Virginia’s Parole Board Is a Detestable Disgrace

by Kerry Dougherty

Well, bless The Richmond-Times Dispatch.

They’re doing real journalism up there in the capital and it’s infuriating to Democratic power brokers.

They’ve got to keep their stories straight now. Not easy.

Yes, over the weekend the TD published two stunning pieces about the curious behavior of  Virginia’s all-Democrat Parole Board, a group apparently dedicated to tossing Virginia’s most violent criminals back into the community without notifying victims or their survivors.

What began with an investigation into the Parole Board’s insane release of a cop killer has spread to at least eight other cases where murderers were freed in the past year. It appears the board ignored rules in its breathless hurry to get these vicious convicts back on the street.

Take the case of Hugh Joseph Brown, for instance. It’s hard to imagine a more depraved crime than his. I can’t find the adjectives for what this killer did in 1992, so I’ll let the TD tell you:

“Gwendolyn “Angel” Thomas was just 17 and four months pregnant with the child of Hugh Joseph Brown, 27, when he fatally shot her in York County in 1992 and set her body on fire. In his confession, Brown said he was afraid he would shame his family by having a child out of wedlock. He had sex with her before he killed her, and testified that her last words were that she loved him.

“He received a life sentence in 1993.”

Yep, it appears the Parole Board not only freed Brown last April — two weeks after deciding to keep him behind bars — but the board turned off victim notifications in the case, to keep Ms. Thomas’ surrogate grandmother, Esther Brown, the family’s representative,  in the dark about what was transpiring.

Oh, and the alleged maestro of this episode was then-Parole Board Chair Adrianne Bennett. She was promoted to a judgeship in Virginia Beach’s juvenile court last year.

According to emails obtained by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, (Esther) Brown did not receive an automated notification about the March decision to deny parole because Adrianne Bennett, then the chairwoman of the parole board and now a judge in Virginia Beach, asked others to block notifications to Esther Brown while the parole board in April reconsidered the case.

Bennett said through a lawyer for this story that notifications were turned off because the board reconsidered its vote and didn’t want to provide conflicting information to a victim’s relative, and that the case was handled properly.

Bennett’s lawyer told the TD that everything that happened was perfectly legal. He said that although Brown’s denial of parole was reported on the Parole Board website in March 2020, it was not official and the board decided to reconsider two weeks later when “advocates” for the murderer appeared.


Seriously, what new information could advocates present that would persuade sane people that a convict who murdered a woman who was pregnant with his child and set their bodies on fire was fit to rejoin society?

Virginia’s Parole Board is despicable. Instead of expressing horror over the behavior of the board in this and other murderer-on-the-loose cases, Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration is pointing fingers at the whistleblower and claiming the scandal is being driven by politics.

Keeping violent criminals behind bars to serve the entirety of their life sentences should not be a Republican or Democratic issue.

Some crimes are so execrable that the criminal — upon his or her conviction — should forfeit the right to EVER rejoin society.

Fire board members now and replace them with competent individuals, Governor.

You know, decent people with common sense who care more about public safety than sob stories from killers.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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11 responses to “Virginia’s Parole Board Is a Detestable Disgrace”

  1. I don’t give the RTD credit for much, but they do deserve kudos for pursuing this story.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Kudos. Derived from the Greek word Kydos, which means glory or fame. A 19th century British university slang term that made it’s way to America and used frequently by Time Magazine in the early 20th century. I always thought the word was derived from the candy bar. Sometimes I wish I had paid more attention at Stonewall Jackson High School.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    geeze – with you Conservative types, one day the RTD is a steaming pile of you-know-what and the next day they are “okay”. What gives? Was the “news” EVER ALL GOOD everyday? what has changed?

    1. People who are willing to give credit where credit is due, even to those with whom they typically disagree, are generally considered fair and open-minded. In Larry’s world, though, such behavior is fodder for one of his “you conservative-types” put-downs.

      Thanks for working so hard to find common ground, there, Larry.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but it only counts if every once in awhile you give them credit when you also disagree with them. Otherwise, you’re just another pig with an acorn.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well no… they were dinging RTD for not reporting news they thought should be reported. Nevermind that few other media did either. No matter, it just mean the whole MSM is in cahoots to not report the news or some such.

        One day, if RTD reports, it’s an “outrage” the way they report, the next day, they don’t report and it’s an “outrage” they did not. Sorry, don’t see anyone but Conservatives with this problem.

        Not a “put-down” but a fair observation.

        Conservatives have demonized the MSM – they do call it the lame stream media and how many times a week does Bacon and others in BR complain about WaPO, NYT, RTD, etc?

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Is there an admirable disgrace? Or are we in the Department of Redundancy Department?

    1. While there is no admirable disgrace, there is the pitiable disgrace, which unlike the detestable disgrace involves little or no intent on the part of the disgraced. At least that is what the grammarian in my head is saying (and yes, I have tried to get him to shut up).

      The title may be hyperbolic, but I do not think it is redundant (or repetitive).

    2. While there is no admirable disgrace, there is the pitiable disgrace, which unlike the detestable disgrace involves little or no intent on the part of the disgraced. At least that is what the grammarian in my head is saying (and yes, I have tried to get him to shut up).

      The title may be hyperbolic, but I do not think it is redundant (or repetitive).

    3. While there is no admirable disgrace, there is the pitiable disgrace, which unlike the detestable disgrace involves little or no intent on the part of the disgraced. At least that is what the grammarian in my head is saying (and yes, I have tried to get him to shut up).

      The title may be hyperbolic, but I do not think it is redundant (or repetitive).

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Well, didn’t Patrick Wilson come up from Hampton Roads? 🙂 Yep, checked his bio – moved over from the Pilot in 2017.

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