Virginia’s Descent into Madness — Literal Madness

by James A. Bacon

Do you ever get the sense that society is on the brink of a total mental breakdown? I do, and never more so than when I read the news. Indeed, after reviewing today’s news feed, I’m tempted to think that Virginia may be further down the path to mass psychosis than other states. Consider…

So many people are suffering from mental health issues in Prince William County that the county’s “co-responder” program that pairs mental health specialists with police officers has been “overwhelmed with police calls, reports the Prince William Times. The police department received 272 mental health calls during January, but “co-responder” units were dispatched in only 76. Now Prince William County Executive Chris Martino wants to double the size of the program. And even that, he concedes, will not be enough.

Meanwhile, the Fairfax County school district wants to increase spending on mental health to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 school shutdowns, reports The Washington Post. Fairfax schools hope to hire a “trauma-informed social emotional learning specialist” who will help children “process the lingering damage of the pandemic.” The school district’s budget, says one school board member, reflects priorities that include “emotional supports for our students and our staff.”

Then there is the General Assembly, truly a case of lunatics running the asylum.

Lawmakers have passed a bill that will ban the “gay panic defense” in Virginia. Apparently, there have been numerous instances in which individuals have been propositioned by, or had sex with, others who were not exactly forthcoming about their sexual/gender identity. Panicking, these individuals lashed out by assaulting or killing the person who deceived them. Typically, the victims are gay or transgender. The bill was championed by Virginia’s transgender delegate, Danica Roem, D-Manassas Park. Bad boy Sen. Joseph Morrissey, D-Richmond, objected on the grounds that lawmakers should not pass any law restricting the ability of defendants from making a defense, reports the Associated Press. Whatever the merits, it is a sign of the times in this age of gender/sexual identity confusion that such incidents are occurring with sufficient frequency to warrant lawmakers’ attention.

Finally, the General Assembly continues to debate the legalization of recreational marijuana. The hold-up, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, is whether or not to hold a referendum. Ignored in most news coverage of the debate is growing evidence that frequent use of high-potency cannabis is linked to the higher risk of psychosis, that is, losing touch with reality. (Ah, the irony… Virginia lawmakers, out of touch with reality, are enacting laws causing other people to lose touch with reality.) This is not right-wing drivel. A European study found that daily pot users were three times more likely to have a psychotic episode than someone who never used the drug, says National Public Radio.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that between 1.1 million and 1.5 Virginia adults suffer from some form of mental illness, including depression, anxiety and uncontrolled emotional outbursts. Between 240,000 to 305,000 have a “serious” mental illness, defined as a disorder causing “substantial functional impairment.” Extrapolating from national prevalence rates, about 100,000 children and adolescents in Virginia have a serious emotional disorder with about 65,000 being extremely impaired.

The official mental health statistics don’t even take into account Snowflake Impairment Syndrome, in which thousands of Virginians — mostly college students — find themselves emotionally crippled by people who use mean words. On college campuses, we hear that “words are violence” — especially when the words express conservative sentiments — and that people require safe spaces where their delicate pysches can recover. Think of college campuses as gateways to mental illness.

I don’t fully comprehend the causes of all this mental illness, but I suspect a lot of the problem is self-inflicted. We are, quite literally, driving ourselves crazy.

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19 responses to “Virginia’s Descent into Madness — Literal Madness”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Old white guy lament: ” please don’t make me change”

  2. The madness likely stems from recent generations that were spared the rod, forbidden from drinking from the garden hose, raised in front of a video game console and not the great outdoors, subject to an education system dominated by whiny entitled Karen’s who never had a real job and can’t balance a checkbook, shielded from vocational education and presented with participation trophies regardless their level of “achievement”.

    1. I think that’s a theory worth exploring. I suspect there’s more to the problem, but that’s part of it. The increasing atomization of society, erosion of community and social disconnection is part of it, too.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I say we take everyone between 15 and 45 and let Boomers curb-stomp them.

      BTW, checkbook? In what century do you live? Shoot, boy, I’m 69 and I haven’t stroked a check in 10 years. Now, in the interest of disclosure, I do manual pushes from my bank to my creditors rather than auto-pulls by the creditor. I’d rather owe it to ’em and make ’em beat it out of me than beg them to fix their mistake.

      1. Well at least we have one thing in common, I also do the manual payments and don’t allow the auto-pulls. Could be a result of my trust issues.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I got burned once in 1982. I hold long grudges. It took a month to straighten it out and for the offending company to pay penalties and write appropriate letters to the bank for fixing credit reports.

          And with certainty, we have more than one thing in common. Hmmm, “Casablanca” — top 5 movie? “Clockwork Orange” — top 10?


          1. Yes my droog, Clockwork Orange is definitely in the top 10, arguably top 5.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Those whom the gods would destroy…

    They make Trump worshippers. Nice gold statue of your god at CPAC.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    The budget for Fairfax County Public Schools should be CUT based on lower enrollment. The teachers’ association didn’t want to reopen and a lot of parents pulled their kids out. Time to start laying off teachers.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Virginia’s Descent into Madness — Literal Madness” has a name, and it is Amanda.

  6. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    You are correct, too many missions or poorly defined missions.

  7. David Bither Avatar
    David Bither

    A catalyst that account for some of today’s madness is the avoidance of testing one’s ideas through discussion and debate. To often, folks will invoke the catch-all, “science says,” to dissuade any challenge to their stated position of belief system. This technique is typically used by those that do not know what the “scientific method” entails and have rarely exposed their ideas to outside examination for fear of nulling results.

    For example, the science of biology has proven that sex in our species is determined by prenatal assignment of chromosomes. And physiology has discovered considerable characteristics that differentiate females from males congenitally. These facts are used in forensics to identify the sex of victims via postmortem exams and criminal investigations.

    Despite the scientific based facts, there are those that promote the belief that sexual gender is determined by what can be imagined and that our species no longer have male and female individuals, but instead, there could be multiple genders based on one’s imagination. Dysphorics believe regardless of the chromosomal makeup, genitalia, and physiology that they are whatever they want to be and this can be changed in a moments notice. One day they can wake up feeling like a woman (whatever that means) and in the minutes, hours, or days ahead they can change back into a man or anything they desire like a sexual chameleon.

    Abandoning the science, advocates say these people don’t need mental health support, but rather children as young as five or six need chemical intervention and genital mutilation to be transformed to whatever gender they imagine themselves to be. Those that cling to their scientific reasoning are chastised or even canceled for their heterodoxy. This leads to the confusing madness of people that say they are staunch supporters of female athletic equality endorsing policies and laws that enable boys and men to compete and dominate girls and women’s sports to capture titles and scholarships.

  8. David Bither Avatar
    David Bither

    A catalyst that account for some of today’s madness is the avoidance of testing one’s ideas through discussion and debate. To often, folks will invoke the catch-all, “science says,” to dissuade any challenge to their stated position of belief system. This technique is typically used by those that do not know what the “scientific method” entails and have rarely exposed their ideas to outside examination for fear of nulling results.

    For example, the science of biology has proven that sex in our species is determined by prenatal assignment of chromosomes. And physiology has discovered considerable characteristics that differentiate females from males congenitally. These facts are used in forensics to identify the sex of victims via postmortem exams and criminal investigations.

    Despite the scientific based facts, there are those that promote the belief that sexual gender is determined by what can be imagined and that our species no longer have male and female individuals, but instead, there could be multiple genders based on one’s imagination. Dysphorics believe regardless of the chromosomal makeup, genitalia, and physiology that they are whatever they want to be and this can be changed in a moments notice. One day they can wake up feeling like a woman (whatever that means) and in the minutes, hours, or days ahead they can change back into a man or anything they desire like a sexual chameleon.

    Abandoning the science, advocates say these people don’t need mental health support, but rather children as young as five or six need chemical intervention and genital mutilation to be transformed to whatever gender they imagine themselves to be. Those that cling to their scientific reasoning are chastised or even canceled for their heterodoxy. This leads to the confusing madness of people that say they are staunch supporters of female athletic equality endorsing policies and laws that enable boys and men to compete and dominate girls and women’s sports to capture titles and scholarships.

  9. LesGabriel Avatar

    The decision by Amazon to censor the book “When harry Became Sally” is one more data point into the cultures descent into total insanity.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Shoney’s and Bob’s Big Boy should sue!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Shoney’s and Bob’s Big Boy should sue!

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Interesting tidbit. Susan Gailey. In NOVA, she was known as the Ourisman Chevrolet spokesperson for most of the 70s and 80s, and in SEVA, she was the Casey Chevrolet spokesperson into the 90s.

    Her daughter was the 13-year old at the center of the Roman Polanski statutory rape charge.

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