The Virginia Patriot

Jim Gilmore has a new blog, “The Virginia Patriot.” He hasn’t posted much content yet, but it looks like he’s maintaining an interest in Virginia-specific issues. Among the links to articles and resources are these: “Civil Remedial Fees Repeal Petition,” “Unelected Taxing Authority,” and “Immigration Data: Virginia.”

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5 responses to “The Virginia Patriot”

  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Well I’m waiting….

    … for a post from a Republican who will say that getting Jim Gilmore back into Virginia politics is JUST WHAT the Republican party needs to re-energize it and regain the trust of voters…

    … go ahead… say it….

  2. Anonymous Avatar


    Screwed the budget with his car tax and it took Democrat Mark Warner to straighten it out. Didn’t last all that long or gain much posture as head of the Republican National Committee. Was a total joke as a presidential candidate.
    I hope he becomes the “Virginia Patriot” for the GOP. It guarantees Democratic leadership for the foreseeable future.

  3. Toomanytaxes Avatar

    Mark Warner did make some cuts, but his successor, Tim Kaine (D), has gone on a hiring spree. He has undone all of Warner’s reductions in state employee headcount, setting up Virginia for another “structural deficit.” That is poor management that will come back to harm the Commonwealth and its people.

    Moreover, Kaine wants to create a huge pre-school program, creating even more weakness in the Commonwealth’s fiscal structure. With only a few exceptions, Virginia Democrats are still spending idiots and taxing fools.

  4. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    yeah.. but the question is…

    Should Gilmore re-enter Virginia Politics?

    yea or nay?

    (I’m not a Republican but I think he was/is a joke … a one line “no mo taxes” sound bite….

    HOWEVER, I AM asking – what has he brought to the table both then and now – and would he be in the minds of Republican’s an asset?)

    I think I know the answer but await true “reds” to respond.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    There is nothing more hilarious than some Republican defending and praising Jim Gilmore. Please go on, reds. I need a good laugh this morning.

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