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Welcome To a World You Made, Democrats

Dear Democrats:  Welcome to our world.  Signed, Republicans

Now she’s a racist? Really?

I’m sorry, watching Democrats react in horror as the Leftist Outrage Machine seeks to destroy the Northams using the tactics all Republicans know so well, it’s just amusing as hell.  I hope Senator Chap Peterson remembers his defense of Mrs. Northam when the world returns to equilibrium and it is Republicans getting abused again.  I will give Blue Virginia credit for writing this, given it is part of the Leftist Outrage Machine.  

In 1985 I was reporting on the Wyatt Durrette gubernatorial campaign, traveling with a small group of other reporters.  The Republican had a series of appearances with former Governor Mills Godwin.  The Post reporter on the trip was desperate to hear Godwin say something racially politically incorrect and was poking him steadily with questions about the Democrats’ lieutenant governor nominee Douglas Wilder, seeking to bait Godwin.  It was a disgusting display of bias and an open attempt to make a story to fit his preconceived notions.

I keep thinking there is a chance to learn something here, to get our discourse to a better level, to take a national chill pill.  Won’t happen, probably, but one can hope.

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