Warner Chides Tax Critics

Speaking on his monthly call-in show on WRVA Radio, Gov. Mark R. Warner counter attacked Republicans who, in response to the ever-growing budget surplus, have said the 2004 tax hikes were unnecessary. According to Michael Hardy’s recounting of Warner’s remarks in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Warner said:

Republicans, primarily in the House, “are quick to point out the surplus, but they’re quick to spend” the higher-than-forecast tax collections.” He emphasized that members of the GOP-dominated House budget committee sought more than $2 billion in additional spending requests last session.

Oh, come on. Every legislator submits spending proposals. Tallying up the price tag of all those proposals is a meaningless exercise. What matters is how much the House decides to spend after sorting through all the initiatives. In this case, the House followed the Governor’s lead and decided to spend almost all of the surplus (excepting only that portion legally required to go into the Rainy Day fund and a bit that would allow the state to reduce the sales tax on food earlier than scheduled). I dare say that virtually none of that “$2 billion in additional spending” made it into the House’s final budget documents.

What would Gov. Warner have said in January/February this year if the House had stuck to its convicinos and tried cutting taxes instead? The Governor and the state Senate would have have shut down any such bill before the ink had dried. Knowing that a tax cut was a political non-starter, the House leadership did what it had to do, which was spend the money in the most responsible manner it could — on one-time initiatives that didn’t add to programmatic overhead.

Having boxed in the House to spend the surplus, Gov. Warner now criticizes the House for spending the surplus. That’s a nice trick if you can get away with it.

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  1. James Young Avatar
    James Young

    What makes you think that the mainstream media won’t let him get away with it?

  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    I have no doubt that Warner will get away with it. The MSM in Virginia engages in “he said/she said” journalism, quoting “both sides” of a given political controversy and rarely digging beneath the surface to get to the substance.

  3. Bob Griendling Avatar
    Bob Griendling

    Jim, we have found an issue (MSM lack of depth) to wholeheartedly agree.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Here’s an issue.

    Don’t you guys think that Blue dog is just a huge tool of the GOP? They’re using him because they know he’s kind of a moron. I mean – he’s not a complete idiot, but he isn’t smart enough to figure out that the GOP is using him to pump anti-warner stuff into the press.

    God he’s dumb.

  5. Where are you guys? And why haven’t you deleted the personal attack on the blue dog?

  6. Waldo Jaquith Avatar
    Waldo Jaquith

    There’s a great deal of merit, I think, in pointing the finger at legislators who decry higher taxes but submit individual proposals for spending increases that would, in themselves, require increasing taxes.

    I’m thinking of Steve Landes, who proposed $25M in new spending, only to complain about tax increases afterwards. What a maroon.

  7. Paul,
    When someone tells the truth and the truth is not complementary or even critical, is that a negative personal attack?
    If someone said that bluedog has an overblown ego that is as fragile as butterfly wing, would that be a personal attack even though it’s true?
    If someone wrote that bluedog will bark endlessly at nothing, and not even give a whimper at things he should be barking at, is that a personal attack even though true?
    If someone were to point out that the blue dog can’t seem able (or doesn’t choose ) to distinguish fact from fancy in his volumnous declaimations, would that be an attack, though also true?
    And if someone were to point out that blue dog is a republican camp following, sell the soul, suck up and a tool of the far far far right, would that be… Yeah, I guess that would be a personal attack. :o)
    Not that I am saying any of these terrible things, and I wouldn’t think to do so, this is a question I’d like you to think about Paul.

  8. Capital Bill Avatar
    Capital Bill

    RE: “I dare say that virtually none of that ‘$2 billion . . .’ made it into the House’s final budget . . .”

    Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that your partisan bias leads you to believe and assert that? Did you read the bill? Do the facts confuse you when your mind is already made up? Are you now or have you ever been a Republican?

  9. Pat –
    I agree to a certain extent, but that attack was a bit out there. There are rules here against that sort of thing…like calling someone a moron…

  10. Paul,
    You may have noticed that I don’t particularly like the bluedog. Nothing personal, don’t even know him. But it bothers me that no matter what the thread of discussion, if it seems to be getting serious or gaining ground toward solving or finding solution to an issue, then the bluedog comes crashing through and screws up the entire discussion. I’ve not seen a thread recover on any of the blogs once the bleu dawg has pushed his “witty” way into the thread. Jim Bacon tries, and succeeds, in stimulating good interest in important and relevant issues, and then the dog disrupts the progress to the point that things come to a halt. I think that is his goal… Don’t take my word for it, look back through the archives… Of this and several other sites. When Steven Sisson gets involved, progress stops…
    Is this a negative attack? It’s certainly negative, but it’s true. So does that mean this post is a negative personal attack?
    I’m tired of seeing the Valley Blue Dog mess up what serious individuals like Jim Bacon, Will Vehres, Barnie Day, Ray Hyde, Waldo, and you are trying to accomplish.

  11. Not Kenton Ngo Avatar
    Not Kenton Ngo

    Even though I’m only the alter-ego to a 14-year-old boy genius, I’ve got to agree with Pat on this one. The blue dog is dumber than my REAL dog, my hamster, or my goldfish for that matter. Worst of all, he’s even more annoying than my parents’ music! Ick!!

    PS It’s a smart goldfish, if that makes blue dog feel any better. And the hamster is brilliant, I swear!

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