VMI Update: The WaPo Makes Another Sleazy Insinuation

by James A. Bacon

In the early stages of the Barnes & Thornburg investigation into racism at the Virginia Military Institute, there was some contention over how the inquiry should be handled. Initially, VMI administrators asked for its lawyers to observe investigators’ interviews of faculty, staff and students. Barnes & Thornburg pushed back, saying the lawyers’ presence would be intimidating. The disagreement erupted into public view when the investigative team published its interim findings earlier this month.

VMI has since backed off, and in its latest article on the racism controversy the Washington Post quotes anonymous faculty sources as saying that they have spoken to Barnes & Thornburg and felt no pressure from school officials.

So, the question arises: Why did VMI officials back off? Did they do so voluntarily, or did they feel coerced? Here’s what the Washington Post had to say:

After one state lawmaker suggested that VMI could lose some of its $19.3 million of state funding if it did not cooperate, the college’s interim superintendent, retired Army Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Winsreleased a statement encouraging students and teachers to come forward. He shared a designated email and phone number for the firm’s investigators. Pledging the college’s commitment to confidentiality, he promised that all members of the VMI community “will be treated equitably and without fear of retaliation at every stage of this vital process.”

The lawmaker that writer Ian Shapira was referring to in that paragraph was state Sen. Janet D. Howell, D-Fairfax, who, according to a previous article he had written, had said that if VMI didn’t “stop its delaying tactics and its efforts to thwart the investigation,” it risked losing some of its annual $19.3 million in state support — or be compelled to foot the $1 million bill for the investigation.

By juxtaposing the reference to Howell’s threat and Wins’ statement encouraging students to come forward, Shapira implies that there was a connection between the two events — that Wins buckled because of fears of jeopardizing the state’s aid to VMI. This is classic Shapira — insinuating causation without saying so explicitly. He similarly defamed Commandant William Wanovich by implying but not stating outright a link between his impending retirement to the racism investigation. Likewise, he implied a link between a racial incident involving a Hispanic/African-American basketball player during VMI “hell week” and the student’s expulsion the following semester for an Honor Code offense.

Careful readers are left scratching their heads. Did Wins feel coerced into  cooperating, or had he intended to cooperate all along? Was the dispute with Barnes & Thornburg an effort by VMI to “thwart” the investigation, in Howell’s words, or was it merely procedural as the administration tried to establish the ground rules?

In his statement to the “VMI Family,” Wins said he was “perplexed” by the tone of Barnes & Thornburg’s interim report. “We have been focused on building a strong and cooperative relationship with them during the investigation.” It is normal in commencing such investigations, he said, to review processes and procedures. He cited three sets of issues.

  • How to comply with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act laws, which protect students’ right to privacy.
  • The rights of cadets, faculty, and staff to have legal counsel present when being questioned by Barnes & Thornburg’s team of former prosecutors.
  • Resolution of Barnes & Thornburg’s request that VMI suspend the Honor Code for cadets interviewed during the investigation.

These are not trivial issues, and they had to be resolved.

Unmentioned by the Washington Post, Barnes & Thornburg was under the gun to produce fast results. When issuing its Request for Proposal in early November, the Northam administration set a super-aggressive time-line. The RFP process was truncated from 30 days to 10 days. The winning bidder was required to issue preliminary findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly leadership by Dec. 31 and submit an interim report by Feb. 5. Due to a variety of reasons, Barnes & Thornburg was not awarded the contract until Jan. 7, giving the firm less than a month to research its interim report.

In that report, Barnes & Thornburg reached no conclusions and made no recommendations. The Northam administration lost its opportunity to submit legislation to the General Assembly this year. The investigative team conceded that VMI leaders had made themselves available to make presentations and answer questions, and that the administration had handed over a wide array of documents. But, as a face-saving matter, the firm had to explain why its investigators had failed to meet the administration’s deadline. That was most readily accomplished by dwelling on the procedural issues VMI had raised.

As Wins contended in his statement to the VMI community, those procedural questions were typical for any investigation of this type.

The problem wasn’t that VMI raised issues that needed resolution, it was that Barnes & Thornburg was operating under an unrealistic deadline imposed by the Northam administration for political reasons. But the law firm couldn’t very well say that in its report.

VMI’s leadership pledged its full cooperation from the beginning. The procedural issues it raised were legitimate. Those issues have been resolved — VMI’s lawyers will not attend interviews unless invited by the person being questioned, but it will not bend on its insistence that all students abide by the Honor Code — and the investigation is proceeding with the university’s full cooperation.

Shapira presented zero evidence that VMI leaders bowed to Howell’s threat, and, in absence of evidence to the contrary, VMI is entitled to the presumption that it has been cooperating fully with the investigation as it had promised all along. Shapira’s insinuation is just a cheap shot that no credible news publication would ever let into print.

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76 responses to “VMI Update: The WaPo Makes Another Sleazy Insinuation”

  1. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Ho hum . Another day. Another dumb at Ian Shapira and the WaPo.

    1. Peter, you don’t practice sleazy journalism like Shapira. Why would you defend him?

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Peter, is this good journalism? If you were head of a school of journalism at a respected university, would you hire Shapira as an instructor?

      Due process is important for every American. The left is tied up in knots worried about due process for those who cross the border illegally but doesn’t give a crap about forcing a witness and many times the accused to testify without the assistance of counsel , if so desired and furnished.

      The Post sure used its lawyers to protect its rights when it was sued for slander by Nick Sandman and Devin Nunes.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Ho hum . Another day. Another dumb at Ian Shapira and the WaPo.

    1. Peter, you don’t practice sleazy journalism like Shapira. Why would you defend him?

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Peter, is this good journalism? If you were head of a school of journalism at a respected university, would you hire Shapira as an instructor?

      Due process is important for every American. The left is tied up in knots worried about due process for those who cross the border illegally but doesn’t give a crap about forcing a witness and many times the accused to testify without the assistance of counsel , if so desired and furnished.

      The Post sure used its lawyers to protect its rights when it was sued for slander by Nick Sandman and Devin Nunes.

  3. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Would have been worth adding that Janet Howell chairs the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, so she is making a threat she could actually deliver on. If that is what she said publicly, be sure it was stronger in private. I wouldn’t be so sure it had no impact.

    1. Steve, you might be right. Perhaps Howell’s threat did have an effect. I don’t rule that out. My point is that Shapira implies that there was such a cause and effect without offering any evidence to support the insinuation.

      I’ve heard a rumor that the Northam administration threatened to yank VMI funds unless Superintendent Peay resigned — surely newsworthy, if true. But I haven’t published the rumor, nor have I tried to imply that Northam forced out Peay by splicing together bits and pieces of evidence to insinuate such a thing without saying it directly. If I have time, I’ll follow up and try to find sources to confirm. Unless I can nail it down, though, I won’t dignify it as anything but what it is, unsubstantiated second- or third-hand rumor.

  4. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Would have been worth adding that Janet Howell chairs the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, so she is making a threat she could actually deliver on. If that is what she said publicly, be sure it was stronger in private. I wouldn’t be so sure it had no impact.

    1. Steve, you might be right. Perhaps Howell’s threat did have an effect. I don’t rule that out. My point is that Shapira implies that there was such a cause and effect without offering any evidence to support the insinuation.

      I’ve heard a rumor that the Northam administration threatened to yank VMI funds unless Superintendent Peay resigned — surely newsworthy, if true. But I haven’t published the rumor, nor have I tried to imply that Northam forced out Peay by splicing together bits and pieces of evidence to insinuate such a thing without saying it directly. If I have time, I’ll follow up and try to find sources to confirm. Unless I can nail it down, though, I won’t dignify it as anything but what it is, unsubstantiated second- or third-hand rumor.

  5. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Seems to me an accurate report of the timeline of events. Protesting a bit too much, JAB!!

  6. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Seems to me an accurate report of the timeline of events. Protesting a bit too much, JAB!!

  7. djrippert Avatar

    If Janet “Big Bird” Howell spent as much time worrying about the actual needs of her constituents as she spends worrying about the inquisition at VMI everybody in Northern Virginia would be better off.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      I’m sorry, what part of $19MM in funding do you think is outside of her responsibilities?

  8. djrippert Avatar

    If Janet “Big Bird” Howell spent as much time worrying about the actual needs of her constituents as she spends worrying about the inquisition at VMI everybody in Northern Virginia would be better off.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      I’m sorry, what part of $19MM in funding do you think is outside of her responsibilities?

  9. djrippert Avatar

    This investigation is every bit as phony as the investigation by McGuire Woods into the provenance of Northam’s yearbook photo. McGuire Woods? Yeah, they don’t have any connections or ties to the establishment in Richmond.
    Might as well ask the reindeer if Santa was drinking while operating his sleigh.
    McGuire Woods was hired to bury the facts just as surely as Barnes and Thornburg was hired to find racism whether it exists or not. Northam and Howell should save the taxpayers money and just write the conclusions themselves.

    1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Watch it!! JAB might take your comment as a sleazy insinuating attack on Santa…!!

  10. djrippert Avatar

    This investigation is every bit as phony as the investigation by McGuire Woods into the provenance of Northam’s yearbook photo. McGuire Woods? Yeah, they don’t have any connections or ties to the establishment in Richmond.
    Might as well ask the reindeer if Santa was drinking while operating his sleigh.
    McGuire Woods was hired to bury the facts just as surely as Barnes and Thornburg was hired to find racism whether it exists or not. Northam and Howell should save the taxpayers money and just write the conclusions themselves.

    1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Watch it!! JAB might take your comment as a sleazy insinuating attack on Santa…!!

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. I am kidding but the latest Post story is just a turn of the screw. I have friends who went to VMI but I don’t know anything about it. Just read the news.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. I am kidding but the latest Post story is just a turn of the screw. I have friends who went to VMI but I don’t know anything about it. Just read the news.

  13. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    It would be interesting to know why Shapira appears to be on a vendetta?
    Was he rejected as an applicant?

    1. My guess is that he is very Woke. What other explanation is necessary?

      1. VDOTyranny Avatar

        … maybe he’s just a useful tool? By that, I mean, “News” is mostly just political propaganda with many modern-day “journalism” careers dependent upon their political connections.

        Toe the line, get the inside scoop.

    2. satansquid Avatar

      Could it be that VMI has real, identifiable problems of race? I know that’s hard to swallow, but perhaps that’s the most obvious explanation. Perhaps?

      1. That’s possible. Perhaps there is “relentless” and “systemic” racism at VMI. Or perhaps there are isolated instances of racism — some of which may have been blown out of proportion — not tolerated by the administration. VMI defenders want to ensure that any investigation seeks a fair and objective appraisal, and does not reach a politically driven, foreordained conclusion.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          “That’s possible.”
          I think that’s the purpose of the investigation. Does this mean that if they identify such, you’ll accept the results?
          That’s possible?
          9 words to 23 words

        2. satansquid Avatar

          So to assure this unbiased outcome, VMI flat out denies that systemic racism exists when the investigation is announced, initially insisted on its own lawyers being in the room when people speak to investigators, and has proxies running around writing opeds (yourself included) attacking the investigators, the process, the Post, and the Gov. Then the superintendent needs to step in to calm the situation. Yep, clearly defenders just want the truth!

        3. My aim to date has been to counter-balance the outrageously one-sided reporting of the Washington Post. I await the evidence presented by Barnes & Thornburg. I will not accept its analysis and conclusions blindly, but if there is “systemic” racism at VMI, let the truth come out.

          1. satansquid Avatar

            You’re doing a helluva job obscuring the truth by taking everything VMI and its allies have to say at face value. Would be good to employ that skepticism you tout so often.

  14. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    It would be interesting to know why Shapira appears to be on a vendetta?
    Was he rejected as an applicant?

    1. My guess is that he is very Woke. What other explanation is necessary?

      1. VDOTyranny Avatar

        … maybe he’s just a useful tool? By that, I mean, “News” is mostly just political propaganda with many modern-day “journalism” careers dependent upon their political connections.

        Toe the line, get the inside scoop.

    2. satansquid Avatar

      Could it be that VMI has real, identifiable problems of race? I know that’s hard to swallow, but perhaps that’s the most obvious explanation. Perhaps?

      1. That’s possible. Perhaps there is “relentless” and “systemic” racism at VMI. Or perhaps there are isolated instances of racism — some of which may have been blown out of proportion — not tolerated by the administration. VMI defenders want to ensure that any investigation seeks a fair and objective appraisal, and does not reach a politically driven, foreordained conclusion.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          “That’s possible.”
          I think that’s the purpose of the investigation. Does this mean that if they identify such, you’ll accept the results?
          That’s possible?
          9 words to 23 words

        2. satansquid Avatar

          So to assure this unbiased outcome, VMI flat out denies that systemic racism exists when the investigation is announced, initially insisted on its own lawyers being in the room when people speak to investigators, and has proxies running around writing opeds (yourself included) attacking the investigators, the process, the Post, and the Gov. Then the superintendent needs to step in to calm the situation. Yep, clearly defenders just want the truth!

        3. My aim to date has been to counter-balance the outrageously one-sided reporting of the Washington Post. I await the evidence presented by Barnes & Thornburg. I will not accept its analysis and conclusions blindly, but if there is “systemic” racism at VMI, let the truth come out.

          1. satansquid Avatar

            You’re doing a helluva job obscuring the truth by taking everything VMI and its allies have to say at face value. Would be good to employ that skepticism you tout so often.

  15. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I’m so relieved the good people are in charge of Virginia!
    This is so awesome I can hardly contain myself. No matter what the rationale destroying public institutions is really a great look for any politician.
    Everyone should take notice, pendulums swing and one day it may be your public institution that will be destroyed or worse your associations to such institutions will be deemed racist, sexist, or whatever the “ist” du jour. The next targets will most likely be religious.

  16. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I’m so relieved the good people are in charge of Virginia!
    This is so awesome I can hardly contain myself. No matter what the rationale destroying public institutions is really a great look for any politician.
    Everyone should take notice, pendulums swing and one day it may be your public institution that will be destroyed or worse your associations to such institutions will be deemed racist, sexist, or whatever the “ist” du jour. The next targets will most likely be religious.

  17. atticusfinch Avatar

    If Mr. Shapira fancies himself a “journalist” then why doesn’t he dig into the questions raised here and demand State government answers. Why are pages redacted? Do some investigation. Propagandist or Journalist, Sir. Which is it?

  18. atticusfinch Avatar

    If Mr. Shapira fancies himself a “journalist” then why doesn’t he dig into the questions raised here and demand State government answers. Why are pages redacted? Do some investigation. Propagandist or Journalist, Sir. Which is it?

  19. LarrytheG Avatar

    “media”/blogs insinuating wrong behavior of Higher Ed in Virginia without real evidence.


    Wby, I’ve never seen such a thing! This has to be a first!


  20. LarrytheG Avatar

    “media”/blogs insinuating wrong behavior of Higher Ed in Virginia without real evidence.


    Wby, I’ve never seen such a thing! This has to be a first!


  21. LarrytheG Avatar

    interesting: ” After claims of discord and sexism, Virginia Tech to dissolve Student Government Association”

  22. LarrytheG Avatar

    interesting: ” After claims of discord and sexism, Virginia Tech to dissolve Student Government Association”

  23. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It’s an interim report. I would not expect conclusions unless they were expected for a part of the investigation that has been completed and is independent of any work that follows.

  24. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It’s an interim report. I would not expect conclusions unless they were expected for a part of the investigation that has been completed and is independent of any work that follows.

  25. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. I reread Shapira’s article. I can’t see the bias or misfeasance you claim. Examples?

    1. I’ve blogged about each instance that I mention. I recall that you thought my posts were yawners. If you see no problem with Shapira’s journalism, then there’s probably not much for us to talk about.

  26. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. I reread Shapira’s article. I can’t see the bias or misfeasance you claim. Examples?

    1. I’ve blogged about each instance that I mention. I recall that you thought my posts were yawners. If you see no problem with Shapira’s journalism, then there’s probably not much for us to talk about.

  27. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Example? Black alumni and students have apparently complained of systemic racism. If you can, note their points and knock them down or support them. I do not know VMI. You seem to do. Why not share your wisdom.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      He can’t knock them down. No one can. What the stalwarts want is misdirection–attack the Post, the investigators, the Gov., the RFP, Sen. Howell anything not to have to talk about how minorities are treated at the school.

  28. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Example? Black alumni and students have apparently complained of systemic racism. If you can, note their points and knock them down or support them. I do not know VMI. You seem to do. Why not share your wisdom.

    1. satansquid Avatar

      He can’t knock them down. No one can. What the stalwarts want is misdirection–attack the Post, the investigators, the Gov., the RFP, Sen. Howell anything not to have to talk about how minorities are treated at the school.

  29. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    And now for something completely different, a 1:60 scale B-777 made from filing folders…

  30. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    And now for something completely different, a 1:60 scale B-777 made from filing folders…

  31. satansquid Avatar

    If you think Howell’s threat had no effect on how VMI behaves, you have either not been following this story closely (ironic given the nonstop, ill-informed posts on this site) or were born yesterday. VMI is terrified of losing any part of its state funding. Full stop.

    Also, might want to double check your facts. Wins didn’t say he was ‘perplexed’ by the tone of the progress report. That was the alumni agencies and they’re independent from the school, and apparently completely tone deaf to public sentiment outside of its narrow alumni base. Wins email rightfully sought to calm tension after the initial alumni email caused a fury due to semi-accurate claims about the investigators’ requests.

  32. satansquid Avatar

    If you think Howell’s threat had no effect on how VMI behaves, you have either not been following this story closely (ironic given the nonstop, ill-informed posts on this site) or were born yesterday. VMI is terrified of losing any part of its state funding. Full stop.

    Also, might want to double check your facts. Wins didn’t say he was ‘perplexed’ by the tone of the progress report. That was the alumni agencies and they’re independent from the school, and apparently completely tone deaf to public sentiment outside of its narrow alumni base. Wins email rightfully sought to calm tension after the initial alumni email caused a fury due to semi-accurate claims about the investigators’ requests.

  33. owen dunlap Avatar
    owen dunlap

    I would agree that it is possible and maybe probable and understandable that VMI slightly adjusted its positions on these issues due to more threats to cut its state funding- but there is no direct proof of that linkage that I have seen — VMI has been a state supported school for its entire history and with great returns for the state i would submit. There are several reasons that VMI would not want to ” go private”… and unless they are willing to actually do it – they should not even draw that line in the sand.

    Satansquid — posting what “ill informed” blog post your are referring to might be helpful to quality debate.

    That the Barnes & Thornburg firm even wanted the VMI honor code suspended shows to me their total lack of understanding of a pretty simple code – no lie/cheat/steal or tolerate those who do – not sure what they were afraid of in that. My guess is that they saw it as a code of “conduct” outside of those 4 things and thought it would effect interviews with existing members of the corp ( although obviously even under this totally incorrect view of the code – the only folks that would fall under it would be cadets – not alumni or faculty )

    I think i speak for a lot of alumni when i state that Gov Northam has made 2 clear and important errors that involved VMI during his ongoing term as Governor – and who knows what he has done unsceen from public eye in such a powerful position – 1) when he flipped flopped on the issue of if had worn blackface at graduate school parties- he put personal gain above personal honor and 2) when joined the black caucus in signing a letter that called for an investigation and implied its correct conclusion all in the same letter

  34. owen dunlap Avatar
    owen dunlap

    I would agree that it is possible and maybe probable and understandable that VMI slightly adjusted its positions on these issues due to more threats to cut its state funding- but there is no direct proof of that linkage that I have seen — VMI has been a state supported school for its entire history and with great returns for the state i would submit. There are several reasons that VMI would not want to ” go private”… and unless they are willing to actually do it – they should not even draw that line in the sand.

    Satansquid — posting what “ill informed” blog post your are referring to might be helpful to quality debate.

    That the Barnes & Thornburg firm even wanted the VMI honor code suspended shows to me their total lack of understanding of a pretty simple code – no lie/cheat/steal or tolerate those who do – not sure what they were afraid of in that. My guess is that they saw it as a code of “conduct” outside of those 4 things and thought it would effect interviews with existing members of the corp ( although obviously even under this totally incorrect view of the code – the only folks that would fall under it would be cadets – not alumni or faculty )

    I think i speak for a lot of alumni when i state that Gov Northam has made 2 clear and important errors that involved VMI during his ongoing term as Governor – and who knows what he has done unsceen from public eye in such a powerful position – 1) when he flipped flopped on the issue of if had worn blackface at graduate school parties- he put personal gain above personal honor and 2) when joined the black caucus in signing a letter that called for an investigation and implied its correct conclusion all in the same letter

  35. satansquid Avatar

    So, here’s an example of something that’s ill-informed on this blog. The law firm did not ask to ‘suspend’ the honor code, which is a loaded term. It asked for “amnesty” for those participating in interviews from retribution, including honor offenses. Is that poorly worded? Yes, but it’s not suspension and it’s motive was not to have people lie, but to participate without retribution, an entirely legitimate motive. It could have been cleared up between the parties, but the alumni assoc. decided to get the alumni based worked up over it. This blog continues to stoke those flames. So yes, ill-informed. And don’t even get me started with the clearly misleading claims of VMI’s lawyers representing interviewees, which they had to clarify on Friday. This blog claims that Wapo is journalistically deficient, but takes everything from VMI at face value.

    1. Satansquid, pointing out the careless use of language, as you have done here, is useful and helpful. So is bringing to bear facts that I might have overlooked or ignored. That’s all fair game, and I appreciate your efforts in that regard.

      Just remember, though, that the Washington Post is the 800-pound gorilla of journalism in Virginia, that the other daily newspapers follow its lead, and that there is literally no one — other than Bacon’s Rebellion — to hold it accountable and tell the other side of the story. I’m sorry you find it so reprehensible that Bacon’s Rebellion seeks to surface facts that might contradict the dominant narrative. Do you not believe that the defenders of VMI are entitled to be heard?

  36. satansquid Avatar

    So, here’s an example of something that’s ill-informed on this blog. The law firm did not ask to ‘suspend’ the honor code, which is a loaded term. It asked for “amnesty” for those participating in interviews from retribution, including honor offenses. Is that poorly worded? Yes, but it’s not suspension and it’s motive was not to have people lie, but to participate without retribution, an entirely legitimate motive. It could have been cleared up between the parties, but the alumni assoc. decided to get the alumni based worked up over it. This blog continues to stoke those flames. So yes, ill-informed. And don’t even get me started with the clearly misleading claims of VMI’s lawyers representing interviewees, which they had to clarify on Friday. This blog claims that Wapo is journalistically deficient, but takes everything from VMI at face value.

    1. Satansquid, pointing out the careless use of language, as you have done here, is useful and helpful. So is bringing to bear facts that I might have overlooked or ignored. That’s all fair game, and I appreciate your efforts in that regard.

      Just remember, though, that the Washington Post is the 800-pound gorilla of journalism in Virginia, that the other daily newspapers follow its lead, and that there is literally no one — other than Bacon’s Rebellion — to hold it accountable and tell the other side of the story. I’m sorry you find it so reprehensible that Bacon’s Rebellion seeks to surface facts that might contradict the dominant narrative. Do you not believe that the defenders of VMI are entitled to be heard?

  37. satansquid Avatar

    I think the point is that you have *not* brought to light additional facts. You have obscured an already muddy situation by in almost every case attacking the messenger and not the substance. You pass of VMI’s and its allies’ misdirection as solidly factual (who again do VMI’s lawyers represent, exactly?), when they’re demonstrably not. You’re not holding anyone to account–you want to do that? Demand that VMI release its drum out numbers to contradict the Post’s findings –you’re just doing the bidding of people who have more loyalty to protecting VMI as it is than the truth.

  38. satansquid Avatar

    I think the point is that you have *not* brought to light additional facts. You have obscured an already muddy situation by in almost every case attacking the messenger and not the substance. You pass of VMI’s and its allies’ misdirection as solidly factual (who again do VMI’s lawyers represent, exactly?), when they’re demonstrably not. You’re not holding anyone to account–you want to do that? Demand that VMI release its drum out numbers to contradict the Post’s findings –you’re just doing the bidding of people who have more loyalty to protecting VMI as it is than the truth.

  39. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Is the systemic racism at VMI? I dunno, what’s the “V” stand for?

  40. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Is the systemic racism at VMI? I dunno, what’s the “V” stand for?

  41. owen dunlap Avatar
    owen dunlap

    satansquid – so lets say VMI releases its ” drum out numbers” covering the decades since 1970 on a year to year basis to provide a full 50 year picture that can be looked at from a race or sex breakdown as compared to the makeup of the corp at that time ( note – they are not going be able to have any records of cadets referred for investigations and not pursued or those found not guilty) – what does that prove exactly? That the AA cadets that were drummed out were targeted or railroaded and actually innocent? No – it tells you that you may or may not have a bias problem and that a deep dive is required into the specifics of each case and make changes where and if required . I reject the idea that unless the number of AA cadets drummed out is proportional to the breakdown of the corp that there is a problem that needs to be addressed but – yes – it could be a red flag that there is . My guess is these numbers will come out either in the report to the state or in any reply to that report from VMI or the VMI alumni association

  42. owen dunlap Avatar
    owen dunlap

    satansquid – so lets say VMI releases its ” drum out numbers” covering the decades since 1970 on a year to year basis to provide a full 50 year picture that can be looked at from a race or sex breakdown as compared to the makeup of the corp at that time ( note – they are not going be able to have any records of cadets referred for investigations and not pursued or those found not guilty) – what does that prove exactly? That the AA cadets that were drummed out were targeted or railroaded and actually innocent? No – it tells you that you may or may not have a bias problem and that a deep dive is required into the specifics of each case and make changes where and if required . I reject the idea that unless the number of AA cadets drummed out is proportional to the breakdown of the corp that there is a problem that needs to be addressed but – yes – it could be a red flag that there is . My guess is these numbers will come out either in the report to the state or in any reply to that report from VMI or the VMI alumni association

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