Virginia’s Name Games

by Kerry Dougherty

The good people of Charlottesville and Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson counties will no longer have to suffer the indignity of being part of a health district named for a loathsome American who left no legacy worth honoring, established no university worth attending and contributed nothing to the cause of liberty in the United States.

I’m talking, of course, about that American scoundrel Thomas Jefferson. As of this month, the Thomas Jefferson Health District will be called the Blue Ridge Health District, sparing the population of the part of the commonwealth that Jefferson loved so well, the pain of hearing his name when they check COVID numbers or seek the vaccine.

I learned about the name change on the Virginia Department of Health website, which got me wondering, did folks in the TJ District complain about the moniker? Did anyone claim that TJ’s name was so offensive they could not bear to have any contact with the health department there?

Nope, came an emailed reply yesterday afternoon. No complaints that anyone there was aware of.

More likely, this was part of the Northam administration’s reparation tour that was ignited by his shocking yearbook pictures just three years ago. Ever since it was revealed that Virginia had elected a governor who once pranced around in blackface — or Klan robes, we still don’t know which of the morons in the famous photo is our governor — he’s been on an apology tour.

So Thomas Jefferson must pay the price for Northam’s folly.

“Changing our name is symbolic of the deeper work we are doing as an organization to create an inclusive, equitable environment for our staff and clients and to acknowledge and address the impact of racism on health,” said Dr. Denise Bonds, TJHD District Director.

Geezus. I warned you that once the woke crowd finished wiping out all references to Confederates they would come for the Founding Fathers. After all, these rich white guys did nothing but bring the Enlightenment to the colonies with their lofty ideas of equality and individualism.

They were slaveholders. Nothing else matters.

You want inclusiveness? How about getting every single elderly person in the district vaccinated. THAT would be inclusive.

Speaking of names, Ralph Northam announced this week that he was ready to change the name of Camp Pendleton in Virginia Beach from a title that honors William Nelson Pendleton, the Confederate army’s chief of artillery to one that honors a more admirable person.

No need.

 As former Marine Tony Macrini pointed out on his morning WNIS talk show Thursday, the other Camp Pendleton — in San Diego — is named for Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton who was born in 1860 in Pennsylvania and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Confederacy.

Shoot, he was only 5 when Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.

Just rededicate the camp to THAT Pendleton.

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66 responses to “Virginia’s Name Games”

  1. If those who expunge Thomas Jefferson from the public memory are aiming to create a deep and abiding resentment, they’re doing a very good job.

  2. If those who expunge Thomas Jefferson from the public memory are aiming to create a deep and abiding resentment, they’re doing a very good job.

  3. Oh, and Northam was the dude in blackface, not the KKK robe. He was impersonating Michael Jackson, as I conclusively laid out here:

    1. To me he looks a lot more like a caricature from a minstrel show in that photo than he does Michael Jackson. And, since his partner is dressed as a Klansman, a racist minstrel show character makes a lot more sense than a Michael Jackson impersonation from a thematic standpoint.

      Are you sure the “Michael Jackson” story wasn’t a later invention to cover a more insidious explanation?

      1. Click the link and read the article. All will be made clear.

  4. Oh, and Northam was the dude in blackface, not the KKK robe. He was impersonating Michael Jackson, as I conclusively laid out here:

    1. To me he looks a lot more like a caricature from a minstrel show in that photo than he does Michael Jackson. And, since his partner is dressed as a Klansman, a racist minstrel show character makes a lot more sense than a Michael Jackson impersonation from a thematic standpoint.

      Are you sure the “Michael Jackson” story wasn’t a later invention to cover a more insidious explanation?

      1. Click the link and read the article. All will be made clear.

  5. sherlockj Avatar

    A perfect allegory for the Virginia Department of Health – renaming a health district while failing, by the public admission of the Health Commissioner to the General Assembly, to complete a plan for vaccine distribution.

    VDH is impossible to caricature – it always exceeds by its actions any attempt to do so.

    1. Maybe they blew their budget on new letterhead stationery and business cards and didn’t have enough left to fund vaccine distribution.

      Although it was money well-spent. It was of utmost important to disassociate themselves from “that name” in order to avoid losing their place at the social justice table.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Well, Pendleton DID blow the barrage before Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg, overshooting the (admittedly well placed) Union lines. Ah, the history not being taught, and no longer available in books you cannot buy….Who wants my sets of Foote and Sandburg?

        The OTHER Pendleton, OTOH, was quite the colonial “oppressor” in various parts of the world where the U.S. was empire building, Asia and the Caribbean, so his days are also numbered. I heard that a bust of Caesar Chavez now rests in the Oval Office — he was enlisted USN, name the west coast camp for him!

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          General Pendleton was Lee’s chief of artillery, but by Gettysburg he was essentially an administrator not an actual combat leader. The bombardment prior to Pickett’s Charge was directed by 28 year old colonel named Porter Alexander. Alexander’s strategy of a 150 gun cross fire barrage was more effective than you think. 15 Federal batteries were driven from the Angle along Cemetery Ridge. The Yankee artillery reserve was massive. As guns were driven away fresh batteries were brought up to replace them. Alexander only had about 60 rifled cannon and at the long distance range it was difficult to match the Federal counterbattery fire. Ammunition was an issue. The Richmond arsenal was obliterated by an explosion. The shells and fuses used at Gettysburg came from the arsenals at Charleston and Selma. Inferior powder mixtures and long burning fuses contributed to the overshooting. Pendleton did make a critical error by ordering the artillery reserve trains from action front way back almost 2 miles away to keep them safe from counterbattery fire. Alexander’s caissons were emptied quickly and there was no supplies near by. Pendleton also failed to send forward 16 howitzers that were supposed to follow the infantry and cover the flanks of the charge. Big mistake. Alexander was unable to deliver the haymaker artillery performance as he had at Chancellorsville just 2 months before Gettysburg.

          1. Steve Haner Avatar
            Steve Haner

            I stand clarified…will admit that much. 🙂

            Long damn walk across those fields. I’ve done it. My hat is off to everybody there on both sides. A terrible, tragic day, and thank the Good Lord that they didn’t break the union line.

        2. “The history not being taught, and no longer available in books you cannot buy….”

          I am thankful that I was able to build a decent-sized library of Civil War history books before the “cancel culture” started.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead V

            Mr. Wayne be sure to collect Jeffrey Hunt’s books. New author and the most even handed interpretation I have seen in a long time.

          2. Thank you, sir. I will start tracking down his books immediately.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead V:

            “Meade and Lee at Bristoe Station” – Found it. Ordered it.

            I’ve been immersed in 17th and 18th century Russia for the last 6 or 7 months and have been thinking about taking a break from it. You’ve made my decision easy. Thanks.

  6. sherlockj Avatar

    A perfect allegory for the Virginia Department of Health – renaming a health district while failing, by the public admission of the Health Commissioner to the General Assembly, to complete a plan for vaccine distribution.

    VDH is impossible to caricature – it always exceeds by its actions any attempt to do so.

    1. Maybe they blew their budget on new letterhead stationery and business cards and didn’t have enough left to fund vaccine distribution.

      Although it was money well-spent. It was of utmost important to disassociate themselves from “that name” in order to avoid losing their place at the social justice table.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Well, Pendleton DID blow the barrage before Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg, overshooting the (admittedly well placed) Union lines. Ah, the history not being taught, and no longer available in books you cannot buy….Who wants my sets of Foote and Sandburg?

        The OTHER Pendleton, OTOH, was quite the colonial “oppressor” in various parts of the world where the U.S. was empire building, Asia and the Caribbean, so his days are also numbered. I heard that a bust of Caesar Chavez now rests in the Oval Office — he was enlisted USN, name the west coast camp for him!

        1. “The history not being taught, and no longer available in books you cannot buy….”

          I am thankful that I was able to build a decent-sized library of Civil War history books before the “cancel culture” started.

  7. S. E. Warwick Avatar
    S. E. Warwick

    Never name anything after a person.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Except another person… lest we really be forced to numbers, Mr. 334-56-9870.

    2. That is an excellent policy in this day and age.

  8. S. E. Warwick Avatar
    S. E. Warwick

    Never name anything after a person.

    1. That is an excellent policy in this day and age.

  9. VDOTyranny Avatar

    > a loathsome American who left no legacy worth honoring, established no university worth attending and contributed nothing to the cause of liberty in the United States

    I think you mean to be sarcastic, but the part about uVa is throwing me off

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      She’s not as practiced in snark as she thinks. It’s a double edged gun.

  10. VDOTyranny Avatar

    > a loathsome American who left no legacy worth honoring, established no university worth attending and contributed nothing to the cause of liberty in the United States

    I think you mean to be sarcastic, but the part about uVa is throwing me off

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      She’s not as practiced in snark as she thinks. It’s a double edged gun.

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Why not remane to famous Virginian doctor, Charles T. Pepper? At least he was a doctor and wouldn’t have resorted to “bleeding”.

    Oh wait, there’s a problem…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Dr. Pepper was a respected pharmacist from Saltville, Virginia. Also a noted Confederate army surgeon. Are you a Pepper? I love that stuff. They could use the Walmart version, Dr. Thunder.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        That’s the problem… it’s might be misconstrued as a product endorsement. The Dr. Pepper Health District… I dunno.

      2. idiocracy Avatar

        Mr Pibb is also pretty good.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Mello Yellow is far superior, you just need to get Cole Trickle’s approval.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar


          2. Ugggh. I’ll take the crab juice…

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Why not remane to famous Virginian doctor, Charles T. Pepper? At least he was a doctor and wouldn’t have resorted to “bleeding”.

    Oh wait, there’s a problem…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Dr. Pepper was a respected pharmacist from Saltville, Virginia. Also a noted Confederate army surgeon. Are you a Pepper? I love that stuff. They could use the Walmart version, Dr. Thunder.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        That’s the problem… it’s might be misconstrued as a product endorsement. The Dr. Pepper Health District… I dunno.

      2. idiocracy Avatar

        Mr Pibb is also pretty good.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Mello Yellow is far superior, you just need to get Cole Trickle’s approval.

          1. Ugggh. I’ll take the crab juice…

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar


  13. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    In Loudoun County they are trying to rename Route 50 the John Singleton Mosby Highway. It is not going to work. Rt 50 crisscrosses the Fauquier/Loudoun county line no less than 16 times. Fauquier wants to keep the name. Loudoun does not. Until there is agreement here Ranger Mosby’s name will live on for a while longer. East of Gilbert’s Corner the name will change but not west of Middleburg. Indeed the lane does merge to the left.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I lived in the Dallas suburbs. Grapevine decided to change the name of their 1/4 mile of a 10-mile long road, Bethal Highway, that crossed maybe 3 cities to Bass Pro Drive.

      Oh the fun….

    2. Do you know who Gilbert’s Corner is named for? Will that name be changing soon also?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Named for William Gilbert who opened an Esso Gas Station here in 1927. Famous for fresh milk and ham sandwiches from Gilbert’s Dairy Farm. It closed in the early 80s but name lives on and is now a popular farmers market.

        1. That’s all well and good, but the most important and only thing we really need to know is: Did he live up to the recently-minted definition of an “anti-racist”?

          Because if he did not…

          …well, we ALL know what needs to be done to his memory if he did not.

          /s [Just in case]

          Seriously, though, thank you for posting the information. I did not move to this part of the state until the late 1980s, so I never got to see Mr. Gilbert’s gas station.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Mr. Whitehead,

      I wonder if USSOCOM will stricken his name from the rolls?

      Col. Mosby was inducted in the Ranger Hall of Fame in 1992, RLTW.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Wasn’t Mosby another one who became a post-war Republican, like Mahone and Longstreet? This is why this stuff lives on, it is so fascinating.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I believe you are correct, he buddied up to POTUS US Grant.

          I didn’t know that until I just researched it, only new the Ranger part from my days at the Benning School for Wayward Boys.

          It just goes along with the nation that a man is a complex beast and “presentism” along with “twitter” will be the death of society. Of course that’s just my humble opinion.

  14. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    In Loudoun County they are trying to rename Route 50 the John Singleton Mosby Highway. It is not going to work. Rt 50 crisscrosses the Fauquier/Loudoun county line no less than 16 times. Fauquier wants to keep the name. Loudoun does not. Until there is agreement here Ranger Mosby’s name will live on for a while longer. East of Gilbert’s Corner the name will change but not west of Middleburg. Indeed the lane does merge to the left.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I lived in the Dallas suburbs. Grapevine decided to change the name of their 1/4 mile of a 10-mile long road, Bethal Highway, that crossed maybe 3 cities to Bass Pro Drive.

      Oh the fun….

    2. Do you know who Gilbert’s Corner is named for? Will that name be changing soon also?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Named for William Gilbert who opened an Esso Gas Station here in 1927. Famous for fresh milk and ham sandwiches from Gilbert’s Dairy Farm. It closed in the early 80s but name lives on and is now a popular farmers market.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Mr. Whitehead,

      I wonder if USSOCOM will stricken his name from the rolls?

      Col. Mosby was inducted in the Ranger Hall of Fame in 1992, RLTW.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Wasn’t Mosby another one who became a post-war Republican, like Mahone and Longstreet? This is why this stuff lives on, it is so fascinating.

  15. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    I nominate JWW the V as BR’s official historian in residence.

    1. I’ll second that.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I’ll third that, motion carried.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Thanks fellas. I am twice as good live and in person. The special sauce to my 11th grade teaching career was the ability to tell the small stories to get the larger ones to come to life.

  16. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    I nominate JWW the V as BR’s official historian in residence.

    1. I’ll second that.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I’ll third that, motion carried.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Thanks fellas. I am twice as good live and in person. The special sauce to my 11th grade teaching career was the ability to tell the small stories to get the larger ones to come to life.

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