Virginia Strategic Imperatives: Train and Retain More Teachers and Nurses

A Major Opportunity

by James C. Sherlock

Governor Glenn Youngkin wants to make a lasting difference in Virginia. He wants to leave it better than he found it.

In the years I have been writing about healthcare and education in Virginia, there is a recurring theme in both fields: not enough practitioners; specifically, registered nurses and teachers.

I will not in this article try to dissect the specifics of each shortfall, other than to say each is growing and reaching crisis proportions simultaneously in both professions.

This is, rather, a plea to the Youngkin administration and the General Assembly to turn their focus to dealing with those shortfalls. If they do not, a lot of the things  they are doing will be lost in the carnage of the failures of the healthcare and education systems.

Without education, there is no economic future. Without competent healthcare, there will be no future at all for many.

In both cases, the approaches must raise incentives and reduce disincentives.

Incentives for college-age young people to enter any profession are a combination of the time and money invested in gaining the credentials and the perceived rewards of the professions. Easy to say and hard to do: lower the costs of nursing and teachers’ degrees and raise the rewards of the professions.

Same with encouraging practitioners to remain in the professions. Rewards of a profession include money, life-work balance, enjoyment, control of one’s time and working environment, pride and prestige.

Strategic planning for a Virginia approach to mitigating the shortages in each profession must take all of those factors into account.

It is not nearly all about money.

Virginia is not producing enough new nurses or teachers. Fix that.

I offer a couple of specific observations about mitigating disincentives.

Teaching profession disincentives.

So how did “very satisfied” drop from 62% to 12% in 15 years? Lots of reasons.

But a major disincentive driving teachers from classrooms in Virginia could not be more clear — chaos in the classroom.

I have written multiple times about teacher vacancies reported to the state being substantially lower than the real-time teacher recruitment data taken from certain school division websites on the same as-of date as the staffing and vacancy report to the state.

So, I submit that VDOE has no idea what the true teacher shortfalls are.

What we do know is that there are 91,737 FTE teaching positions in Virginia public schools in 2021-22. We also know that teacher satisfaction with their jobs is at an all-time low.

It’s not an easy time to be a teacher. In fact, teachers’ job satisfaction levels are at an all-time low, they’re working long hours for what they consider to be inadequate pay, and nearly half of the workforce is considering quitting.

Those are some of the stark new findings from the Merrimack College Teacher Survey, a nationally representative poll of more than 1,300 teachers that was conducted by the EdWeek Research Center and commissioned by the Winston School of Education and Social Policy at Merrimack College. The survey, which was conducted between Jan. 9 and Feb. 23, was designed to replace the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, which ran for more than 25 years and ended in 2012.

The results paint a picture of a disillusioned, exhausted workforce. Teachers say they’re under pressure with little support and increasingly high expectations. Students have greater academic and social-emotional needs than ever before, and teachers are drained from two-plus years of pandemic teaching. Also, teachers are at the center of divisive political and cultural debates.


The typical teacher works 54 hours a week, but would rather spend more of their week teaching.

Attendance. Teachers don’t feel like they have much control or influence over certain aspects of their jobs.

Only 5% strongly agreed they have control and influence over their schools’ policies and 11% that they had control over their schedules (such as classes and non academic duties).

Only 34% of the teachers surveyed strongly agreed with the statement. “I have control and influence over my students’ classroom behavior.”

But let’s get more specific than that. I recently wrote an article about three elementary schools in Virginia Beach.

All three schools are in the same zip code. Two retained virtually all their teachers. The third lost over 20% of its teaching staff at the end of this year.

Often that can reflect bad leadership.

But in this case it seems to rather unambiguously be reflected in what the state calls “Learning Climate.” The school in question had a chronic absenteeism rate in 2020-21 in excess of 35%, defined as kids who missed 10% of classes or more.

That, my friends, is chaos.

No teacher can teach a class of children under those circumstances. No child can learn as well as he should, even with perfect attendance. The teacher is torn between pressing ahead regardless of attendance and trying her best to bring as many of her students along as possible.

Then there are the in-school behavior issues engendered by the kids who are far behind in their studies and unable to follow the lessons.

It snowballs. So, fix attendance whatever it takes.

In-school discipline. I again have written multiple columns about the abject failure of new systems of discipline in schools.

If you convened a panel tasked to design a system to destroy public schools in Virginia’s poorest urban areas, that panel would come up with restorative justice and multiple levels of discipline renamed “support.” It would also blame school resource officers for doing their jobs to protect the teachers and the law-abiding kids.

That is abject surrender to the false premise that poor minority kids can’t be made to behave and the false mantra of a school-to-prison pipeline that is, in fact, a neighborhood-to-prison pipeline.

Fix discipline whatever it takes. School Resource Officers, truant officers, counselors, social workers, psychologists, suspensions and expulsions are solutions, not problems.

Nursing profession disincentives. Virginia had a base of 67,340 registered nurses in 2020 and a projected requirement for 72,900 in 2030. On average in Virginia they make about $78,000 annually.

Across the country, they are employed as follows:

Hospitals; state, local, and private 61%
Ambulatory healthcare services 18
Nursing and residential care facilities 6
Government 5
Educational services; state, local, and private 3

Adequate staff benefits the facility, the nurses, and the patients.

I have written here extensively about shortages of RNs in Virginia hospitals, in nursing homes and in government. If you want to read about how nursing satisfaction impacts patient outcomes and mortality, see this.

On the government side, the Virginia Department of Health has a massive shortfall in RNs serving in positions as inspectors of healthcare facilities and home health agencies.

Nursing patients is a dangerous job, and the physical pace and mental stresses of the work can be brutal. When staff shortages occur, the pressures on the remaining nurses worsen and the dangers to patients increase. Shift lengths increase to cover shortages. Nurses working beyond 10 hours were found to be 2.5 times more likely than nurses working shorter hours to report job dissatisfaction and symptoms of burnout.

RNs both treat patients and supervise their care by less qualified medical personnel.

The shortage of registered nurses in some hospitals and nursing homes and the shortage of state inspectors to report those shortages can combine to be a self-fulfilling prophecy of patient and nurse danger and nurse resignations. A bad working environment induces medical errors.

In that case, it really is a death spiral.

The state, unable to see the shortages, cannot intervene to at least reduce the risk by reducing or shutting down certain services.

In short, the Commonwealth cannot ensure safe healthcare facilities if it has no visibility into staff shortages. It does not. Fix that.

And then act to reduce or eliminate allowable capacities for services when staffing shortages necessitate it. That is what triage is for. Get regional health departments engaged in planning to supplement patient treatment in regional facilities with the capacity to help. The state may have to invest in medical transport in certain areas of the state.

Bottom line. The Virginia government, its nursing schools, schools of education and teaching and nursing professional organizations need to work to create plans to improve both production and retention of registered nurses and teachers.

I said I was not going to go into details and then did so anyway in a couple of instances of eliminating disincentives. I went there because it has been my experience over the years that when governments discuss personnel shortages, they try to solve them with money alone.

In the case of retaining nurses and teachers, money will help.

There is not only more to be done, but eliminating disincentives may prove more important.

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34 responses to “Virginia Strategic Imperatives: Train and Retain More Teachers and Nurses”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Your article starts, “Governor Northam wants to make a lasting difference in Virginia. He wants to leave it better than he found it.”

    Did you mean “Northam” or did you mean “Youngkin”?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I need to go to bed without supper.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I will sneak you a can of potted meat and a slice of white bread. Best chow in the world when you are down and out.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You have polluted a fine meal with that green stuff.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah, I’m no sure what it is but agree.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Youngkin is now running for President. Northam came back. Kidding (or am I.) Anyway, fixed it.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Not before poor Kerry had a heart attack.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          more like intestinal distress and associated…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive


  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    48 teaching vacancies in Fauquier Public Schools. Normally it is a dozen or less this time of year. First day of school is in 5 weeks here. Loudoun lists 266 teaching empty classrooms. Train has left the station already. Absolutely nothing has been done to remedy this disaster. The raises the county doled out this spring have already been negated by inflation. Virginia is doomed to repeat the education folly of last year again this coming year. I know Younkin has only been governor for 5 months, but I have to ask could more have been done?

  3. Sound analysis. I would add one more occupation that requires desperate government attention — police officers.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe an aptitude test and retraining. “Your military training will come in handy” should never be said at a PD academy.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Especially their training.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Sign up.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Sherlock, unlike many of his Conservative peers – see’s govt as responsible for the “fix”!


    And I DO take issue with this: ” That is abject surrender to the false premise that poor minority kids can’t be made to behave. To the false mantra of a school-to-prison pipeline that is in fact a neighborhood-to-prison pipeline.” and especially so in elementary school. where’s the data to back this statement up for elementary schools?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Two notes Larry:
      1. I suggested that government bring together all the stakeholders and together come up with a plan.

      2. I did not write “especially in elementary school”. You did.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        2. – No you did not but I question your overall assertion – in general and especially so with regard to elementary schools.

        It’s in elementary school that the die is cast for higher grade issues with discipline. The kids who can read and write and learn are not typically discipline problems.

        With regard to 1. Yes but first we have to get the facts straight and stop playing with the data to make claims that are not necessarily facts and truth.

        The school discipline issue is one of those issues that the right tends to play with to make invalidate points about the cause and fixes.

        You can’t fix “discipline” problems with Success Academies if the “solution” is really to boot the ones that won’t behave. You talk about abject surrender. That’s it. You dump the kids that won’t behave – send them back to the public schools and what problem have you solved?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The public schools need to dump the ones who repeatedly refuse to behave. That is who alternative schools are for.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            The military is dropping the high school diploma or GED requirement. That could be a good landing zone for some at least.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not opposed to removing disruptive students from class and I’m not convinced this is not being done.

            But I AM opposed to turning them loose on the streets which sometimes seems to be what some are advocating.

            There needs to be a place for them and I don’t disagree the military might be a place for some of them – others will not do well in the military and I’m not sure if the military wants them and it’s really not their mission anyhow.

            An irony these days is the use of the phrase “boot camp” – which now includes these heavy duty academic schools!

            But we also have ‘boot camps” for disruptive kids – very different.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            The military is waiving or lowering many key requirements. The only branch meeting recruiting goals? Space Force. But they only need 500. I didn’t know that if you are in Space Force you are called a “Guardian”.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Are you assuming/claiming that these behavior problems are NOT being put in alternative schools? Or that other voucher/success/etc schools WOULD ALSO have ways of dealing with disruptive kids other than boot them back to the public schools?

            Are you actually advocating for booting these kids from public schools altogether?

            Can you explain further what you advocate because at this point, it’s not clear what your “solution’ really is for kids that don’t behave.

            I still dispute any claim that there is a problem with disruptive kids that is not being dealt with effectively – in elementary schools.

            It’s what happens in elementary school that DOES lead to serious and real problems with behavior in high school.

            Kids who advance to middle and high school but are, in fact, functionally illiterate and cannot learn – truly are the problem but the problem start when they fail to learn to read and write in elementary school.

            If I believe what you claim, it SOUNDS like you are saying that, in elementary school, there are entire classes of kid running amok and not being taught.

            Is that what you are saying/claiming?

            If so, can you provide some evidence to back it up?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Two notes Larry:
      1. I suggested that government bring together all the stakeholders and together come up with a plan.

      2. I did not write “especially in elementary school”. You did.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Heard a fascinatin’ tidbit on a TV commercial, and then kinda, sorta, chased it down. “Medical researchers believe that the first person to live until 150 years old has already been born.”

    No rush on that train, retrain, rinse, repeat. But, we may want to look at Social Security and Medicare before too long.


  6. Fascinating: this libertarian blog arguing the need for more public educational employees, more public health employees, and more public safety employees of the State. Yes, we do need these basic resources for a well-run government. Just saying, it’s fascinating.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Libertarianism is not a suicide pact. And I am personally not a libertarian but a traditional conservative. Conservatives want the core oversight functions of state government to work well. Being a conservative is the key reason I despise Donald Trump and liked his policies. It is not only possible, but sensible in my view, to hold both positions simultaneously.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yes. Sherlock is a more traditional Conservative and now finds himself to the LEFT of much of Conservative thinking these days – IMHO.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…I despise Donald Trump and liked his policies. It is not only possible, but sensible in my view, to hold both positions simultaneously.”

        Donald Trump is devoid of policy. He is nothing but public personality. You might like the policies of the Conservatives that directed him (in my opinion most of them are deplorable excuses for human beings if for no other reason than that they enabled Donald Trump to sate their hunger for power over others – hint: they are never sated). I submit that the line you are trying to walk publicly is the same as the old “I am socially Liberal but fiscally Conservative” canard – it is all about looking at oneself in the mirror each day.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’re onto something here. I do believe there are REAL “socially Liberal but fiscally Conservative” critters these days but they are being actively hunted down by the “new” right.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I’d think you’ll find that Libertarians aren’t against public safety, teachers or healthcare workers.

      The views and opinions of Libertarians are often misquoted because people don’t take the time to look them up or listen.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Sherlock is not your average “conservative’. He actually argues that the government SHOULD be doing “stuff” as opposed to some of the wacadoodle narratives here in BR.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Did anyone else see the Conservative campaign to denigrate public schools or was it just me? And you wonder why there is a shortage of teachers…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      yes, longstanding and ongoing and right after all this crap about CRT, Youngkins “tip” line, LGBT, and “grooming”, Conservatives are now whining about teacher ‘shortages”.

      Which a cynic might conclude will lead to the claim that no such shortage exists in private schools if only parents could get vouchers to send their kids there.

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