Virginia’s Self-Inflicted Nursing Home Crisis – Part 5 – The Best facilities in Virginia

by James C. Sherlock

To show you the list of nursing facilities that I would use to begin a search for one for me and my family, I have built a spreadsheet of the very best facilities in Virginia.

Because they are available, I made it a true list of all stars. Five stars composite rating and not a single individual rating below four stars.

There are 40 of them, surprisingly and welcomingly spread around the state. If you read my previous posts, or read the notes on the spreadsheet, I don’t have to comment extensively.

Eight of them are for-profits.  So it can be done.

The best of the for-profit chains that operate here, Medical Services of America/Medical Services of Virginia, owns three of them. Bill Fralin of Roanoke is president and CEO. He served as a Republican in the House of Delegates from 2004-2010. My congratulations to them.

Three of them are long term care units of hospitals. One, blessedly, is a nursing home for children operated by VCU.

Take a look.  It will make you feel better after my last column on the worst in the state.

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One response to “Virginia’s Self-Inflicted Nursing Home Crisis – Part 5 – The Best facilities in Virginia”

  1. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    starting to notice that the instututions we have undervalued for decades turn out to be the bedrock of so much stuff we depend on? And that, finally, they are collectively saying “screw you”?

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