We Need to Listen

Mark Warner has raised the discussion of Biden’s future to a whole new level.

by Joe Fitzgerald

Virginia Senator Mark Warner is a cautious man. That’s not a negative in a world where public figures seem to have magazines full of tweets ready to load at a moment’s notice. He also trusts his own judgment. He’s got half a billion dollars in the bank, so maybe he should. When he makes a major move in a year he’s not on the ballot, he’s likely not doing it for the money or the votes.

That’s why his concerns about President Biden should carry more weight than, just for instance, the NYTimes editorial page. He doesn’t want the job himself but, even if he does, he’s smart enough to know he has less chance than Harry does of being king. He’s smart enough to know that he has enough political capital to affect the conversation, and that he may not have as much when this is all over. So, the question becomes what’s in it for him.

It’s hard to find an answer that doesn’t come down to duty and love of country. He’ll still be a rich United States Senator regardless of who’s president. He doesn’t have a personal stake in whether Biden or Trump wins, except for the desire to live in a country that’s not run by a felonious, adulterous, lying megalomaniac. But your mileage may vary. Maybe you just can’t believe in patriotism. You love your country and you don’t want to live in the one Trump will create, but you can’t quite give the benefit of the doubt to any elected officials.

But having someone of Warner’s stature, and caution, raising questions means we ought to be paying attention and not just taking a side. On the one hand, Biden won the primaries and has the delegates to win the nomination. That’s how our system works. On the other hand, his dismal performance at the debate has to be balanced against two things. One is that he’s had some good appearances since then. The other is that now we know he’s capable of the kind of lapse that made Trump look good by comparison.

Distinctions about critical things require nuance. They require sensible people in leadership roles to shape the discussion and provide context. Is it fair to think Biden should consider stepping aside because of the perception that he can’t run the country, or does he deserve a chance to refute that perception? Or is the political reality that he can’t recover, that there isn’t time to repair the debate’s damage? Does fairness to Biden mean more than that political reality? Does one man’s right to accept the nomination he won outweigh the damage to the country if he loses in November?

Warner joining this discussion doesn’t mean he gets to decide. He gets to try bringing enough senators together to guide Biden’s thinking. He’s brought it to that level. Media pundits, political donors, and keyboard warriors may hold strong opinions, but under our system, decisions are made by those who’ve won an election.

I met Warner 25 years ago when someone needed an elected Democrat to attend a meeting and the other two in the Valley were busy. I still go to his advisory group dinners and I still talk to his staff. I respect him enough to think if he has concerns, we should listen. Naturally, those with ironclad loyalty to Biden will question Warner’s motives; that’s also how our system works. I’m willing to give him credit for caring about the country’s future; specifically, whether it will have one.

Joe Fitzgerald is a former mayor of Harrisonburg. This column his republished with permission from Still Not Sleeping.

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43 responses to “We Need to Listen”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Not a fan of Warner. Still a player for Team D. Always campaigns as a "moderate," but reliably votes Team D.
    I don't know if this is more than preservation of his image. During the RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA hoax (and for which none of the hoaxers were punished), Warner was initially with Schiff, proclaiming the reality of RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA. Then he mysteriously dropped out and it was left to Schiff to do the daily lying, saying the Intelligence Committee had the evidence. To his (mild) credit, Warner quit doing that. I think mostly for self-preservation – he could have said the truth – Schiff is lying his @$$ off! But he didn't. Team D uber alles.
    Meanwhile, all you plebes on Team D – seriously? You didn't know? You didn't know in 2020? He's a cipher. An amoral grifter traitor. The laptop was real. The money trail is real. Ashley Biden's diary is real. His plagiarism and fabulism has been known HIS ENTIRE 50+ year career. Everything you zealots every day project as the dangers of Donald Trump, Biden has done, and Trump did not do in his 4 years, even while being illegally and deceitfully resisted by his own executive bureaucray and many in his party.
    So, what's more important to you? The country and our REPUBLICan norms of democracy? Or power? Most of you know the answer for yourselves, and it is the very authoritarian desire to control others. And then one day the authoriatarians will come for you… Naomi Wolf has been red-pilled. So have many others. Do you want liberty and freedom? Or power? Maybe, when mindlessly repeating "Save our democracy" (which really means keep us in power), you should have the humility to realize that maybe those people you look down on and seem to hate have a point, and are in this instance, right.

  2. Rafaelo Avatar

    Agreed, this appears selfless statesmanship by Va.'s Sen. Warner. Win or lose he risks loss of clout, status, ongoing antipathy of some fellow Dems. That he loses is likely. Only two people now matter in Biden decision to run, or not to run: Biden himself and his supportive enabling wife. No matter how many well meaning Senators send a Best Wishes in Retirement card, Biden will not take the hint and retire from the race.

    This Virginia indepedent is considering a vote for "none of the above" in November. Virginia polls are shifting, it'll be close at best. In Virginia elections a few hundred, a dozen, or even one vote have determined the outcome. Given the choice we'll face, that vote won't be mine.

    1. You forgot to mention the 'smartest man i [he] know' according to Bugout Biden.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    My impression of Warner is that he's pretty much a straight shooter. He's a Dem, no question, but he's also a businessman and an independent thinker, a defense hawk.. and does well represent the interests of Virginia and Virginians.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    One thing you can count on is that if the Democrats managed to replace Biden with Harris, not one of the follow-up opinion pieces would use the word “cackling”, right?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Correct. The term is "giggling" and the appellation is Giggles. But the electoral results would be unchanged. She is, if anything, less favorably viewed than demented Joe. Please, please Dems field actual candidates.

  5. Sen. Warner is on the right path…. throw all those votes out from the DNC's democratic process for the desires of the elites who know better

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Sen Warner is on the right path. It's not only the elites but 80% of American voters who say Biden is too old to be president. The whole damn country knows it except for those few party diehards who are still in denial.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I am tired of people saying that Biden is too old. Trump is only three years younger, for God's sake. Lots of folks have served at much older ages. Justice John Paul Stevens was 90 when he retired and he published three books after he retired. I know being a Supreme Court justice is not nearly as stressful as being President. My point is that Biden's age does not automatically mean he is mentally unfit to be President. Everyone ages differently. Biden has visibly declined significantly in the last year. Maybe it's Parkinson's. Maybe senility. Whatever. His mental and physical condition, not necessarily his age, are reasons he should quit.

        By the way, if Biden drops out of the race and the Democrats nominate someone else, how will Trump supporters respond to charges that Trump, at 78, is too old?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          It's not that he is too old. It's that he isn't there. And there wasn't much "there" to begin with.
          It's elder abuse. It's country abuse.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Psst, no matter who wins, an 81-year old man will be President.

          On the other hand, only one is openly talking military tribunals for American citizens.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Psst, wrong. If the one who is 81 now is elected he will be 82 and counting when his term starts.

            On the other hand only one is bragging that he beat Medicare.

            Get a real candidate, pretty please.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay, they’ll both be 82… that’s sooooo much better.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar


        3. Lefty665 Avatar

          Expect "too old" is mostly a euphemism for "soft in the head". But you're right, age itself is not usually a disqualifier, except for left tackle and Prez. You, me, Nancy, Trump and Biden are all too old to be Prez, and have been for quite some time.

          It's a younger person's game. I had a cousin who was still doing crosswords and sudoku when she died at 94. But, while cognitively able she would not have been able to physically hold up to the job of Prez for several decades before that.

          Think about how international travel almost two weeks before the debate debilitated Biden, and how a common cold made him incoherent too. If you can't transcend those things you're too old and feeble to be Prez.

          St. Peter at the gate to Biden "Why did you start WW3?" Biden "Did I start WW3, I don't remember. Well you know I had a cold and I'd been traveling all around the world, and just couldn't help it."

          So yeah, I don't like ageism either, but sometimes age is a factor.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      The "elites" will still make the choice. Learn the real meaning of "Save Our Democracy!", peasant…

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You really have to be more blatant with your use of elite. Dress it up a little, plantation elite, or ivory tower elite. Without some good adjectives, some people might think it’s a good thing.

      BTW, the elites driving the conversation now are the punditry elites.

  6. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Enlightened self-interest as Virginia is possibly in contention in November, at least for some down ballot choices. It's a little interesting to hear Virginia's name mentioned in this light in the national news. That much at least gives us green-light to write Virginia-nexus Bacon's Rebellion articles about national politics.

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    It is unambiguous, beyond a doubt, absolutely clear that Biden is demented and is no more fit to serve out this term than to serve 4 more years. That's not Biden's fault, but for the safety of the country and the world he cannot be permitted to continue.

    Reports today are that a Walter Reed doc whose specialty is Parkinson's has visited the White House 10 times in the last year and a half. That's about once every 2 months.

    Biden's visible symptoms and descent into dementia chillingly parallel my Dad's whose diagnosis also was Parkinson's. Parkinson's fits what we saw and heard at the debate and his other appearances. Now we know the thing, and it is a monster. It is a horrible way to go. https://www.washingtonexami

    The doc visits put White House knowledge of what is wrong in Biden's head, that there is no fixing it and it only gets worse, at November 15, 2022. Knowing that, letting Biden run again was criminal. Heads should roll.

    Senator Warner deserves our thanks and gratitude for taking on what is a difficult, thankless task but one that is urgently needed for his party, the country and the world.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The author is correct in that Warner’s advice should have weight in that he is a strong Democrat and his loyalties are above question. You, on the other hand fit neither of those criteria.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, Biden doesn’t espouse plans to execute the daughter of a former vice president.

    3. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      There is much deserved retribution if Trump can get past the wired in cheating. I think he should also campaign on the future prosecution of the elder abuse of Biden by Jill and the Obama clones…

    4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Re; "letting Biden run again is criminal" Democrats were in awkward position if not Biden then Harris, so perhaps they were ambivalent as to best route, or actually they felt Biden was the best route to victory. But it back-fired. Democrats believe is identity politics wins over qualifications, so they have to live by their own rules.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Correct again. Understanding why Biden can't continue his run is not an endorsement of Trump. He as you, and your link, note has his own set of issues.

      But, you can't beat sumpthin' with nuttin' and that puts a premium on the Dems ability to nominate actual candidates. That will not be easy with the likes of Giggles incompetence and Newsom's promise of Californication for the entire country as leading prospects. It is hard to unsee recent pics of Batman villains Newsom as the Joker and Harris as the Giggler. Some of the rest of the usual Dem suspects have little better prospects.

      I like the idea of Tim Kaine. He's bright, he's got national name recognition & campaign experience, and best qualification he doesn't want the job.

      It will be a hard slog for the Dems, uphill both ways. The first step is to stop Joe from digging them in deeper. Dems should be outraged with those who knew about Joe's Parkinson's a year and a half ago, hid it and helped him run again.

      A loss by a decent candidate is bearable, and the next election cycle is never far off. A blowout that takes out Congress and states too because of defectives at the head of the ticket can take a long time to recover from. Even if they lose to Trump, the Dems have a huge stake in fielding credible candidates for Prez and VP.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Nope. Biden is right. Sure, he polls second in the Democrat choices after the debate, but it’s within the margin of error, so he could still be the top Democrat.

        Nope. If Trump wins, it’s on you.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nah, Biden is a number of things, but right (especially in the head) ain't among them. Who does Joe poll worse among Dems than? "Anyone"?

          Giggles is as unpopular among all voters as Joe is, down around the mid 30's. She does not share the 80% who think Joe is too old. But, her unfavorable numbers will go up if she gets more exposure. Remember, she was so unpopular even among Dems that she dropped out of the primaries before the first votes. That she could not even get any traction with the party faithful does not bode well for a national election where she would need to appeal to a majority of the country.

          I've been berating you guys to field actual candidates, but it's been like warning the Titanic about icebergs. Losing to Trump will be because the Dems have allowed a demented candidate to run and failed to replace him with a viable alternative. It will not be because some of us tried to warn you.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nah, Biden is a number of things, but right (especially in the head) ain't among them. Who does Joe poll worse among Dems than? "Anyone"?

          Giggles is as unpopular among all voters as Joe is, down around the mid 30's. She does not share the 80% who think Joe is too old. But, her unfavorable numbers will go up if she gets more exposure. Remember, she was so unpopular even among Dems that she dropped out of the primaries before the first votes. That she could not even get any traction with the party faithful does not bode well for a national election where she would need to appeal to a majority of the country.

          I've been berating you guys to field actual candidates, but it's been like warning the Titanic about icebergs. Losing to Trump will be because the Dems have allowed a demented candidate to run and failed to replace him with a viable alternative. It will not be because some of us tried to warn you.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Just watched Biden in Harrisburg, not an hour ago. Seemed fine. Stuttered, picked for words, just like he has for much of his life.

            You just want something new. Trump’s craziness ain’t new, so you don’t talk about it.

            Do you know the BR articles with the least unique top-of-thread comments? James writing on UVa. Why? It’s not new.

            James is a smart guy. Let him write one article on the threat Trump poses and the comments will explode,

          2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            At the event in Harrisburg, was he using teleprompters? Was he unscripted? How long did he speak? I have read reports that he uses teleprompters at fundraisers. To me, that is a big red flag waving when his staff is unwilling to allow him to be unscripted among his most loyal supporters.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            My Dad's Parkinson's came and went. Sometimes he was a little better than others, but the trend was always down, down and down. After he started with the hoarse whisper of a voice, the inability to finish a thought and the rigid blank stares, the downhill slope got a lot steeper.

            Biden still seems to be able to read words someone else has written for him off a teleprompter, most of the time. End quote, repeat line, stop. That is better than the alternative, but it does not actually qualify as "fine". He does use a teleprompter almost all the time. He could not use one for the debate and the Stephanopoulos interview, and the results were horrific at best.

            The debate and his unscripted interview with Stephanopoulos showed Biden's cognitive dysfunction. It ain't just the same old inarticulate Joe, it is profound cognitive soup and it is getting worse.

            I can't do anything about Trump, but the Dems can and must do something about Biden. Please.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “ I can’t do anything about Trump, but the Dems can and must do something about Biden. Please.”

            So you see the Democrats as the country’s saviors? This makes the Republicans, what exactly?

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Dunno, I've never been a Repub, but I have been a Dem (I got better).

            The Dems have both the opportunity and the big flashing neon debate sign screaming at them that they have to do something. If there's an opportunity for salvation, the Dems are it. The Repubs saved us from Hillary, so it's the Dems turn this year. Pretty please.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Al Franken. He grills Republicans like a 4th of July bratwurst. He’s funnier than Trump and most Republicans vote for people who make them laugh so he’ll get the Nikki crowd.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            And doggonit people like him, except reportedly for some of the girls.

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