Susanna Gibson, Democratic nominee for the 57th District seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

by Shaun Kenney

The scandal of the week involving Susanna Gibson is an indictment of our politics. Shame on us all for participating in it.

HAMLET Get thee ⟨to⟩ a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be
a breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest,
but yet I could accuse me of such things that it
were better my mother had not borne me: I am
very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offenses
at my beck than I have thoughts to put them
in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act
them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling
between earth and heaven? We are arrant knaves
⟨all;⟩ believe none of us. Go thy ways to a nunnery.

— William Shakespeare, “Hamlet” Act 3, Scene 1 (1601)

Ophelia has given herself to Hamlet. Yet having placed her trust totally in men — her father, her brother, her lover — she is told by her beloved to remove herself to a nunnery. Or in the context of the Elizabethan age? A brothel — thus exchanging the ideas of nobility and love for pure utility and momentary pleasure.

Realizing the world for what it is — or at least, the world of Hamlet, Laertes, and Polonius — drives Ophelia insane. Having relied upon a branch made of willow, she drowns in a shallow pool, able yet unwilling to save herself and face such a world.

Senator Tim Kaine is already distancing himself from the fracas, though that  ultimately means little. Kaine probably has no idea who Gibson is. Besides, if Virginia Democrats can salvage an open racist, they can surely salvage the campaign of one lowly candidate for House of Delegates for her peccadilloes.

And did we mention that the UK Daily Mail had an exclusive on the peccadilloes of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski — among other trysts?

Open Question: Why Do Republicans Want to Win in 2023?

Of course, these distractions are precisely that — distractions.

That such things seem to have the power to distract us probably has more to say about us as individuals than we care to recognize.

If utilitarianism is the enemy of tradition — and I believe this to be the case — then there is a certain willingness in society to use other people for some other end rather than treating people as an end unto themselves. Rather, they use themselves to some other purpose: money, advantage, legislation, power.

So allow me to ask this question: What are the top 3 policy initiatives we will pass if Republicans take hold of the General Assembly?

  • . . .
  • . . .
  • . . .

That’s right.

We don’t know. None of us know.

Now put the shoe on the other foot. What will Democrats do if they get control of both the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate in 2023? What will they push Governor Youngkin to do in the name of compromise?

  • Abortion up to the point of birth;
  • Critical Race Theory and transgenderism;
  • Defunding the police, firearm confiscations, and other 2A restrictions.

Virginia Democrats aren’t running from their issues.

 Hiding them? Most certainly. Yet despite how unpopular these questions are, Democrats understand two things which Republicans never have — that politics can indeed push culture, and that polls are meaningless after an election.

The most we have to run on at present is that Republicans aren’t Democrats. Which has the convenience of being true, but entirely lacking in testicular fortitude.

To which I would submit the following: that if our politics is going to be reduced from nobility to utility, if we are trading that Periclean love of the city for momentary rhetorical gain — are we in our politics simply working for tips? Not even metaphorically — but actually?

Perhaps Susanna Gibson is not the p-word of ten letters the world is imposing upon her. Prophetess might be a better choice, although this is one hell of a way to do it and most certainly not her intention. Perhaps her husband — who is curiously omitted from these critiques, mostly because his name is not on the ballot — deserves a four-letter word starting and ending with of his own.

Yet perhaps it should be noted that the Gibsons effectively sold out. After all, isn’t this what the world rewards? Only Fans and TikTok and influencers and smut and pornography and the degeneracy of utility over the things which ought to matter? Ask the harder question — is this the world we have created and want for our daughters? Our sisters? Our lovers and beloved? How many Ophelias? Do we blame the victims or the culture? Is base utility the only measure of the good?

Moreover, if this is the way we behave in our politics, then what precisely should we expect from our laws much less society?

The Nunnery of Politics (and Whether We Deserve Better)

We probably shouldn’t be surprised that a world which rewards using people should either both reward Gibson or enjoy scolding her. After all, it doesn’t have to be sexual to be either voyeurism or pornographic, to be sure.

I am also beyond certain that Democrats will enjoy normalizing her behavior while cashing in, while Republicans will enjoy castigating her behavior — also while cashing in. No one will actually give a damn about Susanna Gibson (or her husband) as a person, mind you. Only what she can do for others — and that’s an indictment indeed.

All will ask for donations. Or in this week’s parlance — tips.

One wonders whether that says more about our politics today than it ever could of the Gibsons? After all — we invite what we cultivate.

Here is what we were distracted from: does one soul breathe easier on this planet because we are having this discussion? Is a child fed or educated? Does a mother feel safer? Are the elderly cared for? Name one Beatitude we are advancing, and I could concede the wider point.

Not sure that we can.

Which frankly means something rather simple. So long as we indulge in the politics of utility over nobility, then we truly do invite the qualities we cultivate.

Therein lies a warning for the rest of us. The things we value in this world will drown unless we do something more than wallow in indignation, but rather start standing up for a world where more than tips make it go ‘round. We ought to think more of ourselves and each other than this.

Certainly, I am not praising or dimming the Gibsons’ avocational pursuits as non-consequential, but one suspects this wasn’t Virginia’s best week.

After all, politics ain’t beanbag — I get it — but does it have to be tabloid?

Shaun Kenney is the editor of The Republican Standard, former chairman of the Board of Supervisors for Fluvanna County, and a former executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard. 






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28 responses to “Voyeurism Isn’t Good for the Soul (or Politics)”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Neither are public displays of frottage.

    So allow me to ask this question: What are the top 3 policy initiatives we will pass if Republicans take hold of the General Assembly?
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    That’s right.

    That explains why Mason has yet to run a negative ad against Diggs, and why Diggs has yet to run a positive ad for himself.

  2. Perhaps her husband — who is curiously omitted from these critiques, mostly because his name is not on the ballot — deserves a four-letter word starting and ending with p of his own.

    I think it rather sexist to assume it was her husband’s idea.

    1. I can’t help but be curious about the conversations between them that lead to this outcome, but any speculation about who did or said what is baseless.

      Although the situation was quite different in many respects, it does remind me of another sex scandal from Illinois. I was living there at the time and remember it well.

      Jack Ryan was running for U.S. senator and was accused by his ex-wife Jeri of “pressuring her to go to kinky sex clubs” in divorce documents. That was less than 20 years ago, but it was enough for him to drop out of the race. Times have changed.

      Jack Ryan was running against Barrack Obama.

      His ex-wife Jeri was the actress who played Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager.

  3. Perhaps her husband — who is curiously omitted from these critiques, mostly because his name is not on the ballot — deserves a four-letter word starting and ending with p of his own.

    I think it rather sexist to assume it was her husband’s idea.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    What’s that phrase about the worm turning?

  5. killerhertz Avatar

    This Gibson story is yet another indictment of our government. At the federal and state level it’s full of incompetent, depraved, and senile losers. I for one applaud Gibson for red-pilling more people. Superpower of the world and this is the best we have to offer. Porn stars and geriatrics stroking on live TV.

    As for the hubby, I assume he has something in common with Will Smith, aside from skin color.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Neither are public displays of frottage.

    So allow me to ask this question: What are the top 3 policy initiatives we will pass if Republicans take hold of the General Assembly?
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    That’s right.

    That explains why Mason has yet to run a negative ad against Diggs, and why Diggs has yet to run a positive ad for himself.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Kenney keeps saying that Democrats will push abortion up to the point of birth if they get the majority in both houses. Now he is adding defunding the police and confiscation of firearms. That is just hogwash. If they did not push those policies in 2020 and 2021 when they had the majority in both houses and a Democratic governor in office, why would anyone think they would do it in 2024?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because we, uh, well, because…. Ah! Because it’s not fear mongering unless he says they will.

    2. It’s well documented that Democrats in VA will follow the same path as Democrats in CA, it normally just takes a few years.

      Heck, in the case of climate change, following CA was even written into the law.

      Have you been following CA lately?

      My son works in San Francisco. Many stores have closed, and the ones still open have most everything locked up. As a result, my son buys a lot of stuff through the mail and has it delivered. The delivery area has now become a frequent target thieves, but the police won’t do anything because each theft is less than $1,000.

      Worse yet, they know exactly who it is because the the apartment complex has the thief on video.

      Is that what you want for Virginia?

  8. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
    AlH – Deckplates

    This article strikes two important points which should be grabbing our attention.
    1. Many, too many, elected representatives have character flaws and participate in activities which continue to denigrate their leadership & decision-making abilities. Pick your favorite party here, none are clean.
    2. The Republican Party has leadership issues and cannot look into a mirror to find the root cause, let alone fix it.

    Time for a change.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      EVERYONE has character flaws, unless you wish to claim personal exemptions….

      1. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
        AlH – Deckplates

        Your character is not the point of the comment. Recommend you reread it.
        It is the character of the people who are in those (powerful) positions. Remove a subjective perception from that, and what may be useful is actuating standards for those people – in those positions. It is a precept of leadership which has value.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Did realize that people in powerful positions don’t have character flaws. Does this lack of flaws occur before or after they get these positions?

          1. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
            AlH – Deckplates

            That “either or” question is very funnie.

            We spend a great deal of time in offering a public “perspective” in identifying what is wrong, character flaws and other stuff, with candidates and elected representatives. Yup, parties also throw mud at each other.

            We, in my opinion, spend too little time specifying the traits & accomplishments required to become a successful leader in fulfilling a particular position. Moreover, we too often hire people based on
            – purported – issues, vs. what is more important. Their ability to, umm, actually represent.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            It seems like representative government is a bit of a laugh lately. Joke’s on you apparently.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m easier to please. All I ask is that they not steal from us or take bribes, and if they get caught, that they have the common decency to resign and let the next guy try not to get caught.

      2. Not if you adhere to the Doobie Brothers’ philosophy: “What were once vices are now habits”.


        1. Hence the name, Doobie Brothers.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Peep? What the heck do marshmallow chicks have to do with… Oh, Easter! He has risen.

    1. He has risen indeed, and peeps are better if you open the package and let them get ripe before you eat them.

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