Virginia: We’re Dead Last!

by Kerry Dougherty

How do you know your state’s vaccine rollout is a complete clusterfart?

When Catholic priests are Tweeting about it.

Looks like Fr. Beeman, who used to be at Holy Trinity in Norfolk and is now the pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on the Peninsula, saw the same charts that James Sherlock cited in “We Finally Made It,” on yesterday’s Bacon’s Rebellion website.

By the numbers it appears Virginia lags behind the entire nation in vaccine distribution.

“From Becker’s Hospital Review four hours ago: States ranked by percentage of COVID-19 vaccines administered: Jan. 25:

“… As of 6 a.m. EST Jan. 24, a total of 41,411,550 vaccine doses have been distributed in the U.S., and 21,848,655 have been administered, or 52.76 percent…”

“Below are the states ranked by the percentage of COVID-19 vaccines they’ve administered of those that have been distributed to them…”

50. Virginia

Doses distributed to state: 1,069,725

Doses administered: 451,668

Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 42.22

Having a doctor for governor is really paying off, isn’t it?

A month into the vaccine rollout and Virginia finished dead last? We’re not even beating twisted places like, um, New York and California?

Shame on us.

Wait. There’s more. Monday’s vaccine-a-palooza at the Virginia Beach Convention Center became an endurance exercise in inclement weather for many.

People with appointments for the Covid-19 vaccine snaked from the doors of the Center to the hotel next door. Did I mention it was 40 degrees out and drizzling? Folks who’d been told to arrive about 20 minutes early were waiting three and more hours to get their shots.

Notice anything peculiar about the above scenes?

Yep. Not a gray hair, wrinkle or walker in sight.

Look, it’s swell that teachers and city workers and first responders are getting vaccinated. But frankly, it’s far more important that we get to the elderly. They’re the ones dying at an obscene pace.

Every day on “The Kerry and Mike” radio show we field calls from older listeners who cannot figure out how to get the vaccine. Signing up online is not as easy as officials believe it is.

Has it not occurred to government factotums that many elderly folks are not computer literate? That they may have vision problems that make online tasks difficult? That those without computers or someone to advocate for them are being left behind?

One older gent arrived at the Beach Convention Center yesterday with a cane and a stool. He took one look at the line, shook his head and walked back toward his car, even though younger folks in the line offered to swap places with him.

Perhaps Gov. Ralph Northam should pick up the phone and ask Gov. Tate Reeves of Mississippi for advice. (Mississippi ranks 35th on the vaccine distribution list.) At least the Magnolia State has figured out how to get shots in arms without forcing the frailest members of society to risk hypothermia:

Mississippi is offering vaccines at 19 drive-up locations . Imagine that, a vaccination without leaving the comfort of your car!

Then again, Reeves is a banker. What would he know about vaccinating the elderly?

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28 responses to “Virginia: We’re Dead Last!”

  1. VDOTyranny Avatar

    or that the elderly aren’t in the physical condition to wait in endless lines

    but then again, if the republicans do manage to win another election, they’ll waste it by focusing on “taxpayer abortions” resulting in putting the democrats back in charge

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Those of us who haven’t died waiting for a shot….

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      Or that many cannot read well enough to understand or have access to a website. What about those elderly in Prince Edward where schools were closed for 10 + years.

  2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    The deplorables of North Dakota and West Virginia rank #1 and #2 in the Nation in COVID 19 vaccinations, while Virginia ranks dead last in the nation after extravagant claims of cutting edge excellence in fighting COVID 19, made by Virginia’s governor and its University of Virginia. This is only more overwhelming proof of what has long been obvious here on Bacon’s Rebellion: Virginia’s leaders in power today can never be trusted, they have no ethics, no virtue, nor even the slightest inclination to work in the public interest, only their own.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      You remember Bagdad Bob? Well, we have Richmond Ralph.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I agree that Virginia Republicans would more than likely waste it… historically they were obsessed with gay marriage and abortions while corruption and gross spending ruled.
    I’m actually thrilled the Dems have absolute power. I am completely in favor of everything being free and green. As I am close to retirement I laugh at those who will have to work to feed this beast. And as the beast grows the only answer, like in other bloated Blue states, is to keep growing the beast with more $$.
    A large part of the blame must fall on the Virginia GOP. Their absolute ineptness will allow this state to remain Blue for decades and probably forever. The only actual hope is conservative latinos and asians rising up and bring the GOP back to a fiscally conservative party. But that is a very long shot.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      It is beginning to look like the dysfunction down at RPV is madness with a plan. If they fail to get their “disassembled convention” set up, the geniuses on State Central Committee will pick the nominees. I feel sorry for the candidates who have entered the arena only to find that idiots are running the party.

      BTW, the video feed from the Senate Finance Committee meeting just crashed, a committee that should NEVER be left unwatched. Legislative malpractice on steroids…..

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        You could put that to music…

        It is beginning to look alot like dysfunction,
        Down at R-P-V.
        It’s madness with a plan
        Because of one woman,
        If they fail to disassembled
        Their convention will resemble…

  4. VDOTyranny Avatar

    or that the elderly aren’t in the physical condition to wait in endless lines

    but then again, if the republicans do manage to win another election, they’ll waste it by focusing on “taxpayer abortions” resulting in putting the democrats back in charge

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Those of us who haven’t died waiting for a shot….

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      Or that many cannot read well enough to understand or have access to a website. What about those elderly in Prince Edward where schools were closed for 10 + years.

  5. idiocracy Avatar

    If you want to read great things about Virginia, read a history book, not a current newspaper.

    1. ksmith8953 Avatar

      How very true.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      What? You think 1861 was a shining moment?!

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        It’s all been pretty much downhill since then, hasn’t it?

        “Well if the South would’ve won we’d have had it made…”

        …wouldn’t be sitting here in a rusted out singlewide strung out on painkillers…

  6. idiocracy Avatar

    If you want to read great things about Virginia, read a history book, not a current newspaper.

    1. ksmith8953 Avatar

      How very true.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      What? You think 1861 was a shining moment?!

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        It’s all been pretty much downhill since then, hasn’t it?

        “Well if the South would’ve won we’d have had it made…”

        …wouldn’t be sitting here in a rusted out singlewide strung out on painkillers…

  7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    The deplorables of North Dakota and West Virginia rank #1 and #2 in the Nation in COVID 19 vaccinations, while Virginia ranks dead last in the nation after extravagant claims of cutting edge excellence in fighting COVID 19, made by Virginia’s governor and its University of Virginia. This is only more overwhelming proof of what has long been obvious here on Bacon’s Rebellion: Virginia’s leaders in power today can never be trusted, they have no ethics, no virtue, nor even the slightest inclination to work in the public interest, only their own.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      You remember Bagdad Bob? Well, we have Richmond Ralph.

  8. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I agree that Virginia Republicans would more than likely waste it… historically they were obsessed with gay marriage and abortions while corruption and gross spending ruled.
    I’m actually thrilled the Dems have absolute power. I am completely in favor of everything being free and green. As I am close to retirement I laugh at those who will have to work to feed this beast. And as the beast grows the only answer, like in other bloated Blue states, is to keep growing the beast with more $$.
    A large part of the blame must fall on the Virginia GOP. Their absolute ineptness will allow this state to remain Blue for decades and probably forever. The only actual hope is conservative latinos and asians rising up and bring the GOP back to a fiscally conservative party. But that is a very long shot.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      It is beginning to look like the dysfunction down at RPV is madness with a plan. If they fail to get their “disassembled convention” set up, the geniuses on State Central Committee will pick the nominees. I feel sorry for the candidates who have entered the arena only to find that idiots are running the party.

      BTW, the video feed from the Senate Finance Committee meeting just crashed, a committee that should NEVER be left unwatched. Legislative malpractice on steroids…..

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        You could put that to music…

        It is beginning to look alot like dysfunction,
        Down at R-P-V.
        It’s madness with a plan
        Because of one woman,
        If they fail to disassembled
        Their convention will resemble…

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    The position is DFL. OR, did you mean to print “Virginia: We’re Dead AT Last”?

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    The position is DFL. OR, did you mean to print “Virginia: We’re Dead AT Last”?

  11. DLunsford Avatar

    COVID vaccines were being packaged for shipment back in August (in anticipation of their emergency use authorization). That’s why it’s called “Operation Warp Speed”. The gov and private sector took extraordinary risk by getting these vaccines ready to go even before the final trial data was analyzed. There is absolutely no reason for any state to be behind the curve due to simple logistics. They had months to plan/prepare for the roll out. Trained personnel and immunization centers should have been ready and in place by September. They knew this was coming. Although I would have preferred to have seen DoD take it all the way to the street corner, you can imagine the febrile hysteria of the snowflakes if a camouflaged grunt was in charge of their injections. But the feds can’t do everything. Making a new vaccine in 8 months is a medical miracle. The least the states could have done is to be ready to roll. Northam is supposed to be a physician, and a military one at that. He could have easily led the nation in this instance. But God forbid; that might have reflected to well on the Evil Orange Man who ultimately saved our asses. For some behind the scenes truth, see:

  12. DLunsford Avatar

    COVID vaccines were being packaged for shipment back in August (in anticipation of their emergency use authorization). That’s why it’s called “Operation Warp Speed”. The gov and private sector took extraordinary risk by getting these vaccines ready to go even before the final trial data was analyzed. There is absolutely no reason for any state to be behind the curve due to simple logistics. They had months to plan/prepare for the roll out. Trained personnel and immunization centers should have been ready and in place by September. They knew this was coming. Although I would have preferred to have seen DoD take it all the way to the street corner, you can imagine the febrile hysteria of the snowflakes if a camouflaged grunt was in charge of their injections. But the feds can’t do everything. Making a new vaccine in 8 months is a medical miracle. The least the states could have done is to be ready to roll. Northam is supposed to be a physician, and a military one at that. He could have easily led the nation in this instance. But God forbid; that might have reflected to well on the Evil Orange Man who ultimately saved our asses. For some behind the scenes truth, see:

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