Welcome to America, Land Where Killers Roam Free

by James A. Bacon

Adrian de Jesus Rivera Guzman, 48, and his stepson Juan Carlos Anaya Hernandez, 24, immigrants who had fled gang violence in Central America, were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were innocent bystanders doing landscaping work outside the Assembly Alexandria apartment complex when they were killed by gunfire.

Details of the July 16 shooting are sparse, as reported by The Washington Post, and police are still investigating the homicides. But Alexandria authorities have linked the incident to a burglary at the upscale apartment complex and have identified a suspect,  27-year-old Francis Deonte Rose, who had been released from custody in neighboring Arlington County several months earlier after prosecutors dropped drug and weapons charges against him.

Republicans have blamed Arlington’s progressive, George Soros-funded Commonwealth Attorney Parisa Dehghani-Tafti (D) for the tragedy.  She has responded by calling the GOP accusations “an outrageous and irresponsible lie.”

Rose had repeated encounters with the law. He had been charged in Washington, D.C., and Arlington with carrying firearms illegally in the past, charged for unlawful possession of a loaded .45-caliber handgun that police recovered after he threw it to the ground during a foot chase, and possessing cocaine and fentanyl with intent to distribute.

In October 2020, Rose was a passenger in a car that Arlington police pulled over because the registered owner had a suspended license. Police smelled marijuana and ordered the driver and Rose to exit the vehicle. Continues the Post:

Rose was wearing a Louis Vuitton cross-body bag strapped over his shoulder, and police told him to leave it in the car, according to a court transcript. Police found a loaded Glock handgun inside the bag and cocaine and fentanyl in his pockets, according to court records.

Rose was held in jail after he was charged. But in February, a judge in Arlington County ruled that the search that turned up the gun and drugs was unconstitutional. His defense attorney in that case, Molly Newton, successfully argued that police were not legally empowered to search the bag because it was “appended” to Rose, citing a 2002 decision by the Virginia Court of Appeals. Without probable cause to search anything but the car, the drugs in Rose’s pockets and the gun in his cross-body bag could not be admitted as evidence in court, Newton argued.

Arlington County Circuit Judge William T. Newman Jr. suppressed the evidence from the search, and noted he had a similar Louis Vuitton bag. Prosecutors immediately moved to drop the charges.

Had Dehghani-Tafti done her job, “two people would be alive today,” the Virginia Republican Party tweeted after

the double homicide.

Dehghani-Taft responded that her office had charged the defendant, obtained an indictment, and asked that he be denied bond. His attorney moved to suppress the evidence, and the court agreed, finding that police had violated the 4th amendment.

The Arlington Coalition of Police then countered by saying that Dehghani-Tafti should have appealed Newman’s ruling. An Arlington police spokesperson explained that police had separated Rose from his bag as a safety precaution.

Bacon’s bottom line: Responsibility for Rose’s release was diffused. You can blame whomever you want, according to your partisan inclinations. I agree with the argument that Dehghani-Tafti should have appealed the judge’s ruling. I see nothing wrong with the police decision to separate Rose from his handbag. I don’t see how his rights were violated. This is a classic case of letting a crook off on a “technicality.” But I acknowledge that reasonable people can disagree.

The irony here is that Guzman and Hernandez had left El Salvador due to the rampant criminal violence there. As Hernandez’s mother told the Post, she had lost other sons — one to gang violence in El Salvador, and one in Guatemala after she ignored threats to pay “rent” to a local gang that controlled the turf where she had set up her business.

The shooter, allegedly Rose, is primarily to blame, of course. But there is something terribly wrong with the criminal justice system that allowed him to roam free. Judges and prosecutors don’t pay the ultimate price for failures in the system — innocents like Guzman and Hernandez do.

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38 responses to “Welcome to America, Land Where Killers Roam Free”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Come on, Jim. You know that is merely anecdotal. That correlation does not equal causation. That you are cherry-picking incidents to support your narrative.
    OK, that should take care of Troll, Larry, Nancy and assorted routine reality-denying Leftists commentators here, and now may we have a serious discussion?

    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar


    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      Good one

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Actually, in this case, it is that Conservatives apparently approve of cops ignoring the 4th Amendment these days…

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes, anecdotal which is a primary behavior of conservatives these days. They cherry-pick something then use it to impugn, in this case, a prosecutor but when it is pointed out that a Judge ruled it unconstitutional , it’s STILL PROVES the prosecutor is not prosecuting because they did not appeal a judges ruling.

      This is the classic Nixon law & order tactic with a crocodile-tears twist for the “poor” victims.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Oh, now you’re a law and order guy? The Judge ruled it unconstitutional. So you are good with Dobbs, Bruen, West Virginia, dropping Lemon, etc? Judges are infallible! And now you’d be good with geo-fencing to get all the post-Floyd rioters in all the cities all across America, including the ballot mules? Or does geo-fencing work only for J6 kangaroo court purposes?
        And then you have the judge’s ruling. A pro-defendant ruling…and maybe wrong. I’m good with Judge’s defending defendants’ rights. And for the police. But the prosecutor’s job is to advocate for the people who are not criminals. To put the criminals away. So why didn’t the prosecutor appeal? (Obviously rhetorical question for the reality denying Leftists) Or maybe it was OK to kill these immigrants (and were they illegal to boot)? Do you hate Latinx?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’re dinging the prosecutor you originally accused of not prosecuting for not appealing a Judge’s ruling of an unconstitutional search?

          to what end, just to burn resources?

          I’d call this virtue signaling for right wingers… right?

          No murder is “ok” but pointing out the “poor” Latin victims is as bogus and fake as it gets.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – was the Judge’s ruling correct? Since you are now a legal expert…
            Maybe the Judge is a Soros type Judge…combined with a Soros prosecutor…and two Latinos are dead. Just an “oops, my bad?” The prosecutor’s job is to protect the public from bad actors. Not to protect bad actors from consequences of their bad behavior. In Larry Bizarro world, what is the job of a Commonwealth’s Attorney?

  2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    How many armed bodyguards does Soros have on duty?

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      probably more than Biden has.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      More than Koch?

  3. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    I wonder how many of the the thugs that commit the killings are 1. black 2. repeat offenders 3. on parole ??

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Can someone please explain to me what George Soros has to do with this? Sorry but I’ve been distracted watching cute baby elephant videos on YouTube.

    1. Let’s just say that what this has to do with George Soros is exactly the same thing that the behavior of elected officials Charles Koch helps get elected has to do with him.

    2. Let’s just say that what this has to do with George Soros is exactly the same thing that the behavior of elected officials Charles Koch helps get elected has to do with him.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oooh, oooh, links please!

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Illegal search and seizure and Brady violations, or how to set the guilty free and willfully imprison the innocent.

  6. Fill the prisons and rebuild the asylums, then fill them….so the law abiding can walk the streets safely.

    Alternatively – have the leftists singing the praise of criminals take them under their roofs and take responsibility [like Tidewater nightclub owners].

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Can you give me an example of “leftists singing the praises of criminals”?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        sure… if you point out that it was a Judge that ruled it was an unconstitutional search – then obviously you’re a leftist singing praises…. right?

        Who would call folks leftists? knuckle-dragging Neanderthals?

        Lock em up! LOCK em ALL UP!

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        sure… if you point out that it was a Judge that ruled it was an unconstitutional search – then obviously you’re a leftist singing praises…. right?

        Who would call folks leftists? knuckle-dragging Neanderthals?

        Lock em up! LOCK em ALL UP!

      3. NO bail for killers, or convicts arrested with guns, or blacks attacking Asian women…. and on and on and on…..also —- the entire ‘Summer of [BLM] Love’

        1. What about whites attacking Asians?

  7. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    If McConnell and McCarthy were astute they’d publish a list of all George Soros funded prosecuting states attorneys across the US. Target them and expose both their abysmal records and Soros sourced campaign funds.

    Up North here in Baltimore, home of the extortionist squeegee boys and the 2nd highest murder rate per capita in America, the Soros funded City States Attorney since 2015, Marilyn Mosby, just came in 3rd in the Democrat primary after a horrific term in office. She lost to a (at least ostensibly) tough on crime candidate by a substantial margin. Perhaps the tide is turning.

    Criminal recidivism seems to be a forgotten concept.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Elections matter. Most of these ideologues won when nobody paid much attention to those contests. That’s over.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Ms. Mosby sealed her own fait when Mr. Gray lost his life. Since that time she’s been on a collision course with the drain, we shall see what her trial offers in September.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Gee, given this was the Woke Washington Post, stunning that they did such a fair story. Jim might have noted that. And how nice that I’ve moved from RINO all the way over to “reality-denying Leftist” because I won’t accept half-baked evidence on its face. I do it with the anti-vax arguments, too, which is Walter’s problem.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      My anti-vax arguments have mainly been that it was illegal to mandate under EUA (which is what the federal statute says about EUA status and which every shot has been) and the violation of the Nuremberg Code. As to efficacy, it isn’t. I don’t know how much “evidence” you want. There is plenty. But I don’t care as to whether anyone got the shot/shot/shot or not – except to the extent it may be harmful – your choice. In the formerly sane world we lived in, vaccines were required by statute and religious and medical exemptions were routinely granted. It worked.
      Back to the crimes…how much evidence do you wish to see? What would you accept? Is it fair to draw inferences based on repeated observations?
      And I don’t classify you as “reality-denying Leftists” – RINO may be mostly correct. Strong on the climate hoax…softer than I’d prefer on other issues… There are plenty of fingers to point here – insane policing, perhaps insane judging, a Soros prosecutor, the George Floyd insanity and the resultant harm to the people most needing the services of policing, usually poor.
      The world has bad people. Bad people often do bad things. When bad people do bad things, they should be punished, equally under the law, regardless of color or political orientation. Our civil servants who refuse to do what the law says should be automatically disqualified. Sanctuary cities should never have been tolerated. Change the law via legislation. You know, the way laws are supposed to be enacted…not court diktat, not executive order, not selective enforcement… Our “social contract” needs to be honored.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Social media influencers are the main proponents of asserting that the Nuremberg Code principles apply to the COVID vaccine project. The Code was intended to avert human subjects from experimentation as witnessed by practices of the Nazis in concentration camps. The Code was a medical ethics research h principle. In 1964, the World Medical Association replaced the Code with a revised set of principles. Since it was replaced, it is difficult to understand how a defunct code could be violated.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Because the same principle of informed, willing consent has been carried forward in all codes? Because every medical system has a Patients’ Bill of Rights which incorporates the concept? So, the concept was created in 1947 during the Nuremberg trials. It shouldn’t have been necessary for anybody with a moral compass (like, “First, do no harm” should have stopped moral doctors). So the NC was created as a basic codification of those principles. Which Code would you prefer to be used? Belmont? The Hospital system’s? You also have the right to die. Seriously, you Lefties don’t know anything. YOU repeat what your Dem lying masters repeat, but don’t actually know anything other than the headline…

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Someone posted that the Nuremberg Code had been violated. If it was not the NC, what ethical code was violated. Only the poster can answer your questions.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            All hospitals have some form of a Patients Rights statement, which will include a statement about being informed of the proposed treatment and having the right to refuse (this has been watered down during Covid). The EUA shot is technically a medical experiment. Then you get the informed consent for participation in a medical experiment and the right to refuse as IRB research protocol. The EUA statute also contains the accept or refuse language.
            The pro-choice people greatly damaged their credibility by being silent about the vax and not screaming my body my choice.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh good on you. You earned yet another personalized Walter tirade about EUA and Nuremberg… et al…

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The judge suppressed the key evidence the prosecution had. What is the prosecutor supposed to do? The prosecutors dropped the charges. The prosecutor could still appeal and if the judge’s ruling is overturned, the charges could be reinstated. Of course, the prosecutor may believe the grounds for appeal are small.

    I will defer to the attorneys on this blog, but I suspect that, even if the prosecutor had chosen to appeal, the defendant would still have to have been released from custody, pending the results of the appeal. The judge had ruled that the evidence that had provided probable cause for holding him was unconstitutionally obtained.

    In other words, even in the face of facts, some folks are going to blame the “progressive” prosecutor.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Who obtains evidence unconstitutionally? The ill trained. And, we’ve come full circle.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      If the voters do, somebody else will win. This is how I’d frame that campaign. 🙂

  10. We’ll live in a home
    Where the criminals roam
    And the killers and rapists go free
    Where justice is gone
    And we’re all on our own
    And you’re evil if you disagree

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