funding, will be unavailable until further notice. … We sincerely regret this inconvenience.”

A press release states that, “like all other U.S. government entities,” the BEA is required to suspend operations until Congress appropriates funding for the fiscal  year. The suspension includes both the release of economic indicators and access to the BEA website.

Interesting. How come the U.S. Census Bureau website isn’t down? How come the Bureau of Labor Statistics website isn’t down? How come the White House blog isn’t down? Does the government shutdown extend not only government offices, including salaries and utilities, but to the servers hosting the BEA website and publicly available data?

What baloney.

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