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Warner Goes National on Medicaid

Gov. Mark Warner was interviewed this morning on NPR about Medicaid. As Chairman of the National Governors Association, he is the leading spokesperson for the states on this troubling issue.

Virginia has seen Medicaid spending go from $1 billion to $5 billion over the last 15 years. Warner identified three factors contributing to the rise: the Federal government push costs to the states, fewer employers offering insurance (in effect urging employees to go on Medicaid), and the “disinvestment” of senior citizen assets, making them eligible for Medicare funded long-term care because they are suddenly “poor.” As Medicaid spending surpasses education spending in states, Warner says a “grandma vs. grandkids” confrontation is being created.

The Governor sounded confident and in command of the issue. He deftly sidestepped a late question asking if the Medicare issue might make someone want to be president.

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