Voter Suppression in Virginia? What Voter Suppression?

by James A. Bacon

The Virginia State Conference of the NAACP has demanded that Attorney General Jason Miyares immediately replace his recently created Election Integrity Unit with a group to combat voter suppression and increase voter registration.

Said Robert N. Barnette, Jr, President of the Virginia NAACP in a statement issued last week:

Many studies have shown that “voter fraud” is virtually nonexistent in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Washington Post conducted a study that determined that only 31 out of 1 billion votes cast in the United States between 2000 and 2014 were alleged to be potentially fraudulent. The Attorney General should focus on ensuring all eligible Virginians have the right to vote and that all eligible Virginians can vote without threat of intimidation.

It may be true to say that voter fraud rarely rises to the level of changing election outcomes. However, the idea that there were only 31 fraudulent votes out of 1 billion cast is patently absurd. In an article debunking claims of widespread voter fraud, the Associated Press in December 2021 found 475 potential voter fraud cases out of 25 million votes cast. As of May 2020, the Heritage Foundation election fraud database cited 1,285 proven cases in the previous four years.

I’d like to turn the question around. How many cases of voter suppression and/or intimidation in Virginia can the NAACP cite?

Perhaps the NAACP can claim that certain laws encourage lower turnout — off-year elections for state offices in Virginia consistently have lower vote totals — but how many instances of voter suppression in violation of state law can it point to? Remember, the AG’s role is not to write the law but to enforce it.

Here are the numbers of Virginia votes for the past six presidential elections:

Source: Wikipedia

Vote totals increased 65% over 20 years. The state’s population increased only 22% over the same period.

Where’s the suppression? Where’s the intimidation?

While Trumpistas have been running around with their hair on fire with charges that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, Democrats have been running around with their hair on fire charging that minority votes have been suppressed. The latter is nothing more than a cynical get-out-the-vote tactic. If African-Americans think that Republicans are trying to keep them from voting, the logic goes, they’ll be more likely to vote.

As for the NAACP’s use of the word “intimidation,” I’d like to see the organization document a single incident in the past 20 years of a minority voter in Virginia being intimidated into not voting. If such an incident occurred, the NAACP would have trumpeted it for all Virginia to hear, and the media would have cranked up the amplifier for all the world to hear.

The fact is, Americans are concerned more than ever about election integrity. We live in a hyper-polarized society in which both political parties are utterly convinced that the other engages in systematic cheating. Fortunately, such toxic distrust is not yet pervasive in Virginia. The Miyares initiative seems a small price to pay to keep it that way.

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31 responses to “Voter Suppression in Virginia? What Voter Suppression?”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…a single incident in the past 20 years of a minority voter in Virginia being intimidated into not voting”

    That took all of 5 minutes…

    1. A. Please explain how anyone’s votes were suppressed in this case.

      B. Please inform readers how the case was resolved.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Pretty confident that you (and the “readers”) are capable of reading.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Pretty confident that you (and the “readers”) are capable of reading.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      1986. I was contracted, along with a dozen others, in an emergency situation. The only available and suitable space was a 1st floor conference room in a Top Secret facility. Having only a Secret clearance meant that a few of us had to be escorted outside the conference room.

      10 AM the first morning and three cups of coffee brought things to a head, and I called for an escort to the head. An airman showed up complete with M-16, and walked me the 60 feet to the head.

      I figured that he’d wait outside. Nope. A man with an automatic weapon standing behind you will instantly age your bladder 50 years.

      Just the formation of this “Purity of the Vote” goon squad is intimidating.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Yep, in the Plaintiff’s own words:

        “Defendants’ ongoing defamation campaign is a modern, covert, and particularly insidious method of voter intimidation. An objectively reasonable individual named in either of the reports, or fearful of being wrongly named in future reports, would simply not register or vote again because the benefit from doing so would not outweigh the significant potential risk that the voter would be a continued target of Defendants’ ongoing and intensifying defamation campaign that could have devastating effects on their careers and personal lives, or make them susceptible to harassment by “ballot security” activists (who now have access
        to their contact information by virtue of these published reports).”

        1. so this is about ‘feelings’ – not fact based acts to stop a legally registered person from voting…got it.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Generally one “feels” intimidated…

    3. So this is a case about report published which details supposed voter fraud?

      “Plaintiffs in this case include four Virginia voters
      accused by Defendants of committing state and federal felonies by participating in the electoral process.”

      That’s ‘intimidation’? What happened to ‘Sticks and Stone will break m bones, but words will never hurt me’?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Presumably, the mere accusation of illegally voting is a sign of intimidation.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          A FORM of intimidation would be more accurate.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Here is the Washington Post story.


            “Apparently, the two “public interest” groups hounded voting registrars to review voting documents in which the registrant checks a box as to whether he or she is a U.S. citizen or not. In some cases, the applicant apparently checked “no” but was allowed to register to voter.

            In other cases, the registrant’s voting status was declared “cancelled” later because either voting officials discovered that the applicant was not a citizen or the applicant called in to say he or she wasn’t.”

            Much ado about nothing.

            Also from that article …

            “Until now, however, hard evidence of fraud hasn’t materialized, other than a case of 19 deceased persons allegedly being registered by a James Madison University student.”

            In other words, there is no evidence of fraud other than the evidence of fraud.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You call this sort of thing “much ado about nothing”?

            “Alien Invasion II accused hundreds of named residents of Prince William County of committing felony voter fraud, suggesting that the United States Department of Justice “has done nothing about the felonies committed by 433 suspected aliens registered in Prince William County alone.” Ex. B, at 6 (italics added, bold in original). The report accuses 1,852 Virginia voters of being “illegal registrants” who cast nearly 7,500 ballots by voting “in elections dating back to 1988” and thereby committing “felonies upon felonies.” Ex. B, at 1, 3 (bold in original). And, once again, Defendants published the names, home addresses, 2
            Names, except those of Plaintiffs, and personal information of individuals listed in the exhibits to this complaint have been redacted. 4 telephone numbers, and, in some cases, social security numbers of these individuals. This report and associated voter information is also still available online…”

            If it happened to me, I would not have settled for an official apology and retraction (which is what they got) …

          3. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Every illegal who gets a drivers license is automatically registered to vote. Federal law.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Words” are the tools of those who defame and intimidate.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Google may be creepy, but cell service providers are catching up…

    “With every queue you form we’ll be watching you.”

    1. Scary, with every move you make, with every breath you take we’ll be watching you. Orwell’s vision was shortsighted.

  3. vicnicholls Avatar

    Only reason they’re not finding it is you can’t get at the evidence.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    It is safe to conclude that the 65% increase in voter totals in VA were not the result of election integrity measures. The 7 million popular vote margin for the Democrat in 2020, though, has wrought a stampede of concern for election integrity. Somehow and somewhere theses two phenomena are related. Tucker Carlson bellows that these dynamics are a function of replacement of white voters. Tough to sort the wheat and chaff.

    1. The 7 million popular vote margin in 2020 was the sum of the margins in California (5m) and New York (2m). Concerns about election integrity arose elsewhere.

      Carlson’s voice is too high pitched to bellow.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Are you saying that the citizens of California and New York shouldn’t be counted?

        1. No, just that the concerns about election integrity were not caused by big Dem vote margins in those two hugely blue states.Concerns were in places where the margins were very close.

          I’m not part of the election was stolen crowd. I don’t believe we will ever have a reliable count on who won in either ’16 or ’20. The deciding margins were too close in the small number of states (5 in ’16 and 3 in ’20) that made the difference, and the election systems too flawed.

          Our voting machine security still sucks after almost two decades of automated machines. The recent move to absentee voting has a lot of process control issues. America is not entirely free of political machine corruption that will exploit those vulnerabilities.

          We do have real national problems with election integrity that are impossible to address rationally in the current super heated environment.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Conversion to election of President by popular vote only eliminates the temptation to manipulate state results where narrow margins more significantly affect the Electoral College count. Using the popular vote criterion increases the necessity for campaigns to broaden their fields.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        28 states contributed to the 2020 margin of 7 million aggregating the Electoral College totals. Time to consider transition to the popular vote as the gold standard. Yes, Carlson mewls.

        1. It is the fools gold standard and yet another Jim McCarthy silly walk, congrats.

          This is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve been through this for you. I’ll repeat it slowly this time in hopes that will help it stick. I’d have thought that as a lawyer you’d have had some understanding of our constitution and how we forged a nation from 13 colonies. So much for the idea that the bar is set very high in New York.

          Our bicameral legislature that apportions one house by population and the other by state is why we have a nation instead of something like Europe. It was designed that way to protect smaller and less populous areas from the tyranny of a mob in populous areas. Without that accommodation the smaller and less populated states would not have ratified the constitution and we would have no country.

          Those same issues are every bit as relevant today. Our system is designed to protect all its citizens. Our legislature and electoral college apportioned the same way are features not a bug.

          All 50 states, several territories and D.C. contributed to the 7 million vote majority. Some of them positively and some negatively. California and New York between them had about 7 million votes margin. That means the other 48 states, etc in aggregate split right down the middle. To illustrate how evenly divided it was, the election outcome itself was decided by fewer than 50k total votes in 3 states. That’s about as close as it gets, and even closer than in ’16 which was decided by fewer than 100K votes in 5 states.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Apples! Get your apples!”
    “Isn’t this an orange?”
    “Oranges! Get your…”

    Intimidation, unless reported, isn’t intimidation. It’s just business as usual.

  6. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Is this the same org that lost its IRS status?

  7. The BULLIES on the left have nothing of substance to say except a couple of hackneyed epithets: “Racist!” & “Voter Suppression!”

  8. VOTER SUPPRESSION! Imagine that! “The federal agency’s report indicates that overcounts occurred in Democratic-dominated states while population undercounts affected Republican-dominated states.” (Just by chance, of course!)

  9. Clarity77 Avatar

    The evidence is clear that democrats simply cannot win elections unless they are allowed to cheat. “Voter suppression” is simply the trope used to facilitate cheating techniques as has been well documented. Dead people voting, stuffing ballot drop boxes, illegally changing state voter laws, etc. They can’t stand having their game thwarted as Miyares thankfully is accomplishing. They have been at this for decades and it is time it stops. Boom!

  10. the “voter suppression” argument is easily laughed out of the room by noting that 2021 had record levels of voter participation, across all demographics

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