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Virginia Shows Solidarity with Ukraine

79-year-old Ukrainian woman learns to shoot Russians

Denouncing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Governor Glenn Youngkin has directed a series of actions to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people. “The invasion of Ukraine by Soviet dictator Vladimir Putin cannot stand, and the people of the Commonwealth are ready to rally in opposition to this senseless attack on a sovereign nation and western ideals,” he said in a press release issued this afternoon.

(I hope I’m not being churlish by pointing out that Putin is not dictator of the Soviet Union, which no longer exists, but of Russia.)

The actions include: (1) reviewing all state contracts to determine if Virginia tax dollars are spent on goods and services provided by Russian companies; (2) calling on the cities of Norfolk and Roanoke to end sister city partnerships with Russian cities; and (3) asking the Virginia Retirement System to divest itself of any holdings of Russian currency or securities.

As much as I support these actions, they are symbolic and will have no practical effect. Yes, it is important to send a message. But surely there is more that we, as freedom-loving Virginians, can do to help the Ukrainians.

 A million or more citizens have been displaced already by the fighting. Consider sending aid to the refugees. You might consider donating to some of the ones listed here.

The Ukrainians are putting up a better fight than anyone expected (although it appears to be only a matter of time before the Russkies grind them down.) I don’t know if the Ukrainian military will last long enough to benefit from logistical aid dispatched from the United States, but that might be another option. If anyone can suggest a mechanism for assisting in that way, please say so in the comments.


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