Virginia Tech Cleans up Encampment. UVA Faces Similar Test.

by James A. Bacon

Virginia Tech arrested two dozen or more students Sunday night while dispersing an “encampment” similar to other anti-Israeli protests spreading around the country, according to media reports.

The gathering of several hundred people on the lawn of the Graduate Life Center was “not a registered event consistent with university policy,” Tech officials stated in explaining its actions.

“Given these actions by protesters, the university recognized that the situation had the increasing potential to become unsafe,” the university statement said. First, protesters were asked to disperse voluntarily. Then university police approached those who did not comply, warned them that they would be charged with trespassing, and asked them again to leave. At 10:15 p.m., police gave protesters five minutes to disperse. Those who remained were subject to arrest.

Tech President Timothy Sands deserves kudos for handling a difficult situation in a firm but restrained manner.

University of Virginia President Jim Ryan likely will face a similar test. Left-wing groups at UVA have announced a May Day event Tuesday (April 30, the day before May Day) on the Lawn to show commitment to “Palestinian Liberation.”

A militant group calling itself Dissenters posted the following on its Instagram account:

During the “May Days” strike of 1970, UVA students announced “Freedom Day” to rally students together in their opposition to the U.S.’s imperialist war in Vietnam. This May Day, Dissenters and the UVA Apartheid Divest Coalition are declaring a day-long liberated zone on the lawn in solidarity with the Palestinian people to call for an END to occupation and an end to our institutions’ complicity in genocide. Show out for a day of community & solidarity and to reaffirm our community’s commitment to Palestinian Liberation. DISCLOSE! DIVEST! WE WILL NOT STOP! WE WILL NOT REST!

As part of a national Boycott, Divest, Sanctions movement, UVA students voted in a referendum (with about 30% of the student body participating) that called upon UVA to divest from its endowment any investments doing business in Israel. The UVA Apartheid Divest Coalition led that initiative.

President Jim Ryan has incurred the wrath of UVA’s left-wing element for not endorsing the divestment resolution, which has no binding authority on the university. Josh Rosenberg, president of the Students for Justice in Palestine, pointedly criticized Ryan for his divestment stance during a “die in” protest earlier this month. By declaring its intention to create a “liberated zone on the lawn,” the Dissenters have signaled a possible desire to go beyond rallies and protests lasting an hour or two and become more confrontational.

At the same time, others will be watching to see how rigorously Ryan enforces the Student Code of Conduct, which describes behavior generally prohibited to enrolled students at UVA. Among eleven standards listed, the Code prohibits:

  • Intentional disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, other University activities, or activities authorized to take place on University property;
  • Unlawfully blocking or impeding normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to University property;
  • Disorderly conduct on University-owned or leased property or at a University-sanctioned function. Disorderly conduct is defined to include but is not limited to acts that breach the peace, are lewd, indecent, or obscene, and that are not Constitutionally protected speech;
  • Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting under provisions 1-11 set above. This shall include failure to give identity in situations concerning alleged violations of sections 1-11.

The pattern at many universities during the wave of pro-Palestinian protests has been for gatherings to begin peacefully in an orderly manner and then to deteriorate over time, devolving into heated antisemitic rhetoric and occasional violence. There is evidence that agitators from outside the universities have stoked tensions.

Leadership at Columbia University and other northern universities allowed the situation to spiral out of control. Sands at Virginia Tech appears to have handled the challenge well, although he may have benefited from the fact that Tech’s student body is more centrist politically than most other institutions, and that Blacksburg is remote from Arab and Muslim communities that have contributed to the worst agitation.

Ryan faces a different situation at UVA. Charlottesville is home to a militant leftist community — much larger, I dare say, than Blacksburg, which is in the heart of red-state country. Those militants also maintain close connections to leftist groups in Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth University, and Charlottesville is a relatively short ride from Northern Virginia, a center of militant Muslim activity. There is a significant risk that the May Day event could be infiltrated by outside pro-Palestinian radicals who could care less about UVA values or UVA’s reputation.

The Jefferson Council will be watching closely. I’m sure others will be as well.

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59 responses to “Virginia Tech Cleans up Encampment. UVA Faces Similar Test.”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Just need to work for the release of the hostages. All 2M of them.

    1. I can always count on you for a laugh.
      No outcry about Syria, Sudan, Taliban, Libya… it’s expected and allowed for Muslims to kill fellow Muslims… and the world, esp. the American Left are quiet. The casualties of the above FAR OUT NUMBER those killed ALL the times the Arabs have attacked Israel and LOST. And not a word, not a demonstration, not an illegal occupation of public space, not a bridge occupied……

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Are my tax dollars providing the weapons there?

        Please identify US allies in those conflicts.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        The US conducted an illegal war of aggression against Libya. The US has welcomed the Taliban back into power in Afghanistan and left them $8B in weapons after 20 years of war. The US nurtured and armed ISIS in an attempt to overthrow the elected government of Syria.

        Yes the casualties have been huge. Yes there has been far too little domestic US protest. Worse yet after 20+ years and more than $15T, all those disasters plus Iraq, Ukraine and more we’re still letting the i*d*i**i* neocons drive us into more misbegotten conflict with countries like China. Not too bright.

        At some point you’d think we would decide we have had enough fun and spent ourselves far enough into debt with no return on investment that we would take a step back from the brink and reassess what is best for our own country and the world.

        Not much of that happening, but there are some hopeful signs from the right on Ukraine and the left on Israeli war crimes. It’s a start.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Dulles. Miniwars are better than megawars. True enough. But there should still be good reason.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            You’re right, the trail goes back further. The totality of US post WWII machinations is pretty sad. We shouldn’t forget Ronnie and the Contras debacle either. The bright spot being that the Soviet Union imploded before we did.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, if you look it up, we have engaged in 300 military engagements throughout the world in our, what, 250 years of existence… There’s a problem, and I think I know who it is.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            We have met the enemy and he is us?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Opossums are a noble beast. Actually, I guess it’s really the Virginia Opossum.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Think you’ve just inspired my bumper sticker for this year “I go Pogo”.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I like it. Apropos.

          7. Didelphis virginiana – My favorite North American marsupial…

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    So far what I’ve seen through the media constitutes just a shadow of what I recall from the late ’60s and early ’70s. The crowds are small and the violence almost non-existent. For protesters just camping on the lawns and waving and shouting, I’d prefer a light touch. Only real violence or efforts to harass others or disrupt school operations should cause an arrest. And they should quickly be punished with expulsion and prosecution.

    It is possible to protest the Israeli government’s tactics in Gaza and not be “antisemitic.” But the tone instead is fiercely anti-Zionist. And people dedicated to the total destruction of Israel with all the death and violence that would entail are pushing from behind and paying the bills. Those who have doubted that the universities are deeply infected with virulent Marxism are getting their eyes opened, I hope. That would be a great, very positive outcome of this situation.

    With Hamas releasing more hostage videos, we’ve seen more family members on air. Note they all now wear a tag listing the number of days since the Hamas murderers kidnapped their family members, well over 200 now. The media hostage countdown drumbeat crushed Jimmy Carter’s hopes of a second term and the Hamas Fellow Travelers in today’s MSM are trying hard not to repeat that.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Little ole Mary Washington just went ahead and jailed the protesters on Saturday. Somehow, I think her son George would have approved.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Bingo! Hope Tim Sands will do same.

        VT Physics class of 1950

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Here is what a quarter of a million dollars worth of education will produce at Mary Washington. A son who came home with an arrest record and a proud Democratic Socialist. The school should provide relief and counseling for the poor parents.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            A likely unemployable son…

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            The neckbeard on that thing…

  3. Rafaelo Avatar

    “Outside agitators,” and “nattering nabobs of negatism:” Spiro Agnew’s description of Nixon’s Vietnam war critics.

    Mr. Bacon’s outside agitators are probably just cell phones.
    Another progressive fad, the fashionable outrage-du-jour.

    But there were real outrages: Hamas’s outrageous attack
    last October with roughly 1,500 Israeli victims (dead or kidnapped) and Israel’s outrageous response, roughly 30,000 civilian deaths (70% of which have been women and children) and still mounting.

    It is not anti-semitic to be outraged. But one should not be taken in by the propaganda campaign to deflect attention, calling protestors anti-semitic when in fact they are only soft-hearted anti-bloodshed.

    Maybe soft-headed too: “what’s the alternative?” David Brooks intelligently asked.

    1. You are buying into the Hamas propaganda that all Palestinian dead were civilians , ignoring the number of militants and supporters which Hamas has never announced. Nor do they identify the number killed by their failed rockets and use of human shields.

      1. Rafaelo Avatar

        According to US Secretary of Defense LLoyd Austin testifying before Congress in February 25,000 of the casualties have been women and children. Hamas being militantly Moslem, does not use woman as soldiers. Now, as as David Brooks said in the opinion piece quoted above, Hamas positioned its tunnels so that in destroying them Israelis would exact a maximum of civilian casualties. And the Pentagon later clarified that Austin’s 25,000 figure related to all casualities known at the time (February), not just woman and children. But now in late April the figure is closer to 35,000. And since the ratio 2/3 women and children to 1/3 men has remained constant, that 25,000 figure is reasonable.

      2. Rafaelo Avatar

        According to US Secretary of Defense LLoyd Austin testifying before Congress in February 25,000 of the casualties have been women and children. Hamas being militantly Moslem, does not use woman as soldiers. Now, as as David Brooks said in the opinion piece quoted above, Hamas positioned its tunnels so that in destroying them Israelis would exact a maximum of civilian casualties. And the Pentagon later clarified that Austin’s 25,000 figure related to all casualities known at the time (February), not just woman and children. But now in late April the figure is closer to 35,000. And since the ratio 2/3 women and children to 1/3 men has remained constant, that 25,000 figure is reasonable.

      3. Rafaelo Avatar

        According to US Secretary of Defense LLoyd Austin testifying before Congress in February 25,000 of the casualties have been women and children. Hamas being militantly Moslem, does not use woman as soldiers. Now, as as David Brooks said in the opinion piece quoted above, Hamas positioned its tunnels so that in destroying them Israelis would exact a maximum of civilian casualties. And the Pentagon later clarified that Austin’s 25,000 figure related to all casualities known at the time (February), not just woman and children. But now in late April the figure is closer to 35,000. And since the ratio 2/3 women and children to 1/3 men has remained constant, that 25,000 figure is reasonable.

        1. Austin is a great source.. if you can find him. Remember his experts also said the ANA would resist the Taliban for two years and Kiev would call in two weeks.

        2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

          International law prohibits the imbedding of combatants with non-combatants. How many of the casualties were related to that illegal conduct?

          As former president Bill Clinton said in 2016, “And Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart.”

          “They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents” he added, as the audience applauded his rebuttal. “They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.”

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            The use of innocents, civilians, as shields is a war crime. That does not allow combatants to kill civilians to get at militants. That also is a war crime. Two war crimes do not make a right.

            Civilians must be protected, their indiscriminate killing is a crime against humanity. Nothing can justify it.


            It is really pretty simple, as article 57 states:

            “5. No provision of this Article may be construed as authorizing any attacks against the civilian population, civilians or civilian objects.

            We can tell the good guys from the bad guys by what they do. Those who wantonly kill civilians are bad guys. By definition they are war criminals.

          2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            There is a very strong argument that, by providing cover for the combatants, many non-combatants have become combatants. One cannot have it both ways.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            So you shift from saying that Hamas has embedded themselves with civilians to civilians have embedded themselves with Hamas and have thus become combatants. Rather an amazing bit of nonsense. If you are gullible enough actually believe that, you probably also believe Demented Old Joe’s uncle was eaten by cannibals. No joke.

          4. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            Both can be true. Hamas has ensconced itself in the middle of the cities and their buildings. Residents have not complained about this. If the majority of Gaza residents oppose this, why the silence? Stong evidence they think it’s OK.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree but where are the innocent noncombatants supposed to go?

            How will this end and will every Hamas be dead and gone? If not, then what will be the end? Permanent military occupation?

    2. Remember these are the same Gazans who proclaimed no terrorists were in the hospitals, nor any tunnels, nor any captives, nor any UN Aid Workers helped Hamas — ALL were proven to be LIES….

      Gaza authorities confessed a few weeks ago its casualty numbers were inflated by as much as 50%……

      1. Rafaelo Avatar

        I found a report that the Gaza Health Ministry said it had incomplete data (not always able to identify a mutilated corpse or a starved child), but have not found that 50% figure. Still, even accepting that figure as accurate, is 12,500 instead of 25,000 worth only half as much outrage?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Hamas is responsible for the deaths in Gaza. All of them. Israel faces a true existential threat and if the Hamas fighters hide behind women and children, or below hospitals and mosques, that is the choice Hamas has made. As far as I’m concerned, it is up to Israel to decide how to protect itself and I’m glad the U.S. is backing them in the effort. Hamas has the same chance to surrender that the Japanese and Germans had in 1944-45 as the civilian toll started to rise.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Still advocating Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. Congrats for being consistent.

            USMC guidance on war crimes. It is US law. It is surprising you have so little respect for the law:

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            I am not advocating anything. I believe Israel should make its own decisions on tactics, goals, cease fires, etc. You do not.

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            I am not advocating anything. I believe Israel should make its own decisions on tactics, goals, cease fires, etc. You do not.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            You have repeatedly excused Israeli murder of 10s of thousands of Palestinian civilians because Hamas has used them as shields.

            Killing civilians to get at militants is explicitly a war crime. Destroying hospitals, schools, churches and mosques are war crimes and crimes against humanity too, as are destroying refugee camps and ethnic cleansing as Israel is doing. Denying food, water, medicines and fuel to civilians as Israel is doing are also crimes against humanity.

            I again encourage you to read the USMC guidance on war crimes and crimes against humanity so you at least understand what the US law and international law are.

          5. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Hamas can 1. release all hostages,. 2. Surrender. Then the fighting and killing will end and relief and rebuilding can begin.

          6. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            P.S. the article is about protests and how colleges are reacting.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            War crimes are why the protests are happening. My comment was in response to Haner justifying war crimes.

            I remind you that killing thousands of civilians is a war crime, and that nothing Hamas does can justify Israeli war crimes in response. That is the law, both US and international.

          8. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            I am waiting for you to demand that Hamas surrender so these alleged war crimes can be investigated.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            That’s just silly. There is no need to wait for Hamas to surrender. It is Israel that is daily committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians in territory they hold. It can be investigated and prosecuted today. In fact the investigations are mostly complete and the ICC is about to indict Netanyahoo and other Israelis for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


            In addition there are rising demands from within the USG to cease supplying Israel with weapons because our laws prohibit arms transfers to nations that violate war crimes laws.


          10. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Lefty, it seems very clear what and who is “just silly”

          11. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Surrender or die. Simple stuff.

          12. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Riiiiight. That is why the campus protests erupted on Oct. 8, after THOSE war crimes. No…wait. War is the crime. Hamas chose war. Winning is the rule.

            The students are pawns. The Gazans are mostly pawns. Iran is pulling the strings and paying no real price.

          13. Lefty665 Avatar

            The Israelis are committing war crimes, each and every day for more than half a year. More than 30K of the Gazans are dead pawns. The Iranians may be pulling the strings, but the Israelis are pulling the triggers.

            You really should read the war crimes law and stop justifying ongoing war crimes by Israel.

          14. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            It is also a war crime to embed combatants into civilian locations. If the concern was really about war crimes, both Hamas and Israel would be the subject of protests. Why don’t any Gazan leaders who are not members of Hamas protest Hamas’ actions? Strong evidence of support.

          15. UVAPast Avatar

            If thousands of people are killed due to fentanyl coming over the border through illegal immigrants is that a war crime?

          16. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Civilian casualties during war is not a war crime. It is simply a sad fact of warfare. Every effort is made to avoid such casualties, but it happens. And, stop quoting USMC stuff unless you are man enough to take a little trip to Parris Island. I will provide you with the grand 13-week tour. Or, more likely in your case, about 12 minutes.

          17. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            See my posting of Bill Clinton’s comments from 2016 above.

        2. This is a war brought about by the PA from Gaza [Hamas is a partner in the governing body]. What did it expect? The civilian/ combatant casualties are much lower than in Syria or Sudan [or does Muslim killing Muslim not count?] as well as other urban conflicts. Remember what UNRWA and Hamas said after the 2014 hostilities and compare that to the NYT casualty analysis.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Students have a right to protest but should be held accountable for adhering to UVA’s code of conduct. If they don’t they should be dispersed or arrested and perhaps expelled.
    There seems to be increasing evidence that outside agitators are using these demonstrations to achieve anti-democratic objectives and the students who allow this to happen are what is called “useful idiots”.
    The Israeli Palestine problem has defied decades of efforts to resolve it and it won’t be solved until Middle Eastern countries accept the State of Israel and Israel accepts a two state solution.
    All of the demonstrations in the world are not going to get Hamas to abandon its primary objective or to get Israel to abandon its self defense. If Israel is indiscriminately killing civilians it should be held accountable by those whose support it relies on.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Standardization of War Exclusion Clauses

    The war exclusion clause became an important issue in the insurance industry following the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. Before the attacks, most war exclusion clauses applied only with respect to contractually assumed liability on the theory that private persons and organizations cannot otherwise incur liability in connection with war.

    However, after September 11, “war and terrorism” exclusions that broadened the war portion of the exclusion beyond contractually assumed liability were quickly added to liability policies. This development widened the scope of the war exclusion clause, which is now considered standard, regardless of whether terrorism is insured or excluded in the policy.”

    1917 — the start of the war on noncombatants.

  6. A May Day event?

    Unless they can produce theatrical performances with mimes & naked actresses and a tightrope-walking elephant they’re nothing but a bunch of posers…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Alive and well… and where else?

      1. Cirque Du Sewer looks interesting…

      2. Cirque Du Sewer looks interesting…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          We went in the mid 90s. It was a hoot. They have all the same kind of rides as Busch Gardens except made out of wood and people powered. Lots of arts and crafts as though from the 1500s.

          Although, if you ever wondered where your high school buddies who did a little too much dope went…

  7. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    This is more like a campus version of tea party. I was at Penn State in 1971 where we had some campus mass crowds with violence. That was because they were drafting us, my birthyear we lost deferments. I was 1A with draft no.007 almost was part of the first cohort of college kids taken out of college.

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