Virginia Pre-Trial Release: the True Risks of Recidivism and Failure to Appear for Trial

by James C. Sherlock

The goals, good ones, of Virginia’s Pre-trial Services Agencies (PSA) is

  1. to advise courts on pre-trial release risks;
  2. to supervise the population on pre-trial release to reduce recidivist crime and failures to appear (FTAs) and
  3. through both efforts to help assure public safety.

By the government’s own evidence, those goals have not been realized.

A major Virginia Crime Commission study reported the PSA program made no difference at all compared to courts and pre-release populations not served by PSA. It’s overall success rate was no higher than 62%. The other 38% represent a danger to the citizens of Virginia.

This article is written for two reasons: (1) to get the Youngkin administration as an urgent public safety issue to improve the PSA system or try something else; and (2) to expose that the DCJS annual reports to the governor and General Assembly have been at best wrong.

The evidence of PSA ineffectiveness submitted by the Virginia Crime Commission is scientifically derived by external review. The reports of DCJS are derived from internal data to support budget requests.

The very large gaps in assessment of PSA effectiveness between the two are impossible to rationalize.

In order to make those two separate cases, I will  introduce evidence of both issues.

In 1995, Pretrial Services Agencies (PSA) were authorized (mandated for those seeking approval of jail projects) in Virginia by statute with the passage of the Pretrial Services Act, § 19.2-152.2.

It is the purpose of this article to provide more effective protection of society by establishing pretrial services agencies that will assist judicial officers in discharging their duties.

From an organization called the Virginia Community Criminal Justice Association, an advocate “for the growth of programs that decrease incarceration rates by effectively utilizing community resources”, we have this:

Pretrial services agencies provide information and investigative services to judicial officers (judges and magistrates) to help them decide whether persons charged with certain offenses and awaiting trial need to be held in jail or can be released to their communities subject to pretrial supervision.

Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings , 

the only major study of the effectiveness of PSA services, found they added no value compared to jurisdictions without them, leaving the criminal justice system with a false sense of security in release decisions.  Indeed, PSAs put the public at risk by influencing the courts to release on bail persons with combined recidivism and failure to appear rates shown to be a minimum of 38% and that may approach 50%.

The 2020 General Assembly and governor, with that report in hand, expanded PSA services to 15 additional cities and counties.

In 2021, the General Assembly passed and the governor signed legislation to remove from Virginia law the presumption against bail by judges and magistrates.  Readers can see the changes at the link.

The intended result of that legislation: more charged criminals on the street, supervised by PSAs.

Virginia Pretrial Performance Outcome Measures were defined in 2014.

  1. Pretrial Court Appearance Rate – The percentage of defendants on pretrial supervision who attend all pretrial court appearances. Sub-Measure 1.1 – The percentage of case closures where the closure type is “failure to appear.” Sub-Measure 1.2 – The percentage of scheduled court appearances attended.
  2. Public Safety Rate – The percentage of supervised defendants who are not charged with a new offense while under pretrial supervision.

In order to be considered a “new offense,” the following criteria must be met: (a) the offense date occurred during the defendant’s period of pretrial supervision; (b) the defendant must be taken into custody by authority of law or to be issued a ticket, summons, or warrant for a violation of criminal municipal, state or federal misdemeanor or felony crime (those coded within statute as criminal offenses).

Arrests for probation or parole violations are excluded from the public safety rate.

3. Success Rate – The percentage of defendants under pretrial  supervision who (1) are not revoked for technical violations of the conditions of their release, and (2) appear for all scheduled court appearances, and (3) are not charged with a new offense during pretrial supervision.

Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings 

The findings raise serious questions about the effectiveness of:

  • the Pretrial Services Agencies pre-trial supervision of charged criminals released on bail; and
  • the Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument (VPRAI), which is the tool used by PSAs to assist judicial officers in determining an overall combined risk of public safety (recidivism) and FTA (Failure to Appear). 

Limitations to data

The outcome measures for public safety rate were incomplete, and understated the true numbers of crimes.

Out-of-state crimes not counted.  In footnote 2:

out-of-state criminal histories were not included in the dataset of this Project

The authors also footnote that the out-of-state crime data was proscribed for use for this purpose.   OK, that could not be helped, but it was a limitation.

Arrested for, not just committed a crime.  Another limitation that also underestimated the recidivism rate but was in compliance with the Virginia definition was that the person out on bail had to have been “arrested for a crime … during the pre-trial period” rather than having  “committed a crime during the pre-trial period”.

Together these seem significant limitations on the actual recidivism rate.  They certainly resulted in understatement of the recidivism rates of the subjects of the study.


Finally, there are the hard numbers of outcomes of those released before trial:

The PSA program is run by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).

The report found what you see in the chart above:

Overall, there were no significant differences in terms of public safety or court appearance rates between defendants released on bond whose cases were heard in localities served by PSAs and localities that were not served by PSAs. Defendants whose cases were heard in either type of locality had similar demographics, risk levels, and outcomes based on the variables examined at a statewide level. [emphasis added]


  the study found that PSA’s, funded by the state and local governments at nearly $20 million in FY 2020, added no value to either public safety or court appearance rates.

So, with that in hand, the Governor and the General Assembly in the 2020 Appropriations Act expanded the pretrial services to 15 additional cities and counties.  Proving once again that government programs are the closest thing to eternal on earth.

Progressives controlling Virginia government, in the face of proven failure of one of their programs to provide any value, appropriated additional funding.

We hope that those re-arrested were not re-released.  But in those jurisdictions controlled by members of the Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice, citizens should not bet on it.

The Real Numbers

The Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project found that about 38% were recidivists or FTAs regardless of whether they were subject to PSA services or not.

That includes the 25% who were proven recidivists under the data limitations of this study, but none of those who

  • committed a new crime in-state and were not arrested for it until after the pre-trial period; or
  • committed a crime out of state during the pretrial period.

So let’s say, for discussion purposes, that instead of 38%,  45% of those studied for this report were pre-trial recidivists or FTAs.  Seems a reasonable conclusion given the data limitations of the study.

The assessment tool.  The tool used by PSAs during the period of the study and today is VPRAI.

 VPRAI Instruction Manual, Version 4.3, has not been updated since 2018.  An example of the output of VPRAI is offered in the Manual.

Looks professional.

But Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings showed VPRAI was wrong as a predictive tool nearly half of the time.

Was that because of a failure of the tool or failure of the pretrial “services” provided by the PSAs?

We don’t know.  We just know that those services were shown not to work any better than having no PSA at all.  And that the system of pre-trial release as currently constituted leaves citizens in danger.

Data contradicting Virginia Pretrial Project Findings in annual DCJS budget requests

The required annual Report on Pretrial Services Agencies is submitted by DCJS to the Governor and General Assembly in January of each year in support of its budget.

It has painted a very rosy picture of PSA success.

The annual outcomes of appearance rates and public safety rates in the chart below are so high and so unnaturally stable over a six year period as to cause a second look.

It shows 6% failures to appear (FTA) and 6% recidivism in FY 18 for the PSA-supervised population.

Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings from the Virginia Crime Commission reported 14.5% FTA and 24% recidivism respectively in that same fiscal year for the same population.

The FY 18 data presented to the governor and General Assembly by DCJS in support of its budget uses the same chart every year updated for the next FY.  The FY 18 numbers are irreconcilable with those in Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings, at least by me.  

Someone will need to try to do that, and determine why they are different by magnitudes of between 2 and 4.

This is a government mess.  The government needs to fix it.

General Assembly and Governor

In 2020 and 2021 Virginia General Assemblies and the governor had both reports before them when writing legislation and the budget.   The DJCS- reported 88% PSA success rate (combining appearance and public safety rates each subtracted from 100) apparently carried the day.  

Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings, with its reported 62% PSA success rate (which was, as demonstrated, worse than that), was unread or discounted.

The General Assembly and Governor Northam expanded the PSA program and changed Virginia law to provide a presumption of pretrial release. The intent of the law was to release more people charged with a crime pre-trial.

Into the PSA system.

Bottom line  

What we know from Virginia Crime Commission study is that at minimum of 38% of criminals released based on an assessment that used VPRAI as a predictive tool either committed another crime pretrial or failed to appear.

Such tools are algorithms fed data. The algorithm is a set of rules to be followed in computers in pre-trial release risk assessment operations.

The VPRAI algorithm is designed to predict the success of the PSA system of supervision given a specific person to supervise in pre-trial release.  Success is defined as that releasee not getting arrested for another crime pre-trial and showing up for trial.

It is fed risk assessment data as in the example recommending “Release with Pre-trial Supervision” above.

Yet a very high percentage of the accused released as a result of that VPRAI assessment system in fact committed another crime or failed to appear or both.  That is what failure looks like.

With that known result, both the algorithm and data inputs of VPRAI must be examined.  The contractor tasked to do that will likely do two things:

  • First, reenter the original data and modify the algorithm until it provides predictions that eliminate the errors.
  • Then, use the original algorithm and enter additional data until the tool provides predictions that eliminate the errors.

That is a professional way to isolate the causes of the errors.  The causes may prove to be some combination of algorithm and data.

But supervision compliance is noted as a weakness even by the DCJS reports.

I suspect but do not know that the VPRAI algorithm as written may significantly overestimate the success of the PSA pre-trial supervision program. That could help explain how jurisdictions without PSAs had the same success with pre-trial releases as jurisdictions with them.

But whatever the cause, the PSA system has been proven to be dangerously ineffective.

Most citizens of Virginia, including me, favor well-considered, risk-based and carefully supervised pre-trial release.  We don’t favor the failure of such a program.

Make it work or do something else.

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services was offered a period to comment on this article.  The reply had not been received by press time.

Updated August 6 at 12:30

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19 responses to “Virginia Pre-Trial Release: the True Risks of Recidivism and Failure to Appear for Trial”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Fellow that I knew in the 80s had a phone number was similar to the clerk of courts number. He used to get calls at 3AM asking, “Do I have to be in court tomorrow?”

    “What’s your last name and DOB? … No. Case continued.”

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Like the author, callers are waiting for a return call.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Say, just outta curiosity; “How many times do you have to be wrong to lose the title ‘expert’?”

        This is from Fox Business yesterday: Former Trump economic advisers Larry Kudlow and Kevin Hassett dismissed Wall Street expectations of a 250K jobs report for July, insisting in this recession it would be “closer to 100 … way on the downside.”

        Numbers just came out: 528K.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Hmmm, Democrats… Deficit Reduction Act.
        Republicans… 14-yo rape victims forced to birth and Viktor Orban…

        Yep, all going as planned.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” In 1995, Pretrial Services Agencies (PSA) were authorized (mandated for those seeking approval of jail projects) in Virginia by statute with the passage of the Pretrial Services Act, § 19.2-152.2.”

    Who was Governor of Virginia at that time? George Allen?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Plans enacted by Republicans are always good plans until Democrats try to implement them…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        or just follow along as they were originally implemented. George Allen, as Sherlock and others know was a the “no parole” guy. Serve your entire sentence, no time off for good…. so curious that this PSA was vetted during his administration.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: “The PSA program as currently constituted has been proven by the state itself in the extensive and scientific Virginia Pre-Trial Data Project Preliminary Findings by the Virginia Crime Commission to have failed at that mission, the annual reports to the contrary by DCJS notwithstanding.”

    If crime did not increase , does that constitute a “failure” if the goal was to incarcerate less people and reduce the expenses associated with that.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “… the annual reports to the contrary by DCJS notwithstanding.”

      Who ya gonna believe, me or your damned lying eyes?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      But, Larry, the goal, a good one, of PSA to reduce crime and FTAs in the pre-trial release program. But that goal has not been realized.

      A major Virginia Crime Commission study reported the PSA program made no difference at all compared to courts and pre-release populations not served by PSA. It’s overall success rate was no higher than 62%. The other 38% represent a danger to the citizens of Virginia.

      My article was written for two reasons: (1) to get the Youngkin administration to improve the PSA system or try something else; and (2) to expose that the DCJS annual reports to the governor and General Assembly have been at best wrong.

      The evidence of ineffectiveness submitted by the Virginia Crime Commission is scientifically derived by external review. The reports of DCJS are derived from internal data. The gaps between the two are impossible to rationalize.

      In order to make that case, I needed to introduce evidence of both issues.

      I hope you and others support the goals and understand the evidence in those contexts.

      You will note that I have updated the article with a new introduction to make those points clearer.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I see two goals. One to reduce the number of people held in prison if releasing them results in no increased crime. That saves money and resources.

        The second that you like is to decide how to reduce crime which I think may be a questionable premise and would like to see results from other states and studies.

        It’s really not a “failure” if there is no change in crime but a substantial savings in incarceration and related court and management costs.

        A true “conservative” approach wants to look at the balance between releases, crime and costs and not just focus on one thing – crime and in this case – somehow developing a system that reduce crime. As I said above, lets see some evidence from other states that crime as been actually reduce by keeping more people in prison longer while awaiting their court cases.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This was a topic that I had been planning to write on. However, I have had, or taken, the time to re-acquaint myself with the issues and digest the findings of the State Crime Commission. Therefore, this response will be preliminary.

    Most importantly, you have overlooked the main function of pretrial services agencies. The main impetus for their creation was the large number of people being held in jail awaiting trial, particularly those charged with minor, nonviolent offenses. Many in this group were indigent and could not afford to post bail.

    The pretrial services agencies were intended to provide the courts an alternative to holding these individuals in jail–release them to the supervision of these agencies which could provide some services and assurances they would appear for trial.

    As for some of your specific findings, I, too, was struck by the differences in outcome data between the Crime Commission report and the DCJS annual report. I can think of one rational explanation for the difference, but, rather than propose it with nothing to back it up, I have asked a contact within DCJS for an explanation.

    You assert that the Crime Commission preliminary report showed “VPRAI was wrong as a predictive tool nearly half of the time.” I have gone over that report and could find no discussion of VPRAI. Is that a finding of the Crime Commission or your conclusion? If it is a finding of the Crime Commission, please provide the specific source. If it is your conclusion, please provide the rationale for that conclusion.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      VPRAI was, and still is, the predictive tool in use by PSAs.

      The predictions were faulty at least 38% of the time, higher if you take into account the limitations to scope of the data collected by the Virginia Crime Commission.

      Perhaps because the tool was given data that assumed outcomes that did not come true. Perhaps because the pre-trial supervision was faulty. I don’t know, but more importantly, neither does the government of Virginia.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I will expand.

      What we know from Virginia Crime Commission study is that at minimum of 38% of criminals released based on an assessment that used VPRAI as a predictive tool either committed another crime pretrial or failed to appear.

      Such tools are algorithms fed data. The algorithm is a set of rules to be followed in computers in problem-solving operations.

      This VPRAI algorithm is designed to predict the success of the PSA system of supervision given a specific person to supervise in pre-trial release. It is fed risk assessment data as in the example in my article. It’s output is supposed to predict whether the accused will commit another crime and show up for trial.

      A very high percentage of the accused released as a result of that VPRAI assessment in fact committed another crime or failed to appear or both.

      With that known result, both the algorithm and data inputs of VPRAI must be examined.

      The contractor tasked to do that will have to do two things:

      First, reenter the original data and modify the algorithm until it provides predictions that eliminate the errors.

      Then, use the original algorithm and enter additional data until the tool provides predictions that eliminate the errors.

      That is a professional way to isolate the causes of the errors. They may prove to be some combination of algorithm and data.

      I suspect but do not know that the algorithm as written may significantly overestimate the success of the PSA pre-trial supervision program. That could explain how jurisdictions without PSAs performed the same with pre-trial releases as jurisdictions with them.

      At any event, the PSA system, using the VPRAI tool, is dangerously ineffective. Those results are already in. That system needs to be fixed.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        So, your assertion is based on your analysis, rather than a finding by the Crime Commission.

        Your conclusion seems to assume that, for each defendant who failed to appear or who was arrested for a new crime, the VPRAI predicted no risk with a recommendation that the defendant be released.

        The process is more complicated than that. First, the VPRAI process measures the degree of risk and assigns a level of risk, ranging from 0-6, for each defendant. The higher the level of risk, the greater the chance that the chance of failure if the charged person is released, i.e. failure to appear or arrest for new crime.

        Second, VPRAI is a tool for judicial officers (magistrates and judges) to use in deciding whether to release a person who has been charged with an offense, whether to required secured bond, whether to release the person to supervision by a pretrial services agency, and what conditions, if any, to place upon the release.

        The judicial officer is not required to follow any recommendation produced by VPRAI. That tool provides an assessment of risk. The risk level may be high, but the magistrate may choose to release the charged person, especially if a substantial bail is posted. The magistrate may choose not to release the person to supervision by a pretrial services agency.

        Therefore, before making an assertion the VPRAI’s predictions are wrong half the time, one would have to analyze the level of risk assigned to each charged person and the result of the release of that person.

        DCJS has conducted such a study, called validation, and has determined that the instrument reliably predicts success and failure. For example, for someone with a risk level of 6, it predicts any failure 37 percent of the time.

        VPRAI has been adopted by jurisdictions throughout the United States and adapted to each individual jurisdiction’s situation and validated.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Thanks, Dick, but the process of assessment of risk and supervision of those released pre-trial has failed in Virginia a minimum of 38% of the time. The State Crime Commission report asserted it, not me. The DCJS can “validate” it until the cows come home. The PSA system is failing us. It is a public safety issue. The state needs to fix it.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            You ignore the discretion that judicial officers have to use VPRAI. If VPRAI rates a defendant a level 6 risk and the magistrate or judge decides to release the individual on secured bond without any supervision and the person is arrested for a new crime, that is hardly a “failure” of the process of risk assessment.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            How often does that scenario happen, Dick?

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I don’t know if anyone has collected and analyzed the data in that way. I will check with my contact. I do know that circuit courts have shown some inclination to deviate from sentencing and probation guidelines recommendations.

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