Site icon Bacon's Rebellion


Readers of EMR’s columns and posts will recall that one of the themes harped on by those who do not try to understand the New Urban Region Conceptual Framework is that it will take forever to Transform human settlement pattern and to achieve Balance, especially in New Urban Region Core Beta Villages and Communities.

EMR cites the Core of Toronto responding to office overbuild and to the square foot value of more Balanced vs. less Balanced components of urban fabric.

Yesterday’s Wapo carries a story: “Wall St. Looking More Like Main St.: Though It Still Draws Tourists, Storied Financial Hub is Increasingly Residential.”

Another favorite tactic of dedicated detractors (12.5 Percenters) is to claim that they cannot understand what EMR says or to intentionally misinterpret his positions. They then invent bogus positions and create strawpersons in an attempt to discredit his work. The comment on the last post re “Hot, Flat and Crowded” is a perfect example. Flail away, you are helping us compete TRILO-G in ways we will document in “Upon Further Review” forthcoming.

By the way in response to several e-mails, Friedman has a number of good observations in his book. We were commenting on the words in the title, and you are right about many of his views on the current state of economic, social and physical reality.


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