by Steve Haner

Per the Centers for Disease Control’s tracking, more than 4 million death certificates have been recorded in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 520,000 of them (those recorded so far) listed COVID as primary or contributing cause of death.  The survivors of those individuals are eligible for 100% compensation for funeral expenses under the new round of federal COVID spending. 

The survivors or estates of the other 3.5 million dead Americans are flat out of luck on this one. No funeral expenses are covered if you died of cancer, a car wreck, or simple old age during the emergency period, which of course continues. If you died of loneliness or stress from the lockdown, no benefits for you, either.

How much of the funeral cost is covered? The cryptic notice on the Federal Emergency Management Association website doesn’t say, but the legislation mentions 100%. About the only limit is that it seems it will not cover anything paid for by other forms of insurance, some existing funeral benefit plan, or some other charitable donation.

So once again, as with so many things, making rational preparations of your own disqualifies you for money from Uncle Sam. Otherwise, this is quite broad:

  • The death must have occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia.
  • The death certificate must indicate the death was attributed to COVID-19.
  • The applicant must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien who incurred funeral expenses after January 20, 2020.
  • There is no requirement for the deceased person to have been a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien.

There is no indication anywhere of financial need being a prerequisite. This benefit is not denied based on income.

Darn that profligate President Joe Biden and the new Congress, you might think. No, this was actually included in the December COVID relief package, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020, and signed by President Donald Trump. But that only covered the 2020 COVID deaths, with the eligibility ending December 31. More details on that version can be found here, including what funeral costs are or are not eligible for reimbursement. The big obituary is not covered.

The American Rescue Plan Act signed by Biden now extends the benefits with no end date specified and adds $50 billion more to the FEMA disaster response fund through 2025 (not just for this). It specifies this is 100% a federal expense, not always the case with disaster benefits.

But if the state was required to put up 25%, after all, it would just use some of the $350 billion in state and local cash stashed elsewhere in the massive spending cornucopia. It’s all one big happy deficit pot now.

Existing disaster response law known as the Stafford Act apparently allowed funeral expenses as one form of financial assistance that could be authorized following designated federal disasters, presumably for people killed by the tornadoes, hurricanes, floods etc. I doubt previous Congresses ever imagined offering benefits to more than 500,000 survivor households in a pandemic.

But the COVID-19 pandemic has been recognized as such a full-fledged federal disaster for about a year now, and likely will continue for a long time. We might as well keep the states of emergency and disaster in place until 2025, right? It’s funded after all. We wouldn’t want anybody wondering why the tap went dry  on all these new programs before the 2022 or 2024 federal elections.

The phrase is cradle to grave, right?

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28 responses to “We Pay For All the COVID Funerals, Too?”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Thanks for this nugget. There is no telling what else is tucked away in those bills.

  2. Congress is indulging a level of profligacy never before seen in the history of this country. The recklessness exceeds anything I imagined when I wrote Boomergeddon a decade ago. Back then, at least the Republicans and Democrats pretended to care about the deficit. Republicans still pretend (but don’t really) and Democrats don’t even pretend. Sometimes I wonder what’s the point in publishing a blog about public policy. We ought to be publishing tips for Virginia survivalists.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The conversation at a gathering around a back yard firepit recently was all about where to invest for the coming inflation. Equities, apparently.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” level of profligacy never before seen in the history of this country. ”

      Uh, no. Happened under Trump with nary a whimper from Conservatives and self-proclaimed Libertarians as I recall.

      Tax cuts for mostly higher income folks and the damage –

      ” The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes substantially from 2018 through 2025. The resulting deficits will add $1 to $2 trillion to the federal debt, according to official estimates. The debt increase will be larger if some of TCJA’s temporary tax cuts are extended.”

      that’s not a very long “history”…. 😉

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Republicans pretend to care only when the Democrats are in power. After all, it was Dick Cheney who said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” And as Steve pointed out, the original authorization for the burial money was in the December act, passed by a Republican Senate and Democratic House and signed by a Republican President.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Correct. “Fiscal Conservatism” has been exposed as a GOP myth.

        Never really was – they’d spend out the wazoo for Defense but are niggardly for domestic spending for health care and such.

        1. Richard Smith Avatar
          Richard Smith

          Spending on defense is specifically authorized in the Constitution. .. all that other stuff,,, not a word to authorize it.. of course,, when has a Democrat ever cared about what’s in the Constitution, they hate this document that’s intended to limit federal power!!!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Seems like if domestic spending were “un-constitutional” – it would be determined so by SCOTUS …long ago – no?

            Seems like in Econ 101 there was a discussion of Guns and Butter… also, right?

            Hard Core “textual” strict constructionists types are not GOP either… more a separate party from GOP or Dem, no?

          2. Richard Smith Avatar
            Richard Smith

            Well… for years SCOTUS had no problem with slavery…
            And let’s face it,,, SCOTUS is just as political as the rest of government,,, otherwise Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pack the court with the most radical left wing liberals intent on taking away our God given rights,

          3. Richard Smith Avatar
            Richard Smith

            Well… for years SCOTUS had no problem with slavery…
            And let’s face it,,, SCOTUS is just as political as the rest of government,,, otherwise Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pack the court with the most radical left wing liberals intent on taking away our God given rights,

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            How about agencies like the FCC, NTSB, NOAA, NASA, etc?

          5. Richard Smith Avatar
            Richard Smith

            Larry,,, I love the way you jump around,,, I skewer your SCOTUS argument, so you jump to something else…
            So let’s talk about the big ones… Yes; medicare, medicaid, social security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, obamacare, Federal flood insurance, etc…. ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            No.. I’d reject your SCOTUS position also. Total LA LA land.

            did you say NASA, NOAA, NTSB, FAA,FCC are unconstitutional also?

            No jumping around at all – your position is not dealing with realities…

            No SCOTUS that I’ve ever heard of agrees with you, right?

          7. Richard Smith Avatar
            Richard Smith

            As I pointed out SCOTUS has made some major screw ups…. slavery being being a great example… and it’s definitely political, so yeah,,, they make bad decisions… of course you probably agree with the liberal decisions!!!
            If you want an idea about how screwed up SCOTUS has been read “Men in Black” by Mark Levin.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. But just because they have made some screwups is not proof of anything at all other than all institutions of govt have flaws, none without.

            In terms of “liberal” – The vast majority of BOTH liberals AND conservatives are NOT “text” Constitutionalists because they KNOW the Constitution did not foresee all that would evolve in society, government, or technology.

            No Founding Father forsaw the creation and need for GPS or NOAA satellites nor the laws and regulations needed to have them operate, for example.

            Every single developed country on the face of the earth has similar laws and regulations for these things that no founding father of any country forsaw and drew up their founding documents to reflect.

            Mark Levein is a far right fringe ideologue – totally out of step with real world realities. He lives in LA LA land and is not a legitimate source for dealing with topics of actual substance.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. But just because they have made some screwups is not proof of anything at all other than all institutions of govt have flaws, none without.

            In terms of “liberal” – The vast majority of BOTH liberals AND conservatives are NOT “text” Constitutionalists because they KNOW the Constitution did not foresee all that would evolve in society, government, or technology.

            No Founding Father forsaw the creation and need for GPS or NOAA satellites nor the laws and regulations needed to have them operate, for example.

            Every single developed country on the face of the earth has similar laws and regulations for these things that no founding father of any country forsaw and drew up their founding documents to reflect.

            Mark Levein is a far right fringe ideologue – totally out of step with real world realities. He lives in LA LA land and is not a legitimate source for dealing with topics of actual substance.

    4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Yes almost bipartisan agreement that the federal deficit does not matter anymore – anti-Boomergeddon philosophy. Dems using this to aggressively spread money around. Nothing buys public support like giving out money. The question is why the Repubs did not learn this lesson in legal bribery? Trump himself seemed to understand it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes substantially from 2018 through 2025. The resulting deficits will add $1 to $2 trillion to the federal debt, according to official estimates. The debt increase will be larger if some of TCJA’s temporary tax cuts are extended.

  3. Publius Avatar

    Excuse my cynicism…
    This way the Feds will encourage people to say their relative died from COVID, as opposed to the eventual accurate accounting which will distinguish the cases dying WITH COVID and those dying FROM COVID.
    This will protect the Feds that our unnecessary lockdown was necessary because it is 500,000, not a number more like 100,000…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I do not doubt there have been 500K deaths directly from, or with COVID as a factor. I know of two within the last couple of months who went into hospital for something else and caught COVID there! But yes, this is a perverse incentive to make sure that code is on the death certificate.

      1. Publius Avatar

        I don’t think we will ever get to accurate numbers. The government has no incentive to lower the number. And we have all the changes in policies while this was going on. Count as Covid if symptoms. Count as Covid with a 40 cycle test. Lower the test cycle to 30. Count as Covid only with a confirmed test. Throw in more money for a Covid diagnosis and we have a lot of garbage in…

        Wondering… has Covid been good for funeral directors? Not that there has been a boom in deaths, but wouldn’t there be storage fees for all the delayed burials?

        Also, I bet on the nursing home deaths there was a money reason all the Dem governors put the Covid patients there…

        One of the good things that has arisen from Covid (I hope there are others) is telehealth. It makes so much more sense than having the sick person in the waiting room for a couple of hours.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    ” Has FEMA ever done something like this before?
    Yes. Under the Stafford Act, FEMA can offer help with funeral costs if the deaths were caused by a presidentially declared disaster. This was the case after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012. After three hurricanes hit Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico in 2017, FEMA paid about $2.6 million in response to 976 approved applications for related funeral expenses, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.”

    so this “profligacy” has been around for some time LONG BEFORE the current “leftists” have taken power… Remember Katrina? That was George Bush and a GOP Congress, no?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As I noted above, if you will admit, Larry…..But no question 1) this goes to a whole new level and 2) unlike a hurricane, a specific, discrete weather (“act of God”) event, this is covering a long-term disease. Lots of things kill people. The next step is easy to see. And if they give it to everybody (as they are) it will be easier to sell.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I DID catch your implication that a lot more folks are covered than perhaps was the original l intent of the legislation… yes – BUT it’s really not a NEW type of spending – only one that has already been approved but more people qualify.

        Sorta like unemployment and other entitlements when more folks qualify but existing law – no?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          It is patently unfair and ridiculous that somebody who dies of COVID gets something not offered to somebody who dies of cancer. The problem will be solved by offering a federal funeral entitlement. I give it a year tops.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, I still think there is a fiscal boogeyman problem. I note that even some Dem “progressives” are starting to get squeamish and squishy and worried about inflation – and rightly so.

            Biden is convinced from his stint at VP that denial of the second stimulus for Obama, hurt him and was bound and determined to push a big (4th) stimulus through.

            However, the folks on the lower margins ARE getting hurt bad – and from what I can see the burial is limited to 7K and seems to be means-tested.

  5. I’d like to see this congress’s definition of a “qualified alien”.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Still breathing.

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