Virginia Students Do It Faster

Less Animal House, more graduating on time.

No one has accused me of cutting Virginia’s institutions of higher education any slack, but I do give credit where credit is due. And now is such a time: Our public universities do a superior job of making sure not only that students graduate, but graduate within reasonably quickly.

According to a new report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, the average six-year graduation rate for students starting at a four-year public institution in Virginia was 76.35% — the highest of any state save New Hampshire and Iowa.

Said Governor Bob McDonnell in a press release: “This report highlights the impressive work that our institutions of higher education are doing to assist Virginians in college competition and retention. I commend our colleges and universities on their efforts to increase these completion rates and help the Commonwealth meet the goals of the Top Jobs legislation of an additional 100,000 new degrees.”

Nice to see a bit of good news. While the higher ed sector may be institutionally corrupt nationally, putting its own interests ahead of its students, that seems not to be the case with Virginia’s public colleges and universities. Our public institutions still need to reform themselves — tuitions are still too expensive, costs are still too high, and online education still looms as a competitive threat — but they have fouled their nests less than their peers in other states. Congratulations!


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12 responses to “Virginia Students Do It Faster”

  1. I’d note that New Hampshire only one of two states without an income tax and without a sales tax.

    which makes me wonder how the institutions of higher ed are funded.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Oh ye of little faith, Jim. It seems the kiddies at the University of Virginia are keeping the fry light burning and the lovin’ cup full. Ah, to be an 18 year old first year man again.

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Lost tip of my index finger there at UVA. Opening a beer bottle at 2 a.m.

      Try it. Just smash the glass beer bottle with metal cap straight down against edge of metal table works every time. Then chug a lug your beer. Then find end of finger if you can. Then go to ER. Then see if you can put end of finger back on. If not, drink some more. And try again.

  3. that’s what you learned at UVA and you turned down Princeton because they sounded “snotty”?

    geeze Reed…

    just tweaking you guy….

    I’ve got a similar finger for similar reasons… if it helps.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    I have a scar on my left thumb from an attempt to open a champagne bottle with a knife. I should have used a gun.

  5. Breckinridge Avatar

    So about one in four is still not finished after SIX YEARS, and that includes the really high end students who go Ivy League or to Duke and UNC-CH….sorry, that is not impressive. And if Virginia is ahead of other states, then shame on the other states. I’m going to spend some time with this data and may have some other observations. And with due respect, the impact of anything done by McDonnell does not in any way impact these data. Maybe by the report in five years you’ll see something.

    I rejected UVa because when I would have gone there (a bit before Bacon did) there were so few women there I guess opening a beer bottle was about the most interesting thing you could do to endanger a finger….

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Yeah, there was much beer, but few women. We needed to import women for weeks-ends. And they’d only come one at a time per Wahoo per weekend. And they far too often they got locked up at night. That made it tough. You were stuck. So was she. For better or worse. Bliss or the reverse. Week days was different. Then you’d go after them, over the mountain, carrying your beer with you, drinking it all the way, going and coming. All weekends was drinking too 24/7. So either way it was hard keeping track of the beer or the women, or much anything else.

      Crazy as it sounds the system achieved remarkable good long term results.
      Far superior to our current morass of cultural confusion and ennui.

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Very cool story.
    I lost the tip of my left index finger during a SCUBA accident off the Cayman Islands. We were coming up from a deep dive and spotted a blowfish. it blew up like a soccer ball and we grabbed it and passed it around while we had our pictures taken with the underwater camera. Damned thing bit the tip of my finger off. Blood everywhere. Was worried about sharks, going into shock and then decompression sickness. A real mess!..

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Poor blowfish. He must have been terrified. Wonder what he did with your finger tip? Ate it, I guess.

  7. this is starting to sound a bit weird with the number of bloggers here missing parts of their fingers…..!!!

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Or biblical perhaps.

  8. Anyone else wonder why the SIX-year graduation rate is being looked at at FOUR-year schools?

    Some of us were desperate enough for money that we graduated four-year schools in four years. Unthinkable!

    As for finger accident stories, which seem to get more and more out of left field, I have a wicked scar on my left index finger from making a pinewood derby car when I was knee-high to a duck.

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