Wahoo Alumni Study Civil Rights Movement – For Recreation

Here’s a sign of the times. I just received a e-mail from the University of Virginia “Travel & Learn” program, which I presume is targeted at alumni of advancing age like myself with the time and financial means to enjoy travel. The sales pitch is fascinating in itself:

Join leading U.Va. faculty and their colleagues worldwide for the School of Continuing and Professional Studies portfolio of 2008 Travel & Learn Programs for Adults. Explore fascinating topics while at historic destinations in these short domestic and international seminars. Discover, as one participant wrote, “spending quality time with an extraordinary faculty in a beautiful setting studying a stimulating topic is a transcendent experience and downright fun.

This is the future — travel and learn. Eco-travel and heritage-travel are hot. Baby Boomers aren’t content to loaf beside the pool, drink daiquiries and work on their tans. (Personally, I can dig the loafing by the pool and drinking daiquiries, but I’d rather read in the shade than expose my pale, white skin to the merciless pounding of the sun.) No, Baby Boomers want to keep their minds alive.

Here’s the other remarkable thing: One of the programs is entitled, “Civil Rights and the South: In the Footsteps of the Movement.” The teacher is Julian Bond. Says the plug:

See, live and understand the American Civil Rights struggle like you never have before as Julian Bond, Civil Rights leader, Chairman of the NAACP and faculty member of the University of Virginia, leads a remarkable journey through the movement as it happened.

My generation of Wahoos is pretty conservative. It’s a remarkable sign of how far our society has come to think that anyone would find a profit opportunity in selling a vacation to beautiful downtown Montgomery, Selma and Birmingham to retrace the Civil Rights movement to people of my generation.

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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    P. T. Barnum

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    You can hear the now out-of-touch Julian Bond say outrageous things for free. I’ll pass.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    So, Wahoos are too “conservative” to want to understand how the civil rights movement utterly changed their nation, their region, their state and their university.
    Gee, I’ll have to run that by my cousin In the Tennessee who is a ‘Hoo grad from the early 1960s and actually lived through the period and my daughter who is a Hoo, class of 2011.
    With this logic, Hoos should stick to “Cooking in Tuscany” or “How to Play Hedge Funds.”

    Peter Galuszka

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