By Peter Galuszka

Somehow it seems as quaint as a black and white crime movie from the 1950s.  A  van pulls up to a country store in the dark of night. A gang of men led by gravel-voiced Robert Mitchum loads up on cartons of cigarettes, and sets off for the big city Up North where they can sell the bootleg smokes at a huge profit.

That scene describes Virginia today. The State Crime Commission reported this week that Virginia’s ultra-low taxes on cigarettes are making their illegal shipment to high tax states more lucrative than cocaine, heroin, marijuana or guns, according to a State Police source.

Profits are so high on the contraband tobacco trade, says Stewart Petoe, an official with the commission, that it is attracting organized criminal elements and drug traffickers. Such groups include the MS-13 Latino gang with ties to Fairfax County and, incredibly, Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group.

The reason for the attractiveness of the trade is very simple and goes to the heart of Virginia’s stubborn insistence to keep taxes low and pay homage to the tobacco leaf which has been a major player in the state’s history since before Jamestown.

Virginia charges only $3 on a 10-pack carton of smokes. In New York City, the levy is $58.50. Even with gas prices approaching $4 a gallon, doing the math shows just how profitable running cigarettes can be. It’s also a low- pressure challenge. Your chances of running into a machine gun ambush over a car trunk load of Marlboro Blend No. 27 are a lot less than one brimming with bags of cocaine powder.

That’s one reason why it’s the kind of smuggling anyone can do very easily. “Stand right near the shelves full of crackers or a case of Ding Dongs and you can see people in the middle of the day coming in, buying five cartoons of cigarettes and going back out to the car,” Petoe told the Richmond Times Dispatch.

According to news accounts, he said that 30 percent of all cigarettes in New York City come from other states and of that number, 71 percent are from Virginia.

About 20 years ago, Virginia was gaining fame as the source for a lot of firearms used in crimes in Mid-Atlantic and Northern cities such as Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The reason was Virginia’s loose, laissez-faire attitude on guns and intense political pressure from the Second Amendment rights lobby.

The Right to Smoke crowd is indirectly to blame because they have helped shoot down every attempt to hike the state’s low tobacco tax rates. It is ironic, because they often harangue the state about deficit spending while shutting off an obvious source of tax revenue.

Another factor is that while Virginia is nowhere as large a tobacco producer as North Carolina or Kentucky, it hosts one of the largest cigarette factories left – the Philip Morris plant just south of downtown Richmond on Interstate 95. Altria, the owner, moved its headquarters to Henrico County a few years ago from New York where city officials indicated to Altria that they wouldn’t really be missed because of the deadly products they make.

Virginia’s in-your-face attitude on tobacco taxes may hurt it with the large payments it receives from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement that 46 states, including Virginia won against the four largest cigarette makers, including Philip Morris. For Virginia to continue getting its share of the $206 billion over 25 years, it has to keep bootleg butts in check.  About 60 cents in taxes on each pack of cigarettes sold go to help pay for states’ smoking-related health costs.

It seems strange that contraband cigarettes are shoving aside cocaine and heroin and assault rifles. But then, Virginia’s hilly Franklin County is now being featured in “Lawless, a movie about moonshine wars during the Depression. Old-style crime can be so sentimental.

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  1. Canada seems to have licked this problem with a nation-wide general sales tax on things like cigarettes and alcohol.

    and if you get caught sneaking these things into Canada – things go badly.. I hear.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Each and every locality in Virginia should have the right to tax cigarettes at whatever rate they choose.

    Any locality which taxes cigarettes at less than the national average will be ineligible for transferred school funding on the difference between what they do tax and the national average.

    Let me get this straight – there are localities in Virginia that don’t want to tax their own citizens’ use of a deadly product but then plead poverty when it comes to educational funding from other areas of the state.

    That’s just disgraceful.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    larry g and DJR:

    Two interesting approaches that while different lead to the same end.

    Where is the Big Bacon? Mr. No Tax? Love crime, Jim?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “I do not believe in criticizing socialist governments even for violations of human rights.”

      William Kunstler

      “I do not believe in criticizing Richmond regardless of how many deaths are caused by its policies.”

      Jim Bacon

      OK, Kunstler really did say that and Bacon never did. However, I see the two of them as peas in a pod when it comes the ability to apply introspection.

  4. I’d go along with cig taxes to fund schools but I wonder if it should not go for MedicAid care for smokers who will ultimately need it.

    Cig taxes for education is a little on the repugnant side … moms/dads smoking themselves – literally too death – but helping to fund their kids education,


  5. You know… Paul Ryan would be going the other way here. He’d say get rid of the tax and allow people to keep their own money and keep the govt out of people’s own health business (except for abortion of course).

    And he’d say that schools should also be operated as private schools and stop taxing people to pay for them and let each parent pay for whatever schooling they want their kid to have.


    so it’s a bit of a conundrum to see DJ continue to assert that we need tax increases while supporting a no-mo-tax kind of guy for government.


    1. DJRippert Avatar

      LarryG –

      Obama is incompetent. It really doesn’t matter what policies he has. He couldn’t execute on those policies if they came down from heaven written on two granite slabs. His first term was a disaster and his second term will be worse. Perhaps the only politician less capable than Obama is his running mate, Joe Biden. Biden is a blowhard who lacks the intelligence to be the Assistant Secretary of the Interior much less the man who sits one heartbeat from the presidency. Joe Biden makes Sarah Palin look like Madame Curie.

      Mitt Romney is an accomplished businessman and a former Republican governor from a very Democratic state. His resume is not that of a community organizer and short time senator with a penchant for voting “present”. Romney is also a moderate on economic matters. Far more moderate than Obama. Paul Ryan is quite possibly 50 IQ points ahead of Joe Biden. His thoughts bother liberals while Biden’s thoughts don’t worry conservatives. That’s because Biden has no thoughts.

  6. It’s not incompetence. It’s that the economy has been so badly damaged that it’s going to take some time to repair it.

    The difference is that Obama won’t lie about it whereas that’s all that Romney and Ryan seem capable of doing and Ryan, in particular is being revealed as a weasel – which is not anything I want in a leader even if he is theoretically competent. You could never trust him.

    not that Romney/Ryan have provided anything at all in terms of what they would do differently and not that you could actually trust Romney to not change his mind on major policy issues depending on which way the wind blows.

    No.. I’m not take weasels and shape-shifters for leaders.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “It’s that the economy has been so badly damaged that it’s going to take some time to repair it.”.

      Spare me.

      Obama said that spending the stimulus funds would have unemployment to 6% by now. As far as I know, he writes his own Teleprompter scripts so those were his words. We spent a trillion and today’s employment numbers show 8.1% unemployment. Worse yet, the ONLY reason unemployment is falling is because hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people are giving up on finding work. The employment numbers (which are far more useful than the unemployment numbers) suck out loud.

      Recessions come and go. Sometimes the president and Congress drag out a recession forever and a day. Jimmy Carter did that and was replaced after a single term. Reagan ended the recession. Obama has had long enough. He has proven that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s time for him to go.

      1. re: ” Obama said that spending the stimulus funds would have unemployment to 6% by now. ”

        you’re repeating lies here DJ. Show me where he actually said that. He did not.

        it’s one thing to honestly deal with issues but this is just lying and when people lie , they forfeit honesty and leadership.

        do you see this?

        here is the truth:

        ” Romney didn’t use the word “promise” as Boehner, Cantor and others did when we checked the same claim previously, but the meaning is the same, that Obama was offering some sort of guarantee the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. The administration never characterized it that way and included plenty of disclaimers saying the predictions had “significant margins of error” and a higher degree of uncertainty due to a recession that is “unusual both in its fundamental causes and its severity.” In short, it was an economic projection with warnings of a high margin for error, not a take-it-to-the-bank pledge of an upper limit on unemployment.”

        why is Romney lying and why are you repeating it?

        be honest DJ. base your position on the truth – not lies.

        who wants a leader – who basically just lies – not just once until corrected – but over and over – and his supporters repeat it?

        that’s not leadership and it’s not honest.

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