Voter Suppression? Who? Us?

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Here’s what’s happening in Terry McAuliffe’s gubernatorial fund-raising fever dreams:

Republican candidate Pete [Snyder] announced his campaign is launching a Trump-style voter suppression operation. … And they’re hiring Trump-lackey Ken Cuccinelli to run it. … Pete Snyder is tapping Ken to run the same kind of racist, anti-democratic voter suppression operation Donald Trump ran.

And here’s what’s actually happening in the real world. From The Washington Free Beacon:

Virginia’s Department of Elections shut down its voter information portal for “scheduled maintenance” during the final day Republican voters in the commonwealth’s largest county were able to register for the party’s upcoming convention.

The website was taken down on April 9, a day before the April 10 deadline for Republicans in Fairfax County to register to participate in next month’s nominating convention. When voters attempted to locate their required voter number on the state government’s website, an error page read, “We are in the process of performing updates to the Citizen Portal. Due to these changes, the Citizen Portal is temporarily unavailable.”


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34 responses to “Voter Suppression? Who? Us?”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    I probably don’t understand the process. I thought the GOP controlled who would vote, and they came from local GOP committees…

    What is the State’s role?

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      New voters still have to register and Northam shut that avenue down.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        What about existing voters? When a primary is not done at precincts but at convention – how are voting participants vetted/validated? Are they vetted by SBE or by GOP folks?

  2. Publius Avatar

    Just a coinky-dink…
    To register you needed some kind of voter # which the registration website directed you to the VDOE website to get (but remember VoterID is RAAAAAAACIST!)…
    Sure it just happened cuz Dems never do anything for political reasons…but if they did, maybe this will backfire and instead of a RINO sucking on the Govt teat Fairfax Pubbie, you’ll end up with Cox or Chase who shocks the Marxists and wins…
    Often trying to game the system backfires…(looking at you Mitch for AL ending up with Doug Jones and some other stiffs…)

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So, the only reason to go to the site was to get a number that is on your voter registration card? A card that should be on your person along with your driver license, SSA card, draft card, passport, AARP card, medical insurance card, vehicle registration, and a $10 bill for gedunks at the 7-11?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I still don’t get it. When I go to vote – all I need is an ID and they check me in. I don’t need a “voter ID”, right?

        So the GOP does not keep track of their own who would attend a primary and depend on the State?

        Is that the way all primaries Dema and GOP “work” – you have to prove you are an actual registered voter – as opposed to just a card-carrying member of the party?

        Does this imply that the SBE provides a list of all voters to the GOP so they can then use that list to verify participants? Or do you must give them a number and they don’t have an actual ability to verify it?

        Does someone know how this actually works and if it is required by law or just by the GOP party?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I have never presented my Voter Registration card. I sincerely doubt it would be accepted.

          1. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            I have and it is.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Thanks. I wouldn’t have ever thought to even have it on me. Once you’ve been to your precinct once, it’s not like the info on it has any further value.

          3. Except the voter ID number, which you might need to get from the card if the web-site is down…


          4. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            I always carry it I have found it useful for other purposes.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I have not received one in quite some time and the old one I have is not accepted because it’s not current.

            Are ya’ll receiving new ones issued?

          6. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            I am not sure what you mean I got mine when I registered. That was five years ago.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Me too , but:

            1. ones older than a year old may not reflect current residence…so they are not supposed to be acceptable.

            2. – They no long issue them automatically.

            3. – They no longer require them as the only valid form of ID.

          8. Mine was accepted at my precinct last November.

            In 2019 they accepted my professional engineer’s license.

            I’ve been testing them with different forms of ID for several years.

            FYI – You can “bet your sweet a$$” they will not accept a membership card to the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles as a form of ID.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Cardinal, myself.

      2. Publius Avatar

        NN – glad you approve of Voter ID…maybe you can tell everybody to quit lying about GA…
        I don’t know where the # is. All I know is the online form directed you to the BOE site to get it. Maybe it is on the Henrico Voter Registration card I have…but I kinda doubt it.
        Do I also believe the RPV is a bunch of inept stiffs who help define FUBAR and SNAFU? Yes, I do.
        Do I think it beneath Dems to have done this on purpose? Bwahahahaha! C’mon man! Dems OWN cheating around process – see the 2020 election and SlowJoe’s rare moment of lucidity – we have built the most extensive, AND INCLUSIVE, voter fraud organization ever…
        You know BHO was slapping his forehead when SlowJoe blurted that out… 47 years of being a facile liar and he does that? What was Barry’s quote about don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up? Or was it the inclusivity that made the fraud OK? That would seem consistent with what is happening on campuses…

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    They are getting nervous. I heard on the radio that the Republican Unassembled Convention is having no trouble at all finding applicants to be a delegate. Even in the bluest of blue Loudoun, Fairfax, etc.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Fairfax has Puneet running also.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    That is inexcusable. Somebody should have to answer for it.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I note the irony of your broad grin……

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Sucks, don’t it. At least it wasn’t done under the cover of law.

    Maybe it was a required purging of the voter registrations?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So…. where was John O’Bannon?

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It is also on their printed voter ID card, if they can find that. A whole lot of localities other than Fairfax have their filing deadlines coming up fast. Maybe the party will let them show ID at the voting location. 🙂

    It is sadly conceivable to me that nobody at RPV thought to touch base with the Board of Elections to mention that people would be directed to that website to find the number. Also possible nobody at BoE checked with O’Bannon to say they intended to take the site down at this time. FUBAR.

  8. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Shocked, I say shocked. I thought that it was only republicans who did things like this.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Every Jim Crow law in the South was passed by Democrats — and the reason was mainly to stop black votes for Republicans! 🙂 These %$#@heads haven’t changed in 150 years.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So all these corporations now getting involved in the voter suppression issue are concerned about the Democrats and voter suppression?


      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        One of the Byrd Machine backdoor tricks. Control the courthouse politicians and in particular the judges. In those days the judges appointed the local Electoral Boards. The Electoral Boards appointed Election Judges that determined who could vote and who could not under Virginia’s rigid voter laws. A clever and closeted way to limit the electorate. Harry Byrd would have been proud of the election portal shutdown. He basically did the same thing with the old poll books. Hey now Speaker Filler Corn, are you sure want that statue gone?

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yes they have. In the South, they all, one by one, switched parties.

  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It is also on their printed voter ID card, if they can find that. A whole lot of localities other than Fairfax have their filing deadlines coming up fast. Maybe the party will let them show ID at the voting location. 🙂

    It is sadly conceivable to me that nobody at RPV thought to touch base with the Board of Elections to mention that people would be directed to that website to find the number. Also possible nobody at BoE checked with O’Bannon to say they intended to take the site down at this time. FUBAR.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Serious question. Is it really a “Voter ID” or just a “Voter Registration Card”? Would it be accepted as a valid ID for voting?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. Ditto. If I showed up to vote , would this number be all I needed to vote?

      2. N_N,

        I’m looking at mine right now. It is called a “Commonwealth of Virginia Voter Card”. It has a 9-digit “ID NO.” and the Issue Date printed near the top, with my name, address, language preference and voting location below those.

        As I noted above, I have used it as my ID at the polls.

        It is a tri-fold card, (similar to Virginia’s old drivers license Part II). The second “page” has my locality and voting precinct, as well as my congressional, state senate and state delegate districts numbers.

        The third part is blank on mine, but is used for “Town” name and precinct, if one lives in an incorporated town which holds its own elections.

        PS – There is also a barcode. I assume that starting with the next election the barcode data will be compared/matched with the information on the chip they injected into me when I got my Covid19 vaccination to automatically verify my identity when I show up to vote….


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Barcode? Seems kinda primative, what with DNA and all.

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