Virginia’s Lt. Gov. and Emmett Till

Justin Fairfax

by Kerry Dougherty

Justin Fairfax is a deeply unserious man with an inflated sense of his own importance.

On Tuesday night, as he shared a Virginia State University stage with four other Democrats who are competing for the nomination for governor, Fairfax demonstrated that he has no sense of proportion and little understanding of history, and will say almost anything to boost his chances of becoming Virginia’s next governor.

Fairfax is apparently still smarting over the fact that most of his fellow Democrats demanded his resignation after two women — one a Duke classmate of his, another a political science professor — accused him of sexual assault.

Following Democratic tradition begun by Ralph Northam and continued by Andrew Cuomo, Fairfax proclaimed his innocence and stubbornly stayed in office.

But on the debate stage he lashed out at all of his opponents, especially Terry McAuliffe.

“Everyone here on this stage called for my immediate resignation, including Terry McAuliffe three minutes after a press release came out,” Mr. Fairfax said.

“He treated me like George Floyd, he treated me like Emmett Till, no due process, immediately assumed my guilt. I have a son and I have a daughter, and I don’t want my daughter to be assaulted, I don’t want my son to be falsely accused. And this is the real world that we live in. And so we need to speak truth to power and we need to be very clear about how that impacts people’s lives.”

Fairfax wants a dose of truth to power? Here it comes: As awful as it is to be accused of sexual assault, nothing that happened to the lieutenant governor in the wake of those accusations even remotely approaches the horror that was visited on 14-year-old Emmett Till in 1955 when two white men kidnapped, beat, tortured and shot the teenager to death for allegedly flirting with a white woman.

They tossed Emmett Till’s battered remains in the Tallahatchee River. Till’s mother insisted on an open casket so the world could see what these racist monsters did to her boy.

The two men accused of this atrocity? They were acquitted by an all-male, all-white jury. Several years ago, the woman in the Till case retracted her accusations.

This is a case that still shocks the conscience today.

Comparing his ordeal to THAT? Craven. No sooner had Fairfax engaged in this preposterous hyperbole than social media exploded.

“Disgraceful,” Tweeted Adele McClure, executive director of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus. “Justin has repeated his appalling comparison to Emmett Till since 2019. My heart goes out to survivors tonight as Justin Fairfax continues to repeat these traumatizing & harmful talking points that will replay again & again. This harm is not new & cannot continue.”

As far as George Floyd goes, we all watched him lose consciousness with a Minneapolis cop’s knee digging into his neck after he was accused of passing a counterfeit $20 bill.

The trial of that officer, Derek Chauvin, is underway.

Last time I checked, Fairfax was still alive. He never lost a paycheck or his public office after credible accusers materialized and accused him of rape and sexual assault. He’s now running for governor.

Several of his staff members resigned after the accusations surfaced. Yet most would agree that by most measures, life seems to be pretty good for Justin Fairfax.

Emmett Till never saw his 15th birthday. George Floyd never saw his 48th.

As far as due process is concerned, the General Assembly should have launched an investigation into the charges against the lieutenant governor in 2019, but Fairfax opposed such action, according to The Washington Post

Too much time has elapsed for criminal trials.

As a result, Fairfax’s reputation is sullied. He blames his political opponents for that.

Sad, but nothing compared to the murder of Emmett Till.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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17 responses to “Virginia’s Lt. Gov. and Emmett Till”

  1. Ralph Northam is Governor only because Fairfax was too corrupt and distasteful for Virginians (read George Soros) to stomach and he should be reinvestigated as he still has a stench to him that would lead to something dirty.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I find Fairfax odious, as well as Gaetz, Cuomo, Trump and a few others…like O’Reilly, and Ailes, Chris Mathews, Mark Halperin, I don’t think it’s solely a Dem or GOP or lib or righty thing nor worthy of making that kind of argument.

    I don’t have a problem with Northam, although I admit, I thought he was done but the black community apparently has forgiven him , perhaps in exchange for all the “equity” stuff he is doing. 😉

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      It’s clearly across ideology and Party, except with the MSM. Bill Clinton received a decades’ long pass with respect to the allegations made against him by Juanita Brodderick. And compare Hillary (you need to believe w0men vs. trailer trash). How the Post can all itself a world-class media company when it missed the Justin Fairfax allegations before the election? Or was it intentional.

      The existence of today’s media provides evidence that old John Calvin may have been right about double predestination.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but face it. These guys do make the rest of us feel better about our minor perversities.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Ya think? But he will probably never face the voters again, and certainly no federal post that requires confirmation. Not if he stands by his own version of “that’s not me, prove it’s me!” He has a highly useful and satisfying life as a physician to return to if he chooses.

      Based on early impressions, I liked Fairfax and saw quite a future for him, policy differences aside. I wish he could get these things settled and clear himself, if they were consensual. But the uncertainty is deadly.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Conservatives think Northam is done but I’m not totally convinced.

        He screwed up, no question about it but he has also made amends… and many seem to have accepted them.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Northam’s personal racism is exceeded only by his incompetence. Goodbye and good riddance.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s funny you talk about Clown Show and Plantation Elites… about Virginia and Richmond then hang Northam over something that was a one-off thing in his life and something he clearly has made amends for AND blacks have apparently forgiven him.

            Try that idea on with folks like Corey Stewart or Amanda Chase… or many others in the GOP these days.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    It’s vile to envoke those who are are martyred in such ways….

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Agreed. They should have preserved the old store in Money, MS where the tragedy all started.,w_680/fl_lossy,pg_1,q_auto/ztq8ny4kwayzxhcmjqvd.jpg

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    A sad commentary on the Democratic Party in Virginia. Kirk Cox is starting to look pretty good in comparison.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    In all fairness, Gaetz or whoever that guy is is also standing with the “I ain’t quitting, prove it or shut up” defense. This is a bi-partisan reflex. Such complains deserve credibility, especially when there are multiple accusers, but I don’t trust the news media to play referee by itself. False accusations do happen. I have to give weight to the fact no criminal charges are pending anywhere against Fairfax.

    But yes, the comparison to murderous lynching was ridiculous. I think the Dems have decided that come the June primary, all three who embarrassed Virginia on a world stage will be in the rear view mirror.

  6. WayneS Avatar

    Justin Fairfax appears to me to be a spoiled, entitled, elitist who thinks he is better than “common folk” and acts like he’s being persecuted if anyone criticizes him.

    Just like Matt Gaetz, Andrew Cuomo, Donald Trump, Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, Chris Mathews, Mark Halperin, [fill in a first name] Kennedy, etc.

    They’re all cut from the same cloth as far a I am concerned.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I suspect what binds them is a delusion they are God’s gift to women….

      1. WayneS Avatar

        That, too.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    These guys are giving us run of the mill lotharios a bad name.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Matt Gaetz, Hollywood (Fla) pedophile elitist” — Q

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