Green Party leader and German Economy and Climate Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck

by James C. Sherlock

Headlines from the war in Ukraine have raised exponentially the interest in natural gas and the extreme price volatility caused by supply constraints.

It is perhaps useful to understand the uses of natural gas, the prices Virginians pay relative to West Virginians, the decline of production in Virginia, and the costs and risks of supply constraints by the actions of green energy absolutists.

Not the enthusiasts, but the come-hell-or-high-water absolutists, who get way out in front of the thoughtful left. In Europe, greens let slip the dogs of war.

Putin thought Europe, with its far too early and thoughtless response to green pressure, too dependent upon Russian energy to oppose him.  He proved wrong, but now both free Europeans and Russians will suffer. Ukrainians and Russians are dying for that miscalculation.

Virginia greens need to reconsider the value of natural gas and the risks of insufficient supply. And, like the German Green Party this week, get over their opposition to gas until real renewable alternatives at the scale of the economy are, well, real.

Virginia’s greens must first acknowledge that alternatives to natural gas are not readily available. Not today. Not soon, measured in decades.

They won the battle against coal. The alternatives to coal were clean natural gas for multiple uses and nuclear power for electricity generation.

They saw China Syndrome in 1979 and turned against nuclear power after Three Mile Island in that same year. And have stayed that way regardless of technology advances.

Now they hate natural gas even though it led reductions in U.S. CO2 emissions to 27-year lows immediately before COVID, and is projected to continue to lead further declines.

Virginia and West Virginia. Virginia needs access to the vast and reliable supplies available in West Virginia.  Virginia’s State Energy Profile from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

In 2020, natural gas accounted for 61% of Virginia’s utility-scale electricity net generation, nuclear supplied 29%, renewables, mostly biomass, provided 6%, and coal fueled less than 4%.

In 2020, more than four-fifths of Virginia’s natural gas production was coal bed methane, and the state accounted for about one-tenth of the nation’s total coal bed methane production.

Virginia’s proven reserves of natural gas are 2,298 billion cubic feet, West Virginia’s 40,130 billion cubic feet. Only Texas and Pennsylvania have more natural gas reserves than West Virginia.

Natural gas withdrawals from Virginia reserves declined 15% from 2016 – 2020.  West Virginia produced 25 times as much natural gas as did Virginia in 2020.

If you do the math from the EIA charts, you will find that Virginia Natural Gas Prices  for various classes of consumers exceeded West Virginia Natural Gas Prices in November of 2021 by the following percentages:

  • Residential:  +29%
  • Commercial:  +9%
  • Industrial: +18% (August 2021 industrial prices in Virginia were +66% of those in West Virginia)

Supply constraints equal highly volatile prices. Supply constraints can very quickly triple natural gas costs in entire economies. And they have.

American natural gas supply constraints are not tied to reserves. The greens are the threat.

A significant slice of Pennsylvania’s reserves were taken offline by a decision of the Delaware River Basin Commission to ban fracking in that basin. The ban applies to two counties in Pennsylvania’s northeastern tip that are part of the nation’s largest gas field, the Marcellus Shale.

In Virginia, with a radical 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in their corner, greens killed the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and are in the process of killing the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

If you want to see the prices some Americans already pay for constrained availability, look at imported LNG.

On peak demand days, LNG contributes up to 35% of New England’s natural gas supply. New England, where gas supply is constrained by fracking bans and limited pipeline and storage capacity, paid $34.77 per thousand cubic feet. (re-gasified volume) for imported LNG in 2021. That price at the pier is three and a half times the price of natural gas delivered to residential customers in West Virginia in November.

New England, and therefore the United States, gets virtually all of its imported LNG from Trinidad and Tobago, which is facing its own production and reserves issues.

The international LNG price is highly volatile since the start of the war. For an up-to-the-minute update on European gas supplies and prices, see here.

What to do.

Virginians are not now bringing more West Virginia natural gas into Virginia. The price differences will be exacerbated by declining Virginia natural gas production.

The Green Party in Germany figured out in one week what supply constraints mean to that country. They upended decades of their signature opposition to carbon.

They supported German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s decision to stockpile coal and gas reserves and build two new terminals to import liquefied natural gas from countries other than Russia.

Robert Habeck is minister for the economy and climate in Mr. Scholz’s government. He is also the leader of the Green party.

As the Wall Street Journal editorialized:

“The hours after Mr. Scholz’s Sunday speech revealed the Greens understand the stakes in Ukraine and the energy-policy sacrifices they must make for their pro-democracy and human-rights principles.”

“Mr. Habeck had agreed to the LNG terminals before Mr. Scholz announced it. That required political courage for the leader of a party whose name reveals its environmentalist bent. It would have been easier to insist only on some pablum about accelerating renewables, a la the U.S. climate left.”

Costs and supply risks in Virginia will only increase in the future if Virginia’s greens continue to fight natural gas.

Absent more pipelines to bring gas from West Virginia to the Commonwealth, the future of not only the Virginia economy but also our massive national defense posture in this state are in jeopardy.

Virginia’s green leadership, including our two U.S. Senators: please call a meeting and talk about this issue as serious American patriots. Refuse to be held hostage by petro-state thugs. The policy you have pursued has not yet cost America nearly as much as it has cost our European colleagues and allies.

Realize that environmental absolutism can cause Virginia to fail in so many vital ways. Check on the natural gas usage of your local hospital or the facilities supporting the Atlantic Fleet.

So stop it.

Support the restart of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the completion of Mountain Valley Pipeline. You have some supporters who will oppose that. Deal with them.

Continue to support the shift to renewable sources by 2050, or whatever date you think achievable. But deal with the issue at hand today.

Or share with the rest of us your plan for what Virginia will do before reliable renewables are available at sufficient scale to replace natural gas across the economy.

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18 responses to “Virginia’s Greens Need an Epiphany”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    And nuclear…
    Where will the energy for the electric cars from from?
    Shouldn’t it be dependable?
    Or I’ll go plug in my Tesla and hope everybody ate beans to generate the wind power?
    You will ply the gas engine car keys from my cold dead fingers…

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Was just reading U.S. Nuclear industry may want to be exempt from Russian sanctions, because I presume Uranium is a Russian export. If so, score +1-point for off shore wind, which I may favor over big nukes. But we should think region wide, and get cheaper on-shore wind from our neighbor states, maybe get into joint multi-state deals on off-shore wind to protect our financial butts..

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Aided and abetted by Obama and Hillary with the Uranium One deal… A $500,000 speaking fee to the Slickster from a Russian bank and $20 million to the Clinton Foundation from a Canadian involved in the Uranium One deal….but RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA! was all Trump, amirite?

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        The largest unmined uranium deposit in the United States is Coles Hill, in Pittsylvania County. Virginia has a moratorium on uranium mining.

  2. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    It’s been explained multiple times here why you don’t need the ACP or MVP pipeline projects to pump gas to areas already well supplied by the Williams Transco Pipeline that distributes to the same gas distributors in N.C. and VA that would garner expensive gas from new pipelines.

    The current situation can be responded to by opening up the wells shut down during the pandemic economic slow down and pumping through the millions of miles of gas pipelines already paid for and in existence providing a lower cost of transporting gas than any new pipeline (which would have to pay back building costs by raising rates). There’s plenty of gas resources thats can be tapped as needed and enough pipelines, so blaming those supporting an intelligent transition to clean energy for the current supply volatility and higher energy prices is illogical.

    Distributing U.S. gas via LNG terminals like Cove Point, MD. to overseas markets will result in further increased domestic prices at least for the near term during the volatile energy situation resulting from Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Joe, the Williams Transco pipeline does not serve the areas that Mountain Valley and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline were designed to serve, no matter how many times you say it.

      “There’s plenty of gas resources thats can be tapped as needed and enough pipelines”. That is unfortunately = ignorance, on your part, Joe.

      In 2014, pipeline companies announced three competing plans to bring Appalachian Basin shale gas to markets in Virginia and North Carolina. EQT Midstream Partners and NextEra Energy proposed the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Transco (Williams) championed the Appalachian Connector, and a partnership controlled by Dominion and Duke Energy was behind the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project.

      The Mountain Valley Pipeline and the Appalachian Connector have a fixed end point. The pipelines would be built from roughly the same location in West Virginia to the same destination, the compressor station known as Transco Station 165 on the existing Transco pipeline in Pittsylvania County. The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline would have crossed the existing Transco trunk line further north and brought Appalachian gas to Hampton Roads.

      See if you can come up with an explanation of why Williams would plan to spend $500 million of its own money for the Appalachian Connector if there were no need.

      BTW, the gas line to Cove Point goes only to Cove Point. Its capacity is under long term contract. Has been for years. It does not affect gas supplies elsewhere. Supply isn’t the problem, Joe, transportation from where the gas is to where the gas in needed is the problem.

      None of them have been built.

      And do I think that among Putin’s reasons for going to war now was that he thought he had Europe as a supine natural gas client? Don’t you?

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Says someone who is opposed to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and a true believer in renewables…
      Why do we need an “intelligent transition” to renewables?
      And all the shut down production…should stay in the ground? While we buy hundreds of thousands of barrels from Russia daily?
      And if we have sufficient pipelines, why would producers want more? Perhaps because it would make their fields more profitable?
      The war in Ukraine is the fault of the Greens and JoeBrandon and the American people who have not looked into the “science” of “climate change.” These are the same people who did the modeling for Covid.
      Even Putin invests heavily in nuclear while he uses far less than what Russia produces in oil, gas and coal. Why?
      Because his “cash crop” is those natural resources and he wants to preserve them. Maybe we should as well. And it looks like Germany finally woke up and smelled the napalm in the morning…

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, Joe, that won’t go. The pipelines were needed and we’re going to be very sorry we don’t have them. “Intelligent transition to clean energy” is an oxymoron. It is a highly unintelligent plan as it now stands.

    4. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “There’s plenty of gas resources thats can be tapped as needed and enough pipelines, so blaming those supporting an intelligent transition to clean energy for the current supply volatility and higher energy prices is illogical”

      The only thing illogical is statements about “intelligent transition” to technologies that are not reliable or stable enough to keep the grid functioning under even it’s current load. Forcing people to move to wind / solar generation while not having battery tech that’s capable of the storage is a fools errand and will result in nothing more than rolling blackouts (see South Africa and their load sharing).

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Worth noting that in that Fairfax County climate plan, you know in my story you stepped on by posting 19 minutes after I did thankyouverymuch, the continued operation of VA’s nuclear facilities is endorsed. I’m sure Dominion is relieved…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    All the nice people have the oil and gas…

    Gas stations masquerading as a countries.

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I do not understand nat gas pricing for homeowners yet, but it is something I might study this year. Basically my (possibly incorrect) perception on it, when nat gas went down to $2, homeowners still paid $8 – $10 and that is just the fuel cost which is a minor part of the monthly bill. Maybe I am wrong, but I do not see a lot of infrastructure spending with the huge overhead paid by homeowners.

    PS- However, I agree we need to realize U.S. liberals putting the Precautionary Principle of Armageddon from fossil fuels as worse than 1000 x Putins possibly causes loss of the whole ballgame.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Pricing for homeowners is subject to long term rate agreements and approvals by the SCC. It is generally not vulnerable to the spot market.

  6. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Well done. I think the best way to increase supply is to continually publicize the price difference between West Virginia and our supply constrained state.

  7. VaNavVet Avatar

    Nice to see a reference by Sherlock to the “thoughtful left”. As the price of oil and natural gas rises on the world market, it becomes profitable to extract it in the US where and how it was not previously so. Consumers pay more in order to support higher prices and profits for the fossil fuel energy companies.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Speakin’ of greens. The spousal unit began insisting I eat better. She went out and bought a “smoothie” machine. She said “Just put some frozen stuff in it with some milk, and it makes a milkshake out of it.”

    She was right. Two precooked frozen sausage patties, two eggs and a slash of half&half ain’t bad.

  9. beachguy Avatar

    >>>Intelligent transition to renewable energy <<< How's that working out for Europe? When even Europe's Green Parties are demanding more natural gas, understand that it's necessity is manifest.

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