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West Virginia Cocktail Party

Up yours, COVID-19! This is how we deal with epidemics in our western Henrico County cul de sac. We call it a West Virginia cocktail party. Someone in the neighborhood brings out some hors d’oeuvres, a bottle of wine and some folding chairs, and plants them in the front driveway. Neighbors come walking by, see the party, and drag up their own chairs (and wine). The impromptu celebration grows organically — one could say, virus-like — until we hit the 10-person maximum permitted under Virginia’s state of emergency.

See our friend Brad with the tape measure? He’s making sure that we’re maintaining a six-foot sneezing distance from one another. Maybe we’ve had a glass or two of wine already — some of us seem a bit closer than six feet. But I’m pretty sure we’re beyond coughing distance.

It looks we’re in for a long slog with this social distancing thing. Bars and nightclubs are closed. We might as well find a way to have fun!


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