Richard Bernstein, a founder of American critical theory.

by James C. Sherlock

Modern progressivism is religion, defined by Webster as “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”

The critical theory progressive, that is to say the modern American progressive, rejects proudly and publicly, root and branch, both the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolutions of the 16th through 18th centuries in Europe.

Critical Theory developed into a synthesis of Marx and Freud. The Frankfurt School which birthed it studied the sources of authoritarianism. Their followers, as in much of human experience, wound up as practitioners.

By contrast, the leading lights of Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution awakenings, bravely in their time, stressed the belief that science and logic give people more understanding. And with understanding came freedom and the rights of man.

Logic is the principles of reasoning; science provides the principles of investigation and proof.

They led much of Europe, and the American colonies, to develop more successful systems of governance, economics, mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, and education than did tradition and religion.

One development, capitalism, has raised more people out of poverty than any economic system ever.

Some of the rest of the world followed. Some did not. Those that did, prospered, and improved the lives of billions of people.

But success in those twin intellectual revolutions came too slow for some.

To that table came two prominent 19th and 20th century experiments in rejecting the Enlightenment: communism and national socialism.

They proved the deadliest political movements in human history.

Modern progressives, sure that these tragic experiments had the right idea but just didn’t execute successfully, are giving rejection yet another try. Critical theory focuses on power structures, not human choices, success or happiness.

They labor to order the world in accordance with human needs, which they do not trust individuals to define and seek. Only the state. Meaning themselves.

Modern critical theorists forget, or ignore, the fact that critical theory itself was developed first in Europe. For them, European origin is a self-explanatory basis for rejection of everything else.

The new left, lacking examples of success of its philosophy, ennobles form over substance. Proponents “feel” rather than measure. They elevate narrative over logic; assertions over replicable results.

A founding principle denies the requirement for facts as a legacy of White (a flexible term for all oppressors) supremacy.

As a result, they have gotten what they seek.

Marxism, repackaged as critical theory, is nearly unchallengeable in today’s academia that promotes intellectual cowardice and incompetence and cancels individuals and ideas that challenge the new religion.

Critical theory is offered with the caveat that it need not be proven, just asserted. And that those who would try to measure its effects with the scientific method are racist. Or some other form of phobic.

Critical theory is designed to tear down the entire fabric of society and replace it with cultural and economic Marxism. It divides humans into oppressed and oppressors.

The American left does not care about human outcomes, only governance.

The only progressive winners so far are the race and gender hustlers.

Some have written best-selling books that insult both broad swaths of American society and the intelligence of readers.

The priests and priestesses of that religion have taken some of the top positions in academia with thin track records of assertions posing as research. Even when those assertions themselves are plagiarized.

“Work” in race or gender studies are resumé enough. They are seldom asked to show how their “work” has measurably improved anything at all.

Many more have found work as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) overseers. By doing so, they assuming roles as oppressors positing themselves as defenders of the oppressed.

Virginia is not unique in suffering from the left’s rejection of the science, but rather darkly illustrative.

The most prominent, but hardly the only, victims in Virginia so far are children.

  • Black children “educated” in our public schools;
  • tens of thousands of child victims of the orchestrated leftist panic over Covid; and
  • disturbed children coached into and treated for gender dysphoria in our public medical systems.

The left does not care.

Medicine. I published a series of articles a while back in which I objected to the off-label use of puberty suppressor drugs by UVa physicians to “treat” gender dysphoria.

UVa Hospital is the center of gravity of that practice in Virginia.

There is a reason puberty suppressors are “off-label” for that use.

The Food and Drug Administration, established as the scientific method gatekeeper to protect Americans from unproven drugs and drug uses, has seen no evidence of either their efficacy or of their long-term consequences in the treatment of children for gender dysphoria. So, it has not certified the use of those drugs for those patients.

The left, led by the national headquarters of a couple of American medical associations, does not care.

They labeled scientists who disagreed with them “transphobes” who opposed “gender affirmation.”

The get-out-of-jail-free card played by the American Psychiatric Association is.

As with any medical treatment, the anticipated risks and benefits should be considered by a patient and prescribing doctor on an individual basis.

The public health services in Britain and France have rejected the practice pending evidence of “risks and benefits.” Others include Sweden, Finland, Norway and some U.S. states.

Yet the left remains utterly uninterested in discovering consequences before subjecting children to their political doctoring.

They don’t care.

UVa, in response to my series of investigative articles, simply took offline all of the information I cited from their websites as proof of their practices.

That is the left’s new scientific method.

Covid and the schools. Progressives did not let the Covid crisis play out with scientific interventions in the schools. They saw it, as ever, as an opportunity. An opportunity in this case for disruption of the oppressive, structurally racist educational system.

Everywhere the left held sway school boards closed the schools and kept them closed for in-person learning for as long as 18 months. Without any experience in the distance learning alternative.

The city of Richmond kept its public schools closed a full year after the Diocese of Richmond reopened theirs safely and successfully.

Hard left teachers unions bullied the nation’s medical gatekeepers and school boards in left-leaning districts into submission.

They destroyed thousands of kids’ lives in the process.

They don’t care.

Scientific method and standards of instruction. The latest dustup here on BR is the denial by the progressive education establishment of the applicability of the scientific method to educational practice.

They typically claim:

  • Teaching is always and everywhere an art, not a science;
  • The use of the scientific method for identifying more effective and less effective teaching practices is White;
  • Homework is White;
  • Discipline of kids in school is oppression;
  • Order in the classroom is White;
  • Discipline of parents who do not ensure their kids go to school is, of course, oppression; and
  • Riots in the hallways are not a subject for the police or even an indicator of systemic failure requiring fundamental change.

So what else have they wrought, or failed to fix?

Asian-heritage kids excel in Virginia public schools. But only 60% of Black kids read, less than half write, and just above half demonstrate math understanding at grade level statewide.

So, Asian kids, a problem to critical theory, are re-defined as White. The oppressor class.

The left has no answer for improving the reading, writing or math performances of poor minority children. Only more of the same teaching methods. Whatever those may be, since there are no state standards of instruction for the 100,000 teachers in Virginia public schools.

Science can and has isolated and reported on the best methods for teaching, as example, children struggling to learn math in early grades. The evidence is strong for every recommendation in that Practice Guide.

The left, unimpressed, rejects the concept of outcome-based standards of instruction arrived at by the (White) scientific method. They deny that standards of instruction are needed, or even worthy of discussion.

They don’t care.

Charter Schools. Those of us who offer the unavoidable observation that the best American charter management organizations (CMOs) turn poor minority kids into scholars are rejected as badly motivated.

Those are, after all, outcomes. And the left doesn’t care.

Somehow those charter schools, and indeed their proud and high-performing while economically disadvantaged Black and Hispanic students, are as White as successful Asian kids.

The half-dozen public charter schools that Virginia does have are local special interest tokens stripped of both their independence to innovate and the funds to succeed.

The Jews. Jews are also labeled White oppressors. Even though:

  • Jews are the most generous and successful group of people in America, and most vote left;
  • most Jews in Israel are not White; and
  • history records that Jews are the people most murdered for who they are. Ever.

Modern progressives don’t care.

Petersburg City Public Schools. To drill down to a single example, I earlier ran a series on Charlottesville, its schools and the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.

The outcomes have been tragic.

This time, we can note that Virginia law gives Petersburg City Schools, the worst-performing school division in Virginia, a veto over its own salvation. Like all of its peers.

Under those laws, only the Petersburg School Board can admit failure and ask those CMOs to bring either charter schools or charter school teaching methods to its students.

For the gatekeepers of the left, admission of failure is not permissible.

Confirming, if there was ever any doubt, that they absolutely don’t care about human outcomes.

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75 responses to “Virginia Child Victims in the Left’s War on the Enlightenment and Science”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Charter schools and marketing good education over bad is the only way most kids, not all, will stand a chance of getting out of poverty. Amen to school choice. I know many parents in Petersburg who put their trust in schools to help them get their kid out of poverty, knowing that the same system failed them in the same way. School Choice. Yes!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      If the Petersburg City School Board invited Success Academy to consult on improvements in that system to improve student learning, they would extend the help pro bono.

  2. It’s always cute when you all label a new thing the Religion of the Left. Maybe the conservatives will untether themselves from the old Moral Majority one of these days, but pointing at your latest bugbear and calling it the religion of your opponent won’t help with that.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have yet another church service to attend, apparently.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Satan isn’t a new thing. Been around for a while. Been deceiving for a while. VERY good at it.
      Essentially, you either believe Man is God, or God is God.
      If the latter, I would point you to the book and Person that inspired Western Civ and whose birthday was celebrated yesterday.
      If the former, there is no ultimate arbiter of right/wrong/ good/ moral other than you and your co-religionists du jour. You aren’t as good and moral and wise as you think you are. And many of you have the all too human thirst for power, and will justify anything to keep power so you can “make the world better” (real meaning – keep me in charge and in on the grift)

      1. I could argue just as well that you have been conned by Loki the Norse Trickster god (and also lucrative Disney IP) into believe a false being called “Satan” and “Christ”. It’s deceitful demons and cunning gods all the way down, it seems.

        And yes, Christianity in particular has been very very good at giving us examples of the importance of critical thinking and not taking seemingly moral and altruistic motives at face value! It’s in fact good to question critical theory; I just don’t think Sherlock is doing so in good faith but rather to simply repackage this year’s talking points. Bundle it all up in a Great Theory of Everything I Don’t Like to make it sound like something new.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Or…he could just be correct. Thinking the answer to policies not working, actually harming, the intended beneficiaries, is throw more money at it borders on religious belief.
          The “sky god” system seems to work.

          1. Or…he could be wrong. Empty assertions don’t really accomplish anything. I would assert that the “sky god” system falls short for a lot of people over the centuries. So you’d have to narrow it down.

            And even if it did work, are you suggesting we follow what could be a complete fabrication? Wouldn’t it be better to figure what works in that system and untether it from possible falsehoods? Or would you argue humanity at large needs a scaled up Santa Claus lie to function?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Not sure where you think you are going there…
            You have free will. Liberal policies don’t work. Science (repeated failure) says so!

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Tell us how modern progressivism differs from a religion. I may have missed something.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Tell us how modern progressivism differs from a religion. I may have missed something.

      1. You mean like the first two definitions in your own link? Weird how you had to go down to definition #3 to try and make your strained point.

        Definition #1, it is not institutionalized. There’s no official the Left with rigid leadership and rules. Unless you want to count government itself, in which case join the rest of the Anarchists, I guess.

        Definition #2, is of course about belief in a god or other supernatural being. No, Sherlock, stop typing that Marx or Stalin or whatever boogieman you got on the mind is seen as a god. Or Atheism, in whatever pretzel logic you got queued up. In fact, even crotchety old Stalinists are more than happy to criticize Stalin in areas of production, enforcement, and (ironically) religious suppression. Because it’s not a religion with holy writ.

        Definition #3, the one you cherry-picked, implies faith. You thinking someone is wrong does not imply they’re going off blind faith. Things can fail due to faulty ideas or faulty execution. Someone disagreeing with you on which it was does not automatically mean they’re going off faith.

        Anyways, I’m back to my Global Warming vacation. Or was it Atheist End of 4th Quarter vacation?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I’ll put you down as a “no comment” on the children’s lives that progressivism has destroyed.

          1. Nice try, but that wasn’t a point of your article I was arguing.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            That is what no comment means.

          3. It’s you trying to change the subject to some other portion of the article. Again, a worthy effort, but unless you want to add to the conversation I’ll assume you concede that modern progressivism is not a religion by commonly accepted standards.

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Self-delusion is a difficult thing to watch.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “I may have missed something.”

        Yeah, like every critique of every piece you wrote this year leading up to this Sherlock 2023 Tripe-in-Review…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I’ll give that the consideration it deserves.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    I guess these parents in North Carolina need reeducation from Progressives.

    I guess there are public schools and public schools.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      True in 40 states. Virginia is not one of them.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Charter schools are allowed in Virginia as well. Just seems like even Conservative districts are not very interested… 🤷‍♂️. So much for so-called “choice”.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Charter schools are allowed in Virginia as well. Just seems like even Conservative districts are not very interested… 🤷‍♂️. So much for so-called “choice”.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Charter schools are allowed in Virginia as well. Just seems like even Conservative districts are not very interested… 🤷‍♂️. So much for so-called “choice”.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        That’s the thing about NC Charter schools…. they can and are closed if they fail “financially”. Not entirely sure how that happens but I have seen even less in terms of how they do academically.

        One would think that their academic performance would be heralded high and wide if they are better AND arguments made that if they are better, perhaps MO money is the reason why?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Ya know, sometimes things are done only to make money even if designed just to fail. Think Trump U.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          There is an Office of Charter Schools (OCS) in the North Carolina Office of Public Instruction that oversees them.

          Pretty much every question you could think of is answered there.

          Every public school in North Carolina, both division schools and charters, is given a report card on the same standards. See

          There are currently 222 charter schools operating in North Carolina. Some are operated by for-profit systems, most by not-for-profit systems.

          OCS closes the ones not meeting academic, financial and operational goals.

          Imagine VDOE closing or taking over division schools that did not meet standards.

          The current constitution is interpreted as not permitting that in Virginia, but we would have a far better school system if we changed it to allow that kind of accountability.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            where is the link that shows that the Charters outperform the non-Charter public schools?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Where are the Charter Schools and their academic performance shown?

            Here’s a Charter School in Va… does not look so good:


            So do Charter schools outperform non-Charter public schools in NC?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Come on! Everybody knows Charter schools are always better. Imagine what they would be like if they could not be selective about their student population…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not convinced they are even “better”. Hard to find any real proof they are other than Success Academies in NY. In NC, for instance, find the Charter Schools and show their academic performance and compare to non-charter public schools. Charters in NC can be closed because of financial or academic issues.. if they are “better” how come they close?

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “…that kind of accountability…”

            You mean accountable to a bunch of appointed political cronies…? I prefer directly accountable to the citizens they impact. I will not cede my local authority over my school system to some top down, one size fits all, political bureaucracy.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “And with understanding came freedom and the rights of man…”

    Really…? Well, maybe some men anyway…. but who’s counting at this point, eh… wouldn’t want to let facts get in the way of a good screed…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You actually know that the concept of natural rights was a product of the Enlightenment, right?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You actually know that the concept of natural rights was a product of the Enlightenment, right?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Watch out for that gorilla there in the room with you… he packs a wallop!

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Quibble time. As my Dad (UVA Law ’48, explained to me as a 1L of UVA Law ’84), “the Natural Law existed from the beginning of time. We have only revealed it over time.”
        I had just learned of from my Commie criminal law prof that “common law” was “man-made law” – my Dad was having none of that!
        Right and Wrong was established at the beginning.

      3. Why is blasphemy against progressive absolutes punishable, but blasphemy against God and traditional beliefs protected?

        “Blasphemy and the Original Meaning of the First Amendment”

        In proscribing blasphemy, nineteenth-century Americans did not flout constitutional guarantees of free speech, free exercise, and non-establishment. Rather, they conceptualized those guarantees in a way that permitted anti-blasphemy laws.

        “Originalists should either explain why countervailing considerations outweigh the First Amendment’s original meaning on blasphemy or adopt a view of the First Amendment consistent with the original understanding.”

        1. An interesting read. Thank you for posting the lnk.

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Because “progressive absolutes” aren’t?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    Should be entitled, “Why the South Must Prevail”.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Any thoughts about the Black children whose lives are being ruined by progressive school policies? Just asking.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, do you really care about the Black children, or just the progressive school policies? Just asking.

        BTW, someone tell William F. they’re back.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, do you really care about the Black children, or just the progressive school policies? Just asking.

        BTW, someone tell William F. they’re back.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You cannot have read my columns for 18 years here and in the state’s newspapers and ask that question. So I’ll check it off to ignorance.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Oh, we’ve all read them. And actual black people aren’t buying what you’re peddling.

          2. “And actual black people aren’t buying what you’re peddling.”

            Instead, they keep electing the same people who advance their own careers while circumstances for African Americans get worse.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            So too is the fate of Republican female voters in half of America’s states. That’s their choice. Your misunderstanding of and disagreement with their choices doesn’t negate their RIGHT to make whatever choices they want at the ballot box. RESPECT THE VOTE. I trust them to know better than you and Sherlock what they want and need in/from their representatives.

          4. Winsome Earle-Sears isn’t an “actual black”?


          5. Not Today Avatar

            There is no such thing as ‘a black’. Black is an adjective, not a thing and ‘people’ is plural.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, I really can. I can also take note that you didn’t answer.

          7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Oh, come one Nancy. You know the Captain has written endless articles on the subject. I think he really cares. Did Santa leave you a lump of coal or something? Awfully grumpy this holiday season.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No. He left me a twisted knee. Damned office chair. Still trying to figure out how I did it.

            Keyword: endless. Add prattle.

  6. “Modern progressivism is religion…”

    While I agree that progressivism exhibits many elements of religion, we need to be careful about what we classify as a religion for the purpose of religious tax exemptions and Constitutional protections intended for legitimate religions.

    “Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as praying or worshiping in a building such as a church or temple.”

    Loose definitions of what constitutes a religion is what gave us absurd rulings of what constitutes a church. For example, the IRS has officially recognized The Satanic Temple, even though it openly admits that it doesn’t believe in Satan or any deity.

    The Satanic Temple doesn’t exist for worship. It’s sole purpose is to mock and ridicule religion, especially Christian beliefs. They can certainly do that under freedom of speech, but it should not be officially recognized as a religion or church.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The tax exemption is abused regularly and should be eliminated, imo.

      1. Tax abuse should be addressed. There are phony baloney churches getting tax breaks and parsonage allowances, but I’m not ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I actually agree in the case of secular not-for-profit businesses, which, unlike religion, are not protected by the Constitution.

        Consider Sentara. It files as a public charity. Somebody should inform their leadership.

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I actually agree in the case of secular not-for-profit businesses, which, unlike religion, are not protected by the Constitution.

        Consider Sentara. It files as a public charity. Somebody should inform their leadership.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          The Constitution does not provide for tax-free protection. I do agree that not-for-profits also abuse the tax exemption and that system should be reformed as well. Honestly, imo no entity should be exempt from paying taxes. What was it the Right always used to say about picking winners and losers….?

  7. “most Jews in Israel are not White”

    The entire concept of color has become a farce.

    The same people telling us that race is a social construct, are the first to categorize everyone by race and color, and pour into that all manor of virtue or evil depending on race and color.

    “Anti-racists” assert that anyone with a trace of African American blood is black, reviving the “one-drop rule” used by the very racists they claim to fight against.

    These same people will say that George Zimmerman is white.

    The current mayor of Boston and numerous other “people of color” have skin pigmentation that is undisguisable from non “people of color.”

  8. Not Today Avatar

    Who, actually, claims these things?

    “- The use of the scientific method for identifying more effective and less effective teaching practices is White;
    – Homework is White;
    – Discipline of kids in school is oppression;
    – Order in the classroom is White;
    – Discipline of parents who do not ensure their kids go to school is, of course, oppression; and
    – Riots in the hallways are not a subject for the police or even an indicator of systemic failure requiring fundamental change.”

    Also, where are “riots” occurring in VA schools and who has objected to a police response if they do?

    Name names, show proof, or stop lying.

  9. Not Today Avatar

    Who, actually, claims these things?

    “- The use of the scientific method for identifying more effective and less effective teaching practices is White;
    – Homework is White;
    – Discipline of kids in school is oppression;
    – Order in the classroom is White;
    – Discipline of parents who do not ensure their kids go to school is, of course, oppression; and
    – Riots in the hallways are not a subject for the police or even an indicator of systemic failure requiring fundamental change.”

    Also, where are “riots” occurring in VA schools and who has objected to a police response if they do?

    Name names, show proof, or stop lying.

    1. As for documentation of challenges to scientific method:

      OPINION: Why we need a proactively anti-racist scientific method

      We can’t achieve this goal without understanding how race and racism influence the communities we study and our own research methods. The early childhood development field, like many others, is striving to embrace research that dismantles racial inequities. To do so, our foundational techniques need to evolve — and that means embracing anti-racist scientific methods.

      By contrast, the classical scientific method as we know it purports to be race-neutral. Colorblindness was in vogue for years as a way to avoid the difficult topics of race and racism in favor of more “neutral” variables like socioeconomic status. This lens is harmful for Black communities because it ignores the oppressive racist policies that negatively impact children, families and communities.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        That is not an attack on the scientific method (the practice of asking and answering questions through controlled study) but the effectiveness of SES as a proxy for race in scientific research. We know that to be true when, controlling for SES, significant statistical disparities in a variety of domains exist along racial lines. GOOD science asks ADDITIONAL questions about why an artificially imposed construct like race, albeit given meaning through centuries of discriminatory public policy, is still such a huge determinant of outcomes in the U.S. There are aspects of scientific study and research, lines of thought once advanced by eugenicists, that we now know to be false because of intentional critical thought and inquiry, not in spite of it.

  10. Nelson Fegley Avatar
    Nelson Fegley

    This narrative of how modern progressives have introduced Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism) into US institutions is consistent with information from many reliable sources. A key figure was Herbert Marcuse, who came to the US from Germany, recognized the futility of violent protests in the 1960’s, and helped introduce this ideology into academia as a better strategy.

    The protesters from the streets entered the universities, were taught critical theory, and passed it on to students who as teachers spread it into the K-12 education systems. Many of the educated elites who were conversant with Critical Theory elected to go into government and become part of the “administrative state”. They helped implement the various “civil rights” acts passed by Congress. The vague language typical in these acts provided ample opportunity for eventual inclusion of key tenets of critical theory. This process is spelled out in detail in “The Identity Trap”, by Yascha Mounk.

    My only concern with the piece by James Sherlock is the overuse of the phrase “they don’t care”, in regard to the influences of the modern progressives. I believe that most of these folks “do care”, and believe they are being helpful. But their Marxist-based ideology, and benefits derived from their elite status, blind them to the serious negative influences they are having.

  11. Nelson Fegley Avatar
    Nelson Fegley

    This narrative of how modern progressives have introduced Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism) into US institutions is consistent with information from many reliable sources. A key figure was Herbert Marcuse, who came to the US from Germany, recognized the futility of violent protests in the 1960’s, and helped introduce this ideology into academia as a better strategy.

    The protesters from the streets entered the universities, were taught critical theory, and passed it on to students who as teachers spread it into the K-12 education systems. Many of the educated elites who were conversant with Critical Theory elected to go into government and become part of the “administrative state”. They helped implement the various “civil rights” acts passed by Congress. The vague language typical in these acts provided ample opportunity for eventual inclusion of key tenets of critical theory. This process is spelled out in detail in “The Identity Trap”, by Yascha Mounk.

    My only concern with the piece by James Sherlock is the overuse of the phrase “they don’t care”, in regard to the influences of the modern progressives. I believe that most of these folks “do care”, and believe they are being helpful. But their Marxist-based ideology, and benefits derived from their elite status, blind them to the serious negative influences they are having.

    1. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      Sooo…you’re ANTI-civil rights, believe historically marginalized groups are ‘elites’, and this is the flag you want to carry into 2024? Good luck with that. You know why many historically marginalized groups pursued civil service, including the military (HINT: HISTORY), it’s because it offered steady pay and protection from overt racism and discrimination, due process in hiring and firing, and objective/public pay scales. The wealth those civil servants and their families have amassed and the freedom from (prior) patronage systems it allowed, is now under attack. The leading Republican candidate wants to restore cronyism, NOT meritocracy. Crack a book, man!

      1. Nelson Fegley Avatar
        Nelson Fegley

        Actually, the problem is with the “elites” taking advantage of the marginalized groups. The “elites” in government, mostly appointed to high level positions, are the ones who implement the laws passed by congress. With vague language in the laws there is opportunity to create rules that foster the Critical Theory agenda. The “civil service” involves all types of people, from marginalized to highly educated. All are employed based on needs of the country, and they are permanent employees. For a thorough discussion on the process of “creative bending” of laws I recommend Yascha Mounk’s book “The Identity Trap”.

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