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Welcome Les Schreiber

A new writer has joined the Bacon’s Rebellion roster — Les Schreiber.

Les was born and raised in Richmond, moved to New York City, where he worked on Wall Street, and then returned to the Holy City to teach economics and political science at the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School.

I have known Les for nearly 15 years, and I have always enjoyed his acerbic wit. Although he leans Democratic in his sympathies, he is independent in his thinking. He does not suffer fools and incompetents gladly, no matter what their partisan proclivity (although, I would say that he seems to suffer Republican fools less gladly than Democratic ones). He brings his perspective as a former Wall Street bond trader and as an insider in Virginia’s educational establishment.

I have encouraged Les to share his perspectives on K-12 issues — there is no end to the list of follies he has witnessed — because the educational establishment in the Old Dominion desperately needs to change. He is free, of course, to write about anything that suits him. Hopefully, he will share his first post soon.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Les is likely to take issue with my spin on the issues far more often than not. But that’s OK, no one has a monopoly on the truth at Bacon’s Rebellion.

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