VMI Superintendent Praises Student Journalists

by James A. Bacon

I increased my respect for Cedric Wins. In his personal Facebook page, the Virginia Military Institute Superintendent congratulated Lt. James Mansfield (class of ’22) and Cadet Russell Crouch (class of ’24), co-editors of The Cadet student newspaper last year, for winning the Virginia Press Association’s Journalist Service and Integrity Award.

That couldn’t have been easy. The student journalists had been critical of the Wins administration’s implementation of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and its approach to student mental health. But Wins proved he is capable of setting aside any personal pique he might have and applaud the cadets for their significant accomplishment.

Wrote Wins: “The Virginia Military Institute lauds these cadets’ commitment to the free exercise of expression and looks forward to working with those cadets who follow in their footsteps.”

Yes, this the same student newspaper that The Washington Post slammed with allegations of plagiarism and conflict of interest — perhaps the first time in history that a newspaper of such global stature stooped to undermining a prestigious award for a student newspaper of a small college. The Post’s vindictive criticisms — I use the word “vindictive” because The Cadet articles contested a racial-oppression narrative peddled by the Post for two years — successfully triggered a VPA investigation into the allegations. The findings of that investigation, however, found that the contest rules provided no mechanism for reversing the award.

Wins looks like a bigger man, and The Washington Post looks petty and mean- spirited.

Here’s an idea: The Cadet should undertake an investigation into awards granted Washington Post reporter Ian Shapira. According to his WaPo biography, Shapira’s chronicling of “systemic racism, sexism, sexual assault and waterboarding at the Virginia Military Institute,” won him a George Polk award, the Fred M. Hechinger Grand Prize for Distinguished Education Reporting, and the Paul Tobenkin Memorial Award from Columbia University for reporting on racial or religious hatred, intolerance or discrimination.

The Post’s coverage of VMI set new standards for tendentious, one-sided reporting. Perhaps the VMI student journalists could see if they could get Shapira’s awards revoked!

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39 responses to “VMI Superintendent Praises Student Journalists”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    I love the word tendentious. Thank you for finding a way to include it in your article.

    Oh, and on topic, I agree with your assessment of Mr. Wins. He appears to be an honorable man, and a good sport.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Jiminy Crickets, Bacon, the man’s long and distinguished service in uniform, achievement of high rank and then appointment as a college president didn’t earn your respect until he agreed with you?

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Harsh, but fair…


    2. Of course I respected him for those things. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. To avoid pointless straining at gnats, I have rephrased the post to say that I “increased my respect” for Wins.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        If I read it that way, so did others, says the gnat.

  3. YOU meant to state [or is it probably implied] “and the WaPo looks petty and mean spirited again, and/or still.”

  4. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    What exactly is the alternate, less tendentious take on VMI? Racist things never happened and people are lying about their experiences? The racism wasn’t that bad (John Reid’s take)? VMI is no worse than any other school (the “few bad apples” take)? Or that VMI was never racist or sexist (the PAC’s completely ahistorical take)?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      One other possibility is that it’s all been fixed now.

      “Hey Honey! I just killed the last cockroach.”

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        But that would mean that there was something that needed fixing, which undermines the whole idea that all of this fracas was unfounded.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          There was a problem with accusing people of being witches in Salem (and thereabouts) in 1692 / 1693.

          Something needed fixing.

          It was fixed.

          The question is not whether there was racism in Virginia (and at VMI). The question is when did it end and does anything need fixing now.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            But you didn’t answer the question. What do you think is a more balanced take? I can guess given your cliche of a response, but please expound.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It just occurred to me. General Wins and Governor Youngkin are about the same height. I hope the General meets with the cadets in person to salute the journalism of the school paper.

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It’s a low bar to be better than the ComPost, but props anyway, emulating a quality Americans used to have. That’s how leaders should behave.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Here’s an idea: The Cadet should undertake an investigation into awards granted Washington Post reporter Ian Shapira.”

    So you suggest The Cadet follow-up what you characterize as a vindictive, petty, and mean-spirited critique by the Post by launching the same sort of attack on the Post – this time I assume you would not consider it vindictive, petty, or mean-spirited…

    1. Hi Ewald Avatar
      Hi Ewald

      You might have missed the point – if the Cadets apply the lauded ”
      commitment to the free exercise of expression”and “true” journalism, it wouldn’t be vindictive or petty. Just news. If they used WaPo’s writer’s manual or m.o., different story (see WaPO articles Jim referred to).

    2. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        You do realize that Shapira didn’t write any of the stories on The Cadet, right?

    3. Sarcasm – the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

  8. Greg Long Avatar
    Greg Long

    It appears the “issue” is finally settled. VMI officially recognized and praises the cadets, their newspaper, and, by association, those working with them. It also appears Cardinal News and the Washington Post owe, at the least, CORRECTIONS and possibly retractions for their reporting. Especially inferences or outright statements that VMI was in any way involved in the allegations made against the cadets and any of their reporting that VMI does not now fully recognize them and their alumni supporters. While I am sure some who post here will try to have a different view, the VMI Superintendent has now put this in writing as the Superintendent. Any change must now come out OFFICIALLY, in writing, from MG Wins. Abosolutely no daylight for any “interpretations” or “arm chair quarterbacking” by anyone to try and say there is any issue at all.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      That’s not a serious take. Read Shumadine’s letter.

      1. Greg Long Avatar
        Greg Long

        It a very “serious take” together with the report. I’ve learned from past experience that trying to even engage with you is pointless, but the fact is the fact. The Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute has formally accepted the results of the competition and the investigation. In doing so he formally recognizes The Cadet, the cadets themselves and all that goes with it contrary to all reporting by the Washington Post, Cardinal News, etc. to the contrary that preceded it. He “has been following this for weeks” so he confirms, up front, he’s privy to and took into account all the reporting and allegations on this matter. This is the same Superintendent you and your associates defend and praise for his unquestionable decision-making and actions at VMI. Until such time as Maj. Gen. Wins FORMALLY rescinds his statement it STANDS as the official position of VMI and the matter is closed. Unless, of course, you are saying that all other positions, actions and statements by Maj. Gen. Wins are unquestionable EXCEPT this one. You cannot have it both ways. NOW… feel free to post something else, that I will not respond to, because we know that you cannot accept not being the last one whose name appears on the posts.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar
          M. Purdy

          I’m sorry, your take is terrible. Shumadine decided not to rescend The Cadet’s VPA award on procedural grounds, and indicated that the risk of litigation was part of the decision *not* to overturn the award. The fact that Gen. Wins decided to congratulate the EICs has no bearing on that. This is not an exoneration of any sort, and the only piece of the Wapo’s reporting that was arguably discussed in Shumadine’s report was the serious issue of plagiarism. Now, I have no clue what cadets did or didn’t write for the paper, because there were ambiguous bylines, and I would trust any cadet who said that they did or didn’t plagiarize. No issue with that, and no issue with assuming that folks are being honest. But look at the The Cadet article below and the press release by Protect the Honor and let me know what deserves retraction. Is that a one in a million coincidence? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dab196e02286a4895d33491d9b72c12df37e766e50e237bbb8a4016debc09b8e.jpg

          1. Greg Long Avatar
            Greg Long

            Old Middle East proverb. “I hear your words, they fill my head with noise.” You have what you want… the last word.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            You’ve used that one before. It’s one thing to be unoriginal, it’s another to be tiresome. I think you should email the Cardinal News reporter about your critique of the coverage, since you clearly follow the reporting so closely.

          3. Greg Long Avatar
            Greg Long

            “Last word”
            .. your turn.. I know you can’t resist

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            If he’s to have the “last word”, that’s your signal to cease responding. You do know that’s what “last word” means, right?

          5. Greg Long Avatar
            Greg Long

            Thank you! I wondered how long it would take for you to come out in his defense. We can now close this out and have a group hug. https://media2.giphy.com/media/9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU/giphy-downsized-small.mp4

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          It’s just best not to acknowledge the Blue Falcon, he’ll never admit his errors.

    2. Lisa Rowan Avatar
      Lisa Rowan

      Greg, please send me information on my reporting you think warrants a correction or retraction, and I’ll take a look. lisa@cardinalnews.org.

      1. Greg Long Avatar
        Greg Long

        Understand your publication also submitted to the award the cadets won and you challenged. How about we Stat with you posting cardinal news’ submission so we all can read it?

        1. Lisa Rowan Avatar
          Lisa Rowan

          Cardinal News submitted a series from 2022 about flooding in Southwest Virginia. You can see those articles here: https://cardinalnews.org/category/projects/southwest-virginia-flooding/

          Happy to chat about this more- feel free to drop me an email.

          1. Greg Long Avatar
            Greg Long

            Yes, but this does not seem to be the actual packet you submitted like you psoted for The Cadet

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wrote Wins: “The Virginia Military Institute lauds these cadets’ commitment to the free exercise of expression and looks forward to working with those cadets who follow in their footsteps.”

    Hmmm. And you read that as a positive? As some sort of admission?

    And MY last name is Naive. Go drink another Bud Light.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I did not read it as an admission, but as recognition.

      Well deserved recognition at that. Those cadets reported facts as they knew and understood them, they faced hostility and criticism from some powerful corners, and they “stuck to their guns”.

      Those are admirable traits and admirable actions for young people to have/perform whether one agrees with their take on the situation or not.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Neither did I read it that way. Kept mum. Waited for the smoke to clear. Offered congratulations or condolences as the case may be.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        That is how I read it. Contrary to some commenters, Wins did not acknowledge the student journalists were correct. He congratulated them on “commitment to the free exercise of expression.” Just because one freely expresses his opinions does not mean that Wins agrees with him.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wrote Wins: “The Virginia Military Institute lauds these cadets’ commitment to the free exercise of expression and looks forward to working with those cadets who follow in their footsteps.”

    Hmmm. And you read that as a positive? As some sort of admission?

    And MY last name is Naive. Go drink another Bud Light.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Half of the 10 people who care about this have now moved on.

    Tempest meet teapot. Teapot, this is tempest.

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