Virginia’s S.O.B

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Virginia’s state flag is a S.O.B.

This is the derogatory term used by vexillologists, people who study flags (who knew there were such people?), to designate state flags that are “Seals On a Blanket.”

According to the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA), such flags are “objectively terrible.” The Commonwealth is in good company, however.  NAVA reports that the flags of 24 states consist of the seal on a bed of blue, while the flags of 11 other states vary only in the background color.

NAVA sets out five principles for good flag design:

  • Be simple (a child should be able to draw it from memory);
  • Have meaningful symbols;
  • Be limited to two or three colors;
  • Have no lettering (it can’t be read at a distance);
  • Be distinctive.

The Washington Postreports

that Utah has recently adopted a new flag design.  One of the legislators who was a chief proponent of the legislation had once thought such an effort was a waste of time. Then he visited Mount Rushmore, where he had trouble picking the Utah state flag out of the display of state flags there. He also noticed at the Four Corners that the Utah flag “didn’t really stand out” when compared to the flags of the other three states. Finally, a colleague showed him a successful TED talk by Roman Mars, who has a well-known podcast on design. The talk, entitled, “Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you’ve never noticed,” emphasized the importance of good flag design. (It is an entertaining and thought-provoking talk.)

The current Utah flag:

The newly-adopted flag:

The beehive is a symbol of the Mormon Church, representing industry and community.

Following the TED talk, 300 cities redesigned their flags. Three states, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Illinois are actively considering changing theirs. It is not unprecedented for a state to change its flag. Mississippi recently adopted a new flag without Confederate symbolism. Georgia has changed its flag four times over the last 100 years.

Here is my favorite state flag:

New Mexico state flag

Others I really like are:

South Carolina state flag


Alaska state flag

Should Virginia change its “Seal on a Bedsheet”?  If it should consider doing so, I would propose a single dogwood blossom on a field of blue:

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43 responses to “Virginia’s S.O.B”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Saw all this on an episode of Dr. Sheldon Cooper’s online show, “Fun with Flags.” 🙂

    Oh, Sic Semper Tyrannis must remain. Very important message. They could simplify the design, get rid of the floral ring for example.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Oh, but it can’t Mr. Haner. The flag must come down. You see it was adopted officially April 30th, 1861 during Virginia’s Secession Convention. Therefore, it is a symbol of the Lost Cause. Don’t try and backdate it to the creation of the seal. Enslavers Richard Henry Lee, George Mason, and George Wythe made the design. The poor old left. Hundreds of public buildings and schools fly this flag every day in plain sight. The side effects of the psychologically unsafe spaces are incalculable. It is a cool flag. I love it. It has a great story. My 4th great grandmother sewed together a state flag for the newly recruited Chatham Grays in May of 1861. Made of silk from donated ladies dresses. Preserved in the Museum of the Confederacy or whatever it is called now.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ah, but the current flag is more relevant… it exposes the boobs.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          The 61 flag reminds me of Xena the Princess Warrior.

  2. Lynwood Allen Avatar
    Lynwood Allen

    My home state of Alabama’s flag is large red X on a white field. It looks like an illiterate signed a document.. When I lived in Atlanta the flag was changed over the protests of the “flaggers”. I now live in Tennessee (grandson) and I think the state flag is designed well. Football helmets have design issues also.

    1. Alabama’s flag does not look like an illiterate’s signature to me, it looks like a St. Andrew’s Cross.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Well, Whitehead has sealed the fate of the flag. I knew the Great Seal had a longer history but didn’t know about the current flag design being adopted in 1861. He’s right. Kaput.

    Texas, the state of my birth, remains a favorite flag and I’ve always liked the golden bear representing the golden state, another flag with words: California Republic. After Virginia I lived longest in California.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Well, Whitehead has sealed the fate of the flag. I knew the Great Seal had a longer history but didn’t know about the current flag design being adopted in 1861. He’s right. Kaput.

    Texas, the state of my birth, remains a favorite flag and I’ve always liked the golden bear representing the golden state, another flag with words: California Republic. After Virginia I lived longest in California.

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Despite the refreshing tone and subject matter of this article, some will find vexing (light pun) issues to post in criticism or support. Thanx for capturing some non-normative material on BR.

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I’m sorry. Who appointed these people “experts?”
    The old Utah flag was better.
    Sic semper tyrannis rocks. And needs to again!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Obviously, the legislature in Utah disagrees with you.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Mitt Romney.

  7. Teddy007 Avatar

    Such a discussion reminds me of the joke that museum curators say about museums that they hate: books on a wall.

  8. I concede that the design of the Virginia flag is less than ideal, but no state flag matches the awesomeness of “Sic Semper Tyrannis.”

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Some even shout it in theaters!

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        OK…have to admit…even though you are habitually wrong…that was funny!

  9. It is not possible for the appearance of an item to be objectively terrible. Anyone who claims they can objectively judge the aesthetics of an object is being pretentious and can ‘objectively’ be criticized for having an unjustifiably high opinion of themselves and an exaggerated sense of their own importance.

    This North American Vexillological Association can put forth opinions regarding the flag of the Commonwealth, but cannot legitimately claim those opinions are objective.

    Beauty always has been, and always will be, in the eye of the beholder.

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    The “chick with a stick” needs to go. A simple orange “V” with two blue swords criss-crossed underneath along with “Sic Semper Tyrannis” would be a great change. Just make sure that the handles of the swords are smooth.

    1. To show my willingness to compromise, I will agree to that, as long as the flag’s background color is maroon…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        With green and gold stripes.

        1. How about a gold border surrounding a green inner border? Or a St. Andrews Cross with one leg being gold and the other green?

        2. How about a gold border surrounding a green inner border? Or a St. Andrews Cross with one leg being gold and the other green?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, given Blackbeard’s connection to W&M, maybe a tiling of green and gold skulls and bones?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      FWIW, it’s a guy. He’s Arete (Greek) or Virtus (Roman) god of virtue.

  11. The motto Sic Semper Tyrannis was used during the Civil War on the Regimental Flag of the 22nd United States Colored Infantry. See

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Cool. They knew more Latin than 99% of current Virginians, per Dick’s comment elsewhere. 🙂

      As to DJ’s Wahoo Wannabe/Cavalier design, that’s a no….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They weren’t gender confused either.

        Virtus is a male. For some reason, the Confederates gave him gynecomastia.

  12. M. Purdy Avatar

    Maybe instead of justice on a tyrant, it could be some Karen standing atop a mound of burning books. The motto could be “[comment deleted].”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Some are already offended by her bare breast. Ain’t that enough for you? I figured you’d instead go right to the fact that a Roman goddess represents a culture and economy very dependent on slavery and thus cancellation is imperative!

      If y0u are frustrated looking for Sheldon’s show, BTW, it’s fictional. None of you people do humor so I’m sure you never saw “Big Bang Theory.”

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Good thing it’s not Michelangelo’s David.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Virginia is not above exposing its boobs. In fact, we often elevate them by electing them.

  13. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have no problem with the state seal and its “Sic Semper Tyrannis” motto. But, let’s be realistic. On a flag on a 15-foot pole, one cannot read those words or even recognize the rest of the image on the flag. Furthermore, I would wager that 99 percent of the population, including Virginians, do not know what those Latin words mean.

    There is an on-line game in which one identifies states by their shape and then answers questions about the state. One of the follow-up questions is identification of the state flag from a line-up of eight state flags. When Virginia was the answer, if I had not been from Virginia, I would not have been able to identify the flag.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Agree with you on that, I had learned it a long time ago but candidly forgot. So this has been a great read and refresher, not to mention the nice fun with flags diversion (I can see Sheldon doing that clip now). The more we learn about the flag, the more we should keep it IMO, look at it as a teachable moment!

      Thanks for the posting.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Then the education blob is the problem. Virginia history in 4th grade and 7th grade taught that in Richmond County many years ago. The schools used to not be awful…

  14. Turbocohen Avatar

    Just a black flag with Death To Tyrants will suffice.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      How about a black flag with “RAID” on it? Or, is that mixing logos?

  15. I redesigned the Fluvanna County seal/flag a few years ago, but the Board of Supervisors did not like it:

    The Latin more or less translates to “Now is Not the Time”.

    I’ve since learned that a more accurate Latin phrasing would be Nunc Non Est Tempus.

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Uh, isn’t there religious significance to the dogwood?

    I say let’s use the bird! Easily recognized by it’s scarlet plumage…×4165+0+0/resize/1200×806!/format/webp/quality/80/?

    Or, there is the other bird; the one oft seen on the road.

    FWIW, I like the SC flag too. Arizona’s ain’t shabby either.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The dogwood is a no go. It would be confused with Mississippi’s new flag. Here is one all could rally around since they act like they own the state now.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ya know, once you really look at that logo, you can’t unsee it. The spousal unit’s #1 girlfriend had to tell us that.

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