Virginia’s Leaders Traffic in Gloom and Doom

by Kerry Dougherty

In response to a Tweet I posted last week about Gov. Ralph Northam, a local priest responded by quoting a nun who’d seen one of the governor’s press conferences and thought Virginia’s leader was in need of prayers

“…that is a man without hope,” she said.

Amen, Sister.

Northam’s the captain of Team Apocalypse. The grim reaper of governors.

The people working for him? Equally glum and seemingly unmoved by the plight of ordinary Virginians who have been tossed out of work.

Instead of assuring folks that the commonwealth will reopen before small businesses are driven into complete ruin and families are buried under a blizzard of unpaid bills, Northam holds press availabilities that assure the public this shutdown will be long and painful.

There is not much light at the end of Northam’s tunnel.

During a virtual town hall last week, for instance, we learned that Northam plans to keep the beaches closed through July instead of June 10. A gut punch to the tourist industry.

But on Friday it was Virginia’s health commissioner who turned faint hope into despair.

After the governor outlined how he planned to slow-walk the reopening of the commonwealth, beginning with a “Phase One” that will be launched only after a set of tough metrics are met, the health department chief predicted that those suffocating restrictions would be in place for years.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that Health Department head Norman Oliver told them that Phase One — which will keep many businesses closed — would be in effect until a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 are available.

I, personally, think Phase One will be a two-year affair,” Oliver said. “There are a lot of people working on this, and I hope they prove me wrong, but I don’t see it happening in less than two years.

Insanity. Naturally, it scared the bejabbers out of people.

Social media reacted as you might imagine it would: With calls for rebellion, resistance and recall for state officials. After all, no one else in the country – perhaps on the planet – is hanging that kind of crepe.

On Saturday, the governor’s office backpedaled. But instead of blaming Oliver, it seemed to point an accusing finger at the media.

“Phase One will not last for two years,” read a statement from the governor on Saturday. “We need to keep working together to beat this disease — not spread fear and misinformation.”


Sorry, the only thing the the Times-Dispatch did was quote Mr. Oliver. His statement was clear.

Earlier this month we published a hard-hitting piece by James Sherlock, “The Canterbury Tragedy and the Failed Virginia Department of Health,” that blamed the gothic horror taking place in a Henrico County nursing home that caters to Medicaid patients — 49 dead from Covid-19 at last count — on lax oversight by Oliver’s department.

“The Virginia Department of Health is a failed institution with a failed leader, Dr. Oliver,” 

wrote Sherlock. “No amount of hand waving and misdirection will change that fact. We need a new Health Commissioner.  Too late for a new Governor.”

Sherlock’s right.

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14 responses to “Virginia’s Leaders Traffic in Gloom and Doom”

  1. S. E. Warwick Avatar
    S. E. Warwick

    Would it have been possible for the Governor to call up the National Guard to set up a field hospital on the Canterbury grounds to separate the actively sick residents from others and test everyone to contain the spread when the flood of infection became apparent early on?

    1. I don’t know if that idea is practical or not, but you do raise a good question — could the state have taken extraordinary measures to prevent Canterbury becoming a killing field?

  2. sbostian Avatar

    I have said this earlier – Northam and his merry band of tyrants are enjoying this and will not let it loose until forced. Northam passed the point of meriting the assumption of good intentions long ago. Only a partisan or someone who is completely frightened or ignorant can continue to support him.

    For context see the following comparison of COVID 19 to the 1957-58 H2N2 pandemic:


    US Deaths – 116,000
    US Population 172 million
    US Deaths Per Million 674

    COVID 19

    US Deaths so far 53,471
    US Current Population 330 Million
    US Deaths per million 162

    Virginia Deaths per million from COVID 19 – 54

    There were no US lockdowns in 1957 or 1958.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The Honorable, Ralph Northam, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia needs to read the story of Jefferson Davis’s flight from Richmond to the last capitol of the CSA in Danville. He will have to reroute the train though. I think the Richmond to Danville RR is a bicycle path now.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Does this make any difference or is it just more media blather?

      VCU poll: 76% of Virginians approve of Northam’s response to pandemic

      Northam, a Democrat, has support from Republicans (68%), independents (70%) and Democrats (90%), according to the poll. The Richmond region’s 78% support figure is in line with the governor’s statewide favorability.

      1. I’m sure the poll is an accurate reflection of public opinion… which has been shaped by a media that has not issued one critical word about the governor’s handling of the epidemic.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Nice try. Do you think FOX and right-wing talk radio and all the far-right conspiracy theory sites “shape” opinion also?

          The real point is that the narrative against Northam here in BR does not represent the majority view of most Virginians.

          And without a doubt, the high rating of Northam will come down and things drag on.

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            Most suburban Virginians are too self-absorbed to learn what’s going on. I’ve been to meetings where college educated people, often with multiple degrees, will stand up and complain about the fact that Fairfax County receives pennies on the dollar from Richmond and, in the next breath, argue for higher state taxes for this, that and the other thing.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          yepper – that’s the old “blaming bad govt on dumb people” argument, eh?

          Does that explain Fairfax Co Govt? Arlington? Loudoun?


      2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        The only polls that seem to matter anymore are on election day. It will be interesting to see the turnout for local elections in a few weeks.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          What would we expect in local elections different than now?

          I have not seen in my area any campaign issues beyond local.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    Typical Northam. Typical Northam Administration. Arrogant and mealy mouthed. Stumbling, bumbling and fumbling its way through life. All thanks to Virginia’s Democratic Party.

    No surprise that Northam’s office tried to deflect the criticism of the comment from its health department head. This is typical of Northam, his administration and members of Virginia’s plantation elite in general. The immense superiority that people like Ralph Northam believe they possess (over the “little people” in society at large) means never admitting a mistake and never clarifying and ill conceived comment. Who can forget King Ralph’s rhetorical incontinence around infanticide? His mindless gaffe that ultimately led to the publication of his blackface photos could have easily been avoided by an admission of error. But members of Virginia’s plantation elite don’t ever admit error. Aster all, what right do the little people have to an explanation from on high?

    As I wrote in Feb, 2019 – “Third (and most importantly), learn a lesson from Kathy Tran’s second “walkback” … when a shambolic public statement comes back to bite you in the ass, walk it back fully, honestly and completely. Admit that you misspoke or failed to answer the question you were asked. Explain where you really stand on the matter.”

  5. sbostian Avatar

    Ever since Edward Bernays published his landmark book, “Propaganda” in 1928, media, governments and corporations have known that propaganda works – especially when the citizens abandon independent, critical thinking.

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It would be helpful to know why the nun would say that other than Kerry’s fake news deliberate taken out of context quote… 40 years as a copyboy, eh?

    Despair is a sin.

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