Ian Shapira

By Peter Galuszka

How ironical.

Our esteemed Jim Bacon has been on a tear in recent months writing about media coverage of the problem of systemic racism at the Virginia Military Institute.

Of special interest to Jim is the reporting of Ian Shapira, a Washington Post reporter who has been digging into the VMI. After his stories were published, the superintendent of VMI retired and an inquiry was launched.

Jim doesn’t like what the Post and Shapira have done. Some of Jim’s headlines go right to the jugular including “VMI Update: The WaPo Makes Another Sleazy Insinuation” and  “WaPo Ratchets Up Assault on VMI.”

At one point, Jim made this observation: “Polish up that Pulitzer. It looks like The Washington Post is vying again for the big prize in journalism”

Well, guess what happened? Shapira and the Post have won a George Polk award for their VMI coverage. The citation reads thusly:

“Ian Shapira of the Washington Post has won the award for State Reporting for laying bare overt racism at the state-supported Virginia Military Institute. Among other things, he persuaded aggrieved Black cadets to open up about their experiences at the hands of whites. His series of articles led Governor Ralph Northam (an alumnus) to order an independent investigation. They pressured VMI’s board to remove a statue of Confederate general Stonewall Jackson and forced the resignation of VMI’s superintendent, who was succeeded by the first Black to lead the 181- year-old institute.”

It is too bad that so many conservatives buy into the Trumpian, Fox News and Breitbart crusade to make people believe the mainstream media puts out “false news” and tries to discredit journalism professionals. I read Shapira’s work and found it straight. Ditto the reporting of the Roanoke Times which broke the VMI story last summer.

I say this as a professional journalist with nearly 48 years of experience. I love the industry and hate to see it trashed unfairly. The Polk award, by the way, was named for a CBS correspondent George Polk who was covering unrest in Greece and was found dead.

So, it appears that the Post has “polished up its Polk.” As for the Pulitzer, they are announced in April. Stay tuned.

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88 responses to “WaPo Nabs Polk Award, Is Pulitzer Next?”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    And then the investigation will come out, and gee, what if it finds nothing? What if it finds no more overt or covert racism at VMI than you would find on any other campus full of young people if you dug deep enough? Because I suspect that will be the case — except for one major difference. VMI continued in defiance of current norms to honor, even celebrate, its ties to the Confederacy and one particular famed commander. That was going on in plain sight and “exposing” that was hardly journalism. So far, I see this award as for getting rid of that statue and perhaps the New Market ceremonies.

    But the probe is on, with the vendor the state wanted, so let’s await the result. If it turns out to be a big dud, VMI will have nowhere to go to get back the good will it lost. If it turns out the school is rife with KKK sentiments, it closes. That simple.

    One key question I’ve had remains undiscussed: Are any of today’s African-American students the sons or daughters of prior graduates? Yes or no, that would be telling to me.

    1. Mark Flaherty Avatar
      Mark Flaherty

      You don’t pay $1M and not find anything. Not how the game played.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I think it is that reporters describe the recent past and present. “The future’s not ours to see.”– D. Day

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    And then the investigation will come out, and gee, what if it finds nothing? What if it finds no more overt or covert racism at VMI than you would find on any other campus full of young people if you dug deep enough? Because I suspect that will be the case — except for one major difference. VMI continued in defiance of current norms to honor, even celebrate, its ties to the Confederacy and one particular famed commander. That was going on in plain sight and “exposing” that was hardly journalism. So far, I see this award as for getting rid of that statue and perhaps the New Market ceremonies.

    But the probe is on, with the vendor the state wanted, so let’s await the result. If it turns out to be a big dud, VMI will have nowhere to go to get back the good will it lost. If it turns out the school is rife with KKK sentiments, it closes. That simple.

    One key question I’ve had remains undiscussed: Are any of today’s African-American students the sons or daughters of prior graduates? Yes or no, that would be telling to me.

    1. Mark Flaherty Avatar
      Mark Flaherty

      You don’t pay $1M and not find anything. Not how the game played.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I think it is that reporters describe the recent past and present. “The future’s not ours to see.”– D. Day

  3. I doubt the Washington Post notified the Polk Award judges of Bacon’s Rebellion’s critique, which brought to readers’ attention the omission of highly relevant context and sleazy reporting such as the defamation of the school’s commandant.

    The fact that Shapira won the Polk Awards, to my mind, is an indictment of the Polk Awards. The mainstream media has become a giant circle jerk of journalists with like-minded views giving each other honorifics and awards for advancing narratives with which they all agree.

  4. I doubt the Washington Post notified the Polk Award judges of Bacon’s Rebellion’s critique, which brought to readers’ attention the omission of highly relevant context and sleazy reporting such as the defamation of the school’s commandant.

    The fact that Shapira won the Polk Awards, to my mind, is an indictment of the Polk Awards. The mainstream media has become a giant circle jerk of journalists with like-minded views giving each other honorifics and awards for advancing narratives with which they all agree.

  5. Matt Adams Avatar

    The real irony would be the fact that Ensign George Polk embellished his military record (stolen valor in todays parlance) and was murdered as a result of his pro-communist leanings/backings during the Greek conflict.


    Despite all of that he’s held up as a role model, well I suppose Brian Williams took note to do what Polk did literally.

  6. Matt Adams Avatar

    The real irony would be the fact that Ensign George Polk embellished his military record (stolen valor in todays parlance) and was murdered as a result of his pro-communist leanings/backings during the Greek conflict.


    Despite all of that he’s held up as a role model, well I suppose Brian Williams took note to do what Polk did literally.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, how cynical! But it is a National dwarf and it is very competitive

    1. How could anyone be cynical?

      “Student was not victim of racism for ‘eating while black’ at $80k Smith College and made up details that ruined the lives of four campus workers and led to controversial anti-bias training that employee resigned over.”


  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, how cynical! But it is a National dwarf and it is very competitive

    1. How could anyone be cynical?

      “Student was not victim of racism for ‘eating while black’ at $80k Smith College and made up details that ruined the lives of four campus workers and led to controversial anti-bias training that employee resigned over.”


  9. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    And where was the Post’s reporting on Ralph Northam’s blackface fun when Northam was running for Lt. Governor? It remains a 4th-rate media outlet, driven by ideology.

    1. That was hidden from the news media, don’t you remember? As I recall, it was hidden in plain sight – on display in the campus library which is open to the public.

  10. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    And where was the Post’s reporting on Ralph Northam’s blackface fun when Northam was running for Lt. Governor? It remains a 4th-rate media outlet, driven by ideology.

    1. That was hidden from the news media, don’t you remember? As I recall, it was hidden in plain sight – on display in the campus library which is open to the public.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Where was Northam when he did his blackface thing?

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Eastern Virginia Medical School, Larry.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Where was Northam when he did his blackface thing?

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Eastern Virginia Medical School, Larry.

  13. CAPT Jake Avatar

    The Polk Award reviewers certainly failed to read the (verbatim) transcripts Shapira had with MG Wins (1 occasion) and COL Wyatt (other occasion) as “background” for Shapira’s articles. The Institute released these in advance of articles, yet Shapira’s articles’ bear no resemblance to what the VMI representatives said.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      Can you show me where the reporting fails to resemble the transcripts? All you VMI alums are grasping.

  14. CAPT Jake Avatar

    The Polk Award reviewers certainly failed to read the (verbatim) transcripts Shapira had with MG Wins (1 occasion) and COL Wyatt (other occasion) as “background” for Shapira’s articles. The Institute released these in advance of articles, yet Shapira’s articles’ bear no resemblance to what the VMI representatives said.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      Can you show me where the reporting fails to resemble the transcripts? All you VMI alums are grasping.

  15. sherlockj Avatar

    Peter, you cannot be serious.

    You cite an award sponsored by prestigious Long Island University given by woke journalists to other woke journalists for the “most woke” reporting and call that validation of the work.

    It is exactly like being elected Imperial Wizard of the Klan on the other side of the political spectrum.

    Consider who are the voters.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      You could go further and consider who the award was named for.

  16. sherlockj Avatar

    Peter, you cannot be serious.

    You cite an award sponsored by prestigious Long Island University given by woke journalists to other woke journalists for the “most woke” reporting and call that validation of the work.

    It is exactly like being elected Imperial Wizard of the Klan on the other side of the political spectrum.

    Consider who are the voters.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      You could go further and consider who the award was named for.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Capt. Jim, I am as serious as a heart attack.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but are you WOKE serious? 😉

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Or seriously woke?👺

  18. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Capt. Jim, I am as serious as a heart attack.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but are you WOKE serious? 😉

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Or seriously woke?👺

  19. WAPO at it again. What is the motive? Follow the clicks.

  20. WAPO at it again. What is the motive? Follow the clicks.

  21. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yes, I am “woke serious.”

  22. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yes, I am “woke serious.”

  23. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    Well written articles do not make them factually correct. Shapira laid out a case but if it was so clear cut, there would be no need for an investigation. Back in the 80s, a Post writer won a Pulitzer for a series of articles that turned out to be fiction.
    Why not get the rest of the story instead of heaping scorn on those who are skeptical. Have you ever read the book, Confirm or Deny?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      To be fair, investigative journalism does not often produce a 100% complete record , it often kicks off the next formal govt investigations that have more power to require information rather than just try to ferret it out.

      But also to be fair, no one here, so far, has pointed out the Rolling Stone/UVA “investigation” which turned out to be about as corrupt as an “investigation” could ever be.

      I’m wondering why more alumni are not coming forward and denying the accusations. This is the point where I would expect many to come forward and say the investigation is wrong and VMI had no such problems. Such statements right now would certainly put a different light on the WaPo article(s).

      And finally, every major media from WaPO to NYT to even WSJ have had their bad moments…. that did tarnish their reputations but that still does not negate the role of good investigative journalism either.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        The Post spent big bucks investigating and reporting on U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore from Alabama. But either did no investigation whatsoever or did a crappy one on a Virginia state senator who was running for Lt. Governor. And then four years later, the same guy ran for Governor. And the Post, which says “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” found nothing.

        By any standard in the world, this is not professionalism.

        Can any media company have a bad day? Can it miss a story? I’d say “yes.” However, the bad days always seem to occur when there’s possible dirt on a Democrat. And don’t forget, the Post’s editorial board violated company policy when it tried to pressure a Post reporter not to write any bad stuff about then-Governor Tim Kaine.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          TMT – How would you compare WaPo with FOX News on journalism?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “LarrytheG | February 25, 2021 at 11:49 am | Reply
            TMT – How would you compare WaPo with FOX News on journalism?”

            They both suck and merely provide their subscribers the information point of view that coincides with their bias.

          2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            I don’t watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I get my news from a wide variety of Internet-based cites. I will read an article from any news source, including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I also like to read critiques of media reporting. Powerline does a very good job.

    2. satansquid Avatar

      First, the reporting is factually correct. These are real people who’ve gone on thee record. Second, things be factually supported but still require an investigation for a full accounting of the facts. The Penn St. investigation immediately comes to mind.

      1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
        Bill O’Keefe

        You may be right. I have only read his articles and JB’s comments. Time will tell but I still wonder what his motivation is? How many are “these people” who have gone on record?

        1. satansquid Avatar

          Can’t speak to motivation. But if you’re looking for a story that has Confederate symbols, crusty Southern white guys, extreme right wing politics, and racially-charged symbols and interactions around every corner, VMI is it.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Wonder why?

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        “First, the reporting is factually correct. These are real people who’ve gone on thee record. Second, things be factually supported but still require an investigation for a full accounting of the facts. The Penn St. investigation immediately comes to mind.”

        Well the Penn State investigation was a fiasco and the Freeh report was a few million dollars worth of garbage. Merely because someone was the head of the FBI doesn’t make them competent or good at investigating.

  24. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    Well written articles do not make them factually correct. Shapira laid out a case but if it was so clear cut, there would be no need for an investigation. Back in the 80s, a Post writer won a Pulitzer for a series of articles that turned out to be fiction.
    Why not get the rest of the story instead of heaping scorn on those who are skeptical. Have you ever read the book, Confirm or Deny?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      To be fair, investigative journalism does not often produce a 100% complete record , it often kicks off the next formal govt investigations that have more power to require information rather than just try to ferret it out.

      But also to be fair, no one here, so far, has pointed out the Rolling Stone/UVA “investigation” which turned out to be about as corrupt as an “investigation” could ever be.

      I’m wondering why more alumni are not coming forward and denying the accusations. This is the point where I would expect many to come forward and say the investigation is wrong and VMI had no such problems. Such statements right now would certainly put a different light on the WaPo article(s).

      And finally, every major media from WaPO to NYT to even WSJ have had their bad moments…. that did tarnish their reputations but that still does not negate the role of good investigative journalism either.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        The Post spent big bucks investigating and reporting on U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore from Alabama. But either did no investigation whatsoever or did a crappy one on a Virginia state senator who was running for Lt. Governor. And then four years later, the same guy ran for Governor. And the Post, which says “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” found nothing.

        By any standard in the world, this is not professionalism.

        Can any media company have a bad day? Can it miss a story? I’d say “yes.” However, the bad days always seem to occur when there’s possible dirt on a Democrat. And don’t forget, the Post’s editorial board violated company policy when it tried to pressure a Post reporter not to write any bad stuff about then-Governor Tim Kaine.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          TMT – How would you compare WaPo with FOX News on journalism?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “LarrytheG | February 25, 2021 at 11:49 am | Reply
            TMT – How would you compare WaPo with FOX News on journalism?”

            They both suck and merely provide their subscribers the information point of view that coincides with their bias.

          2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            I don’t watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I get my news from a wide variety of Internet-based cites. I will read an article from any news source, including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I also like to read critiques of media reporting. Powerline does a very good job.

    2. satansquid Avatar

      First, the reporting is factually correct. These are real people who’ve gone on thee record. Second, things be factually supported but still require an investigation for a full accounting of the facts. The Penn St. investigation immediately comes to mind.

      1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
        Bill O’Keefe

        You may be right. I have only read his articles and JB’s comments. Time will tell but I still wonder what his motivation is? How many are “these people” who have gone on record?

        1. satansquid Avatar

          Can’t speak to motivation. But if you’re looking for a story that has Confederate symbols, crusty Southern white guys, extreme right wing politics, and racially-charged symbols and interactions around every corner, VMI is it.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Wonder why?

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        “First, the reporting is factually correct. These are real people who’ve gone on thee record. Second, things be factually supported but still require an investigation for a full accounting of the facts. The Penn St. investigation immediately comes to mind.”

        Well the Penn State investigation was a fiasco and the Freeh report was a few million dollars worth of garbage. Merely because someone was the head of the FBI doesn’t make them competent or good at investigating.

  25. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    No I haven’ read it. The Post returned the Pulitzer

    1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
      Bill O’Keefe

      Yes, it did. After the fact. The point is that an award doesn’t mean articles are factually correct and objective.
      I intend to read the investigation report and any rebuttal before making up my mind.
      I am still puzzled about why Shapira has made VMI and racism his crusade.

  26. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    No I haven’ read it. The Post returned the Pulitzer

    1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
      Bill O’Keefe

      Yes, it did. After the fact. The point is that an award doesn’t mean articles are factually correct and objective.
      I intend to read the investigation report and any rebuttal before making up my mind.
      I am still puzzled about why Shapira has made VMI and racism his crusade.

  27. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Larry. The rolling stone piece was an abomination. Guess who exposed it? WaPo.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      There you go – and zero credit from the anti- WaPO folks!

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      It’s a good thing nothing like that could happen at W&M…. oh, wait.

  28. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Larry. The rolling stone piece was an abomination. Guess who exposed it? WaPo.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      There you go – and zero credit from the anti- WaPO folks!

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      It’s a good thing nothing like that could happen at W&M…. oh, wait.

  29. David Bither Avatar
    David Bither

    Lest we forget, the WaPo was awarded Pulitzers for “heavily sourced,” and “relentlessly reported,” articles that were myths written as facts of collusion between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign. Their sources were either made-up or based on the apocryphal DNC funded Steele Dossier. If the owner and editors of this rag had any integrity, they would return the awards out of shame. More evidence of a well-earned nick name as, “Pravda on the Potomac.”

  30. David Bither Avatar
    David Bither

    Lest we forget, the WaPo was awarded Pulitzers for “heavily sourced,” and “relentlessly reported,” articles that were myths written as facts of collusion between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign. Their sources were either made-up or based on the apocryphal DNC funded Steele Dossier. If the owner and editors of this rag had any integrity, they would return the awards out of shame. More evidence of a well-earned nick name as, “Pravda on the Potomac.”

  31. LarrytheG Avatar

    TooManyTaxes | February 25, 2021 at 1:07 pm |
    I don’t watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I get my news from a wide variety of Internet-based cites. I will read an article from any news source, including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I also like to read critiques of media reporting. Powerline does a very good job.”

    But never heard you criticize FOX or other reporting… no?

    I’ve read that Powerline is heavily biased to the right and does not source it’s facts… true?

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      One more time, Larry. I don’t watch Fox News. So I have nothing to criticize. I don’t watch MSNBC so I don’t have anything to criticize. I read the WaPo from the time I moved here in late 1984 until around 2006 or 7 when my wife wanted to cancel the paper cuz of the price and her belief she was spending too much time reading it. I still read a couple of articles on the website until the paywall went up. Now and then, I read articles that people send me or maybe once a month on the Fairfax County Library site.

      I know a number of reporters on the Post, mainly because they interviewed me or send me email questions about something going on in Fairfax County. Irrespective of my feelings about the media, I have always made time for them and tried to answer questions truthfully. A couple of these reporters have told me about some of the things that go on at the Post in clear violation of company ethical standards or journalism standards. I’ve also been told the Post wouldn’t publish certain op-eds or letters to the editor I wrote because they were inconsistent with the Post’s views on issues. Unstated was my pieces were supported by facts – facts that the Post didn’t want published.

      I’m extremely critical of the Post for such breaches while holding itself up to be a professional media outlet and for being a whore for the Democratic Party. The fact that the Post “missed” the blackface incident when Northam ran for Lt. Governor or Governor while spending big bucks to investigate Roy Moore in Alabama explains it all.

      It can report and editorialize all it wants. But drop the pretention of being a trustworthy news site.

      Powerline was named blog of the year in 2004 by Time Magazine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so how do you get news for NoVa? just curious… do you still read WaPo even though you despise them?

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Internal news. Look at the Sun at noon, and the truth is revealed. In the wobbly green disk lies truth.

        2. Larry, I live in Northern Virginia, and like Too Many Taxes I also subscribed to the Washington Post and then dropped my subscription. In response to your question “how do you get news for NoVa?” the short answer is I never really got news for NoVa from the Washington Post. The WP metro section, in my opinion, never covered NoVa to the same degree that it did Maryland and DC proper. So dropping the WP did not really reduce the amount of local news that I did (or did not) get from the WP.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Okay.. so HOW do you get NEWs for NoVA?


  32. LarrytheG Avatar

    TooManyTaxes | February 25, 2021 at 1:07 pm |
    I don’t watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I get my news from a wide variety of Internet-based cites. I will read an article from any news source, including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any other cable or broadcast network. I also like to read critiques of media reporting. Powerline does a very good job.”

    But never heard you criticize FOX or other reporting… no?

    I’ve read that Powerline is heavily biased to the right and does not source it’s facts… true?

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      One more time, Larry. I don’t watch Fox News. So I have nothing to criticize. I don’t watch MSNBC so I don’t have anything to criticize. I read the WaPo from the time I moved here in late 1984 until around 2006 or 7 when my wife wanted to cancel the paper cuz of the price and her belief she was spending too much time reading it. I still read a couple of articles on the website until the paywall went up. Now and then, I read articles that people send me or maybe once a month on the Fairfax County Library site.

      I know a number of reporters on the Post, mainly because they interviewed me or send me email questions about something going on in Fairfax County. Irrespective of my feelings about the media, I have always made time for them and tried to answer questions truthfully. A couple of these reporters have told me about some of the things that go on at the Post in clear violation of company ethical standards or journalism standards. I’ve also been told the Post wouldn’t publish certain op-eds or letters to the editor I wrote because they were inconsistent with the Post’s views on issues. Unstated was my pieces were supported by facts – facts that the Post didn’t want published.

      I’m extremely critical of the Post for such breaches while holding itself up to be a professional media outlet and for being a whore for the Democratic Party. The fact that the Post “missed” the blackface incident when Northam ran for Lt. Governor or Governor while spending big bucks to investigate Roy Moore in Alabama explains it all.

      It can report and editorialize all it wants. But drop the pretention of being a trustworthy news site.

      Powerline was named blog of the year in 2004 by Time Magazine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so how do you get news for NoVa? just curious… do you still read WaPo even though you despise them?

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Internal news. Look at the Sun at noon, and the truth is revealed. In the wobbly green disk lies truth.

        2. Larry, I live in Northern Virginia, and like Too Many Taxes I also subscribed to the Washington Post and then dropped my subscription. In response to your question “how do you get news for NoVa?” the short answer is I never really got news for NoVa from the Washington Post. The WP metro section, in my opinion, never covered NoVa to the same degree that it did Maryland and DC proper. So dropping the WP did not really reduce the amount of local news that I did (or did not) get from the WP.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Okay.. so HOW do you get NEWs for NoVA?


  33. Gen.-i Shapira's agent Avatar
    Gen.-i Shapira’s agent

    F.acts is F.acts
    and F.acts aint out yet
    but when they out,
    they “nothin but net”
    that why my I. guy
    he gonna fly…
    he gonna get him sum
    that pulitzer 3.14.
    there it is!

  34. Gen.-i Shapira's agent Avatar
    Gen.-i Shapira’s agent

    F.acts is F.acts
    and F.acts aint out yet
    but when they out,
    they “nothin but net”
    that why my I. guy
    he gonna fly…
    he gonna get him sum
    that pulitzer 3.14.
    there it is!

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