Virginia Republican Congressmen Do It Again

Rep. Bob Good (5th District)
Rep Morgan Griffith (9th District)
Rep. Ben Cline (6th District)

Virginia’s Republican representatives in Congress have again embarrassed the Commonwealth.

The House of Representatives recently approved a resolution supporting the applications of Sweden and Finland to join NATO.  The vote was 394-18.  Three of those 18 “no” votes were from Virginia Republicans:  Morgan Griffith (9th District), Ben Cline (6th District); and Bob Good (5th District).  The other Republican member of the delegation, Robb Wittman (1st District), supported the resolution.

Virginia had more members opposing the resolution than any other state.  Griffith, Cline, and Good joined such luminaries as Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Madison Cawthorn (N.C.), and Lauren Boebert (Colo.) in what Charlottesville’s The Daily Progress has dubbed “the crackpot caucus”.

Good explained that his “no” vote was “a ‘no-confidence’ vote in the Biden Administration’s failed foreign policy.”  It is hard to see how strengthening NATO in the face of Russian aggression is a failure in foreign policy.  Griffith said that he was not opposed to Sweden and Finland joining NATO, but he thought the House of Representatives was “overstepping its bounds.”

Even 176 of their fellow Republicans in Congress disagreed with them.

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87 responses to “Virginia Republican Congressmen Do It Again”

  1. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    “Even 176 of their fellow Republicans in Congress disagreed with them.”

    Argumentum ad populum for the partisan in the back, Dick.

    Pro Tip: If you can’t steelman your argument, you don’t have an argument you have a fallacy.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Good points, Dick. Finland’s and Sweden’s (my old stomping ground) asking for NATO membership is a really big deal. It is too bad that so many right wingers diss Biden in a knee jerk way. He didn’t exactly start Russi9a’s invasion of Ukraine.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That was Trump.

      1. Scott McPhail Avatar
        Scott McPhail

        This is where I normally include a link of Obama mocking Romney for saying during the Presidential debate that Russia was a growing foreign policy threat to the United States . . .

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          both sides have their moments. Bay of Pigs and “I was out of the IranContra loop”…..

          pointless and partisan right?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          And, the retort would be an aerial photo of a 20-mile long Russian convoy of stationary burned out tank hulks.

          Uh yup, we have met the enemy and he is us.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Dunno where you’ll get that pic, it didn’t happen. The pics of the road out of Kuwait to Baghdad on the other hand are real.

            Glad you remember Pogo getting it right on the enemy 52 years ago. It’s not often anyone can so profoundly improve a quote simply by dropping two letters from the last word.:)


          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Interesting, that quote was about environmental protection — littering to be precise, but any polution should suffice.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        No, it was Obama in the Cfrimea.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes. And the Donbas via mercenaries. But, the Crimea was regular Russian Army, although the dispute over Crimea is centuries old, and the port of Sevastopol muddied the waters a bit.

          I’m actually wondering if Ukraine does manage to get the upper hand sufficient enough to retake the Donbas and eastern Ukraine, will they sacrifice the Crimean peninsula, or go for it? That’s going to be the real “Art of the Deal”.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            The Russians have been clear. If the Ukraine attacks Crimea the consequences for Kyiv and other cities that have been relatively untouched
            will be horrendous. That may be why we have not had and likely will not have attacks on Crimea.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            The Russians have been clear. If the Ukraine attacks Crimea the consequences for Kyiv and other cities that have been relatively untouched
            will be horrendous. That may be why we have not had and likely will not have attacks on Crimea.

      3. Merchantseamen Avatar

        He lives rent free in your head eh?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          He can stay there. Time’s on my side. His obituary will be a short, pleasurable read.

    2. Scott McPhail Avatar
      Scott McPhail

      – “He didn’t exactly start Russi9a’s invasion of Ukraine.”

      – – “That was Trump.”

      . . . and imagine Republicans not trusting Democrats handling of foreign policy

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “Russia, if you’re listening…”

        OTOH, maybe Putin can reconstruct the USSS J6 tweet and text stream?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Or maybe they can find Pelosi’s rejection of National Guard support for the Capitol police on J6 because it would be bad optics.

          Curious the committee has not had a prime time extravaganza on that. Apparently contributory negligence is not something they are interested in shouting from the rooftops.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive


            Hannity? $#!^ man.

            There is no record of former President Donald Trump officially authorizing 20,000 National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.

            There is no evidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied such an authorization, and experts said she doesn’t have the authority to do so in the first place.

            A Vanity Fair report said Trump made a passing remark to his acting defense secretary about potentially needing 10,000 National Guard troops, not 20,000. But there’s no evidence the comment was treated as a formal authorization.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      “It is too bad that so many right wingers diss Biden in a knee jerk way.” There is something to be said for reflexively opposing dementia in office. About 2/3 of Dems want him out of office too, including 94% of Dems under 30. Biden has brought us the bipartisanship he promised in his campaign.

      He didn’t exactly start Russi9a’s (sic) invasion of Ukraine. The neo-cons around him who are really running things did. We were on the right side of the Cuban Missile Crisis in ’62 that brought us to the brink of WW3. We are on the wrong side today. That is not an improvement, and the risk is as real today as it was then.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        There is nothing to be said for medical conclusions about dementia in office unless you are also willing to accept a Trump diagnosis of narcissism.

        1. Scott McPhail Avatar
          Scott McPhail

          ” I am so glad my President isn’t a narcissist and only has dementia,” said no sane person ever . . .

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’ll take Biden’s dementia ANY DAY over whatever ails Trump. No contest!
            AND I’m not alone….

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Right on both counts, but I’d call it pathological narcissism. Both should be disqualifying, but in America we have embraced both. Go figure.

        3. WayneS Avatar


          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll say that they’d rather have a mentally diminished person as POTUS.

            I do seem to recall posters on this board railing about a certain POTUS in the 80’s who shouldn’t have been in office because they were mentally diminished.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            It was true in the ’80s, and now.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Difference being it wasn’t Reagan’s first term or first year for that matter.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah, and it got him off from being impeached for Iran-Contra. They decided to let the soft in the head geezer muddle out his term instead.

            Dunno what we do with one who was ditzy from before the moment he took office. The argument is that the country knew what it was getting and chose it.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yeah, you have you posters on this board who would still vote if he was a potato, as long as he had the right letter after his name.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Again? Always.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I call these symbolic “posture” votes. They really don’t mean much unless someone wants to make a point of their vote like these guys. They do actually represent a voting electorate that are not fans of Biden and the Dems and will have no trouble being re-elected.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yep, they voted no first and foremost because there was no cost back home, and they thus avoid the crazies calling them. The admission of those two counties to NATO is a major accomplishment for NATO and Biden. Putin the Merciless has now lost, no matter what happens on the ground in Ukraine, for the long term he has lost big time.

      Biden didn’t trigger the invasion, the European greenie idiots did by making their economies totally dependent on Russian oil, gas and coal. Biden is a fellow traveler. The Germans are now quietly moving to not only leave three nukes open but to reopen three they closed a year ago. Common sense is creeping back in. They also know cold kills more than heat and Winter Is Coming.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do not share your optimism though. I’m not convinced that Putin won’t succeed in “annex” while we do proper lip service but go along in the end.

        And we are actually pushing Russia and China closer together – not a good thing…

        And now we fear for Taiwan …….

        It’s complicated and not the simplistic world many prefer.

        The folks that think the GOP will do a better job at foreign policy are interesting especially after watching what Trump did with respect to NATO and his admiration of Putin… idiocy on steroids…

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Trump was 100% correct to push NATO countries to spend more on defense, and this crisis has proven that point. Kissing the asses of strongman dictators was his least attractive of many unattractive weaknesses. Fool did it again yesterday trying to deny the Saudi regime was implicated in 9-11.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I think someone has forgotten pushing NATO countries to spend the 2% has been the talking point since NATO’s inception. The US is the only country who has for its entire admittance provided what was agreed upon.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Not to mention the Senate GOP block of veteran benefits.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams


            Oh and BTW the budget gimmick that was attached by the house after terms were agreed to, moved $40 billion dollars a year for 10 years from discretionary to mandatory spending had nothing to do with the Bill. Nor was that money going to help the first responders / veterans that this bill was for.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            As it turns out, no such budget gimmick occurred. The bill, now rejected by Repugs like Ted Cruz who voted for it in June, had the identical language and provisions. The alleged switch, publicly cited by Cruz, is untrue.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “As it turns out, no such budget gimmick occurred. The bill, now rejected by Repugs like Ted Cruz who voted for it in June, had the identical language and provisions. The alleged switch, publicly cited by Cruz, is untrue.”

            False, but go with that and oh btw. You should probably drop to complaining about person attacks when that’s all you can muster.


          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Help us by citing the changes. Repugs sent lame duck Toomey to argue the phony budget gimmick lie. Crow has been served to the Band of Liars.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy 9 hours ago
            Help us by citing the changes. Repugs sent lame duck Toomey to argue the phony budget gimmick lie. Crow has been served to the Band of Liars.”

            “1) It’s your comment—stand by it with your actual name; no screen names.
            2) If your comment becomes lengthy, consider submitting your thoughts as an article. See Submission Guidelines.
            3) ALL CAPS=shouting and is not acceptable. Readers can hear your passion through your words. The occasional use of italics or bold for emphasis is expected.
            4) ABSOLUTELY no name-calling, insulting statements, or snark; clever discourse is acceptable.
            5) No links as references to your comment. Make your own statement.
            6) Commercial promotions are not acceptable.”

            Gee Jimmy, you seem to have problems adhering to your own standards, is that why you walked away from your blog? After all, those are your guidelines I just listed. Oh and just for your edification, you just moved the goalposts, yet again. You should really refrain from ever commenting again, you provide nothing of substance to discussion and are a oxygen thief.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            If he had done that and NOT “loved” Putin – yes. When you do both of them pretty much together, it’s sending a message, no?

  5. Good votes and sound reasoning….. The US Congress has nothing to do with NATO membership and shouldn’t be wasting our money debating such. It should be working on stopping black-on-black killings in Chicago, and other issues.

    NEWS UPDATE: the crime violence in Chicago has been solved by the Biden cabal. The White House this morning has redefined black-on-black killings in the windy city as ‘post birth abortions’, thus dropping the homicide rate precipitously. Planned Parenthood is ecstatic as it can now profit from each such action.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The HOUSE has nothing to do with it (until the spending bills come) but the Senate must approve changes to the NATO treaty.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Right. And all three of the republicans admonished in Mr. Hall-Sizemore’s article are in the House.

        I am in favor of Sweden and Finland joining NATO, but passing a resolution in the House of Reprehensibles ‘in favor’ of it was pure political posturing -and a waste of time and money.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Someone should tell the venerable DHS that the advise and consent clause pertains to the Senate and this was a “political show”, but he already knew that because he’s a partisan doing their bidding.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Beyond political posturing, this is a no big deal story. Resolutions are nothing more than an appeal to persuasion.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, now a loyal Democrat has been handed a bat to use against three Virginia GOP candidates, which he just did, and it will be swung again. When the R’s have the votes they engage in the same game — posturing, but with a purpose.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Exactly. The endless punching back and forth.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          because it “works” with their respective bases? uh huh.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, now a loyal Democrat has been handed a bat to use against three Virginia GOP candidates, which he just did, and it will be swung again. When the R’s have the votes they engage in the same game — posturing, but with a purpose.

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Please explain how it is embarrassing the Commonwealth.
    Why would voting against it be embarrassing?
    Could there possibly be any valid reasons to hold a contrary opinion?
    (Besides it being a meaningless thing anyway)

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    I am unconvinced that surrounding Russia with NATO members is a good idea. How would the United States react if China signed an agreement with Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, etc to join a military alliance? How did we react when Russia tried to put missiles in Cuba?

    Russia is apparently losing the war in Ukraine. Putin is as vapid as Biden. Does anybody believe that Putin using theater nukes in Ukraine is out of the question?

    It seems to me that there is enough pressure on the unhinged Putin right now. Do we really need to add two more countries to NATO at this moment?

    Of course, I live 15 miles from the White House so my family and I will definitely be dead if any nuclear exchange happens between Russia (led by a psychopath) and America (led by a senile man). Maybe if I lived in Richmond I would have less to worry about.

  9. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    Good pretty much votes against all defense and veterans bills.
    The Fifth was strong pro military and pro vet when Dan Daniels represented the Fifth. The overall quality of the Congressmen keeps declining since Virgil Goode left office.
    Good sails under a false flag.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      the thing that cannot be gotten away from – the voters in those districts like them….

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      and Virgil as a U of R frat boy was no gem.

  10. Lefty665 Avatar

    Wow, thank you for posting this. I had figured there was no up side to being redistricted into the 5th. Now I can say way to go Bob!

    Even if he did it for the wrong reasons, it’s a step in the right direction of opposing our support for a profoundly corrupt Ukrainian totalitarian state where Zelensky has nationalized the media to prevent dissent, outlawed opposition political parties and jailed some of their leaders, named a US Senator as a Russian propagandist and dismissed US inflation as trivial while demanding $5-$7B a month to prop up his failed regime on top of arms and military support. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

    Yesserriee Bob!

    1. Given that description of Ukraine, what’s your view on Russia?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Everything I said about the Ukraine was factual.

        Russia has its warts just like everyone else.

        They’ve been trying for the last roughly 20 years to be a constructive part of Europe. Putin pulled Obama’s butt out of a crack in both Syria and Iran. All they’ve gotten in response is NATO moving east, camping on their doorstep breaking our promises we would not do that. That has also pushed the Russians into the arms of the Chinese. Surely no one is dumb enough to think that is in our national interest.

        We have stationed missiles in Poland and Romania. The USSR put missiles and troops in Cuba in 1962. We were ready to start WW3 to stop that. There is no reason to expect the Russians to be any more accepting when we do the same to them.

        I’m not fond of the Russians, but it is our neo con driven behavior that has been rotten and brought us to the brink of WW3. I do care about that.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Just some silly warts annoying Vlad as he seeks to become a constructive part of Europe. For real?? Vlad’s support of Syria pulled Obama out of a pinch?? All sound more like RT broadcasts on Bannon radio.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh oh goody, more of Jim McCarthy’s silly walks. This time it’s silly RT/Bannon ad hominem walks. Disappointing, please try again Jim, you should be able to do better than that. Surely you must have some standards for your comedy.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Vlad’s support of Syria pulled Obama out of a pinch??

            Russia was the intermediary with Syria to ensure removal of all of Syria’s chemical and biological weapons to the ship where they were incinerated.

            Prior to that facilitation Kerry, in one of his master strokes of diplomacy as Sec State, had us on the brink of war by declaring Syria had crossed our “red line”. Obama shut him up and hauled his sorry ass back to D.C. The removal proceeded mostly uneventfully and war was avoided.

            So yeah, Putin hauled Obama’s butt out of a crack in Syria. He got the neo-con engineered overthrow of the elected government of the Ukraine on his door step as a thank you. He’s got reasons to be through getting jerked around by us.

            Please let me know which of your many other knowledge deficits I can help you overcome.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      AH! Tucker Carlson is posting under a pseudonym…

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Unlike many (all?) of the commenters on this blog, I have been to Ukraine repeatedly. The US definitely pushed and backed the removal of a democratically elected president during the Maiden Revolution. And the Ukrainian government is very corrupt. Despite Zelenskyy claiming that he would fight corruption he did not such thing prior to the Russian invasion.

        Were the Russians justified in invading Ukraine? No. Were the Americans justified in invading Iraq? No.

        Despite Dick’s partisan sniping at three of Virginia’s Republican Congressmen, some very sophisticated observers see the situation in Ukraine as more nuanced than Dick does. Henry Kissinger, for example …

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nicely put.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          good gawd googamooga… quoting WaPo.

          Not sure I disagree…

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Despite Dick’s partisan sniping”

          That aptly describes most if not all of this articles and comments.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Where Carlson is right he’s right, and where he’s wrong he’s wrong, just like all the rest of us. He does have the virtues of not liking the Repub leadership any better than the Dem. Nor is he parroting party line or idiotic neo-con war mongering propaganda. That’s unusual in America today.

  11. Merchantseamen Avatar

    I lobbied my congressmen to vote and he did. Sweden and Finland are just wanting more of our $$$$. How come we are sending more and more money to one of the most corrupt nations or earth? The USA should be demanding everyone to the peace table. Who is getting rich off these deals. Hmmmm??

  12. DJRippert Avatar

    I am unconvinced that surrounding Russia with NATO members is a good idea. How would the United States react if China signed an agreement with Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, etc to join a military alliance? How did we react when Russia tried to put missiles in Cuba?

    Russia is apparently losing the war in Ukraine. Putin is as vapid as Biden. Does anybody believe that Putin using theater nukes in Ukraine is out of the question?

    It seems to me that there is enough pressure on the unhinged Putin right now. Do we really need to add two more countries to NATO at this moment?

    Of course, I live 15 miles from the White House so my family and I will definitely be dead if any nuclear exchange happens between Russia (led by a psychopath) and America (led by a senile man). Maybe if I lived in Richmond I would have less to worry about.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      I grew up about 4 miles from the Pentagon. That was not a comfortable place to be in ’62. A month after my 16th birthday Mom & Dad put me in an old car and told me to drive to relatives in rural northern Pennsylvania to get me out of the blast area.

      In retrospect I’m not sure surviving a nuclear war would be a feature. Currently living in the Richmond area does not ease my concerns.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I can see what is going to happen to Ukraine…. not exactly full-throated support from US citizens…

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    This could be “Ask Glenn”.

    They did the unimaginable. Now they’re working on doing the unthinkable. They’re not deplorables. They’re unmentionable.

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Oh Ken, Ken, Ken,… deleted texts. Government records, preservation of evidence. Tsk, tsk, tsk. And a lawyer too.

    Another Republican embarrassment.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      the plot thickens… rats… sinking ship…edition….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Isn’t that the sort of thing he accused Dr. Mann of doing? Shame. Should have stuck with oyster farming.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          When someone “texts”, it goes to the cell tower and then to a server that has all texts that were sent – an it gets backed up….

          so I don’t understand the “deleted” other than they thought they could and it would “work”.

          It’s somewhere between “stupid” and/or a belief that the general public is also.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ken and his boss, Wolf, are claiming they turned their phones in intact, with all texts. I actually believe them. Now, they may have known that the phones would be wiped, but that’s hard to prove.

            Email, if they used the government servers, and not some private server, for example,, will have been archived. If they’re missing, then there’s rot afoot.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            when you turn your phone in for a new one, they have the ability to replicate what was on the phone you turned it. That’s because all of the stuff that was on your old phone was backed up on cloud servers.

            You can take a cell phone and smash it with a hammer and they’ll still be able to replicate what you had on it for your next phone if same carrier but I think it can be done even with different carriers.

            This is like Hillary’s emails. All of them were also on backup servers even if she “deleted” them on her machine.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Basically, this was a serious wipe and very intentional. I wonder what Snowden would have to say? Bet the Republicans wish they could erase 2016 to 2021 completely. They’ve been scrubbing January 6 hard.

  15. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Now this is a presidential campaign photo… for Biden.×533.jpg

    Posterboy for a visit to DisneyWorld. “Uhyuk, uhyuk.”

  16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Here is a bit of an aside… another Virginia right wing legislator Dave LaRock once again is trespassing on and vandalizing his neighbor’s property… surprised he didn’t bring a razor blade…. I guess the misdemeanor slap on the wrist the last time was not enough to teach him a lesson…

  17. killerhertz Avatar

    Why exacerbate an already tenuous situation? If anything allow them into NATO after the conflict is over. We are going to sue for peace with Russia and they (along with Ukraine) will be weakened as our deep state likely planned.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Would that be before or after China “annexes” Taiwan?

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        I really don’t give AF about Taiwan. We should make semis on the US.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar


          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Furthermore we don’t even have a defense treaty with Taiwan. So we have absolutely 0 obligation to do anything – as if the US govt cared about such a thing. This is all about the USD hegemony. If it’s threatened we will throw plenty of our youth into the meat grinder over some shthole island that doesn’t even resemble our own culture.

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