Washington State Appears Set to Legalize No Notification of Parents for Youth Gender Transition

Washington State Senator Mark Lilas (D), sponsor of Senate Bill 5599 Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.

by James C. Sherlock

In another flashing sign of the apocalypse, Democrats in the Washington State legislature want the state to become a destination for runaway youth seeking gender transition as minors.

They proudly point to a newly passed law as their party’s response to other states passing laws to prohibit transgender medical services to youth under the age of 18.

Virginia progressives, envious, are temporarily disarmed from changing Virginia law.

There will be work to do when they get back full control in Richmond.

I have every confidence in their capability to catch up.

Washington State is poised to legalize non-notification of parents of “youth seeking protected health services” if the kid runs away from home.  The law creates a new “compelling reason” to not notify parents of the location of a runaway child.

The existing “compelling reason” in Washington law is an allegation of child abuse.

The new law added as a “compelling reason” that the child is seeking gender transition.  If a child has runaway for that reason, no parental knowledge of the child’s intent to transition genders, much less parental abuse, even needs to be alleged.

The bill passed on party line votes.

Instead of notifying parents, the youth shelters and temporary foster homes will notify the state Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF).

It gets worse.

Wait until you read about Washington State’s Medicaid “services” to these kids.

From the Democratic press release:

Under current law, licensed shelters must notify parents if a child comes into their care, unless a compelling reason applies.

This legislation allows licensed shelters to contact the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) in lieu of parents in certain additional instances, like when a young person is seeking reproductive health services or gender-affirming care. [Emphasis added.]

The state will “offer to make referrals on behalf of the minor for behavioral health services.” That means exactly what you think it does.

Medicaid will pay.

Here is the actual language.  (ii) is the change:

“(c) “Compelling reasons” include, but are not limited to((, circumstances)):

(i) Circumstances that indicate that notifying the parent or legal guardian will subject the minor to abuse or neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020; or

(ii) When a minor is seeking or receiving protected health care services.

(d) “Protected health care services” means gender affirming treatment as defined in RCW 74.09.675 and reproductive health care services as defined in RCW 74.09.875.” (Emphasis added)

“Gender affirming treatment” in Washington law means

a service or product that a health care provider prescribes to an individual to support and affirm the individual’s gender identity. Gender affirming treatment includes, but is not limited to, treatment for gender dysphoria.

Facial feminization surgeries and facial gender affirming treatment, such as tracheal shaves, hair electrolysis, and other care such as mastectomies, breast reductions, breast implants, or any combination of gender affirming procedures, including revisions to prior treatment, when prescribed as gender affirming treatment, cannot be considered cosmetic.

“Reproductive health care services” under Washington law means

any medical services or treatments, including pharmaceutical and preventive care service or treatments, directly involved in the reproductive system and its processes, functions, and organs involved in reproduction, in all stages of life. Reproductive health care services does not include infertility treatment.

(d) “Reproductive system” includes, but is not limited to: Genitals, gonads, the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and breasts.

So that law pretty much covers soup to … you know.

And all of that too is funded by state Medicaid.

If the concern was truly about child welfare, the law could have directed the state to notify the parents that the child was under its protection and schedule an immediate Child Protective Services home visit to determine if there is any cause not to return the child to its parents.

The law did not do that.

In a piece of good news for Virginia progressives, the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital starts puberty blockers as young as 11, and kids don’t have to wait until 13 as at Seattle Children’s.

Seattle Children’s won’t do genital surgeries until the patient is 18, but as for lopping off breasts and facial surgery, the minimum age can be worked out.

Apparently with the runaway kids.

Democratic officials in Washington State have voted for a dogmatic, officially-sanctioned, state-funded destruction of childhood. They have descended into governmental human trafficking.

Coming to a General Assembly near you.

Updated April 21 at 11:20 to clarify that the new Washington State law does not require allegation of parental abuse or even parental knowledge of the child’s intent for gender transition if the child has run away for that reason.

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53 responses to “Washington State Appears Set to Legalize No Notification of Parents for Youth Gender Transition”

  1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
    Charles D’Aulnais

    Sounds like State’s Rights to me.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      My point exactly. It is Virginia’s right as well unless a federal court strikes it down.

      Which I expect.

      The Washington State law almost certainly will be found to violate the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as it denies those rights to parents.

      Perhaps the Fourth Amendment preventing unreasonable seizures.

      Perhaps the Eighth, by offering cruel and unusual punishment to parents.

      Thirteenth involuntary servitude the minor being not able to consent.

      Fourteenth equal protection.

      I would not be surprised if a judge issued a writ of habeas corpus for every minor in the state’s custody.

      It appears designed to act in interstate commerce. Idaho will sue to get its kids back, making it a federal issue.

      Just thinking out loud.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      My point exactly. It is Virginia’s right as well unless a federal court strikes it down.

      Which I expect.

      The Washington State law almost certainly will be found to violate the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as it denies those rights to parents.

      Perhaps the Fourth Amendment preventing unreasonable seizures.

      Perhaps the Eighth, by offering cruel and unusual punishment to parents.

      Thirteenth involuntary servitude the minor being not able to consent.

      Fourteenth equal protection.

      I would not be surprised if a judge issued a writ of habeas corpus for every minor in the state’s custody.

      It appears designed to act in interstate commerce. Idaho will sue to get its kids back, making it a federal issue.

      Just thinking out loud.

      1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        What rights in the 1st are deemed parental over their kid’s gender? Speech? No. Religion? No. Press? No. Assembly? No.

        Ah ha! Redress!

      2. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        Not “redress”?

      3. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Sorry, but y’all should not be sharing conversations with yourself in print. State initiated writs of habeas corpus for return of children? If you’re concerned about children and those who abuse them write about the underage children transferred to the care of folks who then place in illegal workplaces. Criticize the 13A’s involuntary servitude which is employed to provide cheap prison labor to manufacturers.

        Stay away from Conlaw and speak out loudly first to a mirror before sharing.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          So, are you fine with the Washington law?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Washington can legislate under state’s rights as it sees fit. My concern was about your conversations with yourself and the info recorded therefrom.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Instead of notifying parents, the youth shelters and temporary foster homes will notify the state Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF).”

    You said yourself that if a student asked you not to discuss their sexual identity with their parents, you would immediately turn it over to CPS. Fail to see the difference here.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You are nothing if not inventive, Eric. If you are talking to me, remind me when I said such a thing.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        It will take me a while to dig up that particular quote, James. In the meantime, here you said pretty much the same thing:


        “Change the Model Guidelines. Take schools off the hook and make the school choices binary upon discovery of gender confusion by a student.

        Either notify the parents; or,
        if the child does not want that, then notify the Department of Social Services, one of whose many assets is Child Protective Services, and whose job it is to make the determination of the right thing to do. They will notify the parents one way or another.”

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Under current law, licensed shelters must notify parents if a child comes into their care, unless a compelling reason applies.

          This Washington State law will not require any allegation of parental abuse by the child. It also does not even require the child to expressly state that he or she does not want parents notified. It rather adds a new “compelling reason” not to notify parents.

          Here is the actual language:

          “(c) “Compelling reasons” include, but are not limited to((, circumstances)):

          (i) Circumstances that indicate that notifying the parent or legal guardian will subject the minor to abuse or neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020; or

          (ii) When a minor is seeking or receiving protected health care services.

          (d) “Protected health care services” means gender affirming treatment as defined in RCW 74.09.675 and reproductive health care services as defined in RCW 74.09.875.”

          Do you see the difference?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Funny, you don’t quote this part of the law:

            “If there are compelling reasons not to notify the parent, the shelter or organization must instead notify the department.”

            Followed by:

            “When the department receives a report under subsection (1) of this section, it shall make a good faith attempt to notify the parent that a report has been received and offer services designed to resolve the conflict and accomplish a reunification of the family”

            Sounds like what CPS must do as well…

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Funny, you don’t quote this part of the law:

            “If there are compelling reasons not to notify the parent, the shelter or organization must instead notify the department.”

            Followed by:

            “When the department receives a report under subsection (1) of this section, it shall make a good faith attempt to notify the parent that a report has been received and offer services designed to resolve the conflict and accomplish a reunification of the family”

            Sounds like what CPS would do… the law prioritizes the welfare of the child over everything else… shouldn’t that be the overriding concern…?

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The town of George, Washington must prepare to transition to Georgia, Washington.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    So ….

    Too young to vote
    Too young to (legally) buy a beer
    Too young to (legally) buy a pack of cigarettes
    Too young to join the Army
    Too young to buy a gun

    But ….

    Old enough to change genders without parental notification

    Hmmmm …..

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Can’t do any of that other stuff even with parental consent.

      1. Can’t do any of that other stuff even with parental consent.

        Exactly. And this should be in that same category, in my opinion.

        When you’re an adult, have at it – cut off or add whatever body part(s) you and your doctor think are appropriate.

        But children? I will never think that is okay.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Then there is the view from Rabbit’s side of the looking glass; so long as no one is forced, especially not me or mine, do as you will to you and yours.

          1. For the most part I agree with that philosophy – where adults are concerned.

            Children are not just miniature adults – their brains and their bodies have not fully developed. To treat a child physically and emotionally as a miniature adult is misguided and in many cases very harmful to the child.

    2. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
      Charles D’Aulnais

      Would you allow them to cure an STD (STI nowadays) without parental consent?

      How about a 12-year old with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma whose parents eschew chemo in favor of witchcraft?

      Should the kid be allowed to sneak off and get a 90% effective treatment?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        STI – without parental notification? No.

        Chemo – without parental notification? No.

        Of course, both of those examples represent a medical emergency. Something not represented by gender dysphoria.

        1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
          Charles D’Aulnais

          Really? You can live a long unhealthy life with an STI.

      2. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
        Jonathan DeWilicker

        Funny you mention witchcraft and in the same sentence equate mutilating your genitals and taking life altering hormones at 15 to trying to combat cancer.

        1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
          Charles D’Aulnais

          Ah. And circumcision?

          It’s all witchcraft at some point, and then it isn’t. Explain “informed consent” when it involves gene therapy.

      3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        There is already a system in place to deal with this. The government can go to court to challenge the parents’ right to make decisions about their children. A guardian ad litem is appointed for the child, and a court decides based on evidence.

        1. Which would be nice to agree upon, but once that happens you’ll see fearmongering that the courts are taking people’s kids. I think we have at least one article here complaining about it.

      4. Once again you are conflating transgenderism with disease.

        Do you really think that is appropriate?

        1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
          Charles D’Aulnais

          Did worse than that! Infection!

          1. I don’t know that I would be proud of such a comparison…

  5. Monica Wright Avatar
    Monica Wright

    Not all parents are *good* parents who have their children’s’ best interest at heart (see Duggars J1-18?). DCFS is an intermediary. Seems like a reasonable compromise to me.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      You have a point about not all parents are good. Yet the prospect of the state serving as parents with the children’s interest at heart is a nightmare that might come true. The state cannot provide basic functioning education to children. Why would we trust them?

      1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
        Charles D’Aulnais

        Because we do on virtually everything else?

        My burning question is “Just how many cases are we talking about here?”

        For example, 3rd trimester abortions. In the 10 States that had little or no restrictions on 3rd trimester abortions, there were ~700 such back when everyone was freaking out about them and States were putting 20-week limits (early 2000s)

        The overwhelming majority of those 700 involved real medical issues. Women do not carry a pregnancy to 24 weeks and flippantly abort.

        That’s not a lot of cases.

        I just cannot see non-parental consent youthful transition as a burning issue involving even 100 cases. One? 10?

        In decades of life, I have met ONE transgender, 100s of gay and lesbians, and have no idea how many cross-dressers (none have been obvious).

        Tempests in teapots.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          In Loudoun, ONE transgender or non binary student will command 11 million dollars in a new bathrooms at two high schools to accommodate their unique needs.

          1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
            Charles D’Aulnais

            Can’t say the minority is completely without power. But then, that’s the solution chosen by the people in charge.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            “Command”??? Take a deep breath.

          3. Yes. They make demands, not polite requests.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Deep breath. Why would I do that? Farting provides faster relief.

        2. Because we do on virtually everything else?

          What’s with the “we”? Have you got a frog in your pocket?

        3. “I have met ONE transgender”

          I know two. Both are troubled, not just about gender issues.

          One is particularly close family friend who has been through significant trauma, and is understandably confused. His (at the time, now her) father committed suicide when he was in high school. And many other things I won’t go into.

          I feel nothing but compassion for her, but having observed the early years, am very concerned that she may one day regret the transition.

          If adults can have regrets about transitions, troubled youth all the more. Adults working with children should be very cautious. Young people often make very bad decisions. We should be cheering them on.

          “Ex-Navy SEAL who detransitioned warns transgender teens: ‘You need to slow down’”


    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I disagree.

      If the state was to be an “intermediary”, the law would have directed the state to notify the parents that the child was under their protection and schedule and immediate Child Protective Services home visit to determine if there is any cause not to return the child to its parents.

      The law did not do that.

      The new law rather created a new “compelling reason” not to notify parents.

      Read the text I quoted to Eric.

      That is the reason for the law. No abuse needs to even be alleged.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        The law does require parental notification even with compelling reason just by the Department not the shelter itself.

  6. How many of these kids do you think undergo surgery? Just a ballpark percent of kids diagnosed as transgender.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I don’t know. And it does not matter. The question is irrelevant to this article and its discussion.

      The subject is a new Washington State law that declares that the parents of a runaway child seeking gender transition medical care shall not be notified even if no parental abuse or even parental knowledge of the transition is even alleged.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Not true, it just shifts the onus to notify to the Department rather than the shelter.

  7. M. Purdy Avatar

    What does this have to do with Virginia?

  8. Meanwhile, on the opposite corner of the country, Florida lawmakers are trying to pass a bill to take transgender children from their parents. Looks like a good time to open a legal practice.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yep, but cis-female teen breast augmentation is a-okay…

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “If the concern was truly about child welfare, the law could have directed the state to notify the parents that the child was under its protection…”

    As noted below, the law actually does require the state to:

    “…make a good faith attempt to notify the parent that a report has been received and offer services designed to resolve the conflict and accomplish a reunification of the family.”

    It helps to read the entire law typically…

  10. I guess we are having this discussion because teens are never wrong or self destructive.

    Time for a wakeup call!

    Teens and young adults are at the highest risk for self-harm. Some experts believe that teens who have experienced trauma, neglect, or abuse or at higher risk.

    While it is not considered a method for suicide, self harm in teens may be associated with an increased risk of suicide. According to one study, up to 70 percent of teens who self-harm have attempted suicide at another time, and 55 percent have made multiple suicide attempts. Therefore, cutting and other forms of self-harm must be addressed with professional treatment as soon as they are discovered.

    Not all forms of self-harm look the same. One of the most common of the different types of self-harm is cutting, using a knife or other sharp object. Often teens cut themselves as a kind of ritual that leaves patterns on the skin. They may carve words or symbols on their skin.

    But teens also use different forms of self-harm, including one or more of the following:

    Scratching, biting, or burning the skin
    Hitting or punching themselves or the walls
    Piercing their skin with sharp objects
    Pulling out hair
    Picking at scabs and wounds
    Inserting objects into the body
    Overdosing on drugs or drinking to excess
    Exercising to the point of collapse or injury
    Getting into fights in which they are likely to be hurt
    Banging head or body against walls and hard objects
    Having unsafe sex.


  11. I guess we are having this discussion because teens are never wrong or self destructive.

    Time for a wakeup call!

    Teens and young adults are at the highest risk for self-harm. Some experts believe that teens who have experienced trauma, neglect, or abuse or at higher risk.

    While it is not considered a method for suicide, self harm in teens may be associated with an increased risk of suicide. According to one study, up to 70 percent of teens who self-harm have attempted suicide at another time, and 55 percent have made multiple suicide attempts. Therefore, cutting and other forms of self-harm must be addressed with professional treatment as soon as they are discovered.

    Not all forms of self-harm look the same. One of the most common of the different types of self-harm is cutting, using a knife or other sharp object. Often teens cut themselves as a kind of ritual that leaves patterns on the skin. They may carve words or symbols on their skin.

    But teens also use different forms of self-harm, including one or more of the following:

    Scratching, biting, or burning the skin
    Hitting or punching themselves or the walls
    Piercing their skin with sharp objects
    Pulling out hair
    Picking at scabs and wounds
    Inserting objects into the body
    Overdosing on drugs or drinking to excess
    Exercising to the point of collapse or injury
    Getting into fights in which they are likely to be hurt
    Banging head or body against walls and hard objects
    Having unsafe sex.


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