Wait Til the Midnight Hour

by Kerry Dougherty

Sitting down, Virginia?

Big news! Especially for night owls.

Beginning Monday, we will be allowed to stay out past midnight, thanks to the benevolence of our beloved Governor, Ralph Northam.

His Excellency announced yesterday that he has decided to lift our 12 to 5 a.m. curfew, the one based on the Northam family credo that “nothing good happens after midnight.”

Thank you, dear leader.

Best of all, he is magnanimously allowing us to consume alcohol AFTER 10 PM! Yes, you read that correctly. No longer will waiters be prying drinks from our greedy hands on the stroke of 10. We now have Northam’s permission to drink until midnight! This, despite data that once showed the Covid-19 virus could tell time and was prone to attack at 10:01. Apparently that virus has mutated into a form that infects only people imbibing after midnight. Lucky us!

Oh, and thanks to the kindness of the governor, we may now gather outdoors in groups of 25, up from 10. Again, this is based on very sciency stuff that the governor has not shared with his subjects because we wouldn’t understand.

We must trust him. After all, he’s a doctor.

Here’s some more terrific news: On May 1, the Rajah of Richmond will allow overnight camps to reopen, as long as everyone over the age of 5 is — you guessed it — wearing a mask.

What fun! Color wars, canoe races and campfires, with masks on! Again, there’s some load of secret science somewhere that supports this, I’m sure.

To see how well the governor’s crackdown on our liberties worked, check out this chart from the Virginia Department of Health. His Lordship’s non-ironically named “Commonsense Surge Restrictions” Executive Order Number 72 took effect on December 14.

As you can see, there was a big fat spike in cases for weeks after Northam’s arbitrary rules that treated Virginians like naughty children went into effect.

Of course, that steep drop in cases was unrelated to his rules and was too early to be the result of vaccinations. After all, Virginia’s rollout was a massive clusterfart.

It’s worth noting that almost every other state and the District of Columbia followed a similar pattern of cases spiking and plummeting.

Here’s yesterday’s chart from The New York Times:

Yep, it was the same everywhere: In states with mask mandates and states without mask mandates. In states where folks were allowed to stay out late and states where the governors ordered everyone indoors after dark. States with indoor dining. And states without it. States that allowed large crowds at sporting events and states like Virginia where sports were played in empty field houses and stadiums.

It’s almost as if royal restrictions don’t do anything and ought to be scrapped immediately.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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18 responses to “Wait Til the Midnight Hour”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I’d point to Virginia’s low per capita death count, as I have in the past, but it is proving to be bogus as well. Recently they’ve been backfilling scores, even hundreds, of death certificates from weeks ago. The one restriction that probably did the most good was on crowd sizes in inside venues.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      Apparently, Virginia changed to EDRS. Details here:


      A lot of doctors are not familiar with this system, apparently, because it’s only within the last few weeks that Virginia started requiring it.

      So one of my relatives passed away almost a week ago (NOT from COVID!) and there is no death certificate yet.

      There’s things that run like a Swiss watch..and then there’s things like run like a Virginia..well, anything.

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I’d point to Virginia’s low per capita death count, as I have in the past, but it is proving to be bogus as well. Recently they’ve been backfilling scores, even hundreds, of death certificates from weeks ago. The one restriction that probably did the most good was on crowd sizes in inside venues.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      Apparently, Virginia changed to EDRS. Details here:


      A lot of doctors are not familiar with this system, apparently, because it’s only within the last few weeks that Virginia started requiring it.

      So one of my relatives passed away almost a week ago (NOT from COVID!) and there is no death certificate yet.

      There’s things that run like a Swiss watch..and then there’s things like run like a Virginia..well, anything.

  3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Wednesdays no doubt.

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Wednesdays no doubt.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Imagine if we had thousands of Kerry’s and Karens swirling around in the public expressing their displeasure with any/all related to the pandemic…

    oh wait..

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Imagine if we had thousands of Kerry’s and Karens swirling around in the public expressing their displeasure with any/all related to the pandemic…

    oh wait..

  7. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I was hoping Dr. Governor would have us triple mask just so he could demonstrate how serious he is about Covid.
    Or better yet if he made obesity and diabetes illegal it would demonstrate that Virginia takes Covid deaths seriously.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      A plastic shopping bad tied tightly around the neck will not only protect you from COVID-19, you’ll never have to worry about anything else again.

  8. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I was hoping Dr. Governor would have us triple mask just so he could demonstrate how serious he is about Covid.
    Or better yet if he made obesity and diabetes illegal it would demonstrate that Virginia takes Covid deaths seriously.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      A plastic shopping bad tied tightly around the neck will not only protect you from COVID-19, you’ll never have to worry about anything else again.

  9. idiocracy Avatar

    His Excellency announced yesterday that he has decided to lift our 12 to 5 a.m. curfew, the one based on the Northam family credo that “nothing good happens after midnight.”

    Was Northam conceived after midnight?

  10. idiocracy Avatar

    His Excellency announced yesterday that he has decided to lift our 12 to 5 a.m. curfew, the one based on the Northam family credo that “nothing good happens after midnight.”

    Was Northam conceived after midnight?

  11. djrippert Avatar

    Modern liberal commentary (on just about everything) – Blah, blah, blah , “science”, blah, blah, “follow the science”, Blah, blah …

    Meanwhile, California and Florida took very different routes to the same endpoint.

    Where was “the science” that guaranteed Florida would end in catastrophe?


  12. djrippert Avatar

    Modern liberal commentary (on just about everything) – Blah, blah, blah , “science”, blah, blah, “follow the science”, Blah, blah …

    Meanwhile, California and Florida took very different routes to the same endpoint.

    Where was “the science” that guaranteed Florida would end in catastrophe?


  13. so I no longer have to turn my old analog watch arms back an hour while sitting and sipping…. the waiter always agreed with my watch when i showed it!

  14. so I no longer have to turn my old analog watch arms back an hour while sitting and sipping…. the waiter always agreed with my watch when i showed it!

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