Wake Up, People! This Is Me Telling You That the Old Answers Are Not Working!

Photo credit: WTKR televison

by James A. Bacon

How many children have to be killed, wounded and traumatized before people wake up?

Headline from today’s Virginian-Pilot: “Nearly a dozen children have been shot this month in Norfolk. Communities are hurting…”

And then it adds this kicker: “and activists want change.”

The Virginian-Pilot spoke with elected officials, community organizers, the city’s police chief, and nearly two dozen families impacted by the violence. There are lots of ideas out there — more funding for recreation centers, expanded peer mentorship, getting guns off the street. The usual suspects… all of which have been tried and all found lacking.

The story does extract the beginnings of insight from one person. Councilman Paul Riddick cuts to the quick: “We have no one but ourselves to blame,” he says, referring to city leaders “We have lost control of our youngsters.”

But then he says the city needs to redistribute money from wealthy areas to poor areas to build more libraries and recreation centers. Libraries? Are you kidding me? The City of Norfolk needs to build more libraries to reduce the number of random shootings?

Here’s an idea. What if parents took matters into their own hands and rode herd on their friggin’ youngsters?

If’ that’s too hard, here’s another idea: Stop having babies out of wedlock! Raise children in the same home as their biological mother and father! Anyone who has raised children knows how tough the job is. Two committed parents sharing the burden can do much better than one.

If the neighborhood is too darn dysfunctional to raise a child under any conditions, here’s another idea: Don’t have children until both parents have jobs and can afford to move to a decent neighborhood where drive-by shootings don’t occur!

I know I sound like a Neanderthal, but hear me out. There have been three or four generations born and raised in American inner cities since the 1960s welfare revolution — three or four generations of young, emotionally immature, financially strapped, single-mothers raising children. When immature, overwhelmed parents raise children, they tend not to do a good job. When those children become parents, many of them do an even worse job. When the grandchildren become parents, they do a downright wretched job. They have no idea how to control their children. The latest generation is, in a word, feral. Kids seek identity and purpose in gangs. Many have no moral foundation but the code of the streets. Other peoples’ lives mean nothing. They spray gunfire with no concern who they hurt. 

This is not a Black thing, by the way. There are plenty of multigenerational-poverty White families experiencing the same social breakdown who are sliding down the same self-destructive slope.

So, when I hear that it’s society’s responsibility to fix the problem — build more libraries and recreation centers, enact more gun controls, create more jobs programs, hire more community organizers as social workers, demand more taxes from middle-class families who delay having children into their 30s so they can be responsible parents — without asking anything, without asking one bloody, stinking thing from the people in the communities affected, I get a tad pissed off.

When I hear that the shootings are, at bottom, symptomatic of systemic racism, I get highly pissed off.

I tell you what, until the residents of the affected communities learn how to raise their children as civilized human beings instead of Lord of the Flies savages, nothing will change. All the government spending in the world won’t help. All the community organizers and social workers in the world won’t help. All the Critical Race Theory taught in schools won’t help. Yeah, I know that’s blasphemy, but I stand by it.

There is no substitute for the love and discipline that only committed parents (or grandparents) can provide. I want to help the people living in those communities. But until people demonstrate they are willing to help themselves by making fundamental, life-altering changes, I will object loudly when politicians want to pick my pocket to pay for more failed social programs.

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46 responses to “Wake Up, People! This Is Me Telling You That the Old Answers Are Not Working!”

  1. Publius Avatar

    I think Jim needs to quit beating around the bush..

    1. Mark O Flaherty Avatar
      Mark O Flaherty

      I put this in the Hall of Fame. Only thing I could find wrong was a minor grammatical error (Strunk and White, Elements of Style). Expect the harpies to attack in the morning.

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock


  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Teonna Coburn‘s mother is apparently in a same sex marriage (not with Teonna’s father). Surely you are not contending that this is the reason her daughter was killed?

    Single parenthood is not unique to the US in the developed world. You know what is unique to the US in the developed world, our rate of gun violence.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Our “rate of gun violence” is dominated by young black sons of single mothers killing one another over drugs. It is the reason that the leading cause of death among black men 18-44 is homicide. It is the biggest single reason I focus so much on minority education in Virginia schools. Adults fail them all of their young lives. We must do better.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Again, do you think we are the only developed country with single mothers and high drug use? You don’t think that the prevalence of guns here has anything to do with it at all?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yes, it does. I offer some solutions to guns in the hands of criminals and the mental ill.

          I favor universal background checks. But that only works in transfers of guns among law abiding people, not criminals. It will help keep the mentally ill and those with records from obtaining guns legally, but not illegally. Young Black men are killing one another largely with guns that they obtain and possess illegally.

          I favor stronger sentences for using a gun in commission of a crime, and laws that mandate prosecution and deny bail for such crimes. These young men have been badly raised and pitifully educated, but they are street smart. It wouldn’t take long for the word to get out.

          I favor stronger sentences, mandatory prosecution and high bail for illegal gun possession, transport and sale.

          What is your solution?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I believe gun buyback programs have been effective elsewhere but shutting down the flow of guns into these urban areas from places where they are easily and legally obtained needs to be part of any solution.

            Providing an alternative and escape from the areas of poverty is certainly a part of any solution and that does start with public education. You’ll get no argument from me there. We may differ somewhat in approach and focus but your work is notable.

            As JAB noted, drugs, single parenthood, educational challenges, poverty and gun violence are swiftly being exported to areas of white poverty (or seem to be). Illicit drug markets and addiction in the population seem to be the underlying driver. Of note, Amsterdam was recently ranked the fourth safest city in the world. While most drugs are technically illegal, the cops apply a “tolerance” policy and have since the 70s. Prostitution is legal and regulated (once again undermining the criminal market). Stop and frisk is legal and used by cops – to look for guns. I’ve got no problem with stop and frisk to enforce gun laws, btw. Racial profiling in its application is the problem, imo.

          2. Gun buyback programs are great for getting illegal guns used in crimes to disappear — as no questions are asked before destroying them.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I do recognized that is your goal, Cap’n, and respect that. Young men and women raised up in these hard conditions succeed all the time, proving it remains possible. But some adult in their lives has guided them.

  4. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, you have written many superb editorials over the years. I don’t know what prompted this one, what made you snap, but this was your best EVER.

    Your points are empirically undeniable, your sentiments spot on. Personal responsibility, accountability for one’s actions, and shame for one’s actions are not only passé, they are core attributes considered emblematic of white supremacy.

    They’re not.

    They are the cornerstones of any civilized society. Rationalizing individual failures due to socio economic background insults millions of immigrants (legal ones) who made America great over the past 225 years. They came to America with nothing except the clothes on their backs, busted their collective asses, overcame poverty, and often faced xenophobic bigotry in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

    America is the land of equal opportunity, NOT equal outcome.

    As you well said, Jim, Wake Up America!

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Jim and I have such similar backgrounds, educations and careers, and now live half-a-block from each other in a very nice and very homogenous Henrico enclave. It is the whitest place I’ve lived in a long time and frankly I don’t like it as much as I did Richmond Northside (you can ask my wife, I had to be dragged.) Sorry, Jim, but I can’t go along with much in that rant. You and I haven’t walked that mile in their footsteps.

      I should have majored in anthro, I enjoyed it so much. The theory that was all the rage almost 50 years ago was that cultures that looked dysfunctional to us had a logic we could not see. People do tend to behave to serve their perceived best interests, and the violent behavior of these young men makes total sense to them.

      I also tend to disagree with your headline because I do think the “old ways” worked well and should not have been abandoned. But the financial support system now removes much of the incentive to be married, to maintain a stable family unit. I suspect the youngsters growing up within some faith community (don’t care which) are less likely to end up shooting at each other (until the Army gets them…). And frankly I do think the risk equation has changed and too many of these young people do not fear going to juvenile or adult facilities. They may also be calculating that the police are weaker and they have less chance of being prosecuted anyway.

      As to the messages being absorbed from music, video games, social media and more — I’m out of that loop and would probably be appalled. The worst message is the “America is so racist you are screwed from the start” mantra. But the “old ways” tell me, raise up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. I am surely happy my own two kids turned out well, and recognize the incredible advantages they had (privilege, no, but advantage, you betcha).

      These problems are made, not born.

      1. I don’t disagree with anything you say above, Steve. Obviously, there’s more to the story than single parents being unable to control their children. The larger point, which I think I made clear, is that I’m sick of activists always blaming “the system” while demanding nothing of the people who are contributing directly to the problem. Everyone’s a victim. No one has agency. If that’s the philosophy, things can only get worse.

        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          Precisely, Jim.

      2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        Stephen Hunter, very thoughtful response. I don’t think you and Jim are far apart.

        He specifically says, and I agree, that this is not a racial issue since whites and blacks who are in economically depressed areas have similar familial and societal issues.

        The Great Society reaction to a post Reconstruction, Jim Crow century of what then truly was systemic racism (which no longer exists) was a proverbial attempt at an overnight fix. An initially well intended Federal program of social welfare support destroyed the nuclear family by paying for newborn children no matter how many, no matter whether the product of a single mother versus two parents who might need financial assistance for a limited time period. Approximately 69% of black, 68% of American Indians (the Federal reservations “solution” predated Welfare by 75 years), 52% of Hispanics, 28% of whites, and 12% of Asian American births currently are out of wedlock. Empirical data show unequivocally that the children born outside a nuclear family are overwhelmingly doomed to lives of poverty, government financial dependence, and disproportionately crime.

        Why is this surprising? Why is the Progressive “solution” (sic) MORE government social programs to pay individuals not to work, not to get married and live with a modicum of self discipline and sense of personal responsibility? Unlimited social welfare programs do not solve the problems discussed here, they exacerbate them.

        Sometimes viable solutions are based on logic and common senses. Parents (good ones) do not reward aberrant children’s behavior by implicitly rewarding them with higher allowances, more unsupervised free time, and big hugs. Consequences are laid out: “you’re grounded…your allowance is cut…you can’t go to Johnny’s party Saturday, and have to stay home to mow the lawn and wash our cars.” I’m not being flippant. Good parenting requires tough love. So does good governance.

        The Great Society should be renamed the “Great Disaster.” Racism was legally eradicated in 1964. This didn’t mean individual bigotry was eradicated, so blacks would still face very tough acceptance. What should have been implemented was aggressive incentives, not handouts: tax credits that required recipients to work, not pay them not to work; partial childcare assistance for 1 or 2 children IF the mother is working up to reasonable income limits, NOT payments to mothers without husbands for an unlimited amount of children regardless of whether they’re working or not, etc.

        The genie is out of the bottle. Not sure you can put him back in. Reversing these counterproductive policies after over half a century of systemic Federal government stupidity is very difficult. Clearly President Biden thinks I’m wrong. He and the Democrat leadership think even MORE Federal programs are needed. The BLM website declared the nuclear family an antiquated product of white supremacy until some pundits actually read that, publicized it, and the BLM leadership removed that asinine comment from the website, along with the founders’ admission of their adherence to Marxist ideology. Those are facts. I like to analyze issues based on facts not feelings.

        Lots to ponder here. America is at an existential crossroads. Battle lines are drawn. However, to come full circle, rational behavior and good citizenry come from solid nuclear families, not government largesse.

        To plagiarize Hillary Clinton: It doesn’t take a village, it takes two good parents.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “An initially well intended Federal program of social welfare support destroyed the nuclear family by paying for newborn children no matter how many, no matter whether the product of a single mother versus two parents who might need financial assistance for a limited time period.”

          So you are suggesting that bastard children should not be eligible for any public assistance because providing them that needed assistance will undermine the nuclear family. You know that, right…?

          “Empirical data show unequivocally that the children born outside a nuclear family are overwhelmingly doomed to lives of poverty, government financial dependence, and disproportionately crime.”

          Actually the data shows an inverse relationship between single parent household growth in America and poverty and crime rates.

          1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Eric you’re just wrong. You’re saying single parent kids supported by welfare with multiple children and no full time father commit FEWER crimes? What planet do you live on and who does your sociological research?

            I’m not saying “bastard” children are less worthy. I am saying they’re statistically doomed to failure by perverse government social programs that incentivize behavior antithetical to the nuclear family model.

            Any objective, fact based analysis corroborates this conclusion.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry but over the past 50 years in America there has been a steady increase in the percentage of single parent households while over that same time period there has been a significant and steady decrease in violent crime rates. That is not debatable. I do not claim causation but I do say there is an inverse correlation.

          3. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            It’s been suggested that legalization of abortion has reduced crime rates.

          4. Matt Hurt Avatar
            Matt Hurt

            There is also an inverse relationship between the amount of guns in circulation and the murder rate.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Interesting, based on what I’ve seen the percentage of household owning guns in the US has reduced slightly since the 70s while low and behold the murder rate has also dropped.

  5. It started with government interfering in our lives, the more omnipresent and pervasive the government control the less personal responsibility and the less people were held responsible for their bad actions, because it all could be blamed on the government.

  6. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Holy Crap. My dad’s father died when my dad was 8, during the Depression. My grandmother, who had 3 other sons, lost everything. They lived on $68 a month WWI widow’s pension. My grandfather’s father shot himself when my grandfather was 3. He had a small insurance policy, so they kept the house. My great grandfather’s father died in an industrial accident where he drowned in the Philadelphia harbor. My great grandfather was about 9. There was no workers comp back then. The family had to move in with my 3rd great grandfather who worked at the Washington Navy yard as a blockmaker.

    That’s three generations growing up without a father and in economically challenging situations. No one ever shot anyone else. Perfect people, hell no. But everyone grew up and got jobs and never murdered or maimed anyone else. Lots of people of many races and ethnic backgrounds do the same thing. Why don’t we want to hold people responsible for their choices and actions?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Great family story of resilience. I think we are witnessing a decline in morality, values, ethics, and culture.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Interesting, so the issue really is not single parent households as JAB contends. What might be the difference then between your family and those in urban high poverty areas…? Any ideas?

      Btw, you know that $68 in the depression equates to about $1100 today, right? That is quite a safety net. Is that the sort of financial support you think we need to provide to single parent mothers today?

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Your answer is disgusting. This was not welfare! It was a military pension earned by my grandfather in WWI. He was drafted and transferred to the 82nd Division, 328th Regiment, same as Sgt. York, different company. He fought in both the St. Mihiel and the Meuse Argonne campaigns. On October 8, 1918, the 3rd Battalion attacked the Germans who were entrenched in the small village of Cornay, France. The Germans launched a mustard gas attack. It got my grandfather, who was evacuated to the medic station and later transferred to the field hospital operated by the Nebraska National Guard.

        My grandfather remained hospitalized until just before Christmas 1918, when he returned to his company. The 328th remained in France until May 1919, when it sailed back to New York. The troops were mustered out in late May-early June.

        My grandfather was on medication for lung damage for the rest of his life. He died in a dentist chair in 1931, after being given laughing gas for dental work. Needless to say, all of the dentist’s assets were in his wife’s name.

        Many people face very bad personal and economic situations and still don’t become gangsters and murderers.


        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          Precisely! Your male family fathers earned every penny they got through service to their country and hard work.

          You don’t “earn” government money simply by being born.

          We are a country of equal opportunity, not outcome. At least we used to be.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            What do you think the family fathers of the people you love to vilify faced in America say in and around WWI and before? Were they justly rewarded for their “service to their country and hard work”?

          2. tmtfairfax Avatar

            I’m not vilifying anyone. And I’m not denying racism and other bigotry in the United States. Hell, our Vice President attempted to impose an unconstitutional religious test on a judicial nominee when she was a U.S. Senator. Yet no one dare speak of that. How soon before they want to put up a statue of her and name a middle school after her?

            I never called you disgusting. I said your answer to me was disgusting.

            The Democratic Party is based on the need to make people dependent on the government for the votes of those who are dependent and more important, the votes of those people on government payrolls and contractors who administer programs for the dependent.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, but your propaganda about the Democratic Party is simply false. The Democratic Party simply believes in the power of government to improve the lives of others who are suffering in this country. You can argue unintended consequences all you like (wrongly, I believe) but your last paragraph is pure hogwash!

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Disgusting, am I? Where did I say the pension was welfare? You pointed to it a a supposed meager support for a single mother. I merely pointed out that it was not so meager relative to what single mothers have to rely on today. Disgusting!!

          You might want to note that the great great grandfathers of those you revile so came back from fighting in WWI to lynchings, beatings, more Jim Crow and, for many, denial of the very benefits that supported your grandmother and her family.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Maybe also need to point out that in about 30 other developed countries , similar trends for single-parent famiies and far, far less crime and guns because the govt also provides financial support. What’s different in this country?

            And Haner, good on you.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Eric, there is no shortage of cash support supplemented by private programs, etc, in fact it can be pretty reasonable, but the system itself is nothing short of insane and uneven. The poverty bureaucracy itself takes a huge chunk of it that never gets to families. In the past year we’ve just layered on more insanity.

        This is not a topic I’ve ignored. When Jim was interviewing coal barons and fat cats for the Roanoke Times, I was covering the VA Social Services Board and writing a series on “hunger.” In the 80s I had young single mothers admit they’d rather have the benefits than get married — their opinion of the fathers was pretty low. I’ve had clients in this arena. To just “throw money” at all this hasn’t and won’t make a difference.

        BTW, one of the stories I did all those years ago pointed out that VA was imposing sales tax on food stamps, collecting more tax than it spent on administering the program. Bobby Scott then in the State Senate got that changed….you could ask him, he might remember my story!

      3. Even Larry seems to have the good sense not to quibble with the points made.

    3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      You prove my point. Your grandfather died but the family was predicated on a nuclear family model. Clearly based on love, ethics, hard work, service to one’s country.

      That’s a far cry from a child never having a full time biological father, and very often having half brothers and sisters by several other biological fathers.

      It doesn’t make them lesser human beings. It does stack the deck against them growing up with an ethos based on hard work, self reliance, a strong sense of accountability, and any sense of morality.

      How many more deaths, violent crimes, and urban chaos in cities like Baltimore (where I live), Chicago or any major inner city urban US metropolis do we need to see before people understand our Federal social programs don’t work?

  7. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “when I hear that it’s society’s responsibility to fix the problem — build more libraries and recreation centers, enact more gun controls, create more jobs programs, hire more community organizers as social workers, demand more taxes from middle-class families who delay having children into their 30s so they can be responsible parents.”

    Reminds me of a podcast Joe Rogan did with Ben Shapiro. They were talking about urban crime and decay, like we see here. Rogan said that (and I’m paraphrasing here) America needs a massive intervention into failing communities like this one. Shapiro didn’t respond. I’ll bet it was because Shapiro was thinking to himself: Does Joe Rogan not know about the Great Society and the War on Poverty?

    And THAT reminds me of an article Michael Barone published this week in Jewish World Review. Titled “Do We Have to Watch This Wretched Movie All Over Again?”, Barone reminds everyone that we went through inflation and high urban crime in the 70s. Barone asks rhetorically whether, every two or three generations, our society has to relearn the lessons previous generations learned.

    Juan Williams, no conservative pundit, observed that people who got married, avoided drugs or crime and delayed childbearing until they were ready to provide for a family, hardly ever fell into poverty.

    We’ve seen this movie before. We know what the right answers are. We know what conduct leads to success in life and what doesn’t. There are ways out of this kind of life. They are often very difficult, but they are there. Don’t take drugs, even if everyone around you is. Don’t get pregnant, even if everyone around you is. Find a church. Join the military, and it will take you out of bad environments.

    This is an example of privilege, I’ll admit it. Children who grow up in two-parent households, with committed parents who provide for them, do have a very real form of privilege. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t escape routes from the life we see in communities like this one here.

    At some point, people can expect society to fix their problems. They must fix them themselves. If, for nothing else, We The People are out of money. Look at the federal debt.

  8. Publius Avatar

    The simple truth no one wants to acknowledge. The family is the building block of society – white, black, brown, red, purple, yellow. Period.
    It is the best place to instill values and good habits and to learn responsibility. Period.
    How did Jewish immigrants with nothing become successful? How about the Irish? Remember “No Irish” signs? (We’re too young, but they did exist)
    Have you looked at pictures from old Maggie Walker- Armstrong games in the 1950s? What happened?
    We subsidized illegitimacy and absolved sperm donor fathers of responsibility. And this is not a black thing – it is worse in black communities. White illegitimacy has risen to something like 20-25% and black illegitimacy is somewhere around 70%. It is a formula for disaster.
    We also denigrated marriage, approved no fault divorce, yawned with gay marriage, etc, but remember – we care!
    The Law of Unintended Consequences and the Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions.
    Sorry for the dose of what used to be common sense.

    Oh, while I’m at it, before the government “helped” with health care, how did we survive?
    Ask the same question with education.
    Maybe charity and education and medicine should be more localized… I know, crazy idea…

  9. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Society could fix this. Its called erecting a gallows and letting these thugs dance at the end of a rope. Publicly.

  10. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    Psalm 127: Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain..

    When God was removed from most schools and much of society in the 1970’s, every individual defined his own truth, goodness, and purpose of human life. There is no reason to acknowledge the opportunity God has given us for eternal happiness. There is no long-term (eternal) goal and no horrible consequences of missing the goal. Anything goes.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “When God was removed from most schools and much of society in the 1970’s…”

      God was not removed from anywhere…

      1. Fred Costello Avatar
        Fred Costello

        You are right. God is everywhere. What was removed was any mention of God and His Laws. These were replaced by government and its laws. Thus we see the current power grab in government. Those in power make and enforce their own laws and morality.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    One point not covered is what happens when a kid receives a truly awful education, grows up and has kids of their own?

    When we talk about that, Conservative types often go to the blame game… it’s someone’s fault, the parent, the teacher, the government, etc…. but kids in other developed countries don’t seem to fare as badly on getting an education and there are single paents, a LOT of government involvement , etc.

    poverty is like traffic congestion. It’s not something you ever totally eradicate. It does NOT mean that government has “failed” or traffic engineers have “failed”.

    Listening to some here – VDOT is a “failed” government agency and congestion relief a “failed” govt program we have spent trillions on and still not “fixed”.

    what happens to a kid who gets a crappy education, grows up and has kids of their own? Does the cycle repeat?

    1. Publius Avatar

      Larry – have you given away all of your privilege to make things equal?
      Do you have family members, some of whom squandered advantages, and others of whom made the most with what they got?
      The point is HAVING A BABY OUT OF WEDLOCK IS A CHOICE. And it is a bad choice. A really bad choice, and WE (that means you, too) need to say it and discourage it.
      Being born into poverty doesn’t have to mean a life of crap, but it sure doesn’t help. But, you can escape it…that is the story of America until all you Leftists invented Gramscian marxism to tear it down.

    2. Matt Hurt Avatar
      Matt Hurt

      I agree, education is certainly a variable in this scenario. A good education, while not a guaranteed ticket to wealth, is certainly more of a benefit than a detriment. The problem is that nobody is interested in improving the system. Republicans in the late 90’s increased the standards to show that the public educational system is broken so as to usher in charter schools and vouchers. Democrats of late have been watering down the standards to the point where the data will look good in isolation, but we’ll loose ground relative to the rest of the country. Both parties are neglecting the demographics in the greatest need.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    One other thing that this blog could do sometimes is provide more information on the subject being blogged – to give context.

    Like, for instance:

    How many single parent household families are there?

    Are they found in both urban and rural and suburban locations?

    How many are “poor” versus not “poor”?

    what is the median income of single parent families? Would you believe 48K for instance?

    I think if that data is provided, it would better inform and would highlight the stereotyping that is not really as true as some seem to think.

    1. Publius Avatar

      What’s the stereotype Larry? Are you being a racist?
      The common factor is absence of a father in the day to day.
      Fathers provide a moderating influence at all income levels and for all races. It is why Big Brothers existed …

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