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Virginia’s Changing Public School Demographics – COVID Edition

by James C. Sherlock

Virginia’s public schools underwent significant changes in enrollment between 2018-19 and 2020-21.

The figures for this school year have yet to be released.

In the three-year period ending 2020-21, Virginia public schools saw a decline of 37,775 students, a loss of 2.9%.

The racial and social-economic demographics also changed. The numbers and percentages of Hispanic, Asian and mixed race children bucked the overall trend and increased.

Virginia public school population changes over the three years and current percentages of the public school population by selected subgroups include:

*The numbers of disadvantaged children are determined by a methodology that uses free or reduced price meals eligibility. That eligibility is not the same as poverty. The Department of Agriculture guidelines for free meals and milk and reduced price meals were obtained by multiplying the year 2021 Federal income poverty guidelines by 1.30 and 1.85, respectively. Under those guidelines, if a family of four makes $49,000 this year not including excluded federal programs, the children are eligible for reduced price meals and counted as economically disadvantaged.

This information is important in itself and serves as background context for future columns on education in Virginia.

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